1980 My literary era

Chapter 602 Can I not know?

Zheng Guo's betrayal failed again, and he was even more depressed when he was ridiculed by everyone.

Finally, he reluctantly revealed the news, "Tiesheng's works have also been included in the editorial committee's inspection scope this year. Maybe you will be able to see his works in the next textbook revision."

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look at Shi Tiesheng.

"Tie Sheng is fine, he will soon be a great writer who will take textbooks!"

Shi Tiesheng waved his hand helplessly, "They just said that they were included in the inspection, but they didn't say that they would definitely be selected. Even if they are selected, they can't tell which year it will be."

"I don't think the problem is big. Your situation, Tiesheng, is different from others. The new nine-year compulsory textbook is mainly divided into three parts: ancient, modern and foreign. There are very few works by contemporary writers selected, and even if there are, they are Those old guys who have been active since the Anti-Japanese War.

Compared with previous novels, the works published in recent years have not been tested for a long time, so the editorial board will definitely act with caution.

The good thing about Tiesheng is that his strong point is prose, and there is a lot of length. In my opinion, "Grandma's Stars", "Autumn Memories" and "Me and the Temple of Earth" all meet the requirements of textbooks. "

Zheng Guo's analysis won everyone's unanimous approval. A group of people cheered and congratulated, and shouted for a treat, as if this matter had been realized, making Shi Tiesheng dumbfounded.

The lively party lasted until nine o'clock in the evening and came to an end. It was not that everyone did not want to gather more, but because Shi Tiesheng's health was considered.

The textbook Zheng Guo brought was given to Lin Weimin by him.

On the car ride home, Tao Huimin held the textbook with a smile on her face.

"Are you so happy?" he asked puzzledly.

"Of course it's worth being happy! This is a textbook. Even if your novel sells a million copies, no one may remember it in ten years. But it's different if it's in a textbook. It will become a must-read for every generation of Chinese people. "It may be an exaggeration to say that the work will last for centuries, but it will definitely last for a hundred years."

When Tao Huimin said this, her face shone with pride and pride, which made Lin Weimin feel a little emotional.

After returning home, Tao Huimin couldn't wait to show off this matter to her mother.

When she heard that her son-in-law's novel was in the textbook, Tao's mother was also a little excited. She looked through the textbook with her daughter. Sister Sun on the side looked at Lin Weimin with a bit of reverence.

Two days later, Jiang Wen's movie officially started shooting, and Michael Phillips came to Yanjing from the United States.

The movie was adapted from Wang Shuo's "Animals Are Ferocious" and its name was changed to "Sunny Days".

The start-up ceremony was grand. Jiang Wen bought a bunch of firecrackers from outside, which shocked everyone in the crew and ran dozens of meters away. They were stunned to watch the firecrackers from a distance for half an hour.

Other crews held a symbolic opening ceremony and started work the next day. When they arrived at Jiang Wen's, the grand opening ceremony was completed and the filming started directly.

Lin Weimin used to think that Jiang Wen's artistic pursuits were a little different from ordinary people's, but now he finally understood that this guy was different from ordinary people.

The first scene when filming was about Ma Xiaojun and a group of boys in a bathhouse.

The actors in "Sunny Days" are not very old, and very few of them are professional actors. In order to allow these young people to better integrate into the performance of the movie, Jiang Wen sent these young people to the countryside in the suburbs of Beijing three months in advance. A troop car regiment.

There, Jiang Wen dressed these young people in military uniforms, cut off all contact with the outside world, and asked them to listen to revolutionary songs every day, read newspapers from twenty or thirty years ago, and watch old Soviet movies. He also invited old diehards from those days to Come and chat with these young people.

The purpose is to allow these young people to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of that era and replace performance with life.

It's a pity that this group of young people was filming a movie for the first time. Facing the dark camera, everyone's expressions, movements and tone became unnatural. One by one, one by one, a simple scene took ten minutes to film. Several times.

Lin Weimin and Michael Phillips stood together, watching director Jiang Wen, who was also a raw melon egg, wasting film for a bathhouse scene, and his brows furrowed involuntarily.

"Jiang Ke is really a director who strives for excellence. It seems that I didn't choose the wrong person." Michael Phillips sighed before Lin Weimin could speak.

Lin Weimin looked at Michael Phillips. It seemed that this guy hadn't realized the seriousness of the matter yet!

Michael Phillips will stay in Yanjing for about half a month this time, and there is still plenty of time. Lin Weimin believes that he will wake up.

After watching for almost two hours, Wang Shuo came over bored and asked, "For the people, when are you leaving?"

"Leave now!"

Lin Weimin didn't want to waste time with Jiang Wen. He knew very well that with Jiang Wen's urine, how could he be willing to waste a few days on this first scene and waste one or two thousand feet of film?

Anyway, since Michael Phillips is here, let him see it first.

After leaving the set, Wang Shuo got into Lin Weimin's car.

"You've made so much money, but you don't plan to buy a car and drive it?" Lin Weimin joked.

"I can't drive."

"That's a pity, so much money has no place to spend."

"You're just jealous!" Wang Shuo said back to him.

It's been one year since the publication of Wang Shuo's collection of essays. Hundreds of thousands of copies were sold, and he earned more than one million yuan in royalties this year. He was completely shaken.

When it comes to writers, you really can't let them get rich. Once they get rich, first of all, their output of works will definitely decrease. They will be surrounded by a group of people who focus on them, and they won't know what to do, and then they won't know what will happen.

Wang Shuo was like this. He didn't write anything decent at all in this year. He just ate, drank and had fun every day, making waves in the literary and art circles of Yanjing.

Recently he met a bunch of people in the music industry and planned to make a music album.

It's not that he wanted to sing on a whim, but he planned to do something different.

The album has twelve songs planned, all named after novels written by Wang Shuo. Wang Shuo wrote the lyrics, and then found someone to compose the music. The singers hired were all well-known singers in the Yanjing literary and art circles.

Na Ying, Zhu Hua, Han Lei, Jing Gangshan, Tengger...

These days, writers are at the top of the food chain in the domestic literary and artistic circles, and Wang Shuo is especially popular among writers. Even though they know that Wang Shuo is playing tricks, everyone is willing to sell him this favor.

This time I came back to participate in the opening ceremony of "Sunny Days". Wang Shuo also had a supporting role with Jiang Wen, but it would take some time before filming could begin.

To sum up Wang Shuo's life over the past year, he doesn't need oars when rowing - it all depends on the waves.

Just two days after "Days of the Sun" started shooting, good news came from the Venice Film Festival being held overseas.

Zhang Yimou won the Silver Lion Award at this Venice Film Festival for "Raise the Red Lantern". The Silver Lion Award is the Jury Prize and is the second largest award at the Venice Film Festival after the Golden Lion Award.

Although there is a slight gap from the Golden Bear Award won at the Berlin Film Festival four years ago, this is still the grand prize at one of the three major European film festivals.

Winning the Silver Lion Award at the Venice Film Festival once again consolidated Zhang Yimou's status in the Chinese film industry, and also made his name resounding in the world of film circles again, taking another step closer to the status of a master.

"Raise the Red Lantern" won the Silver Lion Award at the Venice Film Festival. In addition to Zhang Yimou's achievement once again, there is another person who also became famous because of it, and that is the original author and screenwriter of this film, Su Tong.

Su Tong is the pen name of Tong Zhonggui. He began to write poetry in the early 1980s. In the mid-1980s, he turned to writing novels. In a few years, he has emerged in the domestic literary world.

"Raise the Red Lantern" is adapted from his novella "Honey and Concubines". Now that the film has won awards, he has benefited from it and has become famous in this wave of reporting on film awards.

Colleagues clamored for Tong Zhonggui to treat him. Tong Zhonggui ran to Lin Weimin's office and asked him to come with him. Lin Weimin readily agreed.

After the National Day, Donglaishun's business has recovered a lot, and in a few months, it will be full.

Colleagues from the editorial department of "Contemporary" gathered in Donglaishun again, and everyone was a little surprised.

Many old comrades in the editorial department have retired, Lin Weimin has been promoted to editor-in-chief, and Lao Rong has passed away. Talking about the changes in these years, everyone can't help but sigh.

"Okay. Today is to celebrate Xiao Tong, not to listen to you old guys reminiscing about the glorious past." Lin Weimin said.

After he said this, he immediately aroused strong condemnation from everyone.

"You young people are getting promoted, getting rich, becoming famous, and you are not allowed to let us old guys complain?"

"That's right. When you become a leader, your heart is so dark that you won't even let others speak."

Slandering leaders is an old tradition of the editorial department of "Contemporary".

In the past, Lin Weimin was the one who took the lead, but now it is different. He is the one who gets scolded.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight, he comforted himself in his heart.

After scolding the leader, the group of people had a lot of ideas, and then they started talking about their parents' shortcomings and daily necessities.

Yanjing has changed a lot in recent years. In order to host the Asian Games in 1990, the entire city was turned into a large construction site.

Although these projects, including the Asian Games Village, the North Fourth Ring Road, and the Second Ring Expressway, were all built to host the Asian Games, they have solidly changed the lives of ordinary people.

Of course, hosting the Asian Games will have the greatest impact on the people of Yanjing on housing prices.

The government has been promoting housing system reform in recent years, and Hainan, as a special zone, is at the forefront of the country.

In just a few years, more than 20,000 real estate companies were established in Hainan, 100,000 talents came to Hainan, and housing prices rose from 300 to 400 yuan per square meter to 5,000 yuan per square meter.

The real estate wave in Hainan is just a microcosm of the national real estate industry. Housing prices in most areas have not risen as fiercely as in Hainan, but they have indeed increased significantly compared with previous years.

As the capital, Yanjing was stimulated by the Asian Games. After the Asian Games, a large number of commercial housing including the Asian Games Village entered the market, which greatly stimulated the real estate market in Yanjing.

The house price in Yanjing has exceeded 2,000 yuan per square meter in a short period of time. At this time, the monthly salary of ordinary workers in Yanjing is only two to three hundred yuan. If you convert it, an office worker can earn a year's salary without eating or drinking. Buying a house of one square meter is simply lawless.

Over the past year, many media outlets have written articles criticizing Yanjing's housing prices for being too high. Some experts have given advice to the people, saying that now that housing prices are so high, it is better to rent than to buy, and they have even settled the accounts for the people.

To purchase a standard unit building, if the house price is 2,000 yuan per square meter and the house area is 100 square meters, the total house payment will be 200,000 yuan.

If this money is deposited in a bank, the current three-year annualized interest rate is 9%. A deposit of 200,000 yuan will earn 18,000 yuan in interest per year, which is more than enough to pay for the rent of the house.

Moreover, after buying a house, there are also expenses such as decoration, heating fees, elevator fees, cleaning fees, etc., which cost at least a thousand yuan a year on average, which is not a light burden for many families.

So overall, experts believe that buying is worse than renting.

Yao Shuzhi instilled expert advice in everyone's mouth, making everyone salivate.

Lin Weimin couldn't help but ask, "Shuzhi, you didn't hear this from Xiaowei, right?"

Yao Shuzhi glanced at Lin Weimin, "How do you know?"

how could I know?

Can I not know?

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