1980 My literary era

Chapter 545 Complaint

It was already late May from the time China Youth Daily published letters from college students to TZY launching the Chinese Youth Volunteer Action.

In addition to the widespread and enthusiastic response among college students, "No One Can Be Less" has also exerted a huge influence on the entire readership group.

Unlike Lin Weimin's previous novels with thick writing and unique style, the style of "No One Less" is simple and unpretentious. Many readers are a little uncomfortable when they first read it, but most people after reading the whole story, It will be felt in my heart.

This phenomenon is also the area where Lin Weimin has been criticized the most by critics. This novel is suspected of being deliberately sensational.

Frankly speaking, Lin Weimin did have a little selfishness when writing. He wrote this novel in the hope that the name of "Project Hope" would be more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. With national influence, it would have a positive impact on the future of the foundation and Project Hope. Development is crucial.

Lin Weimin unexpectedly inspired thousands of aspiring college students to devote themselves to education in poverty-stricken areas, something Lin Weimin never expected. This trend also boosted the influence of "No One Less" after its publication.

Lin Weimin's original goal was successfully achieved under this unexpected trend.

"Should college students go to poverty-stricken areas to support education?" has gradually become a national discussion.

Against this background, the fourth issue of "Contemporary", which published "No One Should Be Less," sold more than 2.6 million copies in one and a half months, and sales are still growing at a rapid rate with tens of thousands of copies every day.

No one knows where the sales of this issue will end, but everyone knows that as long as this wave of discussion does not end, the sales of the fourth issue of "Contemporary" will continue to move towards a higher position.

The more sales, the more readers have read it, and the greater the influence of the novel.

In this way, Lin Weimin's private life in his novels gradually became popular among hundreds of millions of readers across the country.

"Hey, Weimin, you have helped us a lot this time!"

In the evening, Zheng Guo came to Lin Weimin's house with his wife and children to have dinner. When he saw Lin Weimin, he beamed.

"Is the change so obvious?" Lin Weimin asked.

"It's so obvious!" Zheng Guo looked excited and said, "Did you know? In the month since "No One Left Behind" was published, the amount of donations our foundation received exceeded five million! This is five million. , our foundation may not be able to receive so many donations in half a year!"

Zheng Guo's face was full of sighs, "I really didn't expect that your novel could have such a big impact."

Lin Weimin has been in the domestic literary world for so many years, and every time his works are published, they arouse great attention and discussion. But the difference this time with "No One Left Behind" is that this novel was deliberately written by Lin Weimin in order to be able to The reputation of the Help Foundation and Project Hope can be heard in people's hearts.

Zheng Guo was amazed not only by Lin Weimin's outstanding ability in literary creation, but also by his strong appeal among readers.

"That is to say, everyone is more enthusiastic at the beginning, but we still need to see the long-term changes." Lin Weimin said.

Zheng Guo nodded and said, "That's true."

"However, there is a long-term change that can be seen." Zheng Guodao.

“What long-term changes?”

"I hope there will be no shortage of teachers in primary schools in the future!" Zheng Guo said with a smile.

More than a month after the publication of "No One Less", the enthusiasm of young students to devote themselves to education has been extremely high. TZY took advantage of the situation and launched the China Youth Volunteer Action, which aroused enthusiastic responses from countless aspiring students and tens of thousands of people signed up.

Teacher resources for Hope Primary School have always been a long-standing problem that has plagued the foundation.

First of all, the first problem is the teaching ability of private teachers. Many of these private teachers have graduated from junior high schools or even elementary schools, and their teaching level is relatively low.

The second problem is the inability to retain people. In recent years of reform and opening up, more and more people from rural areas have moved to cities to work. Private teachers who teach in rural primary schools are generally not well-paid, and their wages are often in arrears. Who would want to be a poor private teacher if there are better ways to make money?

Well now, with the Chinese Youth Volunteer Action’s teaching support activities, thousands of college students will devote themselves to education in poor areas every year. These students have both knowledge and enthusiasm and will definitely change places including Hope Primary School. The teaching landscape of many rural primary schools.

"Indeed, I didn't expect this either." Lin Weimin smiled.

Regardless of whether he is worried or not, from a general perspective, it is a good thing to have so many students going to work as teachers in poor areas.

"There's one more thing, have you heard about it?" Zheng Guo asked with a mysterious face.


"TZY and the Ministry of Education are going to hold a work seminar for you."

Lin Weimin's face was full of surprise, "Who did you listen to?"

"Nonsense, who else can you listen to? The head of our foundation is the leader of the group!"

Lin Weimin slapped his head, "Oops, I forgot!"

He added: "That's not necessary."

Zheng Guo was happier talking about this matter than his own, with a smile on his face, "You don't care whether it's necessary or not. The leader said it should be done, but you still dare to stop it?"

Of course, Lin Weimin would not be stupid enough to stop others from having a seminar on his works. To put it bluntly, this was the approval of his work and himself from above, which greatly blessed him and his works.

Less than a week after Zheng Guo said this, when the Chinese Youth Volunteer Action's "College Student Support Teaching" activity was in full swing, the Youth League and the Ministry of Education jointly issued a notice to hold a seminar on the work "No One Should Be Less".

In March, "Contemporary" held a seminar on the work of "White Deer Plain". The standards of the seminar should be considered top-notch in the literary world.

The seminar specifications for "No One Less" are also top-notch, but the seminar styles for the two works are different.

The workshop for "White Deer Plain" was mainly attended by people from the literary world, while the participants in the workshop for "No One Left Behind" were mostly officials. Even the people from the literary world who attended all had official status. .

The seminar was chaired by TZY's top leader, and leaders of the Publishing Department, including Lin Weimin, also attended, including Zheng Guo's father as the head of the education department.

A seminar on works was attended by top leaders of the digital department. As a participant in the seminar, Lin Weimin became the envy of many participants.

The atmosphere of the work seminars with official participation was much duller than that of seminars dominated by people from the literary world. Everyone's speeches were not only formal, but also boring.

Lin Weimin couldn't figure out how this group of people could still talk endlessly for half an hour under such circumstances.

The seminar on the work "No One Should Be Less" lasted for a whole day, and after only one morning, Lin Weimin couldn't hold on any longer.

After lunch and a break, the afternoon seminar had just begun. Lin Weimin planned to sneak in and did not want the deputy minister in charge of education to suddenly come to the conference room.

"I was attending an event next door just now. I heard that you are holding a seminar on "No One Less", so I came over to take a look. Don't feel pressured. I just read this novel some time ago, and you are hosting it today. Do you mind if I say a few words about the seminar?" the deputy prime minister asked with a smile.

The crowd spontaneously burst into warm applause.

"Thank you all for your support." The Vice Prime Minister waved his hand and said thoughtfully: "This novel by Comrade Wei Min can be said to truly and accurately show the current education situation in most poverty-stricken areas in our country. As a D member , when I read this novel, my inner feelings were extremely complicated..."

"Our country's reform and opening up has just begun. There are many difficulties to face, and the same is true for education. I am very happy to have such a work that reflects the current situation of education in poverty-stricken areas and makes comrades in our government aware To our shortcomings in work..."

"What makes me even more happy is the positive guiding role played by this novel. A few days ago, TZY launched a youth volunteer activity to guide aspiring young people to teach in poverty-stricken areas, which is very good."

"There is nothing to be afraid of if there are shortcomings in our work. As long as we have the determination and actions to work hard to improve and persist in the belief of serving the people, we will one day do a good job."

After the Vice Minister finished speaking, applause broke out again.

The Vice Prime Minister smiled and said: "That's all I have to say. In addition, I would like to thank Comrade Weimin very much for writing such a good and positive work that is close to reality. I hope you can continue to work hard and continue to write such inspiring works in the future." A good work that touches people’s hearts and inspires people to move forward!”

According to official practice, Lin Weimin must make a statement at this time. Du Shu, who was sitting next to Lin Weimin, poked Lin Weimin from below.

Lin Weimin gave Du Shu an "I understand" look and said to the Vice Minister: "Thank you for the leader's affirmation. I will definitely continue to work hard in the future."

Du Shu nodded with satisfaction, and the Vice Minister also smiled.


Lin Weimin's words did not end as expected, but came to a turning point, and everyone's eyes focused on him again.

"Good works must be written so that people can see them. Piracy is rampant in the book market now, and sales are more than ten times higher than our regularly published works. If it continues like this, I am very worried about the domestic publishing industry.

What's even more outrageous is that these pirated booksellers dare to pretend to be others. Some time ago, people around me found a book on a bookstall called "Hunting 2", written by Lin Weiminxin..."

When Lin Weimin said this, everyone laughed and the atmosphere became relaxed.

"This may sound absurd to you, but you should understand the harm this illegal behavior has done to us writers and the publishing industry. In the long run, it will harm the environment and future development of our domestic publishing industry."

When Lin Weimin was talking, he didn't notice the murderous look in Du Shu's eyes at the side.

After hearing what Lin Weimin said, Deputy Minister Weimin nodded slightly, "Comrade Weimin is right. This issue really needs to be taken seriously. Our publishing department must pay attention to this issue. Combating the problem of piracy is not a matter for one department. This matter requires multiple departments. It takes unity to achieve results.”

Du Shu immediately said: "Yes, we have also noticed this problem, and our Publishing Department is also contacting our brother units to prepare for joint operations."

The deputy prime minister nodded, then said hello to everyone present and left.

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