1980 My literary era

Chapter 739 Still the original recipe, still the familiar taste

The National Book Trade Fair is held every two years. It is a grand event for most book publishing organizations and booksellers, but the bonus for the Chinese Literature Society is very limited. Except for Lao Cheng’s pretense, the biggest The advantage lies in the increase in revenue, especially overseas revenue.

From this book fair, we can also see the embarrassing situation that the Chinese Literature Society is currently facing. In the domestic publishing industry, the Chinese Literature Society is already large enough to occupy 5 points of the national book publishing and sales market on its own. .

As a publishing house focusing on literary books, Guowenshe has reached the pinnacle of its capabilities after years of development.

Next, if we continue to follow the old path step by step, there will be more and more private publishing houses and booksellers in the country. The system of the Chinese Literature Society determines that its innovation and execution capabilities are far inferior to those of these latecomers, and it will inevitably suffer in the future. in a passive state in market competition.

Either it goes downhill step by step, or it is absorbed by a larger organization.

Apart from this, there is no other way for Guowenshe to go.

If you sail against the current, you will retreat if you don't advance.

What Lin Weimin is doing now is to find a way to break the situation for the Chinese Literature Society.

Various types of "big entertainment" and "ecological closed loop" in later generations have given Lin Weimin ample inspiration. In the future competition, Chinese Literature Society is not without advantages. On the contrary, its advantages are very large.

Over the past forty years since its establishment, the Chinese Literature Society has been deeply involved in the field of literature, discovered and cultivated batches of well-known writers, and published and distributed classics one after another. These resources are not only the precious wealth of the Chinese Literature Society’s past , and is the source of future development of the Chinese Literature Society.

Therefore, copyright management must continue on this road no matter what. Only by continuing on this path can Chinese Literature Society have a better tomorrow and remain invincible in the fierce competition in the future.

“I’m telling you all this to make you realize how important copyright operations are to our Chinese language society.

Starting a business is difficult and the road is full of obstacles. Although you are the only one in the department now, I hope that you can bring out the fighting power of a team and lay a solid foundation for the development of the Chinese Literature Society in the next forty years.

Your efforts are vital to the Chinese Literature Society. Xiao Liu, can you understand what I said? "

In the afternoon, Xiao Liu came to Lin Weimin's office to report on the distribution status of the "Cliff" radio series in bookstores across the country. Chief Editor Lin gave Xiao Liu a lesson by the way.

Xiao Liu was very excited, this is what I can listen to without paying... Bah, the editor-in-chief is using me to train his successor!

A soldier dies for his confidant. Xiao Liu's eyes flashed with heat and he answered with enthusiasm: "I understand!"

Lin Weimin nodded happily, "Just understand. Young people, work hard, you will definitely develop in the future!"

"Thank you, editor-in-chief, I'll go out first."

Xiao Liu walked out of the office with joy and excitement. Lin Weimin picked up the tea cup, blew the tea foam on the surface slowly, and took a sip of the tea. Well, the temperature was just right.

As soon as he made a cup of tea, Xiao Liu came in to report on his work. Thinking that the young man had not had any chicken soup for almost a month, based on the principle of teaching young people by words and deeds, Chief Editor Lin fully gave Xiao Liu Describes the importance and significance of his work.

Seeing Xiao Liu excitedly walking out of the office, in his eyes, Xiao Liu's figure gradually overlapped with his own back then, and Chief Editor Lin felt very pleased.

What a (hao) lively (hu) energetic (you) young man!

The "Cliff" radio series has been broadcast to dozens of cities across the country during this period, including provincial capitals and some non-provincial capitals with relatively developed economies.

There are 30,000 radio series, which is a few hundred sets per city on average, so it is not difficult to digest them.

According to Xiao Liu's separate communication with the audio and video departments of Xinhua Bookstores in various places, in bookstores in many cities, the radio series "Cliff" attracted the attention of many customers as soon as it was put on the shelves, and the sales volume was very good. Some bookstores can sell two copies in one day. Thirty sets of tapes.

A few days later, Xiao Liu came to report the good news to Lin Weimin.

The sales of the 30,000 sets of radio series distributed across the country more than half a month ago have bottomed out. Xinhua Bookstore urged the Chinese Literature Society to step up production and strive to deliver the goods in three days.

"You should contact the manufacturer immediately to make another 50,000 sets and ship them as soon as possible."


Xiao Liu immediately went to carry out Lin Weimin's order.

Lin Weimin did not mass-produce tapes because of the rapid sales of the "Cliff" radio series. He always had a concern in his mind.

Radio drama series can only be regarded as a small subdivision of the cultural industry. The Guowen Press now launches radio drama tapes to find the greatest common denominator among the old readers, old viewers and radio listeners of "The Cliff".

No one is sure what the greatest common denominator will be. The new copyright operations department and Tiantian Changting cannot afford any failure and must work step by step.

It's good to test the market's bottom line little by little, and there won't be any big losses anyway.

It's almost November, and good news has come from Ren Hao's side. The TV series "A Better Tomorrow" has finally been completed.

A 10-episode TV series took nearly 5 months to complete, which was really not very efficient.

Mainly because the main creators such as Ren Hao have relatively high requirements for this TV series and work hard to improve it.

After lunch on Friday, Lin Weimin called Xiao Liu and came to Yanshi together.

"Thank you for your hard work, Director Ren!"

When they met, Lin Weimin first expressed condolences to several of the main creators of the TV series.

"Teacher Lin, you're welcome. This is all our business." Ren Hao and others said politely.

After exchanging a few words, Lin Weimin and everyone watched the sample film of "The True Colors of a Police".

The total investment of "A Better Tomorrow" is 1.2 million yuan, which is a reasonably high investment in the field of domestic TV drama production. Although the total investment is not large, that is because the number of episodes is short. The investment in a single episode is 120,000 yuan. It is a TV series produced or imported by CCTV or several major TV stations. The amount of investment in a single episode is definitely the first in the country.

The high investment, coupled with the continuous improvement of the main creative team, has created the outstanding quality of "The True Colors of a Police".

Each episode of the TV series is about 40 minutes, and the 10 episodes are only 400 minutes. However, Lin Weimin did not have the energy to watch them all. After watching the first four episodes, he was reassured that the quality was good.

He first paused the playback of the sample film and chatted with Zheng Xiaolong, Liu Yanming and others about the copyright sales of the TV series.

"The quality of the series is good. How about the TV stations? Are there many interested in purchasing it?"

Zheng Xiaolong smiled and said: "There are so many, CCTV, Yanjing TV, Ludong TV... several companies want to buy it, CCTV has the highest bid, 75,000 per episode. Among the other companies, the highest bidder is Ludong TV's 4 In case of an episode, they just became stars this year and are in urgent need of a good TV series to support the scene."

"The maximum is 75,000? CCTV produces its own TV series, which can cost 20,000 to 300,000 per episode. They are very hard to purchase!"

Zheng Xiaolong smiled bitterly and said: "Our dramas cannot be compared with CCTV's own dramas. The price is already very high."

"If it is given to CCTV, can the cost be recovered in the second round?" Lin Weimin asked.

"It will definitely be no problem to sell it to more local TV stations. Our TV series is still quite popular with TV stations, but to make money, we may have to wait until it is sold to more local TV stations."

Lin Weimin pondered for a moment and asked, "What is Mr. Liu's opinion?"

Liu Yanming said: "CCTV's price is indeed not low. They have great influence. If the TV series is broadcast on them, they should not have to worry about selling it in the future."

It seems that Liu Yanming is also inclined to sell TV series to CCTV.

His idea is very simple. Looking at it now, "The True Colors of a Police" will definitely have no problem repaying its cost. If he cooperates with CCTV, wouldn't it be better if it sells well?

Lin Weimin thought for a while and said, "Director Ren, are you confident in the quality of "The True Colors of a Police"?"

Ren Hao said without hesitation: "Of course I have confidence."

Lin Weimin looked at Haiyan and Wei Ren again, both of them had equally determined eyes.

In the past few months, several people have worked hard and worked hard on "A Better Cop", and no one has more confidence in this TV series than they do.

"I have an idea. Let's see if it's suitable. If everyone thinks it's okay, I'll discuss it with Yang Tai. If you don't agree, just pretend I didn't say anything." Lin Weimin said.

Everyone looked at him seriously, waiting for his thoughts.

Later, after 2010, in order to further reduce risks and at the same time deepen the cooperative relationship between buyers and sellers, CCTV proposed to sign a ratings-linked contract based on the standard viewing data during the broadcast period of the series.

To put it bluntly, it is a ratings betting agreement.

CCTV pays for the purchase of TV dramas. After establishing a benchmark price, it will be divided into five levels with upper and lower caps and minimum guarantees for rewards and punishments based on the ratings performance during the final broadcast.

For example, for a TV series planned to be broadcast during prime time on CCTV, the average ratings should reach 2.6%. Based on the ratings of the upper and lower tiers, the price will be increased or deducted at a rate of 3%. The highest and lowest rewards and punishments are based on the base price. Within plus or minus 15%.

Such a move would be of great benefit to the TV station.

But it is a big test for the film studio. After all, no one can predict the ratings. If the ratings are really poor, the film company will definitely lose part of the revenue.

But in other words, this kind of move is also a good thing for those filmmakers who are serious about producing TV series.

The ratings of TV series cannot be controlled by the producers, but the quality of the TV series can be controlled by the producers.

A good TV series may not be a ratings hit, but beating the ratings benchmark is not difficult.

Of course, there is a very small chance that we will encounter the tragedy of "Ming Dynasty 1566" broadcast on Hunan Satellite TV in later generations.

However, in Lin Weimin's view, it was a positioning error to broadcast a serious historical drama on a Korean TV station that mainly focuses on teenagers. Therefore, the tragedy of "Ming Dynasty 1566" in later generations was partly to blame.

Generally speaking, betting on ratings is a sure win for the TV station, while it has both advantages and disadvantages for the film producers. However, for the film producers who are serious about making dramas, the advantages should outweigh the disadvantages.

Lin Weimin briefly described this kind of operation in later generations to everyone, and everyone's faces showed a look of thinking.

"I think I can give it a try."

Liu Yanming's latest statement was that he was a businessman, and when considering problems, he first considered interests. After listening to Lin Weimin's words, he immediately noticed the brilliance of this idea.

But what he was thinking about was not the benefit of this idea to "A Better Tomorrow", but the benefit of this idea to CCTV. If handled properly, he might be able to win a big favor from CCTV.

Thinking further, if this idea can be implemented, it will also be of great benefit to CCTV’s external cooperation. As the first film studio to propose this idea, they can establish a deepening cooperative relationship with CCTV, and they will not have to worry about selling the TV series they produce in the future.

Zheng Xiaolong also said: "Mr. Lin, your idea is interesting. If this is the case, we and CCTV will share weal and woe. Shouldn't we be treated the same as the regular army?"

The second half of what he said was a joke, and everyone smiled relaxedly when they heard it.

It is impossible to get the same treatment as the regular army, but there is definitely no problem in improving the treatment, provided that the ratings of the TV series pass.

Ren Hao, Haiyan, Wei Ren and others expressed their opinions one after another, and everyone supported Lin Weimin's idea.

Everyone is not working hard to make TV series for the sake of a one-time deal, so they can tolerate this slightly risky gambling method. To put it bluntly, this is also a way to test everyone's confidence and dedication.

With everyone's nod, Lin Weimin borrowed Liu Yanming's mobile phone and dialed a phone number.

"Hey, Yang Tai, I work for the people, you have to thank me this time..."

It’s still the original recipe and still has a familiar taste.

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