A few days later, the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching. This year's Mid-Autumn Festival falls on a Sunday. On Friday afternoon, the company began to distribute benefits, and colleagues happily queued up to receive their gifts.

On Saturday morning, Lin Weimin took Tao Huimin to visit the doctor.

Good things don't work, bad things work. A few days ago, Lin Weimin wanted to take Tao Huimin out to eat on the pretext that Shi Tiesheng was sick, so he bought Shi Tiesheng a lot of food out of guilt. As a result, Mr. Wan was hospitalized within a few days.

In the past two years, Mr. Wan's health has been poor and he has to go to the hospital for a period of time from time to time.

The two came to the hospital together, and only Li Yuru was taking care of him in front of the bed.

Mr. Wan was in good spirits. Hearing that Tao Huimin was pregnant, his face was full of joy.

"Okay, great, the house will be lively now that we have a child."

"It's okay for you to be hospitalized recently. Think of a good name for your child." Lin Weimin said.

Mr. Wan hesitated and said, "Let the elders in the family take it."

"You are just an elder! Don't evade your responsibilities. If the name is not good, I will return it." Lin Weimin said with a playful smile.

"How picky and picky I am to give you a name!" Mr. Wan feigned anger.

"Then use some snacks!"

The teacher and student were bickering. Li Yuru looked at them with smiles on their lips and said to Tao Huimin: "In the hospital, he will only be so happy when he comes for the people."

Tao Huimin said: "He loves to joke for the sake of the people."

While several people were talking, there was a knock on the door of the ward, and an old man came in.

"Uncle Wan!" The old man called Mr. Wan uncle, and the relationship was naturally close.

The person who came here was also named Wan, called Wan Boao, and his father was the well-known leader named Wan.

Wan Boao is now the president and editor-in-chief of China Sports Magazine. He has known Mr. Wan’s family since his early years, and he brought a lot of things with him this time.

"Uncle Wan, these are all things given to me by the farm where I went to work in the countryside."

The things Wan Boao brought were all agricultural products. Of course, Mr. Wan was not short of these things, but he still smiled when looking at these simple gifts.

Giving gifts also pays attention to methods. Obviously, Wan Boao's gift was sent to Mr. Wan's heart.

Wan Boao chatted for a long time before talking about the purpose of coming this time.

It turns out that he has published many articles in many newspapers and periodicals since the 1960s. Thirty years have passed since then. A publishing house plans to collect and publish the articles he has published in newspapers and periodicals over the years and publish a collection of his essays. Wan Boao plans to ask Mr. Wan to write a preface for him.

Mr. Wan asked with a smile: "Have you brought the manuscript?"

"Bring it, bring it."

Mr. Wan took the manuscript and said, "I'll take a look at it first. I'll tell you to pick it up in a few days when I finish writing the preface."

Wan Boao happily replied: "Okay, I'm really sorry to trouble you."

Mr. Wan still had a smile on his face, while Li Yuru's face showed a bit of worry.

After Wan Boao left, Lin Weimin said: "You are in hospital now, how about I write it for you?"

Mr. Wan shook his head, "It doesn't matter, it's just a preface. It took two or three days to write. I grew up watching Boao."

For Mr. Wan, it is common for someone to visit him while he is ill, and it is also common for him to make some requests. He will try his best to help if he can.

Because it was difficult for him to refuse anyone who could enter the hospital and ask for help.

Lin Weimin nodded helplessly, "Just take it easy."

The day after visiting Mr. Wan was the Mid-Autumn Festival. Catching up with the weekend, Yanjing City also had a bit more of a festive atmosphere.

In the morning, Zheng Guo called his friends and said he wanted to get together in the evening. They decided to meet at Shi Tiesheng's house.

During the day, I had dinner with my family, and in the evening, a group of people gathered in the Shichahai courtyard.

Everyone came to the door with gifts in their hands. When Shi Tiesheng saw everyone, his face was filled with smiles.

He slept a little longer in the afternoon in preparation for tonight's party. He hadn't had such a party in a long time.

Before everyone arrived, Father Shi and Cheng Ximi had already prepared a sumptuous meal, and everyone put all the food they had brought on the table, adding to the festive atmosphere.

Qu Xiaowei teased Lin Weimin and said: "My son is already in elementary school, and your son has just been born. You have to teach him to be obedient in the future, or else he will be punished."

Everyone laughed when they heard the words, but Lin Weimin said calmly: "It's okay. Haven't you heard a sentence? Don't bully young people because they are poor. If you can't beat them when you are young, can you still beat them when you are old? Your son is older than mine. He is seven or eight years old. When my son turns sixty, he will be seventy, and it will be enough to deal with him with one hand."

Qu Xiaowei was speechless by Lin Weimin's brain circuit, and everyone laughed even harder.

While everyone was chatting happily, Zheng Guo walked out with something hidden in his hand and a mysterious look on his face.

"Guess what good stuff I brought you today?"

Faced with his pretentiousness, no one cooperated, and everyone just chatted to themselves, which made him feel bored.

Zheng Guo had no choice but to show the thing and said to everyone: "Let's all take a look!"

Only then did everyone look at the thing in his hand, and when they took a closer look, it turned out to be a Chinese textbook for the first semester of the third grade of junior high school.

Everyone's attention was immediately attracted, "This..."

Zheng Guo's face showed a proud look again, "Do you know what this is?"

When everyone sees a textbook, they don’t know what it is.

At the party after the Spring Festival in 1989, Zheng Guo brought a piece of gossip that Lin Weimin's work would soon be included in textbooks.

Now more than two years have passed, and it seems that Lin Weimin's works have truly become textbooks.

"Do you still need to show off? I already knew it, right, for the people?" Qu Xiaowei asked Lin Weimin.

Lin Weimin shook his head, "I really don't know."

Everyone was puzzled when they heard this. The work was in the textbooks, but the author Lin Weimin didn't know about it?

According to the provisions of Article 23 of my country's Copyright Law, textbooks compiled and published for the implementation of the nine-year compulsory education and the national education plan can be compiled in the textbook without the permission of the copyright owner, unless the author declares in advance that no use is allowed. Fragments of published works or short written works, musical works or single pieces of art or photography.

A simple understanding of this paragraph is that if a publishing house compiles a textbook, not only does it not need to pay the author remuneration, it does not even need to notify the author.

Even after 2010, there are still many publishing houses in China using the banner of "textbooks" to use other people's published works without the author's authorization. They will not pay the author remuneration, and will not even indicate the author's name.

At the same time, because teaching aid books have different distribution channels from ordinary books, it is difficult for authors to find out that their copyright has been infringed through bookstores.

Therefore, the work has been included in textbooks, but the author Lin Weimin does not know it. This situation is completely normal nowadays.

After Zheng Guo finished popularizing science to everyone, he continued: "The new version of the nine-year compulsory education textbook has just been used this year. It is normal for the people not to know. If I don't tell him, maybe he won't know for a few years. But if There are relatives and friends whose children are in junior high school, so maybe he will know within a month."

After everyone understood the reason, they no longer cared about this matter and turned their attention to another matter.

"Which work is in the textbooks?"

Everyone gathered around to read the textbook in Zheng Guo's hand, and Lin Weimin quickly grabbed Tao Huimin, who was joining in the fun.

"You're pregnant, why are you joining in the fun?"

Tao Huimin lowered her head and glanced at her toes. Are they big?

"Here! Here!" Liu Haiyan shouted excitedly.

Lin Weimin squeezed over and took a look. The textbook was turned to the fourth unit. On the page after Maupassant's "My Uncle Jules", the title "Excerpt from "No One Left Behind"" was written.

"It turned out to be "No One Less"?" Qu Xiaowei was a little surprised. He asked Zheng Guo: "I didn't expect this novel to be selected."

Zheng Guo said matter-of-factly: "Is there any work you wrote about working for the people that is more suitable for textbooks than this novel?"

Qu Xiaowei thought about it and realized it was true.

In terms of artistry and literature, "No One Left Behind" is definitely not among the best among Lin Weimin's works. This novel has an inherent flaw in that it praises and promotes positive things too much. This is certainly not the case. It’s not good, but when it comes to literary creation, it is indeed a shortcoming.

But at the same time, the strengths of this novel are also obvious.

That is, it is very educational and the writing is easy to understand. There is nothing pretentious or showy about the writing style. It has impressed countless readers with its simple and unpretentious narrative, and has also made great contributions to the promotion of Project Hope.

Before this novel came out, Project Hope was widely publicized in China. Unfortunately, the thunder was loud but the rain was light, and it did not raise much money for more than a year.

But after the publication of "No One Left Behind", the name of Project Hope really entered thousands of households in the country, leaving a deep impression on the hearts of countless people. It also made many people realize that Project Hope benefits the country and the people. effect.

In the past few years, Project Hope has never had to worry about donations.

Zheng Guo is now the vice chairman of the China Youth Education Development Foundation and knows the foundation's situation very well.

Last year alone the foundation raised more than 60 million in donations.

In the few years since Project Hope was established, the Foundation has built more than 760 Hope Primary Schools across the country, helping more than 200,000 children in poor areas who have not gone to school to gain opportunities to learn cultural knowledge.

Therefore, when the People's Education Society wants to choose one of Lin Weimin's works to be included in the textbook, "No One Left Behind" is undoubtedly the most suitable one.

After everyone figured out the reason, they congratulated Lin Weimin.

At this moment, Zheng Guo started to betray himself again.

"I have some news, do you want to hear it?"

Although everyone was itching and unbearable, they still turned their heads and said, "I don't want to talk about it, just like no one wants to ask you!"

Zheng Guo is a little depressed, can't you give him some face?

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