1980 My literary era

Chapter 546: Worthy of the word ‘people’

The arrival of the deputy prime minister brought the seminar on "No One Less" to a climax. The fact that it could attract the attention of leaders at this level fully demonstrates the influence and national character of this work.

At 4:30 that afternoon, the work seminar finally came to a successful conclusion in harmony.

This work seminar also set the tone for "No One Less" in the official evaluation: This is an inspiring, positive and good work worth learning from.

After the meeting, a group of people walked out. Du Shu gritted his teeth and asked in a low voice: "You kid, give me eye drops!"

Lin Weimin immediately shouted: "Leader, where do you start with these words?"

"Stop pretending to be confused while pretending to understand. The boss will praise you and you can just say a few polite words. Why are you bringing up piracy?"

"Didn't you ask me to mention it?" Lin Weimin said righteously.

Du Shu's eyes were blank, and then he thought of the way Lin Weimin looked at him before speaking, and couldn't help but said angrily: "You fart!"

"Look at you, why don't you admit that you did this?"

Du Shu stared at Lin Weimin for a long time. This kid had a slutty look on his face. It was obvious that he did it on purpose. Even if he was hung up and beaten today, he probably wouldn't admit it was on purpose.

Some time ago, he went to the Publication Office to file a complaint. He was probably anxious after waiting for so long and there was no movement. Today, just in time for the Deputy Prime Minister to arrive, he had the nerve to file a complaint.

Du Shu boasted that he had seen through Lin Weimin's charlatanism, "You kid, you really don't have any organization or discipline!"

After being told a few words, Lin Weimin didn't care and asked Du Du again, "When will this matter be done? When the leader was here just now, you made a statement!"

You bastard, you are trying to force me into the palace!

"You're so anxious! Just wait!"

Du Shu was so angry that he couldn't help but say something rude. It was really hard not to get angry with such a thug who was so generous.

Du Shu was angry, but the Deputy Prime Minister's intervention did bring benefits to the matter, at least the resistance to implementation was not so great.

He asked Lin Weimin to wait, but in fact he didn't wait long.

About a week after the works seminar was held, news about the seminar had already appeared in major mainstream newspapers, boosting the influence of "No One Left Behind".

At this moment, an article titled "Cracking down on book piracy without delay" appeared in Guangming Daily.

On the third day after the article was published, the Press and Publication Administration, the National Copyright Administration, the Ministry of Public Security and other ministries and commissions held a press conference in Beijing to hold a special campaign to combat book piracy. In order to implement the special campaign, on June 4, 1990, The "Notice on Carrying out Special Actions to Combat Book Piracy" was issued in the form of a telegram to deploy special actions against book piracy.

With the issuance of the "Notice on Carrying out Special Actions to Combat Book Piracy", multiple ministries and commissions took joint actions, and the first special action against cultural piracy in the history of New China was launched across the country.

After reading the news in the newspaper, Lin Weimin finally had a clear idea.

It is impossible to say that this special rectification campaign can safely eliminate piracy.

But there was no problem in sending a group of pirated booksellers to use sewing machines. When he thought of this, he couldn't help but feel relieved.

I complained to the deputy prime minister at the work seminar that day. Of course he did it on purpose.

Leaders understand the difficulties of leadership, so just look for leadership from leaders.

Look, isn’t it perfectly solved now?

As for offending others, Teacher Lin is not worried at all.

Do you know what kind of subordinates a leader is most afraid of?

He is not afraid of your outstanding abilities or your positivity, but he is afraid that you will have no desires or desires.

Facing such a subordinate, you can't beat him, scold him, or criticize him. The best way is to enshrine him.

Lin Weimin could clearly see this move on Lao Tan. This old salted fish had done him terrible harm in the past few years!

Now, this treatment should also be enjoyed by leaders.

In mid-June, after more than two months, the discussion in the news and public opinion about "No One Left Behind" and college student teaching support has gradually subsided.

During this period, the total sales volume of the fourth issue of "Contemporary" exceeded 3 million copies, becoming one of the few publications in the history of "Contemporary" to have sales of more than 3 million copies in a single issue.

The Chinese Literature Society is preparing to strike while the iron is hot and launch a single volume of "No One Left Behind". It has published Lin Weimin's work again after more than two years. The Chinese Literature Society attaches great importance to it as always, printing 500,000 copies of the single volume for the first time.

In April, Cheng Zhongshi's "White Deer Plain" was published by the Chinese Publishing House, with an initial print run of only 100,000 copies.

Of course, the quality of "White Deer Plain" is not inferior to "No One Less". It has been reprinted twice since its release more than two months ago, and its sales exceeded 260,000 copies, which greatly exceeded the expectations of the Chinese Literature Society.

I thought that the first printing of 100,000 copies was already a very bold figure, but I unexpectedly underestimated the potential of this novel.

After the first two hurried reprints, at the suggestion of Lin Weimin, the Chinese Literature Society made a bold decision to reprint "White Deer Plain" to increase the print run to 300,000 copies, which greatly eased the market and readers' expectations for this book. The thirst for novels.

From publication to publication, "White Deer Plain" has followed an upward curve that is the envy of countless colleagues in the literary world.

The reason is not only because of its extremely high ideological value and unique aesthetic value, but also its amazing sense of reality, rich sense of history, vivid character creation, and artistic features that can be appreciated by both refined and popular people.

Tolstoy once said: The happiness of a writer's life is to be able to write a book for mankind.

When Cheng Zhongshi was nearly fifty, he was undoubtedly happy to have written a masterpiece that could be used as a "coffin pillow" for generations to come.

The concrete manifestation of this kind of happiness is the royalties. A total of 460,000 copies of the novel were printed three times in a row. According to the contract between the Chinese Literature Society and Cheng Zhongshi, the royalties for this additional printing amount alone were 46,000 yuan, which was more than what he had received before. The first publication fee was even more, and it once again set a record for Cheng Zhongshi’s creative career.

In less than three months, Cheng Zhongshi was completely immersed in the joy of selling his works with three consecutive royalties totaling more than 40,000 yuan.

At this time, in order to adapt to new situations such as rising prices, the "Interim Regulations on Book Remuneration" were adjusted with the approval of the State Council.

Among them, the royalties for printing runs were increased from 5% of the basic royalties for every 10,000 copies to 8% of the basic royalties for every 10,000 copies.

For monographs that do have important academic theoretical research value but have a small print run, the original remuneration will be increased from 20% to 30% of the basic manuscript remuneration if the print run is less than 10,000 copies.

The basic remuneration calculation standard is 10 yuan to 40 yuan per 1,000 words for a work manuscript, and 8 yuan to 35 yuan per 1,000 words for a translation manuscript.

Calculated based on the increased remuneration for print runs under the new regulations, Cheng Zhongshi’s remuneration for print runs should be 60% higher than it is now. A colleague from the Shaanxi Literary and Art Association encouraged Cheng Zhongshi to negotiate with the Chinese Literature Society. Negotiate and raise the remuneration for the number of prints stipulated in the contract in accordance with the new regulations.

"The Chinese Literature Society treats me well. I can't do such a thing!" Cheng Zhongshi said to his colleagues.

I have also read the new regulations on royalties. My colleagues only noticed the changes in the royalties for the number of print runs, but not the changes in the basic royalties. Now it has risen to a maximum of 40 yuan per thousand words. It seems to be more than before, but the Chinese Literature Society gave him The basic royalties increased to 40 yuan per thousand words before the new regulations were introduced.

Not only that, but also because of his interactions with Lin Weimin over the years, and his care and help for him, it is absolutely impossible for Cheng Zhongshi to go to someone to raise the price.

Cheng Zhongshi thought like this and did not take the initiative to find Lin Weimin and the Chinese Literature Society. Lin Weimin took the initiative to find him instead.

"Lao Cheng, when you have time, come over and re-sign the contract." Lin Weimin said on the phone.

"Sign a contract? What contract do you sign?"

"With the release of new regulations, writers' remuneration standards have increased, so your contracts will naturally have to be re-signed."

Cheng Zhongshi didn't realize for a moment that such a good thing could happen?

He thought that he had received so much help from the Chinese Literature Society and Lin Weimin, and he felt really bad about going to Yanjing to change the contract.

"I won't go. I'm doing very well now. In the past few months, I've earned more royalties than I've earned in decades," Cheng Zhongshi said.

"There will be more in the future." Lin Weimin laughed and advised: "This time it is not just about changing your own, but all publishing contracts must be implemented in accordance with the new regulations."

Lin Weimin gave Cheng Zhongshi a detailed introduction to the contract change. The publishing contract had already been signed and the basic royalties had been paid. There was no change in this part.

What has changed is the remuneration for printing runs. In the future, for additional printings within the time limit stipulated in the contract, the contract of the Chinese Literature Society will be implemented in accordance with the new regulations, that is, the remuneration for printing runs will be increased from the original 5% to 8% per 10,000 copies.

Lin Weimin put forward the idea at the meeting of the Chinese Literature Society to change the publishing contracts for many writers who cooperate with the Chinese Literature Society in accordance with the new regulations.

As soon as this idea was put forward, it aroused intense discussion among many leading cadres of the Chinese Literature Society.

In the opinion of most people, this matter is completely unnecessary. If the Chinese Literature Society does not do this, others will not be able to say anything.

"The cost of this matter is not as high as everyone imagines. You can calculate it carefully. Most writers' works do not even involve the issue of additional printings. How can we talk about the issue of remuneration for the number of printings?

We only need to pay a few writers the increased remuneration for the new edition, but it can win our Chinese Literature Society a huge reputation among a large group of writers. I think this is very worthwhile. "

Lin Weimin's persuasion made colleagues hesitate. Cheng Wuchun asked the people in the editor-in-chief's office to do some calculations and found that the situation was indeed similar to what Lin Weimin said.

If the new regulations are implemented, the number of writers the Chinese Literature Society will need to pay will not exceed ten, and the additional remuneration will only be 50,000 yuan.

Fifty thousand yuan buys you a chance to shine in the literary world. No matter how you think about it, it's very profitable!

After introducing the situation, Lin Weimin said to Cheng Zhongshi: "If you find it troublesome, you can mail it, but you are afraid of losing the package, so it is best to send someone."

After hearing these words, Cheng Zhongshi let go of the burden in his heart, "Okay, I'll go to Yanjing in two days."

The release of the new regulations on royalties can be regarded as a solution to the urgent needs of the majority of writers and comrades.

Rising prices have little impact on writers who have become famous and have a family. The income of these people is crushing that of most people at this time.

But in the literary world, part-time writing is the norm, and most creators can only publish one or two articles a year. This increase in royalties is particularly important, because these extra royalties can really solve a problem. The family's immediate concern.

The change of the signed publishing contract by Guowen Press this time can be said to be a major benefit to the cooperating writers.

When this group of people received the news, they couldn't help but cheer and run around to tell each other. This move of the Chinese Literature Society was really kind.

It stands to reason that the contract is signed first and the new regulations are promulgated later. The Chinese Publishing House can completely ignore the new regulations. At most, it can only follow the new regulations when signing new publishing contracts in the future.

But the Chinese Literature Society has to be an honest person and pass on the benefits that could have been pocketed to the majority of writers.

This move may seem silly and excessive, but it has actually won the support of the majority of writers.

“China’s most conscientious publishing house is worthy of the word ‘people’!”

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