1980 My literary era

Chapter 608 Three Musketeers, Lose Two

Misty poetry was a bug in the Chinese cultural world in the 1970s and 1980s.

It was rejected by mainstream poetry, but it expanded its readership to a larger audience than mainstream poetry.

In that era, the poet of Misty Poetry had an influence comparable to that of an idol, and countless readers went crazy for him.

Haizi was a representative figure of the Misty Poetry School in later generations. When it comes to Misty Poetry, people will always mention him, but his fame actually came many years later than Bei Dao, Shu Ting and other representative poets of Misty Poetry.

Moreover, Misty Poetry began to decline as early as 1982, and completely disintegrated by the mid-1980s.

Later, the late hazy poetry or cultural poetry appeared with Jiang He and Yang Lian as its origins. In addition, a new wave of trendy poetry began to brew and grow. This type of poetry was mainly born on campus and was popularized in the 1980s. After the mid-1990s, a new trend of poetic experimentation emerged.

Haizi is actually the representative poet of the later period of hazy poetry.

Even before his death, he only edited and printed his own collection of poems at his own expense, and did not even have a published collection of poems.

Therefore, Haizi's reputation among poetry lovers of this era is far less than that of later generations.

Zhou Jun is obviously a senior poetry lover, and he is deeply worried about Haizi's death.

It is now the early 1990s. Although the influence of Menglong Poetry cannot be compared with that of previous years, its influence on campus cannot be underestimated.

Zhou Jun's proposal reminded Lin Weimin that although the Misty Poetry School is now in decline, the powerful influence it once had still exists, and it still has a fairly large readership.

Lin Weimin agreed to publish a collection of poems for Haizi, but he didn't just want to publish a collection of poems for Haizi.

We can definitely take this opportunity to collect all the classic poems produced by the Misty Poetry School over the years. Let’s start with Haizi’s works.

Lin Weimin asked colleagues in the planning office to contact Luo Yihe and Xi Chuan, but Li Qingquan, who had a three-quarter-parted haircut, told Lin Weimin: "Chief Editor, Luo Yihe has passed away."

"Died? When?"

"The year before last, the year Haizi died."

Lin Weimin muttered in his heart, the news about Zhou Jun is not accurate either!

"Then contact Nishikawa."


After chatting with his colleagues in the planning room, Lin Weimin called in Mo Wenzheng from the poetry group.

In the early years of the Chinese Literature Society, there were many poets, including Tu An, Lu Yuan, Niu Han, etc., who were all very important figures in the Chinese poetry circle.

Therefore, the poetry group of the Chinese Literature Society is also well-known in the domestic publishing industry.

Nowadays, generations of elderly people are retiring, and the leader of the poetry group has become Mo Wenzheng, who is also a poet and has published many collections of poems.

The Chinese Literature Society is going to publish a collection of misty poetry. As the head of the poetry group, Mo Wenzheng must participate in the editing and review. He is now nearly sixty years old, and his creative style is completely different from that of misty poetry. Therefore, Lin Weimin must communicate with him in advance to save the old comrades. Feel uncomfortable.

After Mo Wenzheng heard what Lin Weimin said, he knew that Lin Weimin respected him. Although he is an old-school poet, he does not reject hazy poetry. Later generations even compiled and reviewed Nishikawa's poetry collections.

He smiled and said: "It's no problem to leave this task to our poetry team. We will complete the task with quality and quantity."

With his statement, Lin Weimin smiled and nodded, "Then I'll be relieved."

Two days later, Nishikawa walked into the Chinese Literature Society building with some nervousness.

He, Haizi and Luo Yihe were all classmates of Yan University. In the mid-to-late 1980s, the three of them were known as the "Three Musketeers of Yan University". Now that Haizi and Luo Yihe have passed away, he has also been silent for several years.

Xi Chuan graduated from Yan University in 1985. In addition to his own work, he spent most of his time on poetry creation and poetry publications.

In the 1980s, readers' enthusiasm for poetry was indescribable. However, there were not many real poetry journals in China. Most of the poetry journals came from university magazines, or were spontaneously participated by poets or poetry lovers. As a folk publication, Nishikawa has participated in the editing work of the poetry magazine "Tension" in recent years.

"Tendency" is a poetry journal co-founded by Xi Chuan, Ouyang Jianghe, Chen Dongdong and other friends. It was first published in 1988. It has become quite famous in the domestic poetry circle in recent years. Unfortunately, it was stopped just this year.

For Nishikawa and his group of poets, the Chinese Literature Society not only represents the highest palace in the domestic literary world, but also has some other perceptions.

The vast majority of poets, regardless of their work, are always outside the mainstream literary world when it comes to literary creation. Therefore, there is always a sense of envy and respect for units like the Chinese Literature Society. The mentality of disgust is, in short, very contradictory.

Xi Chuan did not expect that he would be invited directly to the editor-in-chief's office after entering the building. Seeing Lin Weimin, he felt even more nervous.

The circle of poets is very small, so he knows very few writers, let alone writers of Lin Weimin's level.

Although Xi Chuan likes poetry, he has also read Lin Weimin's works in recent years.

He stepped forward to shake hands with Lin Weimin and said hello, "Hello, Teacher Lin, I particularly like your "Hunting"."

Lin Weimin asked with a smile: "Not many people have read this novel, right?"

"Hunting" was published in "Contemporary" a few years ago, which immediately aroused a very strong debate in the literary circles and among the people. Finally, considering the impact, Lin Weimin decided to hide the work for a period of time and wait until ten years after its publication before publishing it.

"There were really few people who saw it at the time, and no one expected that you would make the decision not to publish. I had just started working at that time, and I was usually very busy. I didn't buy that issue of "Contemporary". Later, I borrowed it from a classmate. Came to see.

You don’t know, at that time, many people wanted to read your novel, but the copies of "Contemporary" outside had long been snatched up. Several juniors from our school magazine got together and used the mimeograph equipment to print hundreds of copies of the school magazine. Your "Hunting" has satisfied the needs of the students. "

When Nishikawa talked about this, his face looked back on the past, and there was a lot of pride in it.

Lin Weimin only wanted to complain in his heart that Yan University students blatantly pirated books. Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?

After greeting each other for a few words, Lin Weimin and Xichuan got down to business.

Before coming, Xi Chuan already knew that the Chinese Literature Society was going to publish a collection of misty poems, but he couldn't help but be excited when he heard it from Lin Weimin.

Although Lin Weimin said that he wanted to publish Haizi's poems, it did not hinder Xichuan's happiness.

Misty Poetry has gone through nearly thirty years. Since the mid-1980s, publishing houses have gradually been willing to publish the works of poets, including publications such as "People's Literature". In the past few years, works by Shu Ting and others were published. Poetry, but the meaning represented by the Chinese Literature Society is different after all.

The fact that the work can be published by the Chinese Literature Society largely means that the author has been accepted by the mainstream literary circle. It also means that the quality of the work has reached a certain level and has been recognized.

"I called you here this time mainly because I heard that you are sorting out Haizi's posthumous works. Therefore, our Chinese Literature Society cannot publish his works without your help."

Xichuan said: "After Haizi left, Yihe and I were originally responsible for sorting out his works. In fact, it was mainly Yihe who was doing this work. He worked hard for this matter. I really didn't expect that he would leave so suddenly. …”

When Xi Chuan said this, the expression on his face was full of loneliness.

He had a close relationship with Haizi and Luo Yihe, and each of them was talented. They jointly devoted themselves to the poetry movement. In the mid-to-late 1980s when Mengwu poetry was declining, they used their talents to inject new vitality into the poetry school and became the post-Mongwu poetry movement. Representative figures of the poetic period.

But no one could have imagined that two of the Three Musketeers would leave within a few months, and both died young. The blow to Xi Chuan can be imagined.

After he was freed from his depressed mood, he said to Lin Weimin: "It is a great thing for the Chinese Literature Society to publish Haizi's works. I believe he will be happy if he knows about it. But this matter still needs to be done. Let his family know, and after I finish talking to them later, please let the agency communicate with Haizi’s family about the royalties."

"I don't bother you, Master. Please pass the message to me. The royalties can be paid according to 8% of the royalties. As for the number of prints, the number of prints has not yet been determined."

Nishikawa was delighted when he heard that royalties would be used to pay royalties.

Because of the special genre of poetry, when it is published or published, the royalty standards are often far different from those of novels and essays.

If the Chinese Literature Society wants to share the royalties, it has nothing to do with the number of words or lines of the poem, but the money will be divided according to the number of prints, which is of course beneficial to the author.

"Teacher Lin, I would like to thank you on behalf of Haizi's family." Xichuan stood up and bowed to Lin Weimin.

Haizi was born in a rural area, and he had magical powers from all over the country since he was a child. Later, he was admitted to Yanda University at the age of fifteen. After graduating in 1983, he was assigned to China University of Political Science and Law.

Life should have been bright, and his family had high hopes for him, but they never imagined that he would leave this world in such a way.

Haizi is gone, but he still has his parents in the countryside.

If his collection of poems can be published, the proceeds will also help his parents spend their later years.

"There is nothing to thank. If we publish other people's works, how can we not pay royalties?" Lin Weimin said with a smile.

Then he took Nishikawa to the poetry group's office.

"Teacher Mo, this is the poet Xi Chuan. He has been organizing Haizi's poems in the past two years. This time we are going to publish Haizi's poetry collection. I specially asked him to be our consultant. From now on, the poetry collection will be left to you. The two connected."

After Mo Wenzheng and Xi Chuan were introduced to each other and the work was handed over, Lin Weimin was ready to return to the office.

When he walked to the door, he met Li Xin coming out of the office. When he saw Lin Weimin, Li Xin said, "Teacher Lin, I was just looking for you!"

"What's wrong? What's going on?" Lin Weimin asked.

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