At the end of last year, Tongwen Society's attempt to catch up with Guowen Society was widely discussed by people within the society. This kind of catching up was not only in terms of foreign language, but also in all aspects.

Even if some data are still slightly different from those of the Chinese Literature Society, Tongwen Society has only been established for just two years after all.

Everyone is convinced that as long as Tongwenshe is given a few more years, there will be no suspense in fully catching up with its big brother, Guowenshe.

It is precisely because of the brilliant achievements created in a short period of time that Tongwen Society has now become a favorite within the Chinese Literature Society.

Just after the meeting, the news about the personnel changes of Tongwen Society spread throughout the Tongwen Society, which immediately triggered discussions among many colleagues.

Although it is only a subsidiary club, the development momentum of Tongwen Society is no worse than that of its big brother.

Forget it about Li Xin. After all, he was the director of the First Department of Contemporary Literature before. Even if he didn't go to the Tongwen Society, Lao Cheng was going to promote him to be the assistant to the president.

But at the beginning, Lin Weimin and Li Xuegang, a group of young people, were all juniors in the editorial office of the Chinese Literature Society. They did not even have the title of deputy editor or deputy director. Now, in just a few years, Li Xuegang has become a member of the Chinese Literature Society. Deputy Editor-in-Chief.

If your work is better in the future, when the deputy editor-in-chief of the Chinese Literature Society becomes available, can you not be transferred back as a deputy editor-in-chief immediately?

From the deputy editor-in-chief of a subordinate agency to the deputy editor-in-chief of a superior agency, it was an easy leap. In a few years, he was transformed into the leader of the agency.

Many old comrades feel a little unfair when they think of such a scene. After working hard all their lives, they are not promoted as fast as other young people who work for three to five years.

Some people are envious, some are jealous, this is normal.

Cheng Wuchun also received reactions from some people not long after the meeting. These people believed that Lin Weimin was making a big talk at Tongwen Society and did not take the Chinese Literature Society, the superior society, and the leaders of the society seriously. Such an important matter as adding a new deputy editor-in-chief to the literary society was decided at an internal meeting.

Even if it was just to show off, Cheng Wanchun had to talk to Lin Weimin.

Lin Weimin was naturally aware of some of the comments made in the club over the past two days, but he didn't take them to heart.

"You tell me, let's communicate in advance. Isn't it just a matter of one sentence to promote whom?" Cheng Wuchun said.

"Lao Cheng, that's not what you said at the beginning!"

Cheng Wuchun was slightly embarrassed when he heard this.

When Tongwen Society was founded, it was very poor and did not even have an office. Many people were afraid of being transferred to Tongwen Society by Lin Weimin's name, so they walked around when they saw him.

At that time, in order to better support the development of Tongwen Society, the Social Committee headed by Cheng Wuchun unanimously passed all personnel matters of Tongwen Society to Lin Weimin. The Chinese Society actively cooperated and never hindered Lin Weimin.

Therefore, as the president and editor-in-chief of Tongwen News Agency, Lin Weimin has an absolute say in personnel transfers within the agency.

But now that Tongwenshe is developing well, it is inevitable that some people will become jealous.

"Isn't the situation different now! We are also a big society."

Lao Cheng took the initiative to pour a cup of tea for Lin Weimin, with a hint of compliment.

The weasel paid New Year greetings to the rooster. No, it was a courtesy to others, so it must ask for something. Lin Weimin looked at Cheng Wuchun warily.

"Why are you looking at me like this? As if I want to harm you." Cheng Wuchun said dissatisfied.

"It won't hurt me. Maybe you can dig a hole for me."

Cheng Wuchun blew his beard and stared, "The heart of a villain."

"Seriously." He said seriously, "I heard that you are planning to create another magazine?"

"I have this plan to create a romance magazine called "Red Bean"."

"Good name!"

Cheng Wuchun shamelessly flattered him, but Lin Weimin didn't know what to say for a moment, so he was so polite to Lao Cheng. As long as he didn't step down, everything was easy to discuss.

"There's no suitable candidate for editor-in-chief yet, right?" Cheng Wuchun said at a loss.

Lin Weimin said honestly: "No, I just plan to choose one among several editors."

"Well, how about thinking about the people in the club?"

"This... my idea is that the editor-in-chief should have some experience and connections in this field. After all, it is a new publication. If you want to be an instant success, you must have some ability." Lin Weimin said frankly, and he asked again: "Li Xin's report is coming up. Right? There is also a deputy editor position in the popular literature editing room."

Cheng Wuchun understood what Lin Weimin meant and said, "Then give me a deputy editor. There are many capable young people in the agency now, but the promotion path is still too narrow."

"If you guys don't retreat, how can they get to the top?" Lin Weimin muttered.

Cheng Wuchun pretended not to hear Lin Weimin's complaints. Anyway, he had two deputy editor positions in his hands, so he could stop the mouths of the people in the agency.

There is also a deputy editor-in-chief who will arrive this year. In this way, the three positions are enough to stir up the waters of the Chinese Literature Society. This year, he should not need to worry about personnel issues anymore.

Thinking of this mileage in early spring makes me feel better.

After talking to Cheng Wuchun, Lin Weimin started busy working.

At the end of the year, the call for essays for the Buhu Book Series was launched with great fanfare. Although its popularity increased, all work was suspended due to the Chinese New Year.

Now that the new year has just begun, manuscripts are pouring in from all over the country.

In order to solicit essays for the Buhu Series, Lin Weimin specially set up an editorial team for the "Buhu Series" within the Chinese Literature Society, mainly recruiting people from the Contemporary Literature Section One, Two Sections and Classical Literature Section. In addition, he also invited five people who have already Retired senior editors serve as review editors.

There are a total of twelve people in the entire editorial team, including Lin Weimin, the chief editor, and they are very strong.

Within half a month of the beginning of the new year, the editorial team of Buhuhu Series has received nearly 50 manuscripts, nearly half of which are from well-known domestic writers, and the other half are new authors who come to try their luck.

Such a huge number of manuscripts is a test for everyone on the editorial team.

Everyone has been working hard almost as soon as they came back from vacation. Qin Chaoyang and other senior editors and reviewers even called out that they were fooled. If they had known that the workload of the Buhu Series editorial team was so heavy, they would not join in the fun. , and finally gave up after blackmailing Lin Weimin for a meal at Xiangjiang Food Court.

The first book in the Buhu Book Series has been determined to be "The Wasted City" by Jia Pingwa, but Lin Weimin is not in a hurry to release it, but is patiently waiting for the editors to continue to discover potential works, and it is best to attract a group of domestic works. well-known writer, and then held a grand signing ceremony to once again build the reputation of the Buhu Book Series.

After more than twenty days, the editorial team finally completed the review of the first batch of nearly 50 manuscripts, and only four novels were submitted to Lin Weimin.

Each of the works selected for the Buhu Book Series will receive an astronomical royalties of RMB 150 per thousand words. Therefore, Lin Weimin does not need to emphasize that the editorial team has set a very high threshold for this review work.

But Lin Weimin was not very satisfied after reading the four manuscripts. He only left one novel called "Bitter World". The author of this novel was called Hong Feng. Lin Weimin knew it. In the past few years, he had written avant-garde literature. He has created quite a reputation and is considered one of the writers who was fooled by him into the big ship of avant-garde literature.

Of course, Lin Weimin took a fancy to his manuscript not because of this incident, but because of Hong Feng's storytelling ability in "The World of Bitterness".

Since the 1990s, pure literature has gradually declined. Although there are reasons for the external environment, the self-reliance and self-entertainment of a large number of writers is also a very important reason.

Many writers don't even have the basic ability to tell a story smoothly. How can something written by such a person be considered a good work? How about making readers like it? Let the market pay?

The biggest difference between the Buhu series and all previous domestic series is Lin Weimin's requirements for this series.

There are no taboos, stories come first, and readers are the first choice.

Twelve words express the original intention of the Buhu Book Series and also represent the criteria for selecting books.

But after reading the four manuscripts that made it to the final review list, Lin Weimin could clearly feel that the thinking of many editors was not as open as he thought, and they still reviewed manuscripts from a traditional purely literary perspective.

This cannot continue.

Lin Weimin first asked people to move all the 45 manuscripts that were eliminated from the first batch into his office. His colleagues in the editorial team didn't understand what Lin Weimin wanted to do, but they did it anyway.

Lin Weimin couldn't help but scratch his head when faced with dozens of manuscripts. There were really too many.

After looking through the registered book list, he found a familiar name after just a few glances.

"Flower Season and Rainy Season"?

Lin Weimin was instantly refreshed. He felt sleepy when he saw the title of the book. He was afraid that it was the same name, so he took a special look at the author's name.

"Yuxiu? Yes, that's the name."

He read the entire novel at a glance, and the content was basically the same as what he remembered.

"Flower Season and Rainy Season" is not an ordinary romance literature or pain literature. If I have to say it, it should be regarded as the originator of Chinese youth literature.

There are no bloody elements of so-called "youth literature" in later generations such as puppy love, abortion, and school dropout. "Flower Season and Rainy Season" tells the story of the youthful growth of a group of high school students in the young city of Pengcheng, from the carefree age of sixteen to The flowering season leads to the sensitive and thoughtful seventeen-year-old rainy season. These high school students have troubles, joys, growth, and losses.

The author Yuxiu was only sixteen years old when she wrote this novel. This novel was written in 1990, but it was not published until 1996.

In 1996, "Flower Season and Rainy Season" came out. Not only did it become popular on Chinese campuses in just a few months, it also won the National Book Award Nomination Award, the Five One Project Award and other awards. Then it was quickly adapted into movies, TV series, comics, etc., and became popular all over the country.

The reason why there was a six-year gap between the completion and publication of "Flower Season and Rainy Season" is precisely because many publishing houses were not optimistic about this novel describing the youthful growth of boys and girls.

The content of "Flower Season and Rainy Season" is not an ordinary vulgar romance novel. On the contrary, it has a fresh and clear feeling, which can be called excellent.

But even such a work with positive content and high quality still fails to impress many publisher editors. This shows how narrow and outdated the review standards of many so-called "pure literature" editors are today.

Thanks to my foresight, otherwise I would have missed this novel. Wouldn't the so-called "story first, reader first choice" concept of Buhuhu Series become empty talk? In the future, if "Flower Season and Rainy Season" becomes popular, the Buhuhu series will also become a laughing stock in the domestic publishing industry.

It took Lin Weimin a few more days to read through the rest of the manuscripts as quickly as possible, and after confirming that there were no best-selling works that would be familiar to future generations, he notified all members of the Buhu Book Series editorial team to come to the conference room for a meeting.

Doesn’t this update deserve a few monthly passes?

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