1980 My literary era

Chapter 618 Uncle Lin

Li Guangfu was born to be a businessman.

It's not that this person can be flattering, but that his body is soft when it should be soft and hard when it should be hard. He is also very calculating and at the same time not lacking in humaneness.

The name of the Three Lis of Yanjing has been known for more than a year. Li Chengru's special characteristics have become popular all over the city, and he always drives a big Mercedes when going out. When it comes to family, Li Guangfu is not inferior to Li Chengru at all, but he always drives his big Ben. I still do a lot of things myself.

Most of the bosses who made their fortune in the 1980s and 1990s would not be able to survive two thousand years later, and those who could live to the time before Lin Weimin traveled through time were even rarer.


To put it bluntly, he is a pig in the limelight. He came out with a lot of aggressiveness, but his vision and skills are not enough to match his wealth. In addition, he is very arrogant. If he encounters a slight setback, he will be knocked back to his original shape immediately.

Li Guangfu is now worth at least tens of millions, but he remains so low-key, which shows that he has an extraordinary character.

After having a glass of wine, Li Guangfu said again: "Teacher Lin, what do you think of the current real estate market?"

Lin Weimin looked surprised, "I'm a publisher. If you ask me this kind of question, aren't you asking blind questions?"

Li Guangfu said: "Although you are not in this business, you have outstanding vision. I know so many business owners, but there are very few people as insightful as you."

"Stop hating me."

"How can you be wearing a high hat? I'm telling the truth."

The two exchanged some words. Li Guangfu sincerely asked for advice, but Lin Weimin reluctantly said: "I am really a layman about these things. But if you insist on asking me to talk, I can only briefly talk about what I can see."

Li Guangfu's eyes lit up, and he assumed a posture of listening attentively.

"In the past two years, housing prices in major cities across the country have increased to varying degrees, and some cities have even increased by more than 50%. A big reason for this is the real estate boom in Hainan. The large-scale construction projects in 2006 boosted the markets in Guangxi and Guangdong provinces, and then indirectly boosted the markets in other cities across the country.

I have heard about the current situation in Hainan. Last year, Hainan’s fixed asset investment was less than 9 billion, but real estate investment accounted for half of it. In the middle of last year, the house price there had reached 1,500 yuan per square meter, and by the end of the year it had reached 2,500 yuan per square meter.

This phenomenon is extremely abnormal. When residents' income has not increased significantly, housing prices have increased significantly. There must be a lot of bubbles.

In Hainan alone, the average annual income of residents is less than 2,000 yuan, but house prices are as high as 2,500 yuan per square meter, and the prices are still rising sharply at a crazy rate. In other words, ordinary residents cannot afford a house with a year's salary. Build a house of one square meter. "

Hearing this, Li Guangfu's expression became serious.

"You asked me what I think about the real estate market. I think we can't generalize it, but we should talk about it separately. If we only talk about Hainan and the surrounding provinces and cities affected by Hainan, I think there are a lot of bubbles in the real estate market.

If you look across the country, housing prices in most areas are only affected by the marginal effects of Hainan's real estate boom, and there is a small amount of bubbles. "

After listening to Lin Weimin's analysis, Li Guangfu pondered for a moment, and then said to him: "To tell you the truth, a few friends have recently encouraged me to go to Hainan to acquire land for real estate development. As you said, the current housing prices in Hainan are... The price has skyrocketed, and land prices are also rising crazily. In fact, most developers are not really engaged in real estate, they are all selling off-the-plan properties, a bit like...like..."

"Blow the drum and spread the flowers!"

Li Guangfu clapped his hands and said, "That's right, it's just a matter of beating the drum and spreading the flowers. With just one move, you can make tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions. That's why so many people are flocking to it."

Lin Weimin nodded slightly and said: "In fact, we should all have heard of similar things like this in Hainan."

Before Li Guangfu could speak, Zheng Guo rushed to say: "Dandong Clivia."

In 1978, a trading market for Clivia appeared in Dandong. Subsequently, due to the speculation of interested people, the price of Clivia rose all the way, triggering a large number of speculators to enter the market. The market price of a pot of rare Clivia can reach 100,000 yuan.

Some people even called Clivia a green gold bar. It was not until 1985 that the government finally took administrative measures to curb the extremely high flower prices after trying to resolve the problem to no avail. The value of Clivia devalued by 99% overnight, and the price finally returned to normal.

But because of this, many speculators went bankrupt.

"Not only Clivia, but also Dutch tulips." Liu Haiyan also said.

The tulip bubble in the Netherlands is recorded in history books and textbooks at home and abroad, and is well known to everyone.

"Isn't it the same with Nihong's real estate?"

In the year 1991 that just passed, Nihong's real estate market experienced a big plunge, and countless real estate speculators went bankrupt.

Lin Weimin said at this time: "Once the market overheats, it is not the relationship between supply and demand that determines prices and market trends, but the vast majority of speculators, until the moment the bubble bursts."

When Li Guangfu thought of these living examples, he couldn't help but feel a little fear in his heart.

"We can all understand it, right? Hainan's real estate developers can't even understand this, right?" Qu Xiaowei asked.

"Of course they all saw it clearly, but they were blinded by greed." Lin Weimin said.

Everyone listened to his words and couldn't help but nodded.

You can make hundreds of thousands or millions overnight. Who can resist such a temptation?

Everyone thinks that they are the one who can make money, and no one thinks that the real estate bubble will burst here.

Li Guangfu said to Lin Weimin: "After hearing what you said, I was really enlightened. I can't wade in this muddy water."

"It's not that real estate can't be done, it's just that you can't do it with a speculative mentality. Although this industry has financial attributes, it is ultimately an industry. Otherwise, problems will occur sooner or later."

Li Guangfu nodded, "You are right."

Liu Haiyan pulled Qu Xiaowei and said, "Listen, listen, is it so easy to do business?"

"I just open a restaurant, not for speculation!"

The housewarming party ended with everyone chatting. Everyone finished their meal and helped clean up before leaving.

Lin Weimin returned home. After dinner, someone knocked on the courtyard door.

When Sister Sun opened the door, it was Wang Shuo who brought Shen Xujia and their two daughters.

After Shen Xujia came in, she chatted with Tao Huimin and asked her about her current situation.

Wang Shuo returned the leather bag in his hand to Lin Weimin. Lin Weimin took the bag and teased: "Okay, you know how to return something you borrowed?"

On New Year's Day, Wang Shuo borrowed his set of "Newly Engraved Poems on the Plum in the Golden Vase" on the pretext of a bet with Jiang Wen. He originally said he would return it in half a month, but after half a month, nothing happened.

Lin Weimin called to ask, and Wang Shuo said he would wait a few days before sending it back, but the delay lasted for more than a month.

"Isn't this just a surprise to me? Look at how stingy you are. They say the richer you are, the stingier you get!"

"You're still reasonable!"

The two exchanged a few insults, and Wang Shuo took out a plate of cards from his pocket and brought it over.

"Brother, I don't want to read your book for nothing, do you see? The album I just released uses all the singers, and I gave it to you on the first album."

Lin Weimin's eyes were disdainful, "Look at the design of this thing of yours, it's so stupid."

Wang Shuo didn't care about his sarcasm, and moved out the tape recorder that Lin Weimin had not used for a long time, and wanted to play his album for everyone.

In the past few years, Wang Shuo has become extremely popular in China, and even more famous in the Yanjing cultural circle. He has met many people in the cultural circle, including those who make movies, TV series, and sing...

Last year, Wang Shuo was hanging out with a group of musicians. He had an idea and wanted to make an album, let others compose the music, and he would write the lyrics.

The songwriters Wang Shuo found are all front-line songwriters who have been active in the music scene in recent years, such as Sanbao and Dong Xingdong.

The singers who sang for him were all from very young backgrounds, including Na Ying, Han Lei, Tengger, and Zhu Hua.

All the songs are named after his novels, and even the title of the album is based on the title of his novel, "Playing with Heartbeat".

Now that the album is finally out, he can't wait to show off to Lin Weimin.

Music came from the tape recorder, a typical arrangement style of the 1990s.

"I'm looking for the way I came from and my way back

I turn my back to the future and ask where to go

Nothing in this world is worth taking seriously


Frankly speaking, although Wang Shuo's album is just a play, the quality is still good.

The only pity is that the melody of the song is not very catchy, and it is still not interesting to sing.

While Wang Shuo was listening to the music, he was bragging to Lin Weimin about the power of his album.

Lin Weimin is not a member of the music industry, so what he said was listened to with one ear and confused with the other.

When Wang Shuo was done showing off, he asked Lin Weimin: "Are you free next weekend?"

"What's up?"

"Let's get together. We haven't gotten together for such a long time. I've already found a place, so I'll go to the Kunlun Hotel. Haiyan is fooling around there, so I asked him to sign the bill!"

Wang Shuo said with a bit of a thief's smile on his face.

"Okay, I'll be there when the time comes."

After having dinner at Lin Weimin's house, Wang Shuo left with his wife and daughter.

At work the next day, Lin Weimin had just finished a meeting when he met someone from the editor-in-chief's office in the corridor and told him that someone was looking for him.

"He is the son of your classmate, named Huang Jianan."

Lin Weimin was in a trance when he heard the words, and memories from the Institute of Literary Studies many years ago came to mind.

He walked into the editor's office, glanced around, and saw a young man with a thin figure and eyes.

"Huang Jianan."

Huang Jianan raised his head and recognized Lin Weimin at a glance, "Hello, Uncle Lin!"


There was not much age difference between the two of them. The uncle's call caught him off guard, and Lin Weimin hesitantly agreed.

Lin Weimin led Huang Jianan into his office and poured him a cup of tea.

"Is this a business trip to Yanjing?"


"How is your dad now? He's in good health."

"It's okay. I don't have any major illnesses. The minor illnesses are all the injuries I accumulated when I was young."

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