1980 My literary era

Chapter 560: Those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to the people are dark.

The two decided on a plan, and the leader felt relieved.

Thinking about Lin Weimin's words and deeds just now, he sighed: "I originally thought he was a talent, but now it seems that he might as well be transferred to Xiangjiang."

Cheng Wuchun was stunned for a moment when he heard this, "Leader, what do you mean by this?"

The leader looked at him, "Don't you know?"

Cheng Wanchun had an unknown premonition in his heart, "What do you know?"

"Dr. Li from the Heungkong United Publishing Group called me before, hoping to be transferred to work in the Heungkong United Publishing Group as general manager and editor-in-chief, which is considered a high promotion."

Cheng Wuchun's face turned pale with shock, "Leader, you won't agree, right?"

The leader looked hesitant, "Originally I didn't plan to let him go. After all, his work performance is indeed outstanding and his abilities are outstanding. But now I see..."

Before the leader finished speaking, Cheng Wuchun continued for him in his mind.

This is a scourge, it’s better to send it away.

Seeing that his leader was about to make a move, he knew that the drama must have frightened him. With such a thorn in his side, it would be a good choice to send him away.

Cheng Wuchun thought of this and hurriedly said: "Leader, you must not do this! Weimin is one of our own people trained by our Chinese Literature Society! If you put it outside, wouldn't that mean that the fat will flow to outsiders?"

The leader looked at Cheng Wanchun with a hint of suspicion in his expression. Aren't you deeply affected by this? Why do you still want to keep him so much?

As soon as Cheng Wanchun saw the leader's expression, he knew that his impatience had revealed a flaw. He thought out of his haste and pretended to lament.

"Oh~ you don't know!"

When he said this, the leader's curiosity was immediately aroused and he showed an inquiring look.

"Don't look at this guy like me or you, he's a good guy."

"Where do you start talking about this?" The leader asked following Cheng Wuchun's words.

Cheng Wuchun was overjoyed when he saw his leader taking the bait.

"You just came here and don't understand the situation. Why do you think he has such a bad temper and is running rampant in our Chinese Literature Society and Publishing Department?"


"It's not because there is someone behind him!" Cheng Wanchun's expression showed a hint of indignation, "Don't think that this kid is strong and upright. You didn't see him when he was flirting with him."

"Flattery? Who are you flattering?"

"Just flattering the leading cadres!"

The leader looked surprised, "I've never heard of him doing this!"

Cheng Wanchun showed an expression that said you don't know something, "If you say that this is where his talent lies, he won't photograph those who are in office, but will do the opposite. If he wants to photograph, he will photograph those who are retired.

Think about it, these retired old comrades have just stepped down from leadership positions, and the gap in their hearts is huge. If they are a little inconsiderate, they have to say "the tea is cool". How many people can bear it when someone comes to ask for help?

Let me give you an example. Lao Qin, you know, right? He was an old revolutionary. People from his hometown came to him and said that education funds were not fully implemented. They asked him to help introduce some leaders and think of a solution. Lao Qin has been in our publishing house all his life, what can he do?

It happened that this kid found out about this matter. He was very familiar with the family of the education officer, so he solved it with just one sentence.

These retired old comrades, if you want to provide them with some personal benefits, these people are not low-paid and have a high level of consciousness, so they definitely can't take it. But if you are flattering and letting you go, can you refuse? "

The leader diverged his thoughts along Cheng Wuchun's description, and honestly speaking, this flattery was done well.

This Lin Weimin is not simple. I underestimated him before.

"Not only the retired leading cadres in our company, but also our department..."

Cheng Wuchun stopped here, his eyes meaningful.

The leader suddenly understood, no wonder Lao Du said this kid was a thorn before leaving. How could this be a reminder to himself?

I am clearly telling him that this is the person I am protecting, so don’t move!

Cheng Wuchun secretly observed the leader's expression and said miserably: "Oh, these retired old comrades are training him as the successor of the Chinese Literature Society. If you take him to Xiangjiang, others will If I don’t say anything, these old comrades won’t let me go in the first place.”

The leader hesitated and said: "Bringing him to Xiangjiang can be regarded as a promotion. Even if these old comrades are not happy, they should not stop him."

"This is easy for you to think about. He is not familiar with the place in Xiangjiang. He went to get a promotion, and the resources he mobilized were at most a publishing house. But it is different in Yanjing. In the company, even I Even the president has to be wary of him.

You have also seen today that when you come to the department, you are not stingy.

There are so many intertwined relationships, and the resources he possesses and can mobilize are far beyond your imagination. Those old comrades can borrow a lot of light! "

After Cheng Wuchun said these words, he couldn't help but look at himself with admiration.

Since when did I become so easy to tell lies? It must be the reason why those who are close to Zhu are red!


The leader pondered, and he had to admit that Cheng Wuchun's words did make some sense.

After thinking about it for a while, the leader said: "Forget it, Dr. Li just called me anyway, I'll reject it later!"

Cheng Wuchun suppressed the joy in his heart and reminded: "Leader, I didn't know about this just now. I think the strategy needs to be changed."

"Change? Why?"

Just now, Cheng Wuchun's idea to the leader was to divert trouble to the east and let the outside world know that Lin Weimin was going to cause trouble for the leader who had objections and wanted to write him into a novel.

In 1983, Lin Weimin published "Lover", which was criticized by many leading cadres and colleagues in the literary world for several months. He then turned around and wrote "The Stealing Official", which was scolded by these people.

Wei Junyi, who was still in power at the time, knew that there were various metaphors and insinuations in "The Thief of Officials", but still insisted on letting the novel be published. After the novel came out, it quickly aroused the enthusiasm of the literary world and the majority of readers.

Many of the leading cadres and literary colleagues who criticized Lin Weimin a few months ago were given nicknames because of this. They were often ridiculed and ridiculed, and ended up in disgrace.

This matter is still a joke in the domestic literary circles to this day.

It was rumored that Lin Weimin was going to write a novel about cursing people. Of course, it was not to scare the leaders, but to give the department a step up.

You see, it’s not that I don’t want to work on this novel. It’s really scary when Lin Weimin goes crazy. We also want to take the overall situation into consideration.

You don’t want to have multiple nicknames for yourself, right?

This method will definitely have an impact on Lin Weimin's reputation and will bring hatred to him, but Cheng Wuchun knows that he will definitely be willing to cooperate in order for "White Deer Plain" not to be banned.

But Cheng Wanchun didn't expect that there was actually Xiangjiang Sanlian Bookstore trying to poach people, so this method definitely couldn't be used.

At this time, he held Lin Weimin in his mouth for fear of melting, and held it in his hand for fear of falling. These were his eyes.

There was originally going to be a poaching of people there, but if something went wrong for Lin Weimin and he really ran over, his Chinese literary society would have lost a general.

What he said to the leader just now was true and false, but one thing was indeed true.

Whether it is the previous two retired leaders of the Chinese Literature Society or him, the current president, they all trained Lin Weimin as their successor.

After working hard for more than ten years, Cheng Wanchun wanted to vomit blood when he thought about the result.

He absolutely couldn't let this happen.

After explaining to the leader for a long time, the leader understood what he meant and asked, "How can we solve the problem if we don't use this method?"

Cheng Wuchun gritted his teeth and said, "I'll go find Cheng Zhongshi and ask him to make some deletions."

The leader was surprised. Deleting the novel was not as simple as it was said.

Nowadays, no more than twenty years ago, writers are competing with each other. It is not difficult to ban books through "mysterious power", but if you want these writers to delete or modify their novels, it is easy to stir up a hornet's nest and arouse public outrage.

If it really gets serious, everyone will feel uncomfortable.

"Are you sure? Don't make things worse!" the leader worried.

Cheng Wanchun said firmly, "No problem, I'll convince him."

Cheng Wuchun knew that Cheng Zhongshi and Lin Weimin were on good terms with each other. If the time came, he would just tell him that Lin Weimin would offend several big leaders for this matter, and Cheng Zhongshi would not be so hard-hearted.

Loyalty, you don’t want to fight for the people, right?

Cheng Wanchun felt that he was too bad when he thought about it. I was indeed a black man.

"By the way, leader, you see it has been almost two years since Weimin appointed deputy editor-in-chief. Isn't it time to mention it too?" Cheng Wuchun looked at the leader and saw his frown, so he added: "This He was transferred back to Xiangjiang Sanlian Bookstore as general manager and editor-in-chief. If we want to keep him, we should show some signs of it, right?"

The leader asked: "You are now shouldering the responsibility of the president and editor-in-chief, and you are doing a good job. Isn't it inappropriate to do this?"

Cheng Wuchun said indifferently: "I have been working as the editor-in-chief for four or five years. After all, it is part-time. I cannot always occupy this position. I have to give young people a chance."

The leader pondered for a moment, "He was born in the 1960s. He is only thirty this year and is already the deputy editor-in-chief. The next higher up is the chief editor. He is one of the three carriages of your publishing house. Isn't he too young?"

The leader expressed his worries. Cheng Wuchun was not surprised. He said: "Leader, compared with the treatment given by Xiangjiang, our treatment is really not high. Are you right?"

The leader thought for a moment and said, "Okay, let's do it."

Cheng Wuchun was satisfied, "Thank you, leader, for your consideration."

"What do I understand? This matter is a big sacrifice for you!" When the leader said this, he couldn't help but pat Cheng Wuchun on the shoulder, "Wang Chun, you are a good comrade who understands the general situation and takes the overall situation into consideration. I hope that Comrade Serving the People will not let you down. Our expectations.”

Cheng Zaochun said with a smile: "He has a bad temper, but he still has some abilities. He should be right."

The leader looked sincere and said firmly: "I believe in your vision!"

After talking to the leader, Cheng Wuchun came out of the office. Lin Weimin waited outside for a long time. Finally seeing him come out, he stepped forward and asked, "How is it? How is it?"

Cheng Wanchun said with a happy expression, "Solved!"

"Is it solved? Is the leader so happy?"

"But there's a condition."

Lin Weimin showed a real expression, "I know, what are the conditions?"

"Let Cheng Zhongshi delete and revise the novel."

Lin Weimin frowned, "What did you talk about when you came in? You have lost your power and humiliated the country!"

Cheng Wuchun was unhappy, "Are you talking better than me? I've solved the matter satisfactorily, and you don't have to offend anyone. How great!"

Lin Weimin looked at Cheng Wuchun suspiciously, "Old Cheng, this idea wasn't yours, was it?"

Cheng Wanchun felt guilty instinctively, and he showed off his leader's style and said nonsense: "You fart! Who am I doing this for? For whom? A dog bites Lu Dongbin, but it doesn't know a good heart. Forget it, never mind!"

He scolded Lin Weimin angrily, flicked his sleeves, and walked away with long strides.

When Lin Weimin saw this, he put aside his doubts. There were not many times when Lao Cheng was so tough, so it could be seen that he really helped this time.

"Look at you, let me ask you, why are you so anxious?" Lin Weimin chased after him and whispered.

Cheng Wanchun breathed a sigh of relief. He even learned the trick of bluffing. I was really going further and further down the road of making mistakes.

No, this is someone close to the people!

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