1980 My literary era

Chapter 617 Three Lis of Yanjing

Qu Xiaowei wants to go to sea?

Lin Weimin looked at him in surprise, no, brother, don't you know your own attributes well?

"You're so good, why are you going to the sea?" Lin Weimin asked.

Qu Xiaowei had a high-spirited look on his face, "Old man, I'm on a tour to the south, and the domestic economic situation is very good. I feel like I'm a bit underserved at the cultural center, and I want to go to sea and do something big!"

Liu Haiyan, who was picking vegetables, heard his movement and cursed: "Do big things, do big things, what big things can you do? Look at the businesses you want to do? Either you are running a stall or opening a restaurant, what do you call doing big things?"

Qu Xiaowei was not angry when his wife criticized him, and retorted: "Which entrepreneur didn't start from humble beginnings? You can't look down on small businesses!"

After he finished speaking, he turned to Lin Weimin and asked: "Weimin, among our group of friends, you are the smartest. What do you think of my idea?"

Lin Weimin shook his head, "Not so good!"

Qu Xiaowei was excitedly looking forward to Lin Weimin's answer. Unexpectedly, he was poured cold water on his head. He couldn't help but ask: "Why?"

"You are not a business material."

Qu Xiaowei was unhappy, "You are looking down on others."

"Then let me ask you, do you have any specific ideas for opening a restaurant?"

"Yes, I plan to open a Sichuan restaurant. Sichuan restaurants in Yanjing have been very popular in the past two years, but most of them are not authentic. I plan to open an authentic Sichuan restaurant. It will definitely be popular."

"You know there are a lot of Sichuan restaurants, but you still want to open one? Besides, haven't you ever thought about why the food isn't authentic?"


"To suit the taste of Yanjing people! Do you think everyone is from Sichuan?"

Qu Xiaowei was speechless when he heard this. He was stunned for a while, and then he finally said: "Authentic Sichuan food is also delicious."

"But the improved one is more in line with the taste of Yanjing people."

Lin Weimin hit the nail on the head again. Qu Xiaowei opened his mouth and wanted to retort, but he couldn't find the angle.

Others watched the conversation between the two, and now they also advised: "Xiaowei, if I want to watch it, let it go. The job in the cultural center is easy and stable, isn't it great?"

"Yeah, why bother yourself?"

"You don't know how to do business, so don't join in the fun. The children are getting older and there will be more places to spend money in the future!"

The words of this group of people were more hurtful than the others, and Qu Xiaowei's self-esteem and self-confidence suffered an unprecedented blow.

Only Yu Hua wants to use it as a conspicuous bag, "I think Xiaowei can give it a try. This old man's southern tour is a good opportunity for people who are interested in shopping malls."

Lin Weimin noticed the restlessness in his words and turned to look at him.

Young man, your thoughts are dangerous!

Qu Xiaowei received support and became brave again.

"Yu Hua still has vision!"

He stood up, ran to Yu Hua and put his arms around each other. The two of them murmured together, and seemed to be discussing a big plan.

"I'm telling you, your Sichuan restaurant idea won't work."

"Why can't it work?"

"Teacher Lin is right. There are too many Sichuan restaurants in Yanjing City. This is homogeneous competition."

“The more stores open, the more diners there are.”

"You can guarantee that you will be able to outcompete others? Opening a restaurant requires too much of a chef. If the chef's skills are not good, can the business be good? And how much investment does it cost to open a Sichuan restaurant!"

"If you don't open a Sichuan restaurant, what will you open?"

“BBQ restaurant!”

"BBQ restaurant?"

"That's right, barbecue restaurants. Believe me, barbecue restaurants are definitely more popular than Sichuan restaurants. Moreover, the investment is small and it is less difficult to open."

Lin Weimin looked at the backs of these two people, and for some reason, two classic images popped up in his mind.

Crouching dragon and phoenix chick.

Until the meal, the two of them were still chatting about business at the dinner table, not caring about the weird looks of everyone at the table, and Liu Haiyan's eyes were about to fly to the sky.

"Well, it seems that the barbecue restaurant is indeed a good business."

After nearly an hour of brainwashing, Yu Hua finally succeeded in changing Qu Xiaowei's ideas.

Liu Haiyan said: "You two, one works in the cultural center and the other works in the publishing house. Are you next to the barbecue restaurant?"

"What's wrong with not being next to each other? No one stipulates that you have to do your own business to do business! Besides, I'm from a cultural center, what can I do to do business?" Qu Xiaowei retorted.

Lin Weimin couldn't help but said: "Have you never thought about doing some business related to culture?"

"Cultural business? What about?" Qu Xiaowei asked without hesitation.

Lin Weimin suddenly felt speechless. What was the purpose of keeping this brain? Are you still doing business here?

"You're talking!" Seeing Lin Weimin not speaking, Qu Xiaowei thought he was showing off and hurriedly urged.

Lin Weimin ignored him and said to Liu Haiyan through him: "Haiyan, all the bankbooks and things at home have been hidden."

Liu Haiyan nodded firmly when she heard this.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing.

Qu Xiaowei's face was full of anger, "Discrimination! This is naked discrimination! I am responding to the government's call, following the trend, and in line with the general trend of history!"

"The general trend doesn't say it guarantees that you will make money!" Zheng Guo complained.

Lin Weimin said earnestly: "Xiaowei, do you know that people who do business must have basic skills?"

"What skill?"

"I can settle accounts."

"Can you settle accounts? What kind of skill is that?" Qu Xiaowei said disdainfully.

"Then let me ask you, you said you want to open a Sichuan restaurant, what expenses do you have to spend?"

Qu Xiaowei smiled contemptuously, "What else? Rent, decoration, pots and pans, water and electricity bills, labor, food money..."

After counting a few items, Qu Xiaowei was a little at a loss for words, "That's about all."

Lin Weimin pointed at Zheng Guo, "You count for him, what else is there?"

"You need to use gas to open a restaurant, right? You need to use seasonings for cooking, right? The dishes can't be sold out, is there any loss? The restaurant has to promote, and a little publicity expense is not excessive, right? When regular customers come, you have to add zero, right? When acquaintances come, you have to Is it free of charge? The government department has to take care of it..."

Zheng Guo has always been frugal in life, so it is almost instinctive to settle accounts. How can he save money if he does not spend money on firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, and tea?

Compared with him, Qu Xiaowei is basically indifferent to the world. He is not diligent at work and does not distinguish between grain and grain at home.

He clasped his fingers and talked nonstop to Qu Xiaowei for several minutes. The more Qu Xiaowei listened, the less confident he became, and the more he listened, the more afraid he became.

"That's probably about it. I've never opened a restaurant, so that's all I can think of." Zheng Guo finally said.

When he finished speaking, everyone couldn't help but applaud.

Zheng Guo's performance compared with Qu Xiaowei's. In terms of business thinking alone, Zheng Guo crushed Qu Xiaowei.

Qu Xiaowei felt a little depressed in the applause of the crowd, but Yu Hua said at this time: "It doesn't matter, one person is short-term, two people are long-term, three cobblers are the best of Zhuge Liang, no one is born to do business. of."

Yu Hua's encouragement gave Qu Xiaowei some confidence, and he looked at Yu Hua like a confidant.

"You still know me best."

Lin Weimin couldn't help but said: "Can you just stop causing trouble?"

"How can this be adding to the chaos? Now everyone is doing business in the sea. Xiaowei wants to go to the sea, so there is nothing wrong with him!"

Qu Xiaowei said: "That's right, what can others do but I can't?"

Lin Weimin shook his head helplessly. It wasn't that Qu Xiaowei couldn't do business, but that this guy really didn't show any ability to do business.

A contestant who doesn't even ask about the price of food when buying food lets him do business, isn't he just waiting to lose money?

"up to you."

Good words can't persuade a damn ghost!

Everyone felt helpless when they saw Qu Xiaowei being so stubborn. This was like hitting the wall and never looking back!

Qu Xiaowei and Yu Hua were chatting about business affairs in a lively manner, and everyone ignored them.

Li Guangfu and Lin Weimin got together and talked about people and art.

Li Guangfu was originally an actor in the entertainment industry. He ran out to do business a few years ago, and now he can be regarded as having a successful career.

Compared with him, the current development of Renyi is difficult to describe.

The mid-1970s to the mid-1980s should be said to be the peak period of Chinese contemporary drama. In less than ten years, domestic drama troupes flourished, classic works emerged one after another, and the number of theatergoers increased day by day. Many popular dramas It is often hard to get tickets for well-received drama performances. Audiences are willing to pay high prices to watch a drama. The entire drama market is booming.

But after 1985, the domestic drama market suddenly changed.

The number of audiences suddenly declined this year, and this decline lasted for six years. In the past few years, the number of domestic drama audiences has continued to decrease.

Under such a situation, many theater groups are experiencing difficulties in operating, but fortunately at this time, the theater groups are supported by the state and can still be maintained.

But the company can maintain it, but the employees can’t stand it!

When the performance market was booming, actors received a monthly salary and subsidies for performances.

Now that the market has cooled down, there are no performances, performance subsidies have disappeared, and many theater troupes cannot even pay their salaries, which has been delayed for half a year and a year.

Renyi is a national-level theater company, so its conditions are naturally better than those of many local drama companies, but the situation is also not optimistic.

"The performance subsidies for theater troupes outside have disappeared, and wages are not paid in time. Many people have begun to look for other jobs. People and art are better, but now you can make much more money from filming movies and TV series outside than from acting in plays. Many people are I went to act in movies and TV series." Li Guangfu said with emotion.

"In recent years, people's focus has shifted to economic construction and material life, and they do not pay as much attention to spiritual life as they did in previous years." Lin Weimin said.

"You're right. I just feel it's a pity that our art has produced so many masters and classics, and it has been developed for decades, but in the end no one watched it."

"It can't be said that no one is watching it. It can only be said that the spiritual needs of the people have been too strong in the past few years, which has caused the demand in this area to expand somewhat abnormally. Now it is in the cooling stage. When will everyone slow down, the drama market will naturally It will pick up, but it will definitely not reach the level of previous years.”

"You always look at problems from such a high level." Li Guangfu complimented.

"I said you are now one of the 'three elites in the capital', so stop flattering me all the time."

In the 1990s, there was a saying in Yanjing called the "Four Lis", namely Li Chengru who sold clothing, Li Chunping who lived with a wealthy woman, Li Tuchun who sold calendars, and Li Xiaohua who sold Zhangguang's hair growth agent.

At this time, Li Chunping, who lives with a wealthy woman, and Li Tuchun, who sells calendars, have not returned to China, and the other has not yet made a fortune, but there is a new Li Guangfu in Yanjing City who works as a real estate agency, professional agency, and decoration.

Therefore, the "Four Lis of Yanjing" in later generations became the "Three Lis of Yanjing" today.

"No matter how many Li you are, you are also my Teacher Lin."

Li Guangfu raised his glass with a smile and clinked a drink with Lin Weimin.

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