1980 My literary era

Chapter 559: Die with peace of mind

This business trip to Xiangjiang took a total of four days, which was even faster than Lin Weimin going to other places to compile articles.

Returning to the Chinese Literature Society, he first went to Cheng Wanchun to report in, and reported the results of his communication with Liang Fengyi to Cheng Wanchun.

"Okay, you can just discuss it. I will leave this matter entirely to you. During the next period of time, your most important task will be this matter. You must be careful."

If he had known this result, Lin Weimin accepted it calmly and said: "Leader, there is something else I want to discuss with you."

"What's up?"

Lin Weimin told the current changes in the newspaper industry in Xiangjiang and Liu Yichang's request. Cheng Wanchun pondered for a moment after hearing this.

"Not only can you not be the master of this matter, I can't be the master of it either. It requires approval from above. Including the publication of Ms. Liang's works this time, all must be approved."

"Of course I know this, and I didn't fully agree to it."

Cheng Wuchun said: "This matter cannot be rushed."

"My idea is to wait until Ms. Liang's works are published to see the effect. If they are popular, we can continue to try to introduce a batch of works, which can also be regarded as broadening the channels for the company's business."

Cheng Wuchun nodded slightly, "What you said makes sense. This is what should be done. You can give Liu Yichang a reply first and tell him not to worry. In addition, as for politics, we must be strict when the time comes. He was mentally prepared."


Two days later, it was almost winter, and colleagues in the company were studying the heating issue this winter.

Lin Weimin was reviewing a manuscript in the office when he was called over by Cheng Wuchun again.

"Boss, what do you want from me?"

Cheng Wuchun asked him to sit down, his face looked a little ugly, and he said: "I'll make a long story short, someone above has some opinions on "White Deer Plain"..."

More than half a year has passed since the publication of "White Deer Plain". During this period, Lin Weimin has continued to hear some looming accusations and criticisms from relevant leaders. The main issues still focus on the two points mentioned in the original work seminar. QS describes and historical tendencies.

Because "White Deer Plain" has such an excellent reputation in the literary and critical circles, these criticisms have never caused any turmoil, and Lin Weimin and the Chinese Literature Society have never dealt with it.

Cheng Wuchun called him over today. It was obvious that the criticism was getting a bit loud.

"Not only yellow, but also sexy."

After Cheng Wuchun made this comment, Lin Weimin frowned, "Are you going to kill them all? Who said this?"

Cheng Wanchun looked at him with a subtle look. How could he ask such a question?

"What does it mean? Turning "White Deer Plain" into a 'banned book'?"

Cheng Wanchun didn't speak, but his eyes already told the answer.

Lin Weimin said with a serious face: "I can't agree! If anyone thinks there is a problem with this novel, just say it openly. Let's hold a symposium and discuss it to see if there is any problem. Instead of relying on a certain person A single idealistic comment is enough to put the matter to rest. This is not engaging in literary censorship, this is engaging in Yitangtang!"

"Be careful!" Cheng Wuchun reminded Lin Weimin.

He was actually feeling aggrieved. It had been more than half a year since "White Deer Plain" was published, and it had been published for more than half a year. It had sold hundreds of thousands of copies. Now, a sentence scraped from nowhere would wipe out all the efforts of the Chinese Literature Society this year. It's so unfair to wipe them all out.

Lin Weimin looked at Cheng Wuchun and said, "Leader, you can't just let this matter go."

"What do you want?"

"Let's ask the higher-ups for clarification. Didn't some people say that there is a problem with "White Deer Plain"? Let's ask the higher-ups to organize a symposium for everyone to come and have a look and discuss it! One person's decision does not count, let the literary world, All comrades in the commentary field are involved and listen to everyone's opinions. By the way, we must also invite the 'leader' who has opinions."

Cheng Wuchun listened to Lin Weimin's words with a smile on his face, "Yes, this is a good idea!"

As for Lin Weimin's request for a "leader", he pretended he didn't hear it. It was strange that he came.

Since some people want to use less upright means to minimize the influence of "White Deer Plain", or even ban it in disguise, then they should do it in an upright way and let everyone discuss it.

"White Deer Plain" is not afraid of controversy, but is it as bad as some people say?

At any time, the most terrifying thing is never the complexity of laws or rules, but that everything is possible on the surface, but privately there is a set of unspoken rules that only a small group of privileged people can decide.

With the Heavenly Constitution in your mouth, one word can determine life and death, nothing more than this.

After Cheng Wuchun and Lin Weimin discussed it, they went straight to the bureau to explain the Chinese Literature Society's position and urged the bureau to come forward to hold a symposium.

There was no way in the office to refuse such a conspiracy. After a week of preparation, the symposium was officially held.

This symposium is different from the last work symposium held by "Contemporary". Because it is to review the novel "White Deer Plain", many people who come are doing theoretical research. The Chinese Literature Society came with Cheng Wuchun and Lin Weimin is two people.

At the symposium, most of the participants positively affirmed "White Deer Plain" and believed that the general trend of this novel was okay and that it was a rare novel in decades.

Cheng Wuchun and Lin Weimin looked at each other in the middle of the meeting, and their hearts dropped.

This time the department came forward to hold a symposium, and "White Deer Plain" was fully affirmed at the meeting. Cheng Wuchun and Lin Weimin thought everything was peaceful.

The result was that the authorities were relieved, not to mention that Huang SF had moved, but they were not allowed to print "White Deer Plain" again, and they stopped it after the current one was sold out.

Hearing this ban, Lin Weimin went to Cheng Wuchun's office with a cold expression, "Old Cheng, I'm going to the department to have a heart-to-heart talk with the leader. Will you go?"

Seeing his expression, how could Cheng Wanchun not understand what his "heart-to-heart talk" meant?

Cheng Wuchun sighed helplessly, "When you go, can you tell the leader that this matter has nothing to do with me, it's all your own doing!"

"No problem!" Lin Weimin's neck was stiff and his expression remained unchanged.

Cheng Wanchun stared at him for a few seconds, then gave up his futile struggle, "Forget it, I'll go with you!"

Even if Lin Weimin really said that, the leader would have to believe it. This guy is his subordinate. If he jumps over the top to fight with the leader, can he get some good results?

He followed, and at least he could control the situation.

If you die, die with peace of mind.

When Cheng Wuchun thought of this, he couldn't help but look up to the sky and sigh.

It’s difficult for me to be the president!

"Let's go, Lao Cheng!"

Lin Weimin took the lead and left the office building without giving Cheng Wuchun a chance to sigh.

Cheng Wuchun got into the car, stepped on the accelerator, and headed straight to the superior department.

When he arrived outside the leader's office, Cheng Wuchun stopped Lin Weimin and said, "Let me go in and talk first."

Lin Weimin pulled his hand away, "The leader has just taken up his duties and is not very familiar with me. It just so happens that I got to know the leader this time."

After speaking, without waiting for Cheng Wanchun's reaction, he knocked on the door of the office. Cheng Wanchun could only follow helplessly.

After entering the door, the leader is no longer the same leader.

"Song Department!"

"We are here to communicate with you about the situation of "White Deer Plain"..."

After saying hello, Cheng Wuchun just said a word when he was interrupted by Lin Weimin, "Leader, I heard that "White Deer Plain" can no longer be printed. Do you know this?"

The leader's face was a little surprised, and he subconsciously looked at Cheng Wanchun. Cheng Wanchun had an ugly face and said to Lin Weimin: "Weimin, don't speak yet, I haven't finished speaking yet."

"Don't worry, you can talk later." Lin Weimin did not look at Cheng Wanchun, but still looked at the leader, "Leader, the symposium just ended a few days ago, and you must have heard everyone's evaluation of "White Deer Plain". I just want to ask, are the opinions of so many experts and scholars just bullshit? As long as someone with the power says a word, this book can be banned?"

The leader's eyes were stunned when he heard this, and his face darkened, "Comrade Weimin, you don't know the situation here, so don't express your opinions at will."

"I don't understand the situation. Then find the person who made the suggestion. I'll talk to him face to face and see if I can answer his doubts."

The leader frowned and said, "What's your attitude? Are you here to ask me to punish you?"

"I'm not asking you a question. If you don't tell me, then I will think that you are the one who is dissatisfied with "White Deer Plain"!"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

The leader was intimidated by Lin Weimin's nonsense and immediately wanted to defend himself. Then he realized that this was Lin Weimin's provocation. He glared at Lin Weimin fiercely. Lin Weimin stared back at him without fear.

The two faced each other tit for tat and stared at each other for a long time. Seeing that Lin Weimin's attitude had not changed at all, the leader knew that he must have come with the intention of defeating everyone today.

Then he turned his eyes and looked at Cheng Wanchun, "Wangchun, you're here just in time. Let me talk to you about "White Deer Plain"."

Cheng Zaochun was overjoyed when he heard this. He knew that Lin Weimin's trick of driving straight in, catching turtles in the urn, and beating dogs after closing the door was effective. He grabbed Lin Weimin and said, "Weimin, you go outside and wait for me first!"

Lin Weimin stood there, and after receiving a look from Cheng Wuchun, he stopped showing his unsparing attitude.

"Old Cheng, I told you when I came here. If I don't explain everything about "White Deer Plain" clearly, I will stay here today!"

Lin Weimin was facing Cheng Wuchun when he spoke, but the leader knew very well that this was what he was talking about.

"I understand, I understand. You go out first and I'll talk to the leader."

After Lin Weimin left, Cheng Wanchun looked at the leader and saw that the leader relaxed, as if he had sent away the god of plague. Cheng Wanchun understood this feeling very well.

"Comrade early spring, you Lin Weimin are really unorganized and undisciplined!"

"Yes, you are not the only one who said that about him. The Border Department and the Du Department are all because this kid has a headache, and I can't do anything about him!"

Cheng Wanchun's face was full of sorrow when he spoke, and it seemed that he suffered from it on weekdays.

Seeing his expression, the leader couldn't help but feel a sense of being a brother in distress, "Old Du told me before he left. It seems he was right!"

"That's right, you don't know that it's hard to do a good job with someone like him as a thorn in your side!"

After chatting for a while about the pain of being "harmed" by Lin Weimin, Cheng Wuchun said: "Leader, do you think we can be accommodating about the "White Deer Plain" matter? The symposium we were supposed to hold was also held, and the department also supported our approach at that time. .Now it is reported that the seal is not allowed..."

The leader sighed: "This is also a helpless move. People have been staring at "White Deer Plain"."

"I also understand your difficulties. But you have also seen Weimin's attitude. He will definitely not give up until this matter is made clear."

After Cheng Wanchun said this, he felt something was wrong.

Is this a... threat?

Does this count as a fake act?

Comrade Lao Cheng felt a flash of shame in his heart.

Hearing his words, a trace of worry flashed across the leader's face. It would be hard to deal with such a thorn in the side!

Cheng Wuchun keenly captured the expression on the leader's face at that moment. His thoughts changed and he whispered: "Actually, I also understand that you just want to give an explanation to a few old comrades. How about you look at this..."

Cheng Wuchun chatted in the leader's ear like a dog-headed military strategist. The leader's eyes became brighter and brighter as he listened, "This is a good idea, it is for the people..."

"He deserves it!"

Cheng Wuchun spurned him mercilessly, making the leader couldn't help but nod.

I am a good comrade in early spring, but it seems that I have been troubled by this boy a lot!

I'm so afraid of 404 one day. Please cherish me.

There are only two updates this week. The pressure on my cervical spine is too great. I have to reduce my sitting time and go out to exercise in the morning.

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