1980 My literary era

Chapter 735 Mature and tasteful

When Zhang Jianjun got off work, his mother was cooking, and his wife had just come home and was taking care of the children.

After graduating from Yanjing Normal University, he was assigned to the Yanjing Municipal Government. He got married the year before last and gave birth to a child last year. The couple is usually busy working and the mother takes care of the child.

The mother prepared the meal and the family finished the meal. His wife was responsible for washing the dishes, while Zhang Jianjun went out for a walk with the child in his arms.

The little boy who has just turned one year old is not familiar with the world. When he comes outside, his eyes are full of novelties.

This is the time when the neighbors are off work, eating, and walking. The house Zhang Jianjun lives in now is a courtyard divided by his work unit, and the accommodation conditions are far inferior to those of his parents.

This is normal, his father is much higher level than him.

"Brother Liu, it's time to get off work!"

"Aunt Qin, your fried sauce tastes authentic!"

Zhang Jianjun held his child and greeted his neighbors, chatting casually. The Yanjing courtyard in early autumn was full of fireworks.

After sneaking back and forth two times in and out of the courtyard, Zhang Jianjun carried his child to the door of the east wing of the courtyard, where retired Uncle Hu and his family lived.

The old man had just finished his meal and was sitting on the lounge chair at the door listening to the radio.

Zhang Jianjun originally wanted to have a word with Uncle Hu, but saw that he was listening to the radio with his eyes closed, so he didn't bother him. The sound from the radio came to his ears. He listened curiously and felt something familiar.

The roar of the car lasted for a few seconds, then stopped, "Mrs. Zhou, we're here!"

After the sound of the car door closing, there was a sound of walking, "Section Chief, Mrs. Zhou is here."

"Hello, Mrs. Zhou, I'm Gao Bin!"

"It's Section Chief Gao. I've always heard Zhou Yi talk about you before. I'm sorry to bother everyone to pick you up on such a cold day."

While I was being polite, I heard the sound of a train moving in the distance, approaching from far away, then slowly stopping.

Zhang Jianjun was fascinated by the radio and didn't react until the program was over.

"Xiao Zhang, do you also like to listen to the radio?" After listening to the radio, Uncle Hu opened his eyes and asked when he saw that Zhang Jianjun was listening seriously.

Only then did Zhang Jianjun come to his senses, "It's okay. I listen to it occasionally. I've heard it a lot before. Uncle Hu, is this "Cliff"? Why is it different from the previous novel broadcasts?"

"Didn't you hear the introduction? This is a new radio series. Hey, it sounds just like a TV series. It's done well, and it sounds real. It's more enjoyable than listening to novels."

Zhang Jianjun nodded, "It's pretty good. This novel came out when I was in school. TV series were also popular in those years."

"I hadn't retired yet, and it's been so many years in a blink of an eye. I haven't watched it for many years, but I didn't expect that listening to the radio can be so exciting!"

Zhang Jianjun just started listening to it from the middle part. Although he had already read the novel and TV series "Cliff", he had not read it for so many years and listened to it suddenly, which made him feel very itchy.

"I just heard that a tape of this radio drama was distributed?"

"That's right. They are still sold in Xinhua Bookstore. There is a radio that you can listen to. Who would buy that thing?" Uncle Hu said casually.

Zhang Jianjun didn't say anything anymore. If he thought like Uncle Hu and spent money to buy tapes of radio dramas, wouldn't that be wrong?

But he really wanted to buy it. When he was studying, he was an avid reader of Lin Weimin. He would buy novels whenever they came out, and he would never miss a play.

Now that I am older and have a family and a career, I am not as fanatical as before, but it is still okay to support my idols.

Besides, the radio series "Cliff" is so exciting to listen to. If you listen to it on the radio, you can listen to one episode a day. How long will it take to finish it?

If a cassette is released, I will buy it and listen to it once, which will be enough fun!

After get off work the next day, Zhang Jianjun ran to the audio and video counter of Xinhua Bookstore near his work. When he inquired about it, he found that it was indeed there.

A set of "Cliff" album, a total of 8 tapes, according to the salesperson, each tape is 1.5 tape hours, which is 1.5 hours, and contains 3 episodes.

8 boxes of tapes equals 24 episodes, priced at 4 yuan per box and 32 yuan for an album.

Zhang Jianjun looked at the price of the tape. It was really not expensive. It should be said that it was very cheap.

Nowadays, buying a music tape can easily start at ten yuan.

However, a set of albums was still a bit expensive. Zhang Jianjun hesitated for a moment, after all, he was a married man.

"Comrade, give me a radio series of The Cliff."

While Zhang Jianjun was hesitating, a middle-aged man came from behind and bought a set of albums without asking.

The appearance of the middle-aged man made the hesitant Zhang Jianjun make a decision, "Comrade, give me one too!"

"No, that was the last set just now."

Zhang Jianjun looked surprised, "It's gone? Didn't it just come on?"

"There are few goods, only 60 sets. Look, it has been sold out in just two days. Many of them are old fans and viewers of "Cliff"," the salesperson said.

Zhang Jianjun was a little disappointed, "Then when will you replenish the goods?"

"I don't know. I heard that the production company didn't record much, so I think we have to wait for a week if we want to release it again."

"Then I'll come back in a few days."

Seeing that Zhang Jianjun really wanted to buy it, the salesperson said, "You can go to other bookstores and take a look. It has only been open for two or three days. Maybe they have it in stock."

Zhang Jianjun thought so. After thanking the salesperson, he went to a Xinhua Bookstore and sold out.

He didn't believe in evil and continued to visit one store, but it was still sold out.

"It's so weird, it's selling so well?"

Zhang Jianjun is a little confused. It has been so many years since "Cliff" was released. How can it get so many loyal fans?

Besides, what era is it in? So many people still listen to tapes?

After going to several bookstores but failing to buy the tape of the radio drama "The Cliff", Zhang Jianjun had no choice but to give up.

Back home, Zhang Jianjun felt helpless as he listened to the radio playing episode after episode every day like squeezing out toothpaste.

After waiting for a few days, he went to the Xinhua Bookstore near his work to inquire. The salesperson told him that the goods would be available tomorrow.

The next day, as soon as Zhang Jianjun went to work and ordered a meal, he ran to Xinhua Bookstore.

"Has the goods arrived?"

"Here we go, one hundred sets. We just sold four sets."

Zhang Jianjun was speechless. He sold four sets just after the goods were released in the morning. Who is buying them?

After paying the money happily, Zhang Jianjun was about to leave, but was grabbed by the salesperson.

"Don't leave yet, fill out a form for me."

"What watch?"

The salesperson handed over a piece of paper titled "Customer Questionnaire" and signed to a company called Tiantian Changting.

"Producer's questionnaire, please help." the salesperson said.

Zhang Jianjun took a look at the questionnaire. It was all multiple-choice questions. You just had to tick the boxes. Without delaying anything, he took the questionnaire and filled it out.


"civil servant"


"30~40 years old"

"Have you ever listened to storytelling, novel broadcasts and other types of radio programs, such as "Generals of the Yang Family", "The Story of Yue Fei", "Ordinary World", etc.?"


"Have you read the novel "Cliff" or listened to the "Cliff" radio or TV series?"



Zhang Jianjun returned the questionnaire to the salesperson and returned to the office carrying a large box of albums.

"Xiao Zhang, I just have something to ask you."

Zhang Jianjun met the section chief as soon as he entered the door. He subconsciously hid the album behind him with a guilty conscience. The section chief Quan pretended not to see him, told him the task and went out.

Zhang Jianjun had been busy all morning with the tasks assigned by the section chief. Finally, when he was done, he remembered the set of albums he had bought and took a look at them.

There was no radio in the unit, so he could only live with his eyesight at the moment.

"What's this?"

When Zhang Jianjun wasn't paying attention, the section chief who had been out all morning came back and asked when he saw the album on Zhang Jianjun's desk.

Zhang Jianjun was startled, then calmed down and said to the section chief: "The new radio drama tape."

"Now the radio drama is also available on tape?"

The section chief heard the new news and looked at Zhang Jianjun as if he were looking at a stick.

Zhang Jianjun said: "This is also my first time to buy this thing. Have you read "The Cliff" Novel Section Chief?"

""Cliff"?" The section chief's eyes lit up when he heard the name. "I've read it, not only the novel, but also the TV series. My son had just entered the nursery at that time. The novel was good, and the TV series was well shot. Zhu Lin is so beautiful!”

The section chief looked like he was reminiscing about the past.

Zhang Jianjun looked embarrassed, telling you about the novel, who asked you if Zhu Lin was good-looking?

Okay, it does look good.

After thinking about it for a moment, the section chief also realized that what he said was inappropriate, and added: ""The Cliff" is a good novel!"

Zhang Jianjun nodded and said: "This album is the radio series of "Cliff"."


When the section chief heard this, the curiosity on his face obviously increased, "Is there a radio series called "Cliff"?"

""Long Continuous" is also showing this radio series now. You can listen to it when you have time."

"How can I have time to listen to that stuff? Nowadays, we don't have as much free time as before. When "Long Series" is broadcast, I am either at work at noon or just after get off work for dinner."

The section chief looked at Zhang Jianjun's album and wondered what he was thinking.

After getting off work in the evening, Zhang Jianjun got on his motorcycle and was about to go home. He saw the section chief going out and turning left.

The section chief's house is on the right, and the left is the direction of Xinhua Bookstore.

He looked at the section chief's back and finally figured out who was buying the "Cliff" radio drama.

The third floor of the Chinese Literature Society, Copyright Operation Department.

Xiao Liu was typing next to the computer. The copyright operation department spent 15,000 yuan on the computer, and also spent several thousand yuan on a printer.

The company only allocated a total of 500,000 yuan to the copyright operation department. It spent 200,000 yuan on the investment in "The True Colors of a Police". Tens of thousands of yuan were lost after tinkering with Tiancheng. I bought a computer and saw that the funds were not much in the first place. Reduce little by little.

As the "executive deputy minister", Xiao Liu was full of anxiety.

Of course the deputy minister's words were a joke. In fact, it was colleagues from other departments who made fun of him.

The Copyright Operations Department has been established for three months. Except for Lin Weimin, the editor-in-chief, who takes charge of the overall situation, the rest of the work depends on Xiao Liu. He is both a leader and an employee. Although there are not many things to do every day, he is very busy. The back of the head.

The form requested by the editor-in-chief was finally ready. Xiao Liu printed it out and found no major problems. He took the form and knocked on the door of Lin Weimin's office.

"Editor-in-Chief, the form you requested is ready."

Xiao Liu handed the form to Lin Weimin's desk, and Lin Weimin took it and looked at it.

"Well, it's pretty much what I thought. It's still mainly old readers, old listeners, and old viewers of "The Cliff", and most of them have the habit of listening to the radio."

Xiao Liu added: "Age and gender seem to be more concentrated."

Lin Weimin smiled, with an expression as if he had experienced it before, "You'll understand middle-aged men when you reach this age."

Xiao Liu thought for a while, and the editor-in-chief probably meant that the people who like the "Cliff" radio series are mature and tasteful.

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