1980 My literary era

Chapter 759 New

Pushing open the door of Cheng Wuchun's office, Lin Weimin complained: "Is there something that we can't talk about on the phone?"

Cheng Wuchun shook the document in his hand, "The department approved it!"

Lin Weimin's face showed a bit of joy. He knew that what Lao Cheng was talking about must be the approval document for the change of ownership of "The King of Picture Calligraphy".

"Finally, it was approved. The efficiency is really slow!"

"Be content, it's only been a month. There's also good news..."

Cheng Wuchun stopped here.

Lin Weimin said: "Stop selling it, what's the news?"

Seeing that Lin Weimin's appetite was whetted, Cheng Wanchun said: "The leader gave me some advice. The department is currently communicating with the Ministry of Rites to prepare for a big project. Firstly, it wants to rectify the current chaos in the domestic comics industry. Secondly, It’s also to support Chinese comics.”

Lin Weimin listened to Cheng Wuchun's words and immediately thought of the "5155 Project" launched by the Ministry of Rites and the General Administration of Publishing in December 1995, which aimed to establish 5 comic publishing bases in China, publish 15 sets of large comic books, and create 5 original books. Comic publications.

The "5155 Project" played a great role in promoting the development of Chinese comics in the 1990s, standardizing the industry and market, promoting the birth of many comic publications, providing a platform for the development of many comic creators, and also providing a platform for future comics. The development of Chinese comics provides experience and lessons.

However, because it is led by the government, the disadvantages of this project are also obvious. The government stretched its hands too far and broke away from the market. Instead, it pursued formality and superficial numerical results, which led to the poor management of many publications.

In later generations, around 2005, many magazines founded during the 5155 project could not make ends meet and had to cease publication. The 5155 project, which was once a vigorous part of the history of Chinese comics, also came to an end.

Overall, Project 5155 has played a positive role in promoting the development of national comics.

What Cheng Wuchun was talking about should be this project.

"This is a good thing!"

Cheng Wanchun also laughed and said, "Of course it's a good thing. I really don't know if you, the fool, are lucky. Why do you always encounter such good things with policy support every time you want to do something?"

"What does it mean that stupid people are lucky? This is called judging the situation and taking advantage of the situation." Lin Weimin said proudly.

Just when Cheng Wuchun was about to hit him a few words, Lin Weimin said again: "Then I'll inform Teacher Wang and ask him to contact the editor and author as soon as possible. The office conditions at Tongwen News Agency are tight, and the editorial department of King of Paintings will be placed with family members. Over there, downstairs."

"Just look at the arrangements, the rent..."

Cheng Wanchun was stopped by Lin Weimin before he could finish his words, "I'll pay the rent, and my brothers will settle the accounts! I understand!"

Comrade Lao Cheng nodded happily and asked again: "The new publication cannot be called "The King of Painting Books". The "King of Painting Books" you mentioned before is good. It is closely related to "The King of Painting Books". Old readers should take a look. You understand what’s going on.”

This was something Lin Weimin had discussed with Lao Cheng early in the morning. It was also because of this that the leader relaxed and said, "Sure, let's call it this name."

Lin Weimin called Wang Yongsheng, called him to the Chinese Literature Society, and called Li Xin to the office.

Wang Yongsheng couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard that "King of Painting" was back in print, even though it had a different name.

Wang Yongsheng was so excited that he could see the rebirth of this publication, which had condensed his countless efforts, in his lifetime.

"Teacher Wang, please don't get excited. Now that the publication has been approved by the new owner, the next task of re-publication must be completed by you." Lin Weimin said.

"I have been contacting the editor and author during this period. Give me half a month and "King of Painting" can resume normal operation."

Li Xin clapped his hands and said, "Thank you so much to Teacher Lin for inviting you here. I really don't know how much trouble it has saved our club. Thank you for your hard work, Teacher Wang!"

Wang Yongsheng shook his hand and said, "It's not hard work. I have always kept in touch with everyone. These days, I just make more phone calls and write letters. Everyone is looking forward to it when they learn that "The King of Painting Books" may resume publication. .”

"The King of Picture Books" ceased publication, and those who were most uncomfortable with it were the newly emerging Chinese comic authors. In the past two years, many domestic comic publications have appeared, but there are very few publications that really value Chinese comics. For example, "The King of Picture Books" is the only one that is willing to spend energy on young authors.

Without the platform of "Picture Book King", these young authors have nowhere to display their talents.

At this point, Wang Yongsheng choked up again, "I feel sorry for these children. Several of them came to Yanjing for me. But I did not lead them. They have had a very hard life in the past six months... …”

In 1994, "The King of Picture Books" discovered a large number of gifted and talented Chinese cartoonists. In order to facilitate communication, Wang Yongsheng specially wrote to these cartoonists, hoping that they could come to Yanjing to become professional cartoonists.

Those young people chasing their dreams came to Yanjing full of longing. At that time, the editorial department of "The King of Painting Books" was located in a primary school in Yanjing. Several young authors such as Yan Kaifu, Chen Xiang, and Zheng Xusheng rented rooms next to the primary school. A residential house, painted day and night every day.

But just when these teenagers were looking forward to realizing their dreams, "Picture Book King" suddenly stopped publishing, giving everyone a blow.

"When we first stopped publication, I told them that our magazine was doing so well that we would never stop. I also told them that our magazine would purchase the copyright of Ni Hong's genuine comics and hold a national comic contest. , to discover more comic talents and provide more creative space for young creators..."

Wang Yongsheng couldn't help but burst into tears as he talked. He couldn't help himself.

Li Xin and Lin Weimin were filled with sighs as they listened. They had both run publications before, so how could they not understand Wang Yongsheng's mood and feelings.

Wang Yongsheng took out his handkerchief to wipe the tears on his face, stood up suddenly, and bowed solemnly to Lin Weimin and Li Xin.

Lin Weimin stood up quickly, "Teacher Wang, what are you doing?"

"Thank you two leaders. Without you, there would be no rebirth of King Hua." Wang Yongsheng said with emotion.

Lin Weimin pulled Wang Yongsheng back to the sofa and said, "Teacher Wang, what you said made it clear that we are all a family now."

Li Xin also said: "Yes, we are all a family. From now on, the work of the new "King of Painting" will be inseparable from you, Teacher Wang!"

Feeling that Lin Weimin and Li Xin valued him, Wang Yongsheng couldn't help but feel grateful that a scholar would die for his confidant.

"Teacher Wang, let's talk about the specific matters of resumption of publication." Lin Weimin said.

Wang Yongsheng restrained his emotions and gradually calmed down, "Say."

"Although we have won the re-publication of "The King of Painting Books", the name needs to be changed. It cannot be called "The King of Painting Books". I just told you that it will be called "The King of Paintings"."

Wang Yongsheng read the name in his mouth and said: "The King of Paintings is known as the King of Paintings orally. Readers are also used to this name. It's okay to use this name for the new publication."

"For the new "King of Painting" editorial department, we will place it in Tongwenshe, a subsidiary of the Chinese Literature Society. Tongwenshe specializes in popular books, which is in line with the positioning of "King of Painting". But you can rest assured that the salary of the editorial department and The benefits and benefits are on par with those of the Chinese Literature Society..."

Lin Weimin then told Wang Yongsheng about the specific treatment of the editors of the Chinese Literature Society. Wang Yongsheng became more and more excited as he listened.

Good guy, isn’t this much better than working for Ningxia People’s Publishing House?

The most important thing is, is there still a chance to split rooms?

"The editors' treatment is basically like this. Next is the issue of the author's fee standards..."

When Lin Weimin said this, Wang Yongsheng's face became solemn. Although the Chinese Literature Society gave these editors high wages and benefits, he was more concerned about the authors' fee standards.

"Comic publications calculate manuscript fees based on the number of drawings. The previous "King of Drawing Books" uniformly charged 50 yuan per drawing. This can be adjusted appropriately."

Wang Yongsheng's heart skipped a beat, thinking that Lin Weimin felt that the previous fee standards were too high. He hurriedly said: "Teacher Lin, the fee of 50 yuan a piece is actually not high. Some writers may not be able to draw a painting in two days. And Mu Bang..."

Lin Weimin smiled and waved his hand, "Mr. Wang, you misunderstood me. What I want to say is that after the resumption of publication, our manuscript fee standards must be divided into several levels, and we cannot eat from the same big pot. My idea is to divide it into three The rates are: 30 yuan/piece for newcomers, 50 yuan/piece for powerful authors, and 80 yuan/piece for top authors. Of course, this fee standard is not set in stone. We can increase the price for comic authors based on the popularity of the work. This specific quantitative standard needs to be formulated by your editorial department."

Hearing this, Wang Yongsheng was relieved and a little happy at the same time.

The fee standards are divided into several grades. Although the fee for newcomers is lower, the fee for top authors is also higher than before.

The average comic book author produces between 20 and 40 pieces per month, and the standard fee is 30 to 80 yuan per piece. If a newcomer is slow in drawing, he can still get 600 yuan a month. This income is already higher than that of many working people. The clan is high.

But if a top artist with superb skills paints 40 pictures a month for 80 yuan each, that is 3,200 yuan. One month of painting is equivalent to what an ordinary person can do for a year.

For a top author in the industry, this income level is very reasonable.

It seems that the fee standard given by Teacher Lin is indeed more conducive to increasing the enthusiasm of authors.

"I support your idea!"

Lin Weimin continued: "In the future, relying on the distribution channels of the Chinese Literature Society and the Tongwen Society, the works published in "King of Painting" can also be published in single volumes, and the authors' payment standards will also be based on the unified standards of our Chinese Literature Society. "

The more Wang Yongsheng listened, the happier he became. Guowenshe was one of the top publishing houses in the country, and its fee standards were always higher than the industry standard. What’s more, Guowenshe also had huge distribution channels, so its sales volume would definitely not be bad.

He felt more and more happy for the young comic book authors, and he couldn't wait to tell them the good news right away.

Having said that, Lin Weimin said to Wang Yongsheng again: "The current office conditions of Tongwen News Agency are quite tense. Dozens of people are crowded into several offices, so the agency has allocated a family building for you over there. We use our store as an office. It’s a bit far, but the office conditions there are good. Come on, I’ll take you to see it!”

Wang Yongsheng happily followed Lin Weimin's footsteps and drove all the way to the family building outside the East Third Ring Road.

The newly renovated store of more than 150 square meters is used as an office for the editorial department. Li Xin was a little jealous when he saw it.

He quietly said to Lin Weimin: "Mr. Lin, our place is quite crowded. "King of Painting" only has one editorial department. It is a bit wasteful to use such a big office. How about moving the editorial department of "Red Bean" here too?"

"That's so kind of you."

Li Xin looked shy, but still said: "It's really crowded over there."

"Don't even think about this store. It's just for the comic editing department. If you want, rent another one."

Li Xin muttered dissatisfiedly: "If I rent again, won't I have to spend more money?"

"I see you, you are showing more and more signs of developing towards Lao Cheng!"

Li Xin didn't speak any more, but looked at the brand-new storefront, almost bursting with envy.

At the same time, he had another question in his mind.

There were only a few editors in the editorial department of "King of Painting" in the early days. How could such a large space be used? Why would Teacher Lin build such a big office for them?

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