1980 My literary era

Chapter 724 Giving up is not failure

Liu Yanming is not opposed to cooperation with the Chinese Literature Society. After all, the domestic TV drama production field has not been opened to the private economy at all, and he has no foundation in this field.

Cooperating with others, especially with institutions and celebrities with strong backgrounds like the Chinese Literature Society and Lin Weimin, has only advantages and no disadvantages in the short term.

Liu Yanming is a shrewd businessman. In a flash, he figured out the pros and cons of the matter. This time it was totally worth cooperating.

Seeing his straightforward statement, Lin Weimin said to Zheng Xiaolong and Ren Hao: "Haiyan recently collaborated with Wei Ren on a script called "The True Colors of a Policeman", which is of good quality. My idea was developed by our Chinese Literature Society and Mr. Liu. The company and Yan Shilai are cooperating, and Director Ren will be the director as a test for everyone's cooperation. I wonder if you have any ideas?"

Zheng Xiaolong said directly: "With Teacher Lin, you can organize the game, I can rest assured. I will take care of the art center and I will never let you down."

Ren Hao said: "Teacher Lin, I haven't directed a play in two years. If you ask me to be the director, I'm afraid of causing trouble to you!"

Before Lin Weimin could speak, Liu Yanming said: "Director Ren, you are so humble. When you directed Mr. Lin's spy trilogy, it is now a classic among classics. I must watch it every time it is replayed. Just rush With your directing skills, it would be our honor to join our TV series!"

Liu Yanming's words were both persuasion and statement, allowing Lin Weimin to see his sincerity in cooperation.

"Director Ren, please stop being modest. You must be the director of the TV series "The True Colors of a Police"!" Lin Weimin urged.

Everyone took turns to persuade him, which was a bit like asking and resigning, and Ren Hao finally agreed.

"Okay, since everyone doesn't dislike it and appreciates the wrong love, then I will continue to use my old bones to show off my remaining energy!"

With Ren Hao's commitment, the overall framework of this cooperation has been reached.

Chinese Literature Society invested 200,000 yuan and the script, Liu Yanming and Hairun Company invested 1 million yuan, Yanshi was responsible for production and broadcasting, and there was also a behind-the-scenes creative team composed of Ren Hao and Haiyan, totaling four parties.

"As for the investment share and profit distribution, I will tell you my thoughts and let everyone see if it is feasible."

When Lin Weimin spoke, everyone looked at him, and he continued: "Now there are four parties, and Mr. Liu's Hairun has contributed the majority of the funds, so the profit distribution will naturally be the largest. I think 60% is not too much.

Our Chinese Literature Society contributed 200,000 yuan and scripts, accounting for 20%. Yanzhi is responsible for the production, but the funds are raised by the crew themselves. In fact, it is more about using your qualifications to give you 15%.

The remaining 5% I want to give to the creative team behind the scenes. The success or failure of a TV series is closely related to the talent, experience and dedication of the main creators. With this encouragement, I believe they can create better works.

Of course, the share given to the behind-the-scenes must be based on the TV series making qualified profits.

Our investment in this drama is 1.2 million. I think the profit limit is 50%. No dividends will be paid for profits below 50%. The 5% share will be divided among the three of us in proportion. Only dividends above 50% will be distributed to the creative team behind the scenes.

What do you think? "

As soon as Lin Weimin finished speaking, Liu Yanming immediately said: "You are still thoughtful!"

He was the first to stand up and support Lin Weimin. His thoughts were simple. Firstly, Lin Weimin's method was indeed relatively fair. Secondly, since he had already expressed his intention to cooperate, it would be better to be more cheerful and generous.

Zheng Xiaolong represents the art center. They borrow their qualifications and team and can get 15%, and the price is very reasonable.

The most surprising ones were Ren Hao and Hai Yan. They didn't expect that there was something about them involved.

Haiyan asked: "Teacher Lin, do we also get dividends?"

"The quality of a TV series has a lot to do with the main creative staff. To put it bluntly, whether this TV series can make money depends entirely on you, and it is natural for them to get dividends."

Lin Weimin's attention made Haiyan and Ren Hao full of excitement and touch. Lin Weimin continued: "But there are two things I want to say first. One is that in addition to dividends, you will still receive your royalties and labor expenses; the other is the 5% dividend ratio. It’s for the entire creative team. Now there are only two of you in the creative team, but it doesn’t mean that you are the only two who share the money.”

Not only will you receive dividends, but you will also receive royalties and labor services.

Haiyan nodded, suppressing the happiness in his heart: "Understood."

Ren Hao also said: "Thanks to your favor, I will sell my life to you!"

Lin Weimin shook his hand, "Our Chinese Literature Society wants to develop, and Mr. Liu needs to transform. The art center trains talents, and you can use your spare energy under any director. Haiyan's works have come to the fore. We all benefit from each other, and everyone gets what they need. There is no one who gives to others." Work hard."


As soon as Lin Weimin finished speaking, Liu Yanming shouted "Hello" and clapped his hands enthusiastically. He supported the whole audience by himself, and it would be a shame not to be a cheerleader.

Feng Xiaogang on the side felt very uncomfortable, thinking that at the beginning, this job was his!

Liu Yanming took the lead, and everyone applauded.

Lin Weimin raised his glass and said, "Come! Let's drink this glass to the full and wish our cooperation will be a success!"


The banquet is coming to an end.

Wang Shuo was unhappy. Feng Xiaogang could see his emotions, but he knew that it was inappropriate to say anything at this time, so he simply didn't say a word.

Wang Shuo suddenly sighed, "How come everything becomes so simple when it comes to Weimin?"

Feng Xiaogang actually understood Wang Shuo's emotion very well. The two of them were also tinkering with TV dramas, and they had found the money, but now they were stumped by just a TV drama script.

Wang Shuo has been unable to write in the past two years, so the two discussed that Feng Xiaogang should write the script.

But he sat in front of the table for a long time with paper and pen spread out, but he couldn't write a word.

Feng Xiaogang also said to Wang Shuo: "What should I do? My mind is scattered and I feel no interest in writing anything."

Wang Shuo exposed him mercilessly and said, "It's not that you can't write and it's boring, it's that you can't write at all. Stop beautifying yourself in a secretive way."

Wang Shuo's words were ruthless and true.

Spending a long time in Haima Studio gave Feng Xiaogang the illusion that he was as talented as those writers.

But it turns out that he is just a framer. He can just tinker with other people's work, but it won't work if he does it himself.

Feng Xiaogang glanced in Lin Weimin's direction and whispered to Wang Shuo: "After all, he is Teacher Lin. Oscars are easy to get for others, so what does it mean to set up a TV series? In fact, even if you don't eat this meal today, Teacher Lin We just need to send a message to Liu Yanming, and Liu Yanming will also have Baba to come and ask for cooperation.

Not to mention Teacher Lin's reputation and strength, Liu Yanming has made a lot of money from this cooperation with the writers and work resources of the Chinese Literature Society! "

Feng Xiaogang's words were also very realistic, and Wang Shuo was silent for a long time.

At this time, Feng Xiaogang saw Lin Weimin waving to him. He quickly stood up and went over, lowering his body and asked: "Teacher Lin, did you call me?"

Haiyan brought a chair to Feng Xiaogang, Lin Weimin patted the chair, and Feng Xiaogang sat down.

Lin Weimin asked: "Haiyan said your script didn't go well?"

Feng Xiaogang felt a little embarrassed, but he nodded honestly and said: "Yes, you are right. I think too highly of myself, and I don't have that ability at all."

"It's normal. You are not a writer. Since you wrote the script, you have basically modified it based on other people's work. The foundation is not solid. It is not easy to write a script as exciting as before from beginning to end. .”

Feng Xiaogang now wants to cover his ears and say "I won't listen" or "I won't listen".

But he didn't dare. Faced with Lin Weimin's "arrogant and salty" behavior, he could only listen quietly.

On the one hand, what they said was correct, but on the other hand, I really didn’t dare to resist.

"If you can't write the script, just put it down. What can you do if you think about the worst? At worst, you'll lose money. The important thing is that you don't lose your creative ability."

Lin Weimin said this again, which finally made Feng Xiaogang's battered heart feel warmer.

It has to be Teacher Lin!

"Yes, I understand. Don't worry, I will work hard to write this script." Feng Xiaogang promised confidently.

Lin Weimin waved his hand, "You don't understand what I mean. I mean, you don't have to hang yourself from a tree, you can try in another direction! Change Wang Shuo's other novels, step by step, his novel The two-year adaptation is still very popular.”


Feng Xiaogang was almost stunned by Lin Weimin's sudden turn. His face flickered, obviously undergoing a fierce ideological struggle.

Giving up has always been a negative word in the Chinese dictionary.

What's more, Feng Xiaogang has had more than one successful experience, "Encountering Passion", "The Story of the Editorial Department", "The Big Thing"...

He once thought that he was a person, but the cold reality once again made him recognize himself.

He is still the same little bastard!

He thought he should be angry when he heard Lin Weimin's words, furious at being looked down upon and despised, but he didn't do the opposite and was very happy.

He felt a sense of relief from the bottom of his heart at the thought of giving up "Dreams for You", a project that had made him sit so hard that he was about to become a young man with a mole.

"Giving up is not failure, sometimes it's just a matter of changing the direction!"

Lin Weimin's words echoed in his ears, like a heavy hammer hitting his heart.

Yes, what does giving up mean?

After understanding this truth, Feng Xiaogang felt that his eyes suddenly became brighter and his teeth became big and white. "You are right. Giving up is not a depressing thing."

Lin Weimin patted him on the shoulder and said, "Just figure it out."

Feng Xiaogang's eyes looked at Lin Weimin with gratitude. Without his advice, he might have been stuck in this corner, struggling with himself.

Not only did it delay the company's affairs, it also ruined my own mood!

"Teacher Lin, thank you..." Feng Xiaogang said sincerely.

Lin Weimin made a gesture, making Feng Xiaogang swallow everything he wanted to say.

He understood that Teacher Lin was grateful to him and gave him advice because of their friendship.

Returning to Wang Shuo, Wang Shuo asked: "Why are we looking for you for the people?"

"We talked a bit about the TV series. I have decided not to do "Dreams for You" anymore."

"Don't do it?" Wang Shuo was shocked, "What if I don't invest? All the money has been collected!"

"Pay it back slowly!" Feng Xiaogang's tone was full of determination, and he said to Wang Shuo: "I want to change your "Forever Lost My Love"."

Wang Shuo was silent, with only one thought in his mind.

What kind of ecstasy soup did Lin Weimin pour into him?

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