1980 My literary era

Chapter 722 This is the pattern

Haiyan did not expect that Lin Weimin's idea was to buy the script of "The True Colors of a Police".

"Why did you buy my script?"

In his opinion, how could a character like Teacher Lin like or use his scripts?

"Of course I want to try the field of TV drama production. But it's not me, but the Chinese Literature Society."

"The Chinese Literature Society wants to produce a TV series?"

The more Haiyan listened, the more confused he became. What kind of TV series could a publishing house be producing?

Lin Weimin smiled and said, "I won't be able to explain it for a while. I'll talk to you in detail later when things are settled. As for the script, I think you can leave it to us, and the fee will definitely be favorable. In addition, during the production of the TV series, How about you, the screenwriter, having a certain say?"

Haiyan no longer hesitated, "No problem, I listen to you!"

Haiyan and Lin Weimin have known each other for so many years, and they know that if they follow Teacher Lin, they will never suffer a loss, so they agreed with Lin Weimin's idea without saying a word.

Early the next morning, Lin Weimin blocked Cheng Wuchun in the office.

"Lao Cheng, you will retire in three years, right?"

Lin Weimin's question immediately made Cheng Wuchun alert, like a dog guarding the rice bowl. Is this kid the prince getting tired of being a crooked man and wants to usurp the throne?

"What's the meaning?"

"Do you want to do something big before retiring?" Lin Weimin asked in a very bewitching tone.

His expression and tone were all too familiar to Cheng Wanchun.

Lin Weimin would adopt this posture every time he needed to take the blame.

"In no mood!"

Cheng Wuchun shook his head and firmly refused.

"You, you have no ambition! No wonder you want to be the president!" Lin Weimin said angrily.

"You kid, stop pouring me the ecstasy soup! Talk about something if you have something to say!" Cheng Wuchun didn't fall for his tricks and behaved very soberly.

Lin Weimin saw that provocation was not enough, so he had to lower his posture and pretend to be a treacherous villain to slander the emperor.

"You see, the Chinese Literature Society is prospering under your leadership. You have made great contributions to our Chinese Literature Society. Since you came to power, our Chinese Literature Society has taken one step at a time. In just a few years, we have already made great achievements. The People's Society next door pinned them to the ground and beat them..."

"Hey, don't say these words that are not conducive to unity." Lao Cheng waved his hand to stop Lin Weimin's words.

"Yes, yes. What I mean is that our Chinese Publishing House is developing well now. We are building printing plants, subsidiaries, and family buildings. Our annual printing volume and sales can account for 10% of the national publishing house. Four or five points in the world are inseparable from your hard work day and night."

Lin Weimin's flattery made Cheng early spring feel happy and satisfied. At this moment, Lin Weimin hesitated, "But..."

Comrade Lao Cheng was floating when he suddenly noticed someone tugging on his pants, and his heart immediately tightened, "But what?"

"Have you never thought that our Chinese Literature Club is a bit too eye-catching now that it is so big?"


Lao Cheng immediately hesitated. Thinking about it carefully, the Chinese Literature Society has indeed been a bit too pushy in the past two years.

Domestic publishing houses are generally not large in scale, and even some national-level publishing houses generally have an output value of less than 100 million yuan.

There are publishing houses with subsidiaries, there are publishing houses with printing plants, and there are publishing houses with JZ Construction, but there is only one publishing house that can combine these three things.

Lin Weimin observed Cheng Wuchun's expression, and added to his anger, saying, "Didn't you hear? I heard that there has been an idea of ​​setting up a publishing group!"

As soon as he said this, Cheng Wuchun couldn't sit still, "I've heard people say it twice, but now it's just this kind of voice. It's not easy to set up a publishing group, and you need to suppress all the forces. .”

If a national-level publishing group is to be established, the first ones to be incorporated will definitely be the People's Publishing House, the Chinese Publishing House and other publishing houses affiliated with government departments.

The feudal lords who were originally separated from each other would be co-opted if they established a publishing group. No one would be happy to leave them alone, especially since the Chinese Literature Society is still developing so well.

"There is no need to press, just wait. Think about it, many publishing houses are in decline now. It is not easy for many publishing houses to stay still. Good publishing houses that can truly develop like ours are even rarer. .

Wait another two or three years. When you retire, the superiors suddenly say that they will set up a publishing group and incorporate our Chinese Literature Society.

Is your decades of hard work, no, the hard work of generations of our Chinese Literature Society, all in vain? How can this be worthy of me... well, worthy of those seniors? "

Lin Weimin's words made Comrade Lao Cheng very worried, even though he knew that this boy was suspected of being an alarmist.

However, we have to guard against this situation!

"What's your idea?"

Translate this: Is the plan going to come out?

"If you ask me, if the superiors really want to incorporate us, we can't stop it even if we want to. This is the general trend, but we can think of some ways from other aspects."

"for example?"

"For example, we are developing so well that even if the higher-ups want to merge, we can't find a reason."

"Isn't the tail big... bah, the branches are strong but the trunk is weak?"

"That's right. Think about it, if we merge to form a publishing group, assuming that the output value of our publishing house accounts for more than 70% of the group's output value, will the boss be embarrassed? Even if he really wants to merge us, we have a reason to make trouble!"

Cheng Wanchun thought for a moment and nodded, "It makes sense."

"So, we must now concentrate on development and construction."

"Be practical."

Lin Weimin said slowly: "It is not easy to develop on a large scale. Our publishing house is a traditional industry, and the upper limit is there. It is impossible for our publishing house to account for 20% of the country's printing volume. This is not Realistic. So I think we should dig deeper into our advantages as the upstream of the content industry!"

Content industry? Upstream?

Cheng Wanchun has long been immune to the new words that pop up in Lin Weimin's mouth from time to time, so he only needs to understand the meaning.

“My initial idea is that some copyright operation projects can be developed.”

Copyright operation?

"You mean making movies and TV shows?"

Lin Weimin nodded, "It can be understood that way, but it is not limited to these two media. Movies, TV series, radio, comics, animation..."

"Stop, stop, stop, the more you talk, the more boundless you are!" Cheng Wuchun interrupted Lin Weimin and asked: "Isn't that right? Our publishing house only has the publishing rights for other people's novels. Besides, our Chinese Literature Society is just a publishing house, so We don’t have the resources to do these things!”

Lin Weimin smiled slightly, "Other books don't have copyrights, but the books in the Buhu Series do!"

Cheng Wuchun was stunned for a moment, "When did you do it?"

"It's just when you don't know!" Lin Weimin said casually.

Cheng Wanchun's heart was filled with confusion. This bastard was blocking the audience!

"Did the writers agree? Or did you do it behind your back?"

"When we signed the contract, we mentioned it and pointed out the specific terms to them. No one cared, and everyone understood that many works had no copyright value at all, let alone so many weird copyrights.

And it’s not like we don’t want to pay. The contract stipulates that if the copyright operation is successful, we and the writer will split the share 30/70. We will be 3/7, and the writer will be 70/70. What do they have to disagree with? "

Hearing what he said, Cheng Wanchun felt relieved.

Lin Weimin didn't say this, but it was a 30-70 share after deducting operating costs.

It's a big deal here. Lin Weimin doesn't want to trick anyone. The main thing is that everyone makes money together. The Chinese Literature Society works hard and the share of the profit is still small. It can't be paid for the operating expenses.

"Besides, you said you don't have the resources to do this, so cooperation is enough. It would be best to control several content production companies. In this way, we will have absolute control over the content."

Cheng Wanchun's tone was a bit uncertain, "Why do I get more and more mysterious the more I hear it?"

"Wouldn't you know if it's mysterious or not if you try it?" Lin Weimin said with determination.

"How to try?"

"I wrote a TV drama script. The TV drama market has been improving in the past two years. Let's test the waters of TV drama production first."

After talking for a long time, I finally saw it.

Cheng Wuchun said: "We've been talking for a long time, are you waiting for me here?"

"Look at what you said, am I so clueless? Just to make a crappy TV series, what am I doing? Let me tell you, overseas, this is called Intellectual Property.

You know "Superman", right? That is movies adapted from comic books, as well as various derivatives. If they work well, they will definitely make money.

And Disney, Disney knows that, right?

Once this is done, our Chinese Literature Society will be able to transform into a media group! "

Lin Weimin boasted about not drafting, but Lao Cheng was deeply attracted by the four words "media group".

Media Group!

As long as you are in an industry that has something to do with the media, who can bear this word?

"Unreliable, so unreliable!"

Lao Cheng kept shaking his head with his remaining sanity.

"Try what you're afraid of!"

"You need money to try it. To invest in a TV series, it costs 1.8 million at least. We just built a printing factory last year, and this year we have to buy equipment and build a house. We have no money!"

When money was mentioned, Old Cheng's old ways started to show up.

"You don't have the destiny to do big things!" Lin Weimin hated the fact that iron could not make steel.

"I didn't say that you have to spend money to do big things." Cheng Wanchun argued. He thought about it for a while, maybe feeling guilty, and said, "If you don't want to spend money, you can give it a try."

"If you weren't so stingy, the emperor would still have hungry soldiers!"

"I'm not the emperor. As long as you don't spend any money, you can use the company's resources as you wish."

Comrade Lao Cheng finally had his conscience intact.

"What are the uses of the resources in the society? Apart from a group of editors and a bunch of books. 1 million, just 1 million. You get me two more people, and I will set up a copyright operations department first.

To tell you the truth, I originally planned to wait until you retire to do this.

But chatting with friends, I found that now is a good time. Entering early can establish a first-mover advantage. "

Cheng Wuchun immediately understood what Lin Weimin meant. This guy had even thought about what to do after he abdicated. He was really ambitious!

"Okay, just 1 million."

"That's right!"

"Let's make an agreement first. If we pay, we'll lose it."

Cheng Wanchun was like a wealthy landlord who kept his purse strings tightly shut.

"Don't worry, we can't pay for it!" Lin Weimin patted his chest as a guarantee.

"Are you that confident?"

"The market is great! Nowadays, TV stations everywhere are making a lot of money from advertising fees. The supply of TV dramas is still in a state of exceeding demand. As long as the filming is not too bad or the line is too high, it is almost like picking up money."

Cheng Zuochun felt relieved after hearing this, "Then work hard. If you do a good job, I will give you an advanced award next year!"

Lin Weimin looked over with disdain, that's all!

I remembered the wrong time in the previous chapter. "Prime Minister Liu Luo Guo" was broadcast in 1996. It had not been filmed at this time. There was no such thing as investing in making money. The content of the previous chapter involving "Prime Minister Liu Luo Guo" has been modified. , hereby corrected.

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