1980 My literary era

Chapter 760 Hot discussion in the comics industry

Wang Yongsheng stood in the empty sales room, and his mind couldn't help but recall the scene when "The King of Painting Books" was first published.

The low building of the primary school, the cramped space, the simple layout...

The memories gradually became blurry, and finally overlapped with the scene in front of him, making him feel as if he was dreaming.

Fortunately, this is all true.

"The King of Painting" is back!

When Wang Yongsheng was feeling emotional, Lin Weimin said to Li Xin: "Next, you will fully cooperate with Teacher Wang in preparing for the resumption of "King of Painting" and strive to resume publication as soon as possible."

Li Xin stopped and thought, "Yes."

"Teacher Wang, I'll leave the rest to you." Lin Weimin said to Wang Yongsheng.

Wang Yongsheng looked solemn and said, "I will do my best!"

A few days later, a piece of news suddenly spread in the domestic comics industry.

"Picture Book King", which has been suspended for half a year, is about to resume publication!

After this news came out, it quickly triggered heated discussions in the comics industry.

Although it has only been established for one year, "The King of Picture Books" has always been a leader in the domestic comics industry. Whether it is in terms of publication sales or in terms of cultivating Chinese comics authors, "The King of Picture Books" has always been at the forefront of domestic comics. At the forefront of the world.

"Picture Book King" was suspended half a year ago, and the happiest people were undoubtedly several other domestic comic publications.

Without a strong competitor, you can also pick up some Chinese comic writers who have worked hard to cultivate in "Picture Book King". Is there anything better than this?

Now that "Picture Book King" has made a comeback, these publications immediately became nervous.

In the past few days, more and more news about the resumption of "Picture Book King" has been coming out.

It turns out that the Chinese Literature Society took over "The King of Painting Books". For this suspended publication, it actually spent a lot of money to pay Ningxia People's Publishing House 1 million yuan to purchase all the intellectual property rights of "The King of Painting Books", and then for "The King of Painting Books" The publishing office was approached to coordinate the resumption of the publication of "Book King".

Unfortunately, the suspension of publication was an administrative order that had already been issued. In the end, the Chinese Literature Society had no choice but to take a compromise and rename "The King of Painting Books" and resume publication under the name "The King of Painting Books".

The ins and outs of the matter have gradually become clear after several days of dissemination, and several publications have ridiculed the Chinese Literature Society for stealing the chicken and losing the rice.

I spent a lot of money and finally had to change my name. Who would have known that your "King of Paintings" and "King of Painting Books" were the same publication? You might even think that this "King of Paintings" is just a third-rate publication just to gain popularity from "The King of Paintings".

Many comics practitioners and readers, after hearing the news, immediately expressed their disbelief at the Chinese Literature Society's behavior of "knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, but preferring to travel with tigers in the mountains".

The ridicule of the industry and the doubts of the public did not disrupt the pace of the resumption of publication of "King of Painting".

With Wang Yongsheng's contact, the editors of "Picture Book King" who had been separated reunited at the family store of the Chinese Literature Society outside the East Third Ring Road.

Those young writers who have lost their stage are like tired birds returning to their nests after receiving guidance, rushing to Yanjing from all directions of the motherland.

"Mom, Dad, there's no need to send it away!" Yan Kaifu said to his parents with the suitcase in his hand.

The father and mother stood on the platform, and their son was about to embark on a journey to pursue his dream again. They had mixed emotions.

The father hesitated for a long time and then warned: "If you can't hold on any longer, come back."

Yan Kaifu's eyes were sore and he remained silent.

On the platform, the conductor's whistle sounded, and the door was about to close.

"Dad, Mom, you go back, don't worry about me, I'm in the car."

"Hey, let's go!"

The parents promised, but their eyes followed their son's back.

After squeezing onto the train, Yan Kaifu had no time to put his luggage and cast his eyes out the window, searching for his parents.

He searched for more than ten seconds and finally found his parents. Before he could speak, a whistle sounded and the train started moving slowly.

"Dad, Mom, I'm leaving!"

"Son, write a letter!" his mother shouted to Yan Kaifu while running on the platform.

"I know, take care of yourself!"

"Son!" the father shouted loudly, "come back if you can't continue painting."

As the train moved further away, the sound became increasingly inaudible.

Yan Kaifu pursed his lips and silently answered his father: If I can't succeed in painting, I won't come back! I won't be a deserter for the second time!

In May 1994, Yan Kaifu came to Beijing at the invitation of Wang Yongsheng and started the serialization of "Snow Coconut". This comic has gained the love of countless readers.

But no one expected that just three months later, "Picture Book King" would cease publication.

At first, Yan Kaifu and a few friends were very optimistic.

Teacher Wang said that the suspension of publication is only temporary, and their journal will definitely be able to resume publication. Everyone is full of confidence in this.

However, as time goes by day by day, the news of resumption of publication is far away, and everyone's confidence is getting less and less.

Slowly, Chen Xiang left, Zheng Xusheng left...

The winter in Yanjing is coming. The winter in Yanjing is so cold!

That winter, Yan Kaifu kept painting and painting in the rented house, but he never waited for the news that King of Paintings would resume publication.

Yan Kaifu still remembers the heavy snowfall that day. He really couldn't hold on any longer. He had no money.

His mother called again, and Yan Kaifu finally gave in and returned to his hometown.

The day he left Yanjing, he felt like a deserter.

This time, Yan Kaifu told himself that he would never escape again.

The train heading north passes through mountains and plains, and the frozen land has been civilized.

Winter is finally over!

After dragging his luggage off the train, Yan Kaifu felt a little weak when he stepped onto the platform after dozens of hours of long journey.

Today's temperature was a little warmer than the day he left. When he walked to the exit of the station, he saw a familiar old man.

For some reason, Yan Kaifu's eyes were sore when he saw the old man, and he felt aggrieved and wanted to cry.

Yan Kaifu took a deep breath and shouted in the distance: "Teacher Wang!"

A smile broke out on Wang Yongsheng's face and he waved desperately to Yan Kaifu.

When he came closer, Wang Yongsheng hugged him excitedly.

"I'm back! I'm back!"

Yan Kaifu hugged Wang Yongsheng and could no longer control the tears in his eyes.

"I can't help you." Wang Yongsheng said with guilt.

"Don't say that, no one wants that to happen." Yan Kaifu said angrily.

"Forget it, let's not talk about the past." Wang Yongsheng smiled again and said: "This time our "King of Painting" has found a big backer, powerful and rich!"

Yan Kaifu said: "The Chinese Literature Society has really incorporated us?"

"Is there any holiday left? Come on, I'll take you to the editorial office first."


The two left the train station and got on the bus.

Although he had only been away for two or three months, Yan Kaifu still felt as if he was in another world when he saw every sight and thing in Yanjing.

The bus wandered all the way to the outside of the East Third Ring Road. As the bus became more and more remote, Yan Kaifu was mentally prepared. No matter how difficult the conditions were this time, he would persevere.

Wang Yongsheng led Yan Kaifu out of the car and after walking more than two hundred meters, he saw several brand-new buildings.

When we came to a row of stores facing the street, there was an inconspicuous sign hanging in front of one of the stores.

"Editorial Department of Popular Literature and Art Publishing House "King of Painting"".

Wang Yongsheng opened the door, "Xiao Yan, come in!"

Yan Kaifu carried his luggage and followed Wang Yongsheng into the editorial office. After these days, the office partitions have been completed. After walking through the entrance hall, the 150-square-meter office was divided into four large offices, one on each side of the door.

Wang Yongsheng and Yan Kaifu pushed open the office door to the left of the entrance. As soon as they entered, they saw several familiar figures. They were all former editors of "The King of Painting Books".

Everyone was very happy to see Yan Kaifu, "Xiao Yan is here!", "Xiao Yan, long time no see!"

The familiar faces and cordial greetings made Yan Kaifu extremely excited, and he was finally convinced.

"The King of Painting" is really back!

"We are all old acquaintances, so I won't introduce you. Come, Xiao Yan, take a good look around our new office."

Yan Kaifu walked around several offices with a relaxed smile on his face, "Teacher Wang, the conditions are much better than before!"

"Haha, it's a blessing in disguise." Wang Yongsheng's face showed a bit of pride, "Now that we have become a subsidiary publication of the Chinese Literature Society, all the treatment is the same as that of the Chinese Literature Society, and this house also belongs to the Chinese Literature Society."

Yan Kaifu is sincerely happy for the teachers in the editorial department. Such working conditions are much better than before.

After taking Yan Kaifu around to see the office conditions of the editorial department, Wang Yongsheng asked: "You don't have a place to stay in Yanjing this time, do you?"

Yan Kaifu shook his head honestly.

Wang Yongsheng showed him a mysterious smile and said, "Follow me."

He followed Wang Yongsheng out of the door again, walked dozens of meters along the shopping mall, and came to a doorway.

"Old Zhai, there is a kid in our editorial department." Wang Yongsheng said hello to the old man in the guard room, and then said to Yan Kaifu: "Xiao Yan, say hello to Uncle Zhai."

"Hello, Uncle Zhai!" Yan Kaifu greeted obediently.

Uncle Zhai responded with a smile, Wang Yongsheng chatted with him for a few words, and then continued to walk into the courtyard with Yan Kaifu.

The yard is not big, and the buildings on all sides make it seem a bit depressing, but it is better than being quiet.

Yan Kaifu followed Wang Yongsheng into a building on the west side. He was tired from carrying his luggage up the stairs, so he climbed to the sixth floor panting.

Wang Yongsheng finally stopped, then took out the key from his pocket and opened a door.

"This is the leftover house from the Guowen Society. It's vacant now, so I borrowed it. It's a three-bedroom apartment with a higher floor, but it doesn't cost money. If you don't mind it, just live here first. You can get everything. You added it yourself.”

After Wang Yongsheng introduced the house to Yan Kaifu, Yan Kaifu smiled happily when he heard that he could live there for free.

This time in Beijing, not only the salary of the editorial department has been improved, but also the salary of their group of comic writers has been improved, and they even have free dormitories to live in.

The sixth floor doesn't matter, he can climb up to the sixteenth floor.

A free house is great to live in!

"Thank you so much, Teacher Wang!"

"Don't thank me. If you want to thank me, just thank the leaders of the Chinese Literature Society. They are all willing to help."

Yan Kaifu nodded, feeling very fond of the leader of the Chinese Literature Society whom he had never met before.

"Then let's do this for now. After you put down your luggage, you can walk around first. Life around here is quite convenient."

Yan Kaifu asked: "Teacher Wang, Xiao Chen and the others..."

Wang Yongsheng smiled and said: "Don't worry, they will be here in the next two days, and you can fight side by side again."

"Very good!"

"I have something to discuss with you."

"You say."

"Tongwenshe plans to publish a single volume of "Snow Coconut" for you. What do you think?"

Yan Kaifu was stunned for a moment, "Publish a single volume for me?"

"Yes, "Snow Coconut" for you."

After getting a positive answer again, Yan Kaifu still couldn't believe it, "I...I...have no idea."

"Then do you agree or disagree?"

"I agree, of course I agree!"

Yan Kaifu finally understood and said loudly.

"As for the royalties..."

"I have no objection, any amount is fine." Yan Kaifu said eagerly.

Wang Yongsheng laughed and said, "You silly boy, I'd better ask."

"Ah!" Yan Kaifu scratched his head and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Wang Yongsheng, "Don't worry, you will never suffer. You are our leading author, so your treatment will not be bad."

Hearing this, Yan Kaifu giggled.

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