1980 My literary era

Chapter 725 Radio Serial

Buying Haiyan's script and seeking cooperation with Liu Yanming, Yanjing Television Art Center, Ren Hao and others were the result of Lin Weimin's careful consideration.

If the Chinese Literature Society wants to achieve leap-forward development, it is far from enough to rely solely on its old business. The ceiling is too low.

At the beginning of the planning of the Buhu book series, he had already decided on a full copyright operation strategy and had already communicated with the writers when signing the contract.

At this time, people have very little understanding of copyright, and writers are the same. They only care about publishing rights and copyrights, so they don’t care at all.

Lin Weimin's idea is that it is best to control several content production companies directly or indirectly, form an upstream and downstream complementary relationship with the Chinese Literature Society, and then develop horizontally and continuously weave the network to form a huge media system.

It is necessary to open up the entire industry chain in the field of content and form a distribution advantage with its own characteristics and channel content, in order to stay on top of the future economic development tide.

The Buhu Book Series is now the flagship product of the Chinese Literature Society. Lin Weimin doesn’t want to start with these treasures as soon as he gets started. Moreover, the current copyright management method is indeed relatively simple, basically TV series and movies.

The film industry is too risky. The copyright operation of the Chinese Literature Society has just started and we must not get involved easily.

Therefore, TV series have become one of the best breakthroughs at present.

After Lin Weimin told Cheng Wanchun the results and ideas of his work over the past two days, Cheng Wanchun nodded happily, at least it was not Hu Gan.

And it only took a few days to finalize the investment and main creator of the first TV series, which was very efficient.

"However, we invested 200,000 yuan ourselves in the first work. Isn't the risk a bit too high? Besides, the funds I gave you are not enough to invest several times, right?" Cheng Wuchun asked what was in his heart.

Lin Weimin said helplessly: "It's our first time to work together. You're so talkative. How can you get a script and get 20% of the dividends without paying any money? Is your script studded with diamonds?"

"Write one for me!" Cheng Wuchun said shamelessly.

Lin Weimin stared angrily.

If he writes a script for me, he can get even 50%, not to mention 20%.

The question is what's the point of doing this?

What is needed now is that the Chinese Literature Society can develop its own set of things. It is impossible for Lin Weimin, the editor-in-chief, to write scripts for the Chinese Literature Society all his life.

Besides, if you ask him to write a TV series script, wouldn’t that be overkill?

Comrade Lao Cheng obviously knew that his request was extremely excessive, and he felt guilty after saying it.

"Then what are you going to do next?" He changed the subject.

"I'm going to try my hand at radio drama."

"Radio drama?"

The concept of radio drama was born very early, in the 1920s.

After entering China, the initial concept was closer to "a stage play broadcast on the radio". The plot was condensed and concentrated, the scene was single, and the sound played a role, forming its own characteristics.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, there were no major changes in the artistic form of radio dramas. The main changes were in content. Many works that praised the new life and new era emerged.

After 1976, radio dramas gradually developed a "continuous" quality. On the one hand, because of the listening habits of the listeners, "continuous" can accommodate more content. On the other hand, dramas in the form of mass communication are also very suitable for continuous forms. Broadcasting has more advantages than theaters and cinemas in this regard.

Chinese listeners have gradually developed the habit of listening to long stories on the radio, and radio series have also developed a certain degree of social competitiveness.

Lin Weimin nodded and said: "Radio serials are very suitable for the dissemination of long novels. Over the years, the broadcast of novels has already created a group of loyal listeners. I want to cooperate with the radio station to launch a batch of well-produced radio serials, which will be broadcast on the radio first. Then try to sell tapes.”

"Selling tapes? How to sell them?"

"Xinhua Bookstore, they also have an audio and video sales department, okay?"

"Can someone pay the bill?" Cheng Wuchun asked worriedly.

"It should be said that there is a market, but the specifics will depend on our publicity efforts. I want to invest in a company to try it. The cost of this thing is not high, and I can just find a few film school students to support it."

Seeing Lin Weimin's relaxed words, Cheng Wuchun put down his worries and warned: "Save your money and spend it wisely!"

Lin Weimin waved his hand and left the office.

In Lao Cheng's mind, as long as the money was spent, it was definitely not spent wisely.

Lin Weimin acted quickly. A few days later, a company called "Tiantian Changting" fully registered by the Chinese Literature Society was officially established.

The registered capital is 100,000 yuan. The office is located in the Copyright Operations Department on the third floor of No. 166 Chaonei Street. The legal representative is Lin Weimin.

Xiao Liu, Lin Weimin's only soldier, handed a pile of registration information to the leader, "Chief Editor, the company registration is complete."

Lin Weimin nodded happily and praised, "Well done."

Before Xiao Liu could be happy, Lin Weimin ordered again: "Xiao Liu, I will give you a task next!"

Feeling that Chief Editor Lin valued him, Xiao Liu puffed up his chest and said, "Chief Editor, please tell me!"

"Don't be so excited." Lin Weimin waved his hand to let Xiao Liu relax, and then said: "The task of listening every day will be given to you first. There are several goals, which will be achieved in stages. I will talk about the first one first, production A high quality radio series.”

Xiao Liu couldn't help scratching his head after hearing this request. He was originally an editor, how could he know how to produce a radio series?

"Do you know what to do?" Lin Weimin asked.

Xiao Liu shook his head decisively.

Lin Weimin patiently said: "Goal breakdown, to produce a radio series, you need equipment and a location, right? This requires finding a recording studio; a radio series is adapted from a novel, but an editor must reorganize the content, so there must be an editor, and We need voice actors and sound effects. For both of these things, the easiest way is to find people who haven’t graduated from professional schools to do them economically.”

After Lin Weimin finished speaking, Xiao Liu suddenly felt enlightened, "Chief Editor, I understand!"

Children can be taught!

"As long as you understand. Then I will leave the first work of Tiantian Changying in your hands. Do you have confidence?"

Feeling the heavy responsibility on his shoulders, Xiao Liu was full of enthusiasm. He stood firm, raised his chest and raised his head, and responded loudly: "Yes!"

"Okay! Young people are very motivated!"

Seeing Xiao Liu Lin Weimin, I couldn't help but think of myself back then, just as green and full of hope.

It’s so easy for young people to fool you!

Teacher Lin let out a heartfelt sigh.

The establishment of the Copyright Operations Department has made Lin Weimin's work very busy again.

He gave Xiao Liu the job of listening every day, which was also a kind of exercise.

That night, Lin Weimin invited guests to dinner again and called Xiao Liu. The guests he invited were Ye Yongmei, the editor of the "Long Continuous Broadcast" program of the Central People's Broadcasting Station, and the broadcaster Li Yemo.

"Long Series" is one of the earliest radio programs in China. It can be traced back to before liberation. In the past half century, it has gained a large number of listeners across the country by broadcasting many long-form classics.

Ye Yongmei is the senior editor in charge of "Long Series", and Li Yemo is also the broadcaster who has collaborated most with "Long Series".

At that time, Lu Yao's "Ordinary World" gradually became known to audiences across the country and became popular due to the spread of "Long Continuous Broadcast".

Some of Lin Weimin's novels have also been broadcast on "Long Streaming".

Radio series are nothing new in the broadcasting world, but quality radio series are few and far between.

Most of the radio series these days are essentially long novels. The editor in charge simply plans the content, finds a announcer with a good voice to record it, and everything is done.

But what Lin Weimin wanted to do was a radio drama with multiple dubbing combined with soundtrack and realistic sound effects. After hearing his idea, Ye Yongmei suddenly became interested and asked in detail.

After she listened to Lin Weimin's speech, she asked: "The way you are doing it will cost a lot more than the normal novel broadcasts we record."

"The cost is a bit high, but I don't plan to make money from the radio station."

"You don't make money from the radio station?" Ye Yongmei didn't quite understand what Lin Weimin meant. If you don't make money from the radio station in the novel, then whose money do you make?

Lin Weimin explained patiently: "My idea is that this radio series will be recorded by our company and can be provided to radio stations for free. Of course, this broadcast is time limited, for example, it will be free within 6 months. Then we will broadcast it The TV series is made into tapes and sold in the audio and video sales departments of Xinhua Bookstores in various places.”

Ye Yongmei suddenly said, "It's just like you selling books!"

"That's right!"

Ye Yongmei thought for a moment, "Your idea is very novel!"

"The idea is not very mature, but I think I can try it. Maybe I can find a new way."

When Lin Weimin said this, he asked Li Yemo, "What does Teacher Li think of my idea?"

Li Yemo is young, 36 years old this year, but he has profound qualifications. He has been engaged in dubbing and novel broadcasting since 1980, and has broadcast dozens of novels for the "Long-form Series" program for more than ten years.

"The situation is very new. If I were a listener, I would be very willing to spend money to buy tapes of this kind of radio series. I can listen to as much as I want, as much as I want, as I want." When Li Yemo said this, his tone became hesitant. , said: "The price should not be too expensive. People who listen to radio are generally older and may not necessarily buy it."

Lin Weimin nodded, "What you said makes sense."

Xiao Liu couldn't help but ask after hearing this: "Chief Editor, now people watch TV series or video tapes. Is there a market for this kind of tapes?"

"In fact, this kind of radio serial tape is to find a small group of people among radio listeners who are willing to buy, and the other is to develop readers for the work itself. The market is definitely not as broad as that of TV series, but there is still a lot of audience.

Suppose we were to launch a radio series of "Flower Season and Rainy Season". Do you think it would be popular among the student community? "

Xiao Liu thought for a while and said: ""Flower Season and Rainy Season" itself has a very large influence among the student group, and many student groups are not able to watch TV either actively or passively. Instead, there is no prohibition on listening to the radio. I I think there should be a big market among students.”

Lin Weimin said: "With the continuous popularity of television over the years, the mass base of broadcasters has indeed been continuously weakened, but it does not mean that the market has disappeared. This is actually a market segment, and we need to put some effort into tapping the market potential. and profit model.”

After hearing this, Xiao Liu was convinced, "I understand."

During the conversation between the two, Ye Yongmei kept thinking.

After Xiao Liu finished speaking, she suddenly spoke, catching Lin Weimin off guard.

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