1980 My literary era

Chapter 763 The Chinese Literature Society is going to do something big

In the end, Wang Shuo did not get the role in "Party A and Party B".

After exiting the gate of Wenhua Film and Television, he kicked the stones on the roadside angrily.

"This little Tong is using chicken feathers as a ceremonial arrow!"

Feng Xiaogang on the side was in a happy mood. Xu Cairen didn't get the heroine. He could explain it to Teacher Lin.

The role of Tang Lijun was not snatched away by Mr. Shuo to show his attentiveness to his little girlfriend. He and Xu Fan also had an explanation.


"Teacher Lin has given instructions, and he doesn't dare not to implement it!" Feng Xiaogang said in a brisk tone.

He had already thought about it, and if anything happened, he would just push it on Teacher Lin.

If you want to cure Master Shuo, you have to be Teacher Lin!

After putting aside all the calculations in his mind, Feng Xiaogang couldn't help but think about the following days.

The script of "Party A and Party B" has been finalized, and now comes the preparation work. It is somewhat different from his first movie "My Love Will Never Be Lost". In "Party A and Party B", Feng Xiaogang's voice is obviously more powerful than before. This is of course inseparable from Teacher Lin's support for him.

Inexplicably, Feng Xiaogang felt like the sky was high and birds could fly.

Looking at Wang Shuo who was depressed next to him, he was in a better mood.

A few days later, at the Yanjing Hotel, it was the day of the annual Buhu series new book launch.

But the atmosphere at today's conference seemed a bit unusual. The number of media invited to the press conference was intimidating. Nearly a hundred news media from all over the country gathered in the banquet hall of Yanjing Hotel.

From TV stations to newspapers and magazines, from national media to provincial media, many media reporters focused their attention here, waiting for the official start of the press conference.

The venue for the press conference has been set up. The reporters are sitting in the open space in front of the rostrum. The words "1995 Buhu Series New Book Press Conference" are printed on the large background board behind the rostrum.

Below this line of large characters, in addition to the name of the organizer, the Chinese Literature Society, there is an area in the middle that is covered with red velvet fabric, giving the press conference a sense of mystery.

The eyes of many reporters present were mostly focused on the area covered by the background board, and they chatted curiously in private, giving full play to their imaginations.

Li Xiangyang mingled among a bunch of reporters and was equally curious. His colleagues who were familiar with him all knew that he had a good relationship with Lin Weimin of the Chinese Literature Society. An old acquaintance came over and asked, "Hey, Xiangyang, do you know what big news there is in the Chinese Literature Society today?"

Li Xiangyang shook his head, "How could I know!"

"Aren't you very familiar with Lin Weimin?"

"Why would people talk about this kind of thing to others? Today is the press conference anyway, won't we find out later?"

Everyone chatted for a while, and as the time for the press conference approached, the reporters gradually became quiet.

In the audience, Lin Weimin asked Cheng Wuchun again, "You really don't want to go up?"

Cheng Wuchun was upset by his question, "How many times have I asked you? Why are you still asking when I told you I can't get it?"

"Aren't I afraid that you will regret it?"

Cheng Wuchun waved his hand impatiently, "Hurry up, don't be an eyesore to me!"

"Okay, okay, don't bother me anymore."

Lin Weimin ran to Zou Meisen's side. Seeing that he looked a little reserved, he said, "Mason, don't be nervous. I just went up to chat with everyone. In fact, it is almost the same as a symposium."

Zou Meisen nodded, "I usually participate in many activities, but this time the nature is different."

"Just get used to it!"

Lin Weimin comforted him, then looked at Huang Anyi and saw that she had no intention of talking to him at all, so Lin Weimin was sensible and did not talk to her.

After a while, the sound suddenly rang, and everyone knew that they were about to go on stage.

Following the announcer's voice, Lin Weimin walked towards the podium amidst the sound of music.

“Dear guests and fellow journalists, hello everyone, welcome to our National Literature Publishing House’s annual Buhu Series new book launch.”

Today he is wearing a black suit solemnly yet chic. He is thirty-five years old and looks very young, but his temperament is mature and gentle. He has an aura in his movements that makes people fall in love with him at first sight.

"Speaking of which, we have to meet with everyone at our press conference every year, but today it is me, a new person, who comes to communicate with everyone. I hope everyone can ask more questions and don't be left in the cold."

Compared with Cheng Wuchun, who has always been serious, Lin Weimin's style is more people-friendly and humorous, and he instantly gained the favor of many reporters present.

Cheng Wanchun in the audience looked at Lin Weimin talking on the stage with a smile on his face.

"This brat is quite decent!"

Huang Anyi looked at the calm figure on the stage with blurred eyes.

"...Okay, enough has been said. Next, let us invite the four writers selected for the Buhu Book Series and their works to make a shining appearance!"

Lin Weimin invited the writers to the rostrum, and everyone had their own works in their hands.

Huang Anyi and her "Song of Everlasting Sorrow", Zou Meisen and his "The Righteous Way of the World"...

Four writers, four novels, this seems to have become the standard feature of Buhu’s book series. After focusing on the introduction of the four writers and their new books, the rostrum was shrouded in flash lights, and even the people in the audience almost opened their eyes. No more eyes.

After some more questions from reporters, the atmosphere returned to quiet.

Lin Weimin had a calm smile on his face and continued to speak loudly: "Friends who are interested should have noticed that there is something special about today's book launch conference."

His finger pointed to the background board behind him, "There is a red cloth covered here. I believe everyone is curious about what kind of drama this is. Before introducing what is behind this red cloth, please allow me to be a little shy. .”

"When it comes to our Chinese Literature Society, people across the country should be familiar with it. We were established in Yanjing in March 1951 as a national-level professional literary publishing organization. It has a history of 44 years since its establishment.

Over the years, the Chinese Literature Society has been committed to promoting the creation, excavation and cultivation of a large number of writers and works in my country's new literature, contributing our own strength to the Chinese literary world, promoting the development of our country's socialist cause, and cultivating the sentiments of the people. have had a positive and far-reaching impact.

In the past five years, the development of our Chinese Literature Society can be said to be one step at a time. Last year, our Chinese Literature Society created a total circulation of 171 million books and periodicals, with a sales volume of 791 million yuan, and actual revenue reached 518 million yuan.

The total pricing amount accounts for 5.6% of the national book market, and the number of print runs accounts for nearly 3% of the national book market. It has become a veritable leading institution in the domestic publishing industry. "

The series of figures revealed by Lin Weimin were so shocking that many reporters present were stunned. No one expected that the normally silent Chinese Literature Society would achieve such horrific results.

The news media has never paid much attention to publishing houses. That is to say, the Chinese Literature Society has now made the brand "Buhu" famous, otherwise it would not have attracted so much media attention.

In the past 1994, China's total movie box office revenue continued its steady decline in the previous two years, breaking the 1.1 billion mark and setting a record low.

The Chinese Language and Literature Society has single-handedly accounted for 50% of the income generated by an entire industry in China. Such figures are too shocking for the public. Even well-informed reporters are filled with excitement. Surprised.

Some reporters in the audience kept writing furiously, for fear of missing any number Lin Weimin said. Lin Weimin on the stage did not stop his speech because of the reporters' emotions.

“It can be said that our Chinese Literature Society has achieved the best results since its establishment, and we stand at the highest position in history.

But at the same time, the leaders of the society, including myself, are also thinking about a question, and that is the next path of the Chinese Literature Society. "

Lin Weimin stopped here and drank water. The reporters in the audience stretched their necks to wait for his next words.

"The publishing industry, or the book market, is only a small industry for a big country like China. Our Chinese Literature Society has reached the top in the industry, but we start from a rational point of view and stand at this height, and then go up. Even a small step forward is as difficult as reaching the sky.

Reform and opening up is a time of great competition, and becoming an industry leader does not allow us to sit back and relax. On the contrary, we should be prepared for danger in times of peace and sail against the current if we do not advance or retreat.

Under this consensus, the leadership of our Chinese Literature Society fully considered and decided to open up a new path for the development of our Chinese Literature Society. "

Having said this, Lin Weimin stood up and walked slowly to the background board.

"The publishing industry is ultimately a part of the cultural industry. Our Chinese Literature Society is a publishing house and a supplier of literary content. If the cultural industry is compared to a production line, then we must be upstream.

Since there are upstream industries, there are also downstream industries.

Movies, TV series, radio series, animations, comics, e-readings, commemorative peripherals...

Around the small industry of publishing, we can derive many downstream industries. so……"

Lin Weimin's footsteps stopped, and the eyes of many reporters in the audience followed his steps. He spoke so impassionedly on the stage, and the reporters in the audience already had a premonition in their hearts.

The Chinese Literature Society is doing something big today!

The reporters suppressed their excitement and waited for Lin Weimin to tell his final answer.

Lin Weimin did not keep everyone waiting for too long. He came to the red velvet fabric in front of the background board, took a deep breath, and waved his right hand violently. The red velvet fabric fell gently, revealing the true appearance behind him.

"Full Copyright Operation Plan".

The seven huge characters were revealed in the eyes of the reporters. All the cameras on the scene flashed in unison at that moment. Countless films formed a light curtain at this moment, making the seven characters on the stage shine extremely brightly.

Lin Weimin left ample time for reporters to take photos, and the dazzling light curtain lasted for more than half a minute.

At this time, he finally spoke again and said: "I know that it should not be difficult for friends here to understand the literal meaning of these words. The full copyright operation plan, as the name suggests, is to develop various copyrights of books. For example , Mo Yan's "Red Sorghum Family" was adapted into the movie "Red Sorghum" by Zhang Yimou, He Yunlu's "Xinxing" was adapted into a TV series of the same name, and Lu Yao's "The Ordinary World" was broadcast by China National Radio... …These are copyright developments.

However, before this, most of these copyright developments were done by outside production units, which obtained the rights to adapt the works at low royalties. The adaptations of the works were very popular, but the profits received by the authors were pitiful.

Now, what our Chinese Literature Society has to do is to change this situation.

In the future, our Chinese Literature Society will invest heavily in full copyright operations around many literary works that are widely popular among readers and have wide influence. This will not only become the next significant profit growth point of our Chinese Literature Society, but also benefit domestic people. Many literary creators.

Let more comrade writers personally participate in the feast of the cultural industry, instead of just being bystanders as before.

At the same time, I also believe that our Chinese Literature Society’s all-copyright operation plan will pave a new path for China’s cultural industry, lead a new model, and contribute to the cultural construction of socialist China! "

After speaking, Lin Weimin put down the microphone and bowed slightly.

"thank you all!"

After a while, there was thunderous applause in the huge venue!

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