1980 My literary era

Chapter 734 Right, all right

Although Chinese films have won many awards at major film festivals around the world since 1987, "To Live" won the Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival in May, which is still a happy event for Chinese films.

As an award second only to the Palme d'Or, the Grand Jury Prize is a very high honor for any film.

However, after the results of the film festival awards were announced, the domestic media fell into silence and public opinion was mute, which left many people scratching their heads.

Until a piece of news spread - "Alive" failed to pass the film bureau's review and was an illegal entry.

As soon as this news came out, all the film industry and audiences who care about domestic films finally understood the reason why public opinion was so silent.

Then, insiders heard two more news.

"Alive" banned from screening!

Zhang Yimou is banned from directing!

The penalties imposed by the film bureau are so severe that one cannot help but feel in awe.

It is impossible to produce documents for banning screening and banning of directing. It can only be proven by time.

The movie won an award, so it was the perfect time to release it, but "Alive" was not released, which was obviously banned.

But Zhang Yimou's ban on directing is difficult to verify.

It takes at least a year and a half for a director to prepare a film. If there is no news in a short period of time, it does not mean that he has been banned from directing.

While people in the circle were muttering, a rumor spread from somewhere.

It was said that "Alive" participated in the Cannes Film Festival in violation of regulations. It was all on the investor Qiu Fusheng's own initiative, and director Zhang Yimou was forced to agree.

Moreover, rumors also say that Lin Weimin was very angry when he heard about this incident and wanted to ban Qiu Fusheng and prohibit him from investing in domestic movies in the future.

These two rumors spread in the domestic film industry with lightning speed.

When many people hear the rumors, their first reaction is nonsense. Lin Weimin, a writer, has the ability to block friendly people?

These people did not question the authenticity of the rumors, but they questioned whether Lin Weimin had this ability.

Then someone immediately talked about Lin Weimin's interactions with the Film Bureau in recent years, why he refused to be the director of the Film Bureau, and how he scolded the officials at the Shanghai Film Festival...

Topics like these were irresponsibly exaggerated by some people and immediately gained market share. Many people truly believed that Lin Weimin had the ability to block Qiu Fusheng.

As luck would have it, news of Zhang Yimou's preparations for a new movie came out in September, which proves that Zhang Yimou is not banned from directing at all.

When someone claps their hands, isn’t that right?

What is the relationship between Zhang Yimou and Lin Weimin? That was brought out by Lin Weimin with one hand. With Lin Weimin here, it is forbidden to guide? How can it be?

Looking at the investors again, it turned from Qiu Fusheng to Shanghai Film Studio.

Lin Weimin said that the ban on Zhang Yimou's new film "Qiu Fusheng" would immediately eliminate the funds for Qiu Fusheng. Lin Weimin had helped the Shanghai Film Festival a lot. He must have a good relationship with the Shanghai Film Studio. The Shanghai Film Studio invested in Zhang Yimou's film. New movies, isn’t that a given?

Right! All right!

The rumors are becoming more and more true, and even many senior people in the film industry believe it.

The most ridiculous thing is Zhang Yimou. He was preparing for a new movie. Recently, he heard too many rumors and went to Lin Weimin to verify the truth.

Lin Weimin couldn't laugh or cry, "You are in your forties, don't you know what you can and cannot believe? If I were really that capable, I would be the Minister of Radio, Film and Television!"

Zhang Yimou's face was honest, "Everyone said so. Besides, you did say this on the day "Forever Lost My Love" was launched."

"I was just angry for a moment. Am I that domineering in blocking the flow of people's funds?"

Zhang Yimou whispered: "That's what everyone says anyway."

"Is this true?" Lin Weimin glared at him, then thought about it, and whispered to Zhang Yimou: "Actually, this is..."

Zhang Yimou's eyes widened and he was speechless while listening. He didn't expect that there was such an inside story.

"This, this, this..."

He stuttered for a long time, not knowing what to say.

Lin Weimin patted him on the shoulder, "I was pushed out by Lao Tian to block the knife. But you should understand this time, how caring you are."

Zhang Yimou nodded heavily and said with some emotion: "Understood!"

"It is not easy for our country to produce a master-level director. In the future, you are likely to become our country's business card to the outside world. Do you understand this?" Lin Weimin said to Zhang Yimou meaningfully.

Feeling the heavy burden on his shoulders, Zhang Yimou nodded again, "I understand, I will pay attention to it in the future."

He couldn't help but ask again: "What about the rumors about you outside..."

Lin Weimin waved his hand and said, "Let them pass it on. Lao Tian is sure to blame me. I will take the blame this time!"

Zhang Yimou is thinking in his heart, it is not certain whether he will take the blame or not, but now in the domestic film industry, you are indeed able to stop children from crying at night, and you have a great reputation!

After sending Zhang Yimou away, Lin Weimin ran to the car and turned on the car radio.

Today at 12:30 noon, the first "long-form broadcast" program of the Central People's Broadcasting Station officially started broadcasting the radio series "Cliff".

This espionage novel written by Lin Weimin more than ten years ago was popular all over the country at that time. Not only the book, but also radio broadcasts, TV series, and even the costumes and spoken language of the characters in the play have become topics of discussion among countless readers and audiences.

This time, the Chinese Literature Society launched a copyright operation mechanism and established Tiantian Changting to record radio series. Lin Weimin contributed his old work as a test product.

"Cliff" has been published for more than ten years. Readers of novels, radio broadcasts, and TV series have all seen it, and it is very famous. Now it is used as a radio series to test the audience's reaction.

There is a certain degree of overlap between the audiences of novels and TV series and the audience of radio stations, but the scope should not be large. If the radio series of "The Cliff" can achieve good listening results, it will be enough to prove that this approach can work, and the next step will be Can stride forward as fast as a meteor.

The time in the car showed 12:30, and the "Long-form Network" program officially started broadcasting.

"Kuchikuchi", the sound of a train running on the rails came from the car radio, mixed with the roar of the car body breaking the wind, which instantly reminded people of a train traveling in the ice and snow.

Then there were the sounds of small voices, not loud but very mixed, and one ear could tell that this was on a train.

Then, a clear male voice read aloud: "It is reported that the National Government is in chaos, with factional struggles happening one after another. Those who have always advocated peace..."

The male voice was obviously reading a newspaper, and the content of the narration immediately made the audience realize that this was during the Anti-Japanese War.

After reading the contents of the newspaper, a clear male voice angrily scolded the government and politicians for their weakness and incompetence, "Traitor!"

He seemed to see the strange look in the person's eyes on the opposite seat and asked: "What? Sir, am I right? This *** is just like the fake emperor, he is a traitor!"

"You are not a Manchukuo, are you?"

The voice from the opposite side sounded, it was a middle-aged male voice, deep and magnetic, which was impressive.

Lin Weimin immediately realized that this was the voice of the protagonist Zhou Yi.

"I am Chinese, but I live in Xiangjiang. Manchukuo, how ridiculous!"

The clear male voice sounded disdainful. He shook the newspaper and seemed to continue reading the newspaper after saying this.

The sound on the radio spread clearly in the car. Lin Weimin closed his eyes and listened to the dialogue and sound effects of the characters on the radio. He did not specifically imagine it, but he could still feel that he was there.

In the first episode, more than 10 characters appeared, each with a different voice, allowing the audience to clearly determine the identity and personality of each character.

The quality of the sound effects and character dubbing is much higher than that of traditional novel broadcasts. The most important thing is that because of the combination of various environmental sounds, the audience can easily immerse themselves in it during the listening process.

And in order to better immerse the audience in it, the radio drama of "Cliff" greatly reduced the narration of traditional novels, and instead used character dialogue and various environmental and media sounds to advance the story.

Except for the lack of images, there is almost no sensory difference between the "Cliff" presented on the radio and the TV series. Even because of the single communication channel of sound, it has more of a suspenseful atmosphere that a spy film should have.

This discovery is an unexpected surprise!

Overall, the "Cliff" radio series was far more effective than the novel broadcasts of the day.

The "Long-form Broadcast" program is broadcast every day at 12:30 and lasts 30 minutes. There is also a rebroadcast in the evening.

The time came to an end in a flash. After the lecture ended, many listeners thought that today’s content was over. Unexpectedly, the protagonist Zhou Yi’s voice sounded again.

"Based on Lin Weimin's novel of the same name, the new radio series "Cliff" has officially landed on China People's Broadcasting Station's first "long-form series" program and will be broadcast for you on time at 12:30 every day.

At the same time, the tape of the "Cliff" radio series has been released. Listeners in the Yanjing area can go to the local Xinhua Bookstore to purchase it, and listeners in other provinces and cities can contact the local post office..."

Lin Weimin listened to the voice on the radio with a smile on his face.

The radio series was aired by your station for nothing, so it’s not too much for me to advertise it, right?

Tiantianchangting was established more than two months ago and invited Ye Yongmei, a senior professional in the broadcasting industry, to help carefully polish the radio series "Cliff".

For the dubbing actors alone, eight people were hired, including actors from the Arts, students from the Film School, Broadcasting School, and dubbing actors from Yan Film Studio. This job was equivalent to making extra money, and everyone was willing to do it.

Of course, Listening Every Day spends a lot of money. The labor cost of a radio series alone exceeds 3,000 yuan, plus the cost of renting a recording studio and distributing tapes...

For the first radio series, I spent nearly 20,000 yuan on it every day.

The media broadcast of the radio series was exclusively broadcast by the Central People's Broadcasting Station, and 1,000 sets of recorded tapes were placed on the counters of the audio and video sales departments and audio and video counters of major Xinhua bookstores in the Yanjing area.

There are a total of 8 cassettes of the "Cliff" radio series. A single cassette tape is priced at 4 yuan, and the entire album is 32 yuan.

At this time, a box of music tapes can be sold for 10 to 12 yuan, and some imported tapes can even be sold for 25 yuan a box. Compared with the price of music tapes, the pricing of the tapes of the "Cliff" radio series is very conscientious.

Tiantian Changting set this price based on a comprehensive consideration of the relationship between cost and communication.

Now that the radio series has been aired, let’s see how it goes!

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