1980 My literary era

Chapter 736 How many more years can I keep pretending?

The art form of radio drama is a very small segment in the full copyright operation, but the best aspect of the Chinese Literature Society's current angle is time.

In the mid-1990s, CD players had not yet become popular in China. Except for the older generation, most Chinese people who had the habit of listening to radio were generally undergoing a habit change from radio to Walkman.

Counterfeit tapes costing 2 yuan a box can be seen everywhere on the street. Genuine tapes costing more than ten or twenty yuan in audio and video sales departments, audio and video counters, and audio and video stores are also paid by countless listeners. Many music tapes frequently sell hundreds of thousands or millions of boxes. .

When a whale falls, all things come into being.

Literature has continued to decline from its peak in the 1980s. This is not because there is something wrong with literature itself, but because the people's entertainment methods are constantly enriched.

Only 1,000 sets of the first batch of tapes of the "Cliff" radio series were produced, and the price was low. A box of tapes only cost 4 yuan, which is almost the same price as pirated tapes on the street.

Fortunately, the market responded quickly enough. Within a few days, 1,000 sets of tapes were sold out. Tiantian Changting once again commissioned the manufacturer to produce 2,000 sets of tapes, which were sold out in less than two weeks. This is just In Yanjing.

With this result, the "Cliff" radio series can finally be confidently and boldly distributed nationwide.

Xiao Liu just came out of Lin Weimin's office. Lin Weimin read the form he compiled and didn't say much. He just ordered him to produce 30,000 sets of the "Cliff" radio series and quickly distribute them across the country.

Previously, 3,000 sets of radio dramas were sold in the Yanjing area, with each set priced at 32 yuan, or 96,000 yuan. Excluding costs, Tiantian Changting’s net profit was only 14,000 yuan, which was not enough to cover the initial investment costs.

30,000 units have been distributed across the country, and sales and profits have increased 10 times. This not only covers the cost, but also earns 60,000 to 70,000 yuan.

After settling the accounts, Xiao Liu felt at ease.

A little less is a little less, but it is still profitable.

And looking at Yanjing’s sales in the first two weeks, it is definitely impossible to stop the 30,000 units nationwide.

Everything is developing in a good direction, and Xiao Liu is very happy to hear about the development of the radio drama production company that he participated in establishing from the beginning to the end.

"Breaking 3 million copies? That's so fast!"

"Really? But it's still a little less interesting than "Spirited Away"."

"Spirited Away is a special case. Once the books read by children are recognized, the sales volume is very scary. The sales volume of "Spirited Away" has now exceeded 13 million copies. It only exceeded 10 million copies at the end of last year. This year It sold another 3 million copies in the first half of the year, and 4 million copies in the whole year was effortless and incomparable."

After a busy afternoon at work, and seeing that he was about to get off work, Xiao Liu finally had time to rest and went to the editorial office next door to visit, where he heard several editors talking about book sales.

The editor-in-chief's "Thirteen Langs of the South China Sea" was published in May. Now in October, it has sold 3 million copies in just 5 months.

The novel is priced at 8 yuan, which is 24 million yuan.

In the afternoon, Xiao Liu was just feeling complacent about the results he had achieved by listening to the music every day. When he thought of this number, he felt no joy at all.

Radio dramas are still developing without books!

"Here comes Executive Liu!" Several editors immediately started teasing when they saw Xiao Liu coming.

During this period of time, Xiao Liu had already adapted to everyone's teasing and did not show any discomfort. He sat down and joined everyone's conversation.

Everyone usually chats with Xiao Liu and is very concerned about the situation of the Copyright Operations Department.

Most people in the company didn't know much about this new department that had been established for several months. They relied on the information leaked from Xiao Liu's mouth to get a glimpse of the situation inside.

Recently, the "Cliff" radio series was launched, and the Copyright Operations Department finally produced some results. Everyone is more concerned about the situation of the Copyright Operations Department.

"So it's guaranteed to make money now?" Everyone discussed after listening to Xiao Liu's talk about the "Cliff" radio drama.

"It is certain to make money. The question now is how much to make. The editor-in-chief's idea is to make small profits but quick turnover. A box of tapes outside costs ten yuan, so we sell it for four yuan. The profit is still small. If we sell ten boxes, no one will sell one." The profit of the box is high," Xiao Liu said.

An experienced old editor thought for a while and said: "Radio dramas are different from music. Music is always new when listened to, but it is difficult for radio dramas to do this. If the price is lower, the listening cost for the listeners will be smaller, which will facilitate future repurchase."

"That's right. And pirated tapes are so rampant now. Today the genuine tape comes out, you don't have to wait until the next day, it will be ripped out for you in the evening.

If the price is lower, listeners are more likely to choose genuine products. "

Xiao Liu struggled and said: "I understand this, but I feel uncomfortable seeing that I can't make the money in front of me."

Everyone looked at the tangled expression on Xiao Liu's face and joked: "Okay, Executive Liu, he looks more and more like the master of the family!"

After chatting for a while, when it was time to get off work, everyone walked out.

When I arrived at the door, I saw Cheng Wuchun leading the team, followed by several people, each carrying a suitcase.

The National Book Trade Expo, also known as the "Book Market" by the publishing industry, is already in its sixth session this year and will soon open at the Wuhan Exhibition Hall in Hubei Province.

Cheng Wuchun led the team this time just to participate in the sixth book fair.

This year's Wuhan Book Fair is much larger than the previous ones, and for the first time it has set up a boutique exhibition hall, a journal hall and an electronic publication exhibition and sales event.

In addition to the participation of major state-owned publishing houses and bookstores, this book fair also set up self-selling halls. It is said that dozens of private publishers and bookstores participated. This is the first time that private enterprises and self-employed people have appeared in the national book fair. figure.

In addition, more than 50 publishing organizations from the United States, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Bay Island and other countries and regions have also set up imported books and periodicals libraries in the book market.

Generally speaking, the scale of this book fair is the largest in history, so the enthusiasm of major domestic publishing houses and bookstores to participate in the book fair this year is also extremely high.

Lao Cheng has been preparing for the book market half a month ago, partly to promote the publications of the Chinese Literature Society, and partly for some indescribable purpose.

In a place like the book market, famous figures in the publishing industry across the country gather together, and the Chinese Literature Society has developed so well in the past two years, it would be a pity not to pretend to be awesome.

Of course, Lin Weimin couldn't compete with Lao Cheng for an opportunity like this.

Teacher Lin has always had a simple idea: How many more years can a person who is about to retire keep pretending?

If you snatch his opportunity now, isn't that the same as snatching the milk from a suckling baby?

Teacher Lin is not that kind of person!

The book market lasted for 12 days, which took half a month including the round trip. Cheng Wuchun led a team to the book market, and the trip lasted for half a month. Naturally, he had to explain everything to Lin Weimin.

"I'm not here for a few days, so please don't make trouble!"

Lin Weimin wanted to scold Lao Cheng for looking down on others, but think about it, there were many people around him.

"In just half a month, what can I do?"

Old Cheng thought the same thing. It took only half a month to publish a book.

"Take good care of your house!" He patted Lin Weimin on the shoulder.

I originally wanted to tolerate it, but it was too much!

What if I am a prosperous person?

"Have a nice trip! Take care!"

Lin Weimin held Cheng Wanchun's hand as if sending him to the execution ground, and Cheng Wanchun felt disgusted in his heart.

He pulled out his hand hard and said, "Okay, no more talking, let's go."

Lin Weimin felt extremely relaxed after seeing off Cheng Wuchun. No one had talked about it in his ears for the past half month.

When he got home, the meal was ready. After dinner, Lin Weimin played with the little bean bag for a while. The little bean bag was about two and a half years old, and now his speech was clear and sharp. After being held by him for a while, he became impatient and twisted in his arms. Go to the ground.

"What are you doing? Dad will play with you for a while!"

"No, I want to watch cartoons."

Xiaodoubao had his own ideas and bluntly rejected his father's overtures.

"This kid, other kids want their dad to play with him!"

Xiaodoubao turned the knob of the TV and turned to his old father and said, "Dad, I asked mom to play with you."

The little girl turned her head and flicked the hair on her head, which was playful and cute.

Tao Huimin couldn't help but laughed and said: "Oh, you made me laugh so hard. Even the children can see clearly, so why are you playing with others? They are obviously playing with you!"

Lin Weimin was a little depressed and said to Tao Huimin: "How old is this child! Why does he feel so rebellious?"

Tao Huimin punched Lin Weimin, "What did you say?"

Then she added: "But if you say that, it means you are like me!"

"I'm not like her." Lin Weimin denied it.

"It doesn't look like it yet? Why don't you ask your relatives and friends?"

Lin Weimin hugged Tao Huimin and said, "Other people's opinions are not important. You know me."

Tao Huimin couldn't continue her sarcasm, so the couple stood aside and watched the little bean bun for a while. The girl watched the cartoon without any interference from the outside world. She couldn't take her eyes away. Her big eyes were wide open without blinking. She was really cute.

"teacher LIN!"

The nanny, Sister Sun, came into the house with the fruit plate and put it on the coffee table. After a moment of hesitation, she called Lin Weimin.

Lin Weimin turned around and looked at Sister Sun's expression. It seemed that something was wrong.

"Sister Sun, sit down and talk."

After sitting down, Lin Weimin asked, "What's the matter?"

Sister Sun looked hesitant, "I have something to do at home and I may not be able to do it at your place."

Lin Weimin immediately thought of the marriage of Sister Sun's second son Zhou Jun last year. After graduating, Zhou Jun was assigned to a newspaper as a reporter and married a girl from Yanjing last year.

"My daughter-in-law is pregnant?"

Sister Sun nodded, "Yes, it's seven months old. It's a bit inconvenient to move now that I'm older, so I have to take care of him in advance."

"That's true. When do you plan to leave?"

"Do you think the end of October will work?"

"There's no problem at home. The bean bag is also big. I think you should go to Zhou Jun's place as soon as possible. Your salary will be paid to you until the end of the month."

Sister Sun looked grateful, "Why are you so embarrassed, I..."

Lin Weimin waved his hand and said, "These are all acquaintances."

Sister Sun thanked her again, and Lin Weimin asked about the specific situation of Zhou Jun's side.

Zhou Jun has been married for more than a year and has not yet been assigned a house. He lives in a dormitory assigned by his work unit. The accommodation conditions are a bit tight. Once Sister Sun leaves and the children live, the house will probably be even more crowded.

Sister Sun looked sad, "Thanks to you two, I have earned much more than working outside in the past few years. I think if it doesn't work out, I will buy a house for the young couple first."

During the three years that Sister Sun has been at Lin Weimin's house, her salary has increased every year with the price. Taking into account the gifts and bonuses during the holidays, her annual comprehensive income is at least 5,000 yuan, which is higher than the salary of many serious office workers.

She lived and ate at Lin Weimin's house, and saved all the money she earned. In more than three years, she would have a little less than 20,000 yuan. If she had saved a little more, it would not be difficult to buy her son a house in Yanjing.

Although some new commercial housing prices in Yanjing are now two to three thousand yuan per square meter, there are still cheap places. It is not difficult to buy an old house of 60 square meters outside the third ring road for 30,000 yuan.

However, Sister Sun is more than just a son. It is a bit unwise to spend money on her second son to buy a house in Yanjing!

Lin Weimin did not comment on Sister Sun's thoughts, but after Sister Sun left, he sighed to Tao Huimin: "It's not easy to raise children!"

"Yes, fortunately we are girls."

"What you're saying is that I can't afford to raise my son?"

Teacher Lin was not happy about being questioned about his strength.

Tao Huimin rolled her eyes at him and ignored this bully!

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