1980 My literary era

Chapter 723 First Mover Advantage

The office on the third floor of the Chinese Literature Society, which had been idle for many years and was used to store debris, suddenly had a sign saying, "Copyright Operations Department."

This small change was rarely noticed by the editors who usually only work on the first and second floors. It was the employees who often visited the third floor who discovered the office and publicized it.

Copyright Operations Department.

The name is easy to understand. It should be the department that commercializes some copyrighted works owned by the Chinese Literature Society!

However, there is limited information on how to operate it specifically, and everyone is at a loss.

The only information I know is that Xiao Liu from the editor-in-chief’s office was transferred to the copyright operations department.

"Hey, Xiao Liu, tell everyone, what does this Copyright Operations Department do?"

During lunch, a group of curious colleagues surrounded Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu smiled bitterly, "I don't know either!"

"Look, we are all old colleagues for so many years. It's not like we don't know how strict we are. Tell us, tell us!" colleagues urged.

Xiao Liu was helpless and said with a serious face: "I really don't know! To tell you the truth, the day before yesterday the editor-in-chief said he would transfer me to the copyright operations department, and I went there in the afternoon.

After arriving, the first thing to do is to put up the sign, and the second thing to do is clean up.

I looked for the editor-in-chief to ask me what my job responsibilities and content were, and the editor-in-chief gave me a task. "

"What mission?" everyone asked.

"Statistics on the communication methods of all writers who cooperate with our agency."

Everyone was confused after hearing this. The statistical communication method must be to facilitate contact with writers, but everyone still has no understanding of the work content of the Copyright Operations Department.

While the staff of the Chinese Publishing House were discussing the newly established Copyright Operations Department, Lin Weimin was also busy with the business of the Copyright Operations Department.

Kunlun Hotel.

Today is Lin Weimin's treat. He has invited Wang Shuo, Feng Xiaogang, Zheng Xiaolong and Haiyan. There are also two guests, one of whom is Ren Hao, the director of CCTV.

Seeing Ren Hao, Lin Weimin hugged him cordially.

"Teacher Lin, long time no see!"

"Director Ren, long time no see!"

Ren Hao was originally a director at Qindao TV Station and later transferred to CCTV. He personally directed the TV series adaptations of Lin Weimin's earliest spy war-themed works. In the early 1980s, he became popular all over the country and won unanimous praise from countless audiences.

Meeting old friends, Ren Hao greeted everyone present and started chatting warmly with Lin Weimin.

He was born in 1934 and just retired this year.

"It's a little early for such an excellent director to retire at the age of 60. Director Xie and the others are still making films in their seventies!" Lin Weimin said.

Ren Hao smiled and waved his hand and said: "It's different. There used to be a shortage of talents, but now young people have come up. I, a veteran, can't block everyone's way."

Feng Xiaogang said at this time: "Director Ren, our generation has grown up watching your plays. Old artists like you get better and better with age. Now that you have retired, you have just put down your burden, and you should be pursuing more We are riding high on the road of art.”

Although these words he said sounded like flattery, they still made people laugh. Ren Hao laughed and responded with a few words.

A few people were talking. Another guest today has arrived.

Wang Shuo introduced: "For the people, this is Mr. Liu from Hairun."

"Teacher Lin, hello, hello!"

Liu Yanming was a rich middle-aged man. When he entered the room without looking at anyone else, he rushed to Lin Weimin and extended his hands enthusiastically.

"Mr. Liu, thank you for the honor today!" Lin Weimin said with a smile.

"Whatever you said, if you have something to offer me, I have to come even if I'm far away from home!"

Liu Yanming's tone is exaggerated, and he has the temperament of a reckless businessman in the 1990s.

"I had dinner with Minister Tan twice, and everyone at the table talked about your demeanor when you were helping CCTV. It was really admirable!"

The Minister Liu Yanming refers to is Tan Xisong, the director of the advertising department of CCTV.

"Come on, come on, sit down first, sit down first."

When all the guests arrived, Haiyan arranged the food delivery with a hint of intelligence.

Lin Weimin invited Ren Hao and Liu Yanming to serve as hosts today, and the other people's duties were mainly to accompany him.

Wang Shuo and Feng Xiaogang run Good Dreams Company and have business dealings with Liu Yanming. Liu Yanming also invested in a TV series between them called "Good Dreams Dedicated to You", which is planned to be produced by Yanjing TV Station.

Zheng Xiaolong and Liu Yanming have the same connection. Liu Yanming first worked as a temporary worker in a publishing house. In 1983, Mr. Zhou Shachen, a famous newspaperman, founded the magazine "Elderly World" and was in urgent need of manpower. Liu Yanming got the opportunity and served successively as a reporter, "Elderly World" and "Elderly World". Editor, editor-in-chief, editorial director and other positions.

In 1986, Mr. Zhou Shachen retired. Due to disagreements with the new leaders, Liu Yanming resigned from "Old Man's World" and joined Yanjing TV Station that year. He took over Zheng Xiaolong's position at that time - Producer of the Ministry of Literature and Art director.

After working at Yanjing TV Station for three years and accumulating a certain network of contacts, Liu Yanming chose the right opportunity to go into business and established Hairun International Advertising Co., Ltd. in 1989.

In the first three years since its establishment, Hairun Advertising was mainly an advertising agency, and then it became involved in advertising production. Advertisements such as Yangzi Electric Appliances and Yanwu Radio Recorder are all classic cases created by Hairun Advertising. Liu Yanming has also relied on Hairun Advertising in the past two years. With outstanding development, he became a prominent figure in the Yanjing media industry.

Liu Yanming is in the advertising industry and has seen the development of the domestic television industry. He knows that due to economic development, the advertising business of television stations is booming and the audience's demand for TV series is much stronger than before.

At present, the country has not yet opened the field of TV drama production to private capital, so he took a sidestep and wanted to invest in TV dramas through affiliation. It was on this basis that Good Dream Company's "Good Dreams Dedicated to You" was born.

However, just after Wang Shuo and Feng Xiao collected the money, there was no news about the TV series, which made Liu Yanming anxious.

Wang Shuo called him yesterday and said that Lin Weimin wanted to treat him to dinner.

When Liu Yanming first heard this, he suspected that he was hallucinating. What kind of person was Lin Weimin who could treat him to dinner?

After Wang Shuo chatted with him, he realized that it turned out that Wang Shuo had a good relationship with Lin Weimin. He heard that Liu Yanming was going to enter the field of TV series production and wanted to talk to him.

Liu Yanming naturally wanted to get to know someone like Lin Weimin, so he was overjoyed and agreed to today's dinner.

After greeting each other for a few words, the waiter served the food. Everyone took a few bites of the food and chatted while eating.

With acquaintances such as Wang Shuo and Zheng Xiaolong around, everyone chatted without any restraint.

After a while, Lin Weimin asked: "I heard that Mr. Liu intends to develop into the field of TV drama production?"

Liu Yanming nodded cheerfully in front of Mingren and said, "That's right. I own an advertising company and have communicated with many TV stations across the country. Nowadays, TV stations all over the country are hungry for dramas, and after these few years, advertisers By investing heavily in advertising, TV stations have money in their hands. Unlike in the past where you could pay a minimum price for TV dramas, I think TV dramas will be a very good investment area in the future."

Lin Weimin nodded slightly and praised: "Mr. Liu has a vision!"

"You flatter me."

After being polite, Liu Yanming calmly waited for Lin Weimin's next words.

Sure enough, a moment later I heard Lin Weimin say: "I work at the Chinese Literature Society, Mr. Liu must know that, right?"

"Understand, understand."

"Our Chinese Literature Society is a publishing house, which is somewhat related to movies and TV series. In recent years, many of the books we have published have been adapted into movies and TV series by TV stations and studios in various places."

When this topic was brought up, Liu Yanming spoke like a treasure trove, "There are indeed quite a few. I have watched all the movies and TV series adapted from your works, including Mo Yan's "Red Sorghum" and He Yunlu's "New Star"... there are too many."

"That's right. Speaking of which, our publishing house has an upstream and downstream relationship with film and TV series production companies. We are all content manufacturers in the cultural industry. All literary works generally go through various art forms after being published. adaptation.

So recently, our Chinese Literature Society has also established a Copyright Operations Department. Its main business is to act as an agent for the copyright of writers' works, and to cooperate with some production companies to develop film and television projects..."

When Lin Weimin said this, Liu Yanming completely understood the origin of today's meal, and he quickly thought about the pros and cons of cooperation.

"I brought you here today just to talk about cooperation." Lin Weimin said this, and then said to Ren Hao and Zheng Xiaolong, "Director Ren, Xiaolong, you two are the mainstays of CCTV and YanTV. From your perspective, do you think it would be feasible for our Chinese Literature Society and Mr. Liu’s company to get involved in the field of TV drama production?”

Liu Yanming also looked at Zheng Xiaolong and Ren Hao.

Zheng Xiaolong was the first to speak: "Of course this is a good opportunity. Teacher Lin, let's put it this way, when we were filming "Desire", we were looking for money everywhere. Now the situation is different. There are many bosses who are willing to invest money in us. , the requirements are not high, I will give you some dividends, and help promote the company or products by the way, everyone will benefit from each other."

Ren Hao pondered and said: "Now that you are involved in the field of TV drama production, it is no problem to make money. However, the country has not yet let go of this area, so we can only cooperate with TV stations."

Lin Weimin said: "Director Ren's consideration is right. But the news I got is that next year the country will let private companies enter the field of TV drama production. Our intervention this year can be regarded as preparation in advance."

When Liu Yanming heard Lin Weimin's words, he was shocked and delighted. What surprised him was that Lin Weimin's connections allowed him to know news about reforms involving culture and publicity a year in advance.

The good news is that if the production of TV series is really liberalized next year, then he will enter the market early this year. With this first-mover advantage, he will definitely be able to flex his muscles in the field of TV series.

Liu Yanming then thought about last year, when it was widely rumored in Yanjing that Lin Weimin would be transferred to the Film Bureau as director. Although it did not happen in the end, everyone still saw Lin Weimin's strong influence in certain fields.

Moreover, Liu Yanming also heard that Lin Weimin made a great contribution to last year's Shanghai International Film Festival, inviting judges and increasing business volume. He also heard that Lin Weimin scolded some officials at the film festival. Even though their heads were wet, these people didn’t dare to talk back.

If we can cooperate with such people, it will definitely be beneficial to Liu Yanming and his Hairun Company.

The idea was confirmed in his mind in a flash, Liu Yanming laughed and said: "Teacher Lin really has great hands and eyes. With your connections, there is nothing he can't do!"

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