1980 My literary era

Chapter 764 Full Copyright Operation Plan

This year is the third press conference of the Buhu series. The first press conference was the birth of Buhu. The second press conference was the birth of the youth Buhu. Today is the third press conference. The Chinese Language and Culture Society has announced the full copyright operation. plan.

The reporters in the audience were very excited. Today was the right time. Every time the Chinese Press holds a press conference, there must be big news.

Full copyright operation plan.

Hey, it sounds fresh. Guowenshe is really good at creating words.

The content is easy to understand. Listen to the example Lin Weimin gave. It’s not like no one has done it before. It’s just that now the Chinese Literature Society wants to do it by itself and share the profits with the writers. The picture painted is indeed very beautiful.

The guests and reporters applauded throughout the press conference. After a few breaths, the applause gradually subsided and the reporters raised their hands.

Although the literal meaning is easy to understand, everyone is still full of curiosity and desire to explore the "Full Copyright Operation Plan". The raised hands represent the reporters' attention to this news.

After the applause, the reporters raised their hands like a forest, but Lin Weimin was not in a hurry to answer the reporters' questions. He continued calmly: "The full-copyright operation plan is a brand new attempt for the Chinese Literature Society. I believe, The reporters present here must have a lot of questions waiting for my answers."

Lin Weimin had a warm smile on his face, "Before answering everyone's questions, I would like to invite a few guests to the stage."

After his words fell to the ground, several people walked up from the side of the podium.

Some reporters in the audience who had participated in the press conference recognized the first person at a glance. That was Yu Xiu, the author of "Flower Season and Rainy Season".

Lin Weimin introduced the guests on stage to the reporters one by one.

"Haha, Yuxiu, our little writer should be familiar to everyone, the author of "Flower Season and Rainy Season"."

"This is Mr. Liu Weidong, the general manager of Yanjing Tiantian Changting Company. Next, he will be responsible for the production and distribution of the "Flower Season and Rainy Season" radio series. It is expected to meet with listeners across the country in April."

"This is Yan Kaifu, the author of the comic "Snow Coconut". Next, he will be responsible for the creation of the comic "Flower Season and Rainy Season". In May, the comic of the same name of "Flower Season and Rainy Season" will be published in the first issue of "King of Painting" magazine."

"This is Mr. Hai Yan, the general manager of Yanjing Wencheng Film and Television. Wencheng Film and Television will invest heavily to create the TV series "Flower Season and Rainy Season". The script of the TV series has been completed.

Next, Wencheng Film and Television will launch a national audition plan for actors in the TV series "Flower Season and Rainy Season". At the same time, Wencheng Film and Television has reached a partnership with CCTV. In the future, the TV series "Flower Season and Rainy Season" will be broadcast on CCTV's prime time. "

Every time a guest is introduced, there is bound to be a copyright adaptation project that follows.

The reporters in the audience have seen many examples of novels being adapted into movies and TV series, including the example Lin Weimin just cited, and everyone is familiar with it.

At first, everyone was a little surprised and a little new, but after understanding what the Chinese Literature Society was going to do, they gradually calmed down.

After all, this kind of copyright adaptation is still a path that has been taken by predecessors.

But when Lin Weimin breathlessly spit out a series of copyright adaptation projects, all the reporters present finally realized that the situation was not as simple as everyone thought.

Everyone has seen independent copyright development, but it is unheard of to make a series of changes like Guowenshe!

Full copyright operation plan.

The reporters chewed on this novel word in their hearts and finally understood the deep meaning behind it.

A good novel can attract millions or tens of millions of readers. Based on such a strong reader base, copyright development can be carried out again.

Whether it is a movie, TV series, comic, or radio series, it will definitely have the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.

Moreover, looking at the current situation of the Chinese Literature Society, a group of people form a content matrix, intensively bombarding the audience's audio and video in a short period of time. This method of building momentum reminds reporters of the scene when the Buhu series was released two years ago.

This handwriting is exactly the same!

The reporters looked at Lin Weimin on the stage. No wonder everyone was saying that Lin Weimin was the biggest driving force behind the Tiger Book Series.

This statement is true!

After Lin Weimin introduced several guests on stage, he asked several people to say hello to the reporters and introduce in detail the copyright development content they were responsible for.

Yan Kaifu, who was just nineteen years old, was shaking with nervousness. When it was his turn, he couldn't even say a complete sentence. Fortunately, with Lin Weimin's guidance, he finally briefly introduced himself and briefly described his thoughts on "" After speaking about the creation plan of the comic "Flower Season and Rainy Season", Yan Kaifu cast a grateful look at Lin Weimin.

On the day he came to Yanjing, Teacher Wang told him that the Chinese Literature Society was going to publish a single volume of "Snow Coconut" for him. Yan Kaifu was extremely excited. Only then did he experience the good news of the resumption of publication. Now he can even publish a single volume of the comic. Yan Kaifu feels that he He has truly become a child favored by God.

But unexpectedly, Teacher Wang made another request right after.

Create a comic of the same name for the novel "Flower Season and Rainy Season"!

This sudden request put Yan Kaifu into a dilemma. He didn't know how to make a decision for a while.

The novel "Flower Season and Rainy Season" has been published for two years and has sold millions of copies. Creating a comic book of the same name for such a novel is logically a good thing for Yan Kaifu.

The story is ready-made, he just needs to think about how to draw the storyboard.

But the problem is that no ambitious creator is willing to pay someone else's expense.

If you draw comics for a novel, even if the novel is famous and the comics are very popular, what does it have to do with you?

But at the same time, Teacher Wang finally resumed publication of "The King of Painting" and refused his kindness, which made Yan Kaifu intolerable.

Wang Yongsheng saw Yan Kaifu's hesitation and entanglement.

"Xiao Yan, I can understand your dilemma. But I still hope you can take this job. I have several considerations. Let's see if you are right."

"First, "The King of Painting Books" has ceased publication, and "Snow Coconut" has not been painted for half a year. Since I have already waited for half a year, it is not bad to wait for another half year."

"Secondly, "Snow Coconut" will be published as a single volume first, which can help you gather lost popularity. If you don't resume serialization yet, readers will definitely be looking forward to it, which is good for you."

"Thirdly, don't underestimate "Flower Season and Rainy Season". This novel has a large audience, especially among young readers. It is very popular. If you draw a comic with the same name, it will be very helpful in expanding your reputation. It’s beneficial.”

"Fourth, comics are not just about drawing, the content of the story is also crucial. Through the comic of the same name of "Flower Season and Rainy Season", you can fully absorb nutrients and feed them back into your future creations, and contribute more exciting stories to readers. work."

Yan Kaifu was convinced by Wang Yongsheng's four considerations, "Teacher Wang, I paint!"

The flashback of the scene in his mind lasted only a moment. Yan Kaifu's attention returned to the stage. He looked at the many reporters and cameras below the stage and couldn't help but become nervous again.

Similar to Yan Kaifu, Xiao Liu beside him was no more relaxed than him.

Finally having a name and being able to attend the press conference, Xiao Liu felt as happy as if the clouds had cleared and the moon was bright.

Unfortunately, he talked for a long time, and after he finished speaking, most of the reporters' eyes were still on the eldest brother Haiyan next to them.

Is it great to adapt a TV series?

After several guests on the stage introduced their respective fields of copyright development, the next step was the question and answer session, and the reporters were enthusiastic.

"Hello, reporter from "Yanjing Daily". I would like to ask Wencheng Film and Television. Just now you mentioned that the national audition for actors in "Flower Season and Rainy Season" will be held soon. Why did you choose such an actor selection method?

In addition, you just mentioned that "Flower Season and Rainy Season" will be broadcast on CCTV during prime time. Has the specific time been confirmed?

Those are my questions, thank you. "

Haiyan has been working as a receptionist for many years and is calm and composed in the face of such big scenes.

"As for the method of selecting actors, we have fully communicated with the original author and creative team. The original novel "Flower Season and Rainy Season" is extremely well-known and has a deep reader base. Every character in the novel is a youth memory for many readers.

In line with a serious and responsible attitude towards the quality of TV series, in the past few months, our casting team has visited major professional colleges in Yanjing. However, due to the certain particularities of the novel "Flower Season and Rainy Season" , tells the story of a group of high school students.

When casting among college students, it is difficult to select actors who fit the characters in the novel.

Under such circumstances, in order to restore the characters in the novel as much as possible, we resolutely decided to start a nationwide audition for actors.

Even if this may take us several months, even if it may increase the production cost by millions, the word "sincerity" in Wencheng comes from sincerity. Quality is king. "

Haiyan talked eloquently on the stage. Although he was self-proclaimed and suspected of bragging, he was not offensive. On the contrary, he was well recognized by everyone.

"As for the broadcast time you asked about. I'm sorry, I can't give you an accurate answer now. Because the national audition for actors is something that has never been challenged before, and there are too many uncertain factors. We We even prepared for auditions for a year, just to present a wonderful show to TV audiences across the country!"

Haiyan's words fell to the ground, and warm applause erupted again at the press conference.

The reporters expressed their full recognition of Haiyan's answer and were even more moved by his enthusiastic attitude.

The "national audition for actors" itself is full of fresh gimmicks. Coupled with Hai Yan's attitude, all reporters felt the weight of what Wencheng Film and Television was doing. Many veteran reporters have already reported this news With emphasis marks, the key points should be highlighted in the press release.

Reporters asked questions one after another, and Haiyan responded calmly.

Lin Weimin on the side looked at Haiyan's strict eyes, words and deeds, and felt that they looked very familiar.

It took him a long time to realize, wasn't it me who was learning this?

No wonder it looks familiar.

The question-and-answer session lasted for more than half an hour, and the time exceeded the scheduled time of the press conference. Lin Weimin had to interrupt the reporters' questions.

"Dear comrades, our press conference is here. Don't worry, we will also arrange collection and exclusive interviews next, so please be patient."

After appeasing the reporters in the audience, Lin Weimin announced the end of the press conference.

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