1980 My literary era

Chapter 607: Stealing money?

There is a copyright protection period for book publishing. This copyright protection period is 50 years in China. The copyright protection period varies in different countries around the world, but the maximum is 70 years.

The Chinese Language and Literature Society wants to develop a series of books such as a library. If it includes works published after World War II, it will encounter copyright issues. With this kind of world library, the Chinese Language and Literature Society cannot solve copyright issues one by one. The copyright fee alone may be The Chinese Literature Society is going to bleed.

Therefore, placing the creation time of the works included in the series just before World War II can circumvent this problem.

Cheng Wuchun looked at Lin Weimin with a look of relief.

When the children grow up, they know they are in charge.

Lin Weimin added: "And in the future we can definitely publish another book series that collects modern and contemporary classic literary works from all over the world. Just leave this job to me, and don't try to take all the credit for yourself."

The smile on Cheng Wuchun's face immediately disappeared. I took all the credit, so why didn't I pay for it? Can't I take some credit?

He glared at Lin Weimin to express his dissatisfaction, and Lin Weimin said perfunctorily: "I'm sorry, you have done a lot of work, you have done a lot of work, okay?"

Cheng Wanchun snorted coldly.

Lin Weimin continued: "This series of books should be the most ambitious publishing project in the history of our Chinese Literature Society. I plan to propose it at the first meeting after the year. There will definitely be many people who oppose it, so you will have to withstand the pressure. !”

"What are you talking about? Why can't I withstand the pressure?"

"Look, let me remind you, why are you anxious?"

Cheng Wuchun looked at Lin Weimin unhappily, "You should think about how to do this well."

"Okay, you allocate some money first."


“I did some statistics and found that the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and the Soviet Union have all published series of books such as The World Library. These are all predecessors for us to learn from.

Let’s purchase all these books and take a look at them. Summarize the pros and cons of various countries in publishing these series of books, and we can avoid a lot of detours! "

Cheng Wuchun frowned and asked, "Isn't that a lot of money?"

"Tens of thousands of dollars, probably."

"Grab the money!" Cheng Wuchun shouted loudly, as if Lin Weimin was digging for his life, and like the landlord Lao Cai still holding his money bag tightly when facing the bandits, demanding money rather than his life.

Since becoming the president, Cheng Wanchun has developed more and more in the direction of Pixiu.

"I said, can you stop being so picky? This is also for work!"

The scale of book series such as World Library in various countries starts with a few hundred volumes, and most of them are in developed countries. Books are priced high, and spending tens of thousands of dollars to purchase these books is a conservative figure.

"Then wait until you really have to work."

Lin Weimin shook his head helplessly, "Look at how you look now. How can you look like the leader of a big publishing house?"

"Wait until you become the president before you say this to me!" Cheng Wuchun retorted.

"Okay, okay, you are awesome, you are the president, you are in charge, and you know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive." Lin Weimin took a step back and said, "You can't get stuck again when you need to demonstrate the planning plan later."

"We'll talk about it then." Cheng Wuchun said perfunctorily.

Lin Weimin shook his head again. He was a good person before, but why did he become like this when he became a leader?

The two things Lin Weimin mentioned required a lot of time and energy to prepare, so he had to say hello to Cheng Wuchun in advance.

After coming out of Cheng Wuchun's office, Lin Weimin passed by the office of the Contemporary Literature Section 1 and suddenly remembered the first issue of "Chinese Prose" which was only put on sale in late October.

He poked his head into the office and said, "Li Xin, come here."

Li Xin, who was working, got up and came to the corridor, "Chief Editor, what's the matter?"

"I've been too busy with work recently to care about it. How is the sales of the first issue of "Chinese Prose" going?"

"It's sold well, with thirty to forty thousand copies."

Li Xin is the director of the first editorial office of Contemporary Literature, and also serves as the deputy editor of "Chinese Prose". However, he is not responsible for administrative affairs. He mainly shares the review pressure for the executive deputy editor Rong Peixiang. After all, Li Shuguang is more of a nominal editor. .

If compared with the sales of "Heroes of Kyushu", the sales of "Chinese Prose" are not worth mentioning at all.

But "Chinese Prose" is a purely literary journal after all. The works it publishes are mainly prose, a category of literary types, and it is still a new publication without any accumulation.

So being able to achieve such results after more than half a month on the market is already pretty good. The life-and-death line of 50,000 copies should be able to be broken through, and survival will not be a problem.

The Chinese Prose Society does not focus on economic benefits when running "Chinese Prose". As long as the publication does not lose money, the publication will continue to exist.

Lin Weimin chatted with Li Xin a few more times about work and then asked him to return to the office.

Lin Weimin stopped the car after getting off work in the evening and was about to enter the yard when he saw a young man standing at the door of his house.

When the young man saw Lin Weimin, he was stunned for a moment, and then his face showed a bit of surprise.

Lin Weimin was about to ask the young man what he was doing when he saw Sister Sun coming out and the young man called "Mom".

Sister Sun nodded to the young man first, and then explained to Lin Weimin: "Teacher Lin, this is my son. He came to see me for something."

Lin Weimin nodded. Seeing that Sister Sun was taking his son to the street to talk, he said, "Sister Sun, it's very cold outside. Let's go inside and talk."

"It's okay, I'll finish it in just a few words." Sister Sun said.

"Come in, it's okay."

Lin Weimin said hello again and wanted to pull the mother and son. Seeing this, Sister Sun pulled her son into the yard.

Sister Sun took her son in and said hello to Tao Huimin and Tao's mother.

Sister Sun's son is Zhou Jun, who is now a senior at Yenching Normal University. When Zhou Jun greeted everyone, his eyes looked at Lin Weimin from time to time.

After saying hello, Sister Sun would take him to her bedroom to talk.

"Sister Sun, you two speak slowly, don't be in a hurry, let Zhou Jun stay at home to have some food at night." Lin Weimin said.

It was evening at this time, and Sister Sun had to prepare dinner at home. She must be anxious to talk to her son. She probably would have to let him go after only a few words, so Lin Weimin specially told her.

Sister Sun opened her mouth, and finally said "Thank you, Teacher Lin."

When I first entered the courtyard, there was an inverted room at the entrance. In the past, it was used exclusively for servants.

But the back room of Lin Weimin's house has been turned into a utility room, and Sister Sun's room is in the west wing.

Sister Sun brought her son Zhou Jun into the room. Zhou Jun finally had a chance to speak. He suppressed his inner excitement and said, "Mom, is that really Teacher Lin?"

"You know him?"

"I have never met him, but I have seen his photos. He is so young. He feels about the same age as me." Zhou Jun said with an exclamation tone.

My mother has been working as a nanny at Lin Weimin's house for several months. She only went to Yan Normal University to see him once and told him about her current job at Lin Weimin's house.

Zhou Jun couldn't believe it when he heard the news. His mother actually went to work as a nanny at the home of the great writer Lin Weimin.

Zhou Jun sighed and looked at the decoration and furnishings in the house unconsciously. The house where his mother lived was much better than the teacher's house in the school.

Thinking again of his mother's statement that she could earn three hundred yuan a month, Zhou Jun asked, "Mr. Lin's family treats you well, right?"

Sister Sun laughed and said, "Okay, I can't find such a good employer anywhere. Teacher Lin and his family are all good people, and they treat others kindly. Look at the room where Mom lives..."

Sister Sun couldn't help but show off to her son, "There is also an air conditioner in this room, something only found in shopping malls. Teacher Lin and others asked me to drive it in the past two months, but I was reluctant. This thing consumes electricity. A It’s just a matter of time, it’s time to grab money.”

The summer in Yanjing is difficult. Zhou Jun couldn't help but envy the air conditioner in his mother's house, "The job you found is really good. It's much better than working outside."

"Yes, Mom is lucky this time. I think it would be best if I could keep doing it at Teacher Lin's house."

Zhou Jun said: "In a few years, you will be fifty, and we will also be working. It's time for you to enjoy your blessings."

"What kind of blessing do you get when you are only fifty? Of course you have to work for a few more years to meet such a good family."

"You've been working all your life, don't you want to take a good rest?"

Sister Sun said easily: "Working here is a blessing. Isn't it better than farming at home? You can't be blown by the wind or rained, and the wages are good."

After chatting with her son about her work for a while, Sister Sun asked her son about his studies at school.

The two chatted for more than ten minutes, and then Sister Sun got up to prepare dinner.

Before Lin Weimin came in, Sister Sun and Mother Tao were preparing dinner. The food was almost ready by now.

When the food was on the table, Lin Weimin greeted him: "Come on, Zhou Jun, sit down, sit next to your mother."

Zhou Jun sat down somewhat cautiously.

During the meal, Lin Weimin was afraid that Sister Sun and Zhou Jun would be embarrassed, so he chatted with Zhou Jun from time to time.

He has been to Yan'an Normal University several times and gave lectures, and the topics were very relaxed.

"The little Tong in our club is from your school. I remember that he seems to be in the 80th grade. He is your senior brother. His name is Tong Zhonggui."

Speaking of Tong Zhonggui, Zhou Jun looked confused, and Lin Weimin added: "His pen name is Su Tong."

Zhou Jun suddenly understood when he heard the pen name, and said excitedly: "Of course I know. Senior Brother Tong has been a legend in our Chinese Department these years. He joined "Contemporary" as an editor after graduation. Within a few years, he became a well-known writer. His " I’ve seen both The Escape of 1934 and Housewives.”

Lin Weimin nodded and said: "Xiao Tong's novels are pretty good, but as far as I know, when he was in school, he also wrote pretty good poems, right?"

As soon as Lin Weimin brought up the topic of poetry, Zhou Jun became even more excited. Although poetry has passed its most popular era, there were still a large number of poetry enthusiasts on campus in the early 1990s, and Zhou Jun was obviously one of them.

Speaking of poetry, he kept talking for a long time, and finally he talked about Haizi who fell on the train in Shanhaiguan two years ago. Zhou Jun's tone was full of regret. He hesitated for a moment, and finally summoned up the courage.

"Teacher Lin, can your Chinese Literature Society publish a collection of poems for Haizi?"

Lin Weimin asked: "Is there no publisher to publish his poems?"

"As far as I know, no. He didn't complete many poems during his lifetime, and most of them were unfinished. Our classmates in the poetry club said that Xi Chuan and Luo Yihe were sorting out his posthumous works."

Lin Weimin nodded and said, "Your suggestion is good. I'll have someone contact you later to see if it can be published."

Zhou Jun did not expect that his suggestion would be adopted by Lin Weimin. He was ecstatic and said: "Thank you very much, Teacher Lin."

"Why are you thanking me? I should be the one thanking you. If you hadn't recommended it to me, I wouldn't have thought of it. I also like Haizi's song "Facing the Sea, Spring Flowers Bloom"." Lin Weimin said with a smile.

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