1980 My literary era

Chapter 758 I write novels all by editing

Lin Weimin and Cheng Zhigu had a good relationship. When they established Wenhua Film and Television to invest in movies, their original plan was to find Cheng Zhigu, but they didn't expect him to show up.

But now that Han Shanping has come to Yanying Factory, he will be closer with Lao Teng.

Later Han Shanping served as the director of Yanying Studio for five years and vigorously supported young directors. Not only those from Yanying Studio, but also capable young talents in the domestic film industry, he did not hesitate to help and cultivated a group of outstanding talents. The director also won Han Shanping great fame.

The cooperation between Wenhua Film and Television and Yan Film Studio can not only solve the problem of affiliation qualifications, but also indirectly attract a large number of film talents, killing two birds with one stone.

After chatting with Tong Zhonggui, Lin Weimin saw that Shi Tiesheng was chatting happily with others, so he came over.

"what's the topic?"

"We are talking about "Retreat Notes"." Shi Tiesheng smiled.

"Retreat Notes" is a novel that Shi Tiesheng is currently writing for several years.

Shi Tiesheng has been writing this novel for several years, and friends have read many of its contents. The most common comment about the novel is that it is obscure and difficult to understand.

Lin Weimin has also read a lot of "Retreat Notes". As a reader, his feelings are similar to everyone else's.

The only difference is that he knows more about Shi Tiesheng's spiritual world, so it may be easier to understand the content of the novel.

"Tell me for the people, what do you think of this novel?"

"My opinion?" Lin Weimin had a thoughtful look on his face, and he pondered for a moment.

"In my opinion, it is actually not difficult to understand "Retreat Notes". You only need to regard it as Tiesheng's autobiographical novel."

His first words aroused everyone's interest, and everyone looked at him, anticipating his thoughts.

“But we have to make a distinction: “Retreat Notes” writes more about events that happen in the soul.

I remember Tiesheng had this description in his novel, to the effect that: I am like a dying old man, his memory is fading, but it has not disappeared, but has lived in my heart. What lives in the heart is no less than what escapes from the brain, because they have created a boundless world in the heart, which is the world of the true self. The memory may be dim, but the impression in my heart has become a more vivid life.

This passage left a particularly deep impression on me. It is well written. The literary talent is certainly not outstanding, but it is simple but powerful. It also clearly and clearly discusses the relationship between the spirit and the body.

As a novel, "Retreat Notes" has many problems. In fact, if someone says that it is not a novel, I will not object..."

When Lin Weimin said this, some people nodded unconsciously, and Shi Tiesheng showed a knowing smile on his face. He was not annoyed by his friend's fair evaluation of his work, and he was also very aware of the problems in his work.

“But at the same time, we cannot simply boil down the issue of this novel to ‘whether it resembles a novel or not’, because whether it resembles a novel or not is ultimately a matter of form.

Obsessing over the form and then trying to figure out the content of this novel will only be counterproductive.

Just like the characters in the novel, Tiesheng is replaced by the letters ABCD, which breaks away from the image given to the character by the name. For example, if there is a bad guy named Zhang San in the first part, and if the name appears later, you will I immediately think of all kinds of things about this character, and I can't help but think subjectively.

However, Tiesheng uses letters to name the characters, which greatly weakens the sense of intimacy the characters bring to readers.

Novels tell stories, and to a large extent they pursue a sense of substitution. However, his approach is exactly anti-novel and anti-novel creation rules. This is why we, as readers, find it obscure.

Therefore, if you want to understand the content of his novel, you cannot dwell on the external form.

This itself is a collection of intellectual history and dialogue with the soul of a person who is good at thinking and diligent in thinking. You can read it as a collection of essays or papers. "

After Lin Weimin finished expressing his views, Qu Xiaowei summarized it for him, "Don't read it as a novel, is that what you mean?"

Everyone couldn't help but laugh, you will sum it up.

"It's almost the same, just don't have the expectation of reading a novel." Lin Weimin said, and then said: "The novel hasn't been written yet, so you guys can't finish the discussion. Let's change the discussion to a novel. An Yi's masterpiece will be published soon. This time She has left all the female writers of her generation behind.”

Lin Weimin's high praise immediately aroused everyone's interest, "Tell me more about it!"

A group of people gathered to chat about literature. Someone was smoking in the room. The morning sunlight penetrated the glass and entered the room. The air was a bit turbid. It was the product of excessive carbon dioxide, which gave the room a false sense of warmth.

Time passed minute by minute and while everyone was discussing with gusto, Cheng Hong shouted for dinner.

The conversation quickly stopped and everyone rushed to the restaurant.

The sky is big and the earth is big, and eating is the biggest thing.

Yu Hua's three-bedroom apartment has a small living room, but a large kitchen and dining room. The dining room is even a separate room, but it still cannot accommodate nearly twenty people.

Several people were assigned to the living room, surrounding the small coffee table, which turned into a table.

While eating, Shi Tiesheng suddenly asked Lin Weimin, "Weimin, what do you plan to write in your next novel?"

As soon as he said these words, everyone's eyes immediately looked at Lin Weimin, full of expectation.

"I haven't decided what to write yet, so don't worry."

Lin Weimin's "Thirteen Langs of the South China Sea" was published in March last year and published in May. It has not yet been a year.

For most writers, this time should be a time to recuperate and accumulate strength, but Lin Weimin's previous creative efficiency was too high.

"If you do the math, Weimin's efficiency over the past two years has been lost." Qu Xiaowei suddenly sighed with emotion.

The more Lin Weimin heard this, the more uncomfortable he felt. What do you mean that he has not been able to do anything in the past two years? Why doesn't it work?

"That's right. I remember when he was young, he would publish a novel every half a year. That was so fast! If you look at it now, tsk tsk tsk..."

This meal is inedible!

Teacher Lin really wanted to throw her chopsticks and run away!

He ignored the noise in his ears and buried himself in his meal.

After dinner, today's housewarming event was over. Lin Weimin carried Shi Tiesheng downstairs, getting angrier as he thought about it.

The more you think about it, the more you will suffer. The more you take a step back, the more you will get angry.

After putting Shi Tiesheng in the car, Lin Weimin stood at the door of the car, condescending.

"Tiesheng, I have decided!"

"What to decide?" Shi Tiesheng was confused.

"writing a novel."

"Have you got an inspiration?"


Shi Tiesheng was speechless, "Then what do you write?"

"You still don't understand me. When I write novels, I rely entirely on editing."

Shi Tiesheng opened his mouth. I was speechless at what you said.

"Then write it down and show it to me."


The car door closed with a "pop" sound, and Teacher Lin felt confident.

But when he got home, he started scratching his head. The bullshit was blown out. He hadn't thought about what to write yet!

"Dad! Dad!"

Lin Weimin was sitting in the study waiting for inspiration to come when Xiaodou Bao ran in.

"What are you looking for dad for?"

"Play with me."

Lin Weimin picked her up and asked, "Why don't you watch cartoons?"

"finish watching."

Lin Weimin took a look at the time. It turned out that it was almost seven o'clock and the cartoon had finished playing long ago.

He hugged the little bean bag and left the study, "Then daddy, let's play with you for a while."

The father and daughter played for a while, and Tao Huimin took the bean bag from Lin Weimin and said, "Let dad rest for a while."

"No!" Xiaodoubao twisted around and wanted to find Lin Weimin, but Lin Weimin had no choice but to hug her again.

"Then dad will watch TV for a while. How about you follow dad and watch TV for a while?"

"Okay!" Xiaodoubao replied in a milky voice.

It's past seven o'clock, and the TV is full of "Xinwen Lianbo".

Lin Weimin was sitting on the sofa watching TV, Xiao Doubao was sitting in his arms, sitting decently, with a serious look on his face, as if he was concerned about national affairs, but if you look closely at her eyes, you will find that this girl is actually watching The one above the TV is the clock.

Her big eyes followed the beating second hand and read the news. For a child, the days seemed like years.

"Dad, I'd better go find mom to play."

Finally, after holding on for almost a minute, Xiaodoubao couldn't bear it anymore, jumped out of Lin Weimin's arms, and ran into the arms of his old mother.

Lin Weimin was still watching TV. At this time, K. Linton, the commander-in-chief of the other side of the ocean, appeared on the TV. K. Linton was participating in international activities and looked high-spirited.

Lin Weimin couldn't help but think of the sexy news that was about to happen this year. Klinton turned into Zipperton, which people all over the world would love to hear.

Seeing K. Linton, Lin Weimin couldn't help but think of the two crouching dragons and phoenixes in the American political circles in later generations, King Wang and Baitouden.

My mind, which was originally in chaos, suddenly became clear. Isn’t inspiration coming now?

You can definitely write a political satirical novel using the jokes about King Wang and Baek Toudeng. The style will be similar to the British drama "Yes, Prime Minister". It is absurd and funny, but extremely true.

Thinking of this idea, Lin Weimin had the urge to clap his hands and applaud himself.

The various behaviors and remarks of these two weirdos don't even need to be processed by Lin Weimin. It is a superior political satire novel!

Of course, Wang Dong and Baek Toudeng are both real people, so they cannot be used directly and can be given pseudonyms.

Lin Weimin felt that he was not so confident even when copying movies.

In the last years of O'Hei, the situation was changing, heroes were rising, and two young men, the king of understanding and the white-headed leader, were born at the same time in the political arena of the United States. For the throne of the great commander, the competition was imminent.

Political farce, campaign shady stories, disregard for human life, racial discrimination, the Black Lives Matter movement...

There is so much material that I can’t write it down. I can’t write it down at all!

The more Teacher Lin thought about it, the more excited she became, so she wrote about you two and couldn't wait to walk into the study room.

Early the next morning, Lin Weimin yawned all day long when he went to work.

He was so inspired last night that he wrote the novel until the middle of the night. He only slept for less than five hours in total. Now that he was at work, he could only rely on strong tea to stay alive.

Once this man passed thirty-five, it was hard to describe, alas!

"Ding-ding-ding!" The phone on the table suddenly rang.

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