1980 My literary era

Chapter 662: Feeling a little guilty

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, the firecrackers last night were set off at two o'clock in the middle of the night, and started again from four o'clock this morning. It is rumored that starting this year, Yanjing will ban fireworks.

The people seemed to want to take this opportunity to have one last carnival.

After the family members greeted each other in the early morning, Lin Weimin and Tao Huimin hugged their little bean bags and prepared to go out to pay New Year greetings.

The car was full of paper scraps. After cleaning up, Lin Weimin started the car. Due to the long period of setting off firecrackers, the weather that should have been bright became foggy, and the smell of saltpeter and sulfur in the air became more pungent.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable to ban the release.

The car drove to the high-rise building in Muxidi, and a family of three went upstairs. Wan Fang opened the door.

Mr. Wan's family is also prosperous this year. His two daughters are here, but his eldest daughter and his younger daughter are far away from home.

Mr. Wan has been in poor health for the past two years and wanted to have a reunion year.

Lin Weimin's family received a warm welcome from Mr. Wan's family. Except for Wan Fang's family, who were familiar with Lin Weimin, Wan Rao's family was very curious about Lin Weimin.

Of course they knew that Lin Weimin was his father's student, but they rarely met him. Moreover, now Lin Weimin's reputation in the country was at its peak, and he seemed to be better than his predecessors, but he was younger than their sisters.

Tao Huimin was holding a small bean bag and chatting with several lesbians, while Lin Weimin sat on the sofa with Mr. Wan and chatted. There were two sons-in-law beside him, but they didn't talk much. Most of the time, they listened to Mr. Wan and Lin Weimin chatting.

"The 'Buhu Book Series' you created in the Chinese Literature Society is quite popular. Even some old comrades around me are asking about it." Mr. Wan said with a smile.

"Of course the purpose of giving such a high remuneration is for advertising purposes. What you say proves that we have succeeded."

"Are many people contacting you?"

"Many, more than imagined." Lin Weimin paused and said, "The writers have also had a hard time in the past two years. Some people's works are even difficult to publish. The remuneration standard of the Buhu Series is the only one in China. , the requirements are not many, many people want to give it a try, and it doesn’t matter if they don’t succeed.”

When he said this, a somewhat narrow smile appeared on his face, "There are many people who asked us to keep it secret and not to spread the news about his registration, for fear that he would be embarrassed if he was not selected."

Hearing this, Mr. Wan and his two sons-in-law all had smiles on their faces.

Those who can contact the Chinese Literature Society to make such a request must be well-known domestic writers. It is only natural to have such concerns.

"Can I ask if anyone I know knows?"

Mr. Wan suddenly showed a bit of an old naughty look and asked Lin Weimin.

Lin Weimin hesitated for a moment, "You're putting me in a bit of a dilemma."

"Can't I ask?" Mr. Wan pretended to be unhappy.

"It's not impossible."

Lin Weimin's eyes glanced at the two sons-in-law. Mr. Wan glanced at them, and they got up and walked away knowingly.

Lin Weimin then sat down next to Mr. Wan with confidence and muttered. Mr. Wan's face jumped from time to time as he listened to Lin Weimin's words.

"And him!"

"Why is he joining in the fun?"

"I really didn't realize it. This person is also short of money?"

The teacher and the student gossiped for a long time, and Mr. Wan finally satisfied his desire for gossip and was satisfied.

After sitting at Mr. Wan's house for almost an hour, Lin Weimin's family of three came out, and then rushed to Shi Tiesheng's house.

The new home on Jintai Road is a little more remote than before, but the advantage is that the new building makes living very convenient.

Firecrackers are not allowed to be set off in several buildings near Muxidina, but not on Jintai Road. The firecrackers went off for most of the night last night. Neither Shi Tiesheng nor Shi's father had a good sleep, and they looked haggard when they met.

Lin Weimin was busy with work and hadn't seen Shi Tiesheng for a while. They chatted for a while. After lunch, Lin Weimin saw that his face was not good, so he pushed him into the bedroom.

There is a large bed in Shi Tiesheng's bedroom, which is different from other people's homes. It is a bed that can be raised and lowered, which is very common in hospitals. The bed rails are also painted with white paint.

"I haven't slept well all night, so I'm just finishing my meal right now. Let's take a rest. Huimin and I will leave first. I'll see when we can get together when we are free."

Lin Weimin put Shi Tiesheng on the bed and said to him.


After leaving Shi Tiesheng's house, Lin Weimin's family of three returned home.

After having children, New Year greetings cannot be as casual as before. Most of the old relationships can only be greeted by a phone call, and everyone understands this.

Two days later, the Spring Festival holiday was over, and Lin Weimin returned to his normal work rhythm.

After going to work, he first went to the Tongwen Society.

After two years of development, Tongwen News Agency has made great progress in terms of personnel and efficiency.

There are still two editorial rooms. Except for the editorial department of "Kyushu Heroes", which maintains its staffing unchanged, the original martial arts literature editing room has been expanded into a popular literature editing room. The number of editors has expanded from the original four to eight. Internally, it is also classified as martial arts. Literary genres such as , romance, and officialdom are divided into several editorial groups.

Throughout last year, Lin Weimin spent less and less energy on Tongwen Publishing House, decentralizing the power of the publishing house to Li Xin, the vice president in charge of the work.

During this year, the sales volume of "Heroes of Kyushu" has steadily increased. The sales volume of each issue has stabilized between 4.2 million and 4.5 million copies. It has firmly established itself as the number one martial arts publication in China, and also in the field of popular literature publications. The only competitor in front of it is "Story Club".

In terms of book publishing and distribution, in addition to Jin Yong, Liang Yusheng, Huang Ying, Huang Yi and other famous Xiangjiang martial arts writers, last year Tongwen Press successively introduced Gu Long and Wo Longsheng, two famous Wandao martial arts writers. some of the works.

In addition, in the field of romance literature, Tongwenshe has also introduced works by several writers such as Ru Yishu and Xi Juan, and the sales have been impressive. It has published 12 kinds of books with a cumulative sales of 3.2 million copies.

As for criminal investigation and official literature, they are mainly works by domestic writers, with 9 kinds of books published and a cumulative sales of 2.1 million copies.

Including the sales of original martial arts literary works, the cumulative sales of Tongwenshe's books last year reached 23.5 million copies. Counting the total sales of "Heroes of Kyushu" of 42 million copies throughout the year, Tongwenshe's total sales for the whole year were 23.5 million copies. As high as 190 million, it has already overwhelmed the big brother of the Chinese Literature Society.

Last year, the total sales of Guowenshe was only 180 million yuan. It was really shameful to be surpassed by a younger brother who had only been established for two years.

From this, it is not difficult to see that today pure literature is facing the embarrassing situation of popular literature.

Apart from his great reputation, he really has nothing to offer.

Of course, things like Ma Yang are just false.

Compared with the fixed audience of pure literature, popular literature relies more on the distribution ability of channels. In order to quickly open up the market, Tongwenshe is particularly generous to booksellers, so the discounts for booksellers are also greater.

The real total revenue of Tongwen News this year was around 110 million. The remuneration and royalties paid this year alone amounted to 16 million. Adding in the largest printing, binding and publicity expenses, the annual net profit was as high as It can reach 13 million.

Among the remuneration and royalties paid to writers, Jin Yong alone received nearly 3 million yuan.

In addition to Jin Yong, Liang Yusheng, Huang Ying, Huang Yi and others also received income ranging from one million to hundreds of thousands. For these Xiangjiang martial arts writers, this is also a lot of money.

Other writers who collaborated with the company last year mostly received royalties ranging from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands of yuan.

It is worth mentioning that the martial arts novel "The Best in the World" written by Lin Weimin wearing a small diamond-style vest was serialized and published last year. The cumulative sales of the two volumes reached 4.6 million copies, bringing Lin Weimin more than 2 million in royalties. income.

People have to sigh again at the money-attracting ability of popular literature.

In terms of remuneration and royalty payments, Tongwen Society has inherited the fine tradition of the Chinese Literature Society and has never been in arrears. It has gradually gained a reputation among popular literature writers in the two places, and there is no need to worry about the source of manuscripts.

Lin Weimin presided over the first meeting of the year, and Li Xin was responsible for reporting on the results achieved last year. He had already reported them at the end of the year. The main content of his report today was the work direction of Tongwen News Agency in the coming year.

In addition to deeply exploring the potential of several major genres of literature and exploring new genre literature markets, Li Xin proposed the idea of ​​establishing another romance literature magazine.

After hearing his thoughts, Lin Weimin couldn't help but fell into deep thought. Domestic romance literature in the 1990s was at its peak at the beginning, especially the introduction of Qiong Yao TV series, which further boosted the popularity of romance literature.

Including Liang Fengyi's financial romance literature, there is also a huge market.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Weimin believed that romance literature magazines did have great potential. He readily agreed with Li Xin's idea and praised: "Your idea is very good. On the issue of founding the magazine, we must be willing to spend money and strive to make our reputation instantly."

"President, look at the title of this magazine..."

The naming of the publication was the right of the head of the unit, and Li Xin did not dare to overstep it.

Lin Weimin pondered for a moment, "Wang Wei's poem says: Red beans grow in the south, and a few branches will grow when spring comes. May you pick more, as this is the most lovesick thing. Wen Tingyun also has a poem: Exquisite dice hold red beans, deep into the bones of lovesickness, you know it. I think it's better to call it "Red Beans" Bar!"

""Hongdou"?" Li Xin recited it again, his eyes shining brightly, "What a name!"

Lin Weimin nodded with satisfaction. Well, this vice president has a bit of a bad taste.

Li Xin added: "President, there is one more thing. Last year, the types and titles of books published in our club reached a new high. We also need to create new romance publications. The workload in content review is getting bigger and bigger. You see, It’s not about adding a deputy editor position.”

Lin Weimin focused most of his energy on the Chinese Literature Society last year. Not only the administrative affairs of the Chinese Literature Society, but also the content review were shared by him and Li Xin. As more and more matters need to be handled, Li Xin also has some power. No arrest.

Lin Weimin said: "There is a lack of such a person. Let's do this..."

He said and looked at Li Xuegang, "Xuegang, you can be the deputy editor-in-chief. Yu Hua will be transferred to the popular literature editorial office as the director. We will conduct an internal review to see who can be the director of "Heroes of Nine Provinces". Worthy of responsibility."

If Lin Weimin dared to make such personnel transfers at the Chinese Literature Society, the vice presidents and deputy editors would have rebelled without Cheng Wanchun.

But who knew that Tongwen Society was founded by him? On this three-thirds of an acre of land, Lin Weimin really made the decision with just one word.

But he thought again and said, "Let's make a report to the agency again. Just say that the Tongwen Society is short of manpower and needs a deputy director for the popular literature editorial office."

Li Xin immediately understood what he meant. Any personnel changes usually involve moving one person or a group of people. Now that the positions have been internally digested by Tongwen Society, if the company knows about it, they will definitely have opinions.

Lin Weimin took out the position of deputy director, which was considered acceptable in the agency. There were professional barriers to the editor's job, and no one could get started immediately. The position of deputy director was just right.

Not to mention Li Xin's thoughts, Li Xuegang and Yu Hua, who had been promoted to official positions, were extremely excited. Before the meeting was over, they started making arrangements to treat guests to dinner.

Seeing Yu Hua jumping up and down, Lin Weimin couldn't help but shake his head.

A dog can't hold two ounces of sesame oil in his belly!

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