1980 My literary era

Chapter 765 The road no one has traveled before

The press conference of the Chinese Language and Literature Society ended successfully. Dozens of media outlets across the country and nearly a hundred reporters were invited to attend the press conference. Everyone thought it was another annual new book press conference. After arriving and before starting, some reporters felt that the Chinese language There is some suspicion that the club is overjoyed with success. The Buhuhu book series is already in its third year, and a new book launch conference is still going to be such a big deal.

But by the time the press conference was over, this idea had long been forgotten by the reporters.

After attending the press conference, many reporters had only one idea in mind.

The Chinese Literature Society is taking a new path that has never been taken before!

The content of the full copyright operation plan is not difficult to understand, especially Lin Weimin gave a vivid explanation at the press conference.

A "Flower Season and Rainy Season", TV series, radio dramas, comics, several adaptation methods are carried out at the same time, coupled with the huge audience group of the novel itself, it is easy to produce the effect of 1+1\u003e2.

People who work in the news industry have always had a keen sense of smell. Many reporters who participated in the press conference have already seen the potential of the copyright development method of the Chinese Press, and added their own understanding when writing press releases, looking forward to this kind of development. The possible impact of copyright development forms on China’s cultural sector in the future.

Some reporters also focused on the news about the nationwide audition for actors in the TV series "Blooming Season". There is also no precedent, but the audition seems to be more able to attract the attention of ordinary people.

The release of the new book of the Buhuhu series, which was originally one of the highlights of the press conference, became less noticeable in the wave of reports on the second day.

"The Chinese Literature Society launches a full copyright operation plan" "The full copyright operation plan, a new attempt on the development path of the Chinese Literature Society" "Vigorous layout of copyright development, the diversified development of publishing leaders" "The "Flower Season and Rainy Season" TV series launches national actor auditions" "TV series audition actors , "Flower Season and Rainy Season" is the first of its kind" "The 8th batch of new books in the Buhu Series has been unveiled, with new and old writers appearing together"...

For three consecutive days, dozens of media outlets across the country covered the press conference of the Chinese Press. The content was detailed and comprehensive, and the news remained highly popular.

For a publishing house to be able to create such a hot topic of news, it already shows that the influence of Guowen Publishing House is gradually breaking away from the scope of traditional publishing houses.

A week after the press conference, the tapes of the radio series "Flower Season and Rainy Season" quietly landed in the audio and video counters of Xinhua Bookstores across the country. This radio series was not even broadcast on the radio, but this did not affect the sales of the tapes.

Several days of news reports about the full copyright operation plan of the Chinese Literature Society and the copyright development of "Flower Season and Rainy Season" have become known to countless readers of the Chinese Literature Society. After the radio series was put on the shelves, it aroused the interest of readers and listeners in just a few days. Their panic buying.

The audience for this novel is relatively young and has always been very enthusiastic about chasing hot topics. The hot news has ignited everyone's pursuit of it.

The hot-selling radio series has seen students on many campuses listen to "Flower Season" in groups, giving "Flower Season" a viral effect similar to "Spirited Away".

Affected by this, the novel that has been published for two years has once again become a popular book in the domestic book market.

The shock caused by the Chinese Publishing House in the domestic publishing industry, book market, and even the entire cultural industry is still continuing, but we still have to be busy with the work we should be busy with.

Since the full copyright operation plan was made public, Lin Weimin found that the atmosphere in the Chinese Literature Society seemed to be different from before. Many people seemed more motivated and took things more seriously.

Lin Weimin found the key to this problem when communicating with Xiao Zhou at the door.

"We just divided the house last year, and everyone's worries are gone. At the beginning of this spring, you, the leader, have set a general direction for the future development of our Chinese Literature Society. We have a goal to move forward. How can we lose motivation?"

Although there is a suspicion of flattery, most of what Xiao Zhou said is correct.

"You kid, you've learned how to flatter me now." Lin Weimin joked.

Xiao Zhou smiled and scratched his head, "I'm not flattering you, it's all the truth!"

After joking with Xiao Zhou, Lin Weimin went out and was about to get in the car when he heard someone calling him from behind.

"Chief Editor! Chief Editor!"

Looking back, it was He Qizhi.

Lin Weimin stopped and said, "What are the instructions, Editor He?"

He Qizhi had a smile on his face, "Boss, you really know how to joke."

"I feel uncomfortable with you being so polite when you have something to say." Lin Weimin said bluntly.

"Then I'll tell you the truth. I heard you've started writing a new novel?"


Lin Weimin frowned. He had never told anyone except Lao Cheng about starting a new work.

This big mouth!

"Yes, I have written more than 100,000 words."

Now that he knew everything, Lin Weimin didn't intend to hide it and told the truth.

He Qizhi smiled and said: "It's already over 100,000 words. It's really good. You are very efficient. Is it almost finished?"

"No, one third of the content is not finished yet."

"Ah?" He Qizhi was a little surprised, "Another long novel?"

"This...let's forget it!" Lin Weimin hesitated.

Long novels are not the focus of He Qizhi. He continued: "After you finish writing, please send it to us in "Contemporary"!"

Hearing this, Lin Weimin's face looked a little strange.

"My content this time may be a bit sensitive."

He Qizhi laughed. Over the years, "Contemporary" has published so many sensitive topics. What does this mean?

What's more, Lin Weimin is the editor-in-chief of the Chinese Literature Society.

If he wants to distribute his own things, who dares to stop him?

"You have to take care of your own family!"

Lao He still didn't realize the seriousness of the matter. Lin Weimin did not agree to him immediately and said, "I will show you when the novel is finished."

"Okay!" With these words, He Qizhi thought that Teacher Lin had agreed to have the novel published in "Contemporary" and happily agreed.

Two days later, Lin Weimin was listening to the report from the staff of the editor-in-chief's office.

Before the radio series "Flower Season and Rainy Season" went on sale, the eighth batch of new books in the Buhu Book Series was already on the shelves of bookstores across the country on the day of the press conference.

Since last year, various offices of the Chinese Literature Society have been equipped with computers. Under Lin Weimin's supervision, each office must have several people who are proficient in computer software.

Especially for the people in the chief editor's office, Lin Weimin has stricter requirements. Almost everyone must be proficient in using computers and using office software to process documents.

Since Lin Weimin took over as editor-in-chief, the people in the editor-in-chief's office have gradually formed the habit of reporting summary information on book sales every month.

Today is only half a month until the eighth batch of new books in the Buhu Book Series goes on sale, but the sales of these new books are still included in the statistics.

Among the sales of new books, the new book "The Righteous Way in the World" by Zou Meisen, a writer who was not originally well-known nationwide, topped the sales list of this batch of new books with a sales of 145,000 copies.

Huang Anyi's "Song of Everlasting Regret" has sold 102,000 copies, which is quite far behind "The Righteous Way in the World". The remaining two novels have sold 30,000 to 40,000 copies, which is not much different.

The sales of books are similar to the sales of all commodities. The strong are always strong. "The Righteous Way of the World" was able to achieve a sales of 145,000 copies in half a month, with an average daily sales of nearly 10,000 copies, which proves that the quality of this novel has been affected. It is recognized and welcomed by readers. According to this trend, it is easy to sell more than 2 million copies within a year.

Huang Anyi's "Song of Everlasting Regret" has good sales, and its future performance will not be bad, but the remaining two novels, with such strong traffic and attention from the Buhu series, have only achieved sales of 30,000 to 40,000 copies in half a month, and their future sales will be It may be difficult to break through 300,000 copies.

For ordinary new books, this result is already a big hit, but for the works selected for the Buhu series, it does not even reach the passing mark.

In addition to the newly released books, in this book sales summary, Lin Weimin's children's novel "Spirited Away", which has been published for nearly three years and published for more than two years, still has the best sales, with a sales volume of 203,000 copies. Overwhelming all the old books and standing proudly.

After more than two years of publication, it can still achieve sales of more than 200,000 copies per month. People at the Chinese Literature Society are speculating that the sales volume of "Spirited Away" will exceed the 20 million mark in September or October this year, becoming a The first of Lin Weimin's works to have sales exceeding 20 million copies in China.

Such an exaggerated sales speed has never been achieved even by many classic children's books.

Everyone is certain that the novel "Spirited Away" is gradually moving towards the altar of classic children's literature. In a few years, it will become a common childhood memory for generations.

"The sales volume of "Flower Season and Rainy Season" in the past half month is quite good, with 180,000 copies sold." Lin Weimin was not happy about the sales of his work, but was delighted with the results of "Flower Season and Rainy Season".

"The impact of the press conference is just the beginning. We have communicated with Xinhua Bookstores in various places. They said that more and more readers are coming to inquire about and buy "Flower Season and Rainy Season" every day. The sales volume next month is expected to hit a new high. Wait until the comics and TV series As they are released one after another, sales should increase to a certain extent," said Zhao Xin from the editor-in-chief's office.

Listening to Zhao Xin's report, Lin Weimin looked relaxed. He did not expect that the copyright adaptation would significantly increase the sales of the work. How much can it cost to sell the book to death? If a TV series is sold, it can easily make millions, which is enough for the Chinese Literature Society to sell tens of millions of books. However, an increase in the sales of a work is always a good thing and you should be happy.

At the end of the sales report, Lin Weimin heard the name "The Complete Works of Haizi's Poems".

In 1991, Lin Weimin invited Xi Chuan to prepare a collection of poems for the late poet Haizi for publication. Xi Chuan spent half a year compiling the book "Haizi's Poems" and published it by the Chinese Literature Society. After the publication of the collection of poems, the sales were pretty good. Within two years, A total of nearly 30,000 copies have been sold.

During this period, Xi Chuan was still sorting out his friend's posthumous works, and last year he approached Lin Weimin, hoping that the Chinese Literature Society could publish "The Complete Works of Haizi's Poems" again, and Lin Weimin agreed.

It has been half a year since it was launched in September last year. "The Complete Works of Haizi's Poems" sold more than 2,000 copies in the first two months. In the remaining months, the sales volume was only 1,800 copies per month. In the Chinese Literature Society Ranked low among many book sales.

Lin Weimin understood that this was not, of course, not that Haizi's poetry was not good enough, but that poetry was in decline.

Even with Haizi's reputation in the poetry world, the monthly sales volume of his collection of poems is only this. It is conceivable that the poetry world has been in decline in recent years.

When Lin Weimin was feeling emotional, he had finished listening to this issue's sales report, and he asked: "We do sales statistics every month, everyone must be very impatient, right?"

Lin Weimin now has a very high prestige in the Chinese Literature Society. Even if his subordinates have complaints, they dare not complain in front of him. Zhao Xin shook her head when she heard his words.

Lin Weimin did not worry about the authenticity of what his subordinates said, and said: "After working for so long, I will give your chief editor's office a chance to make contributions..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Xin's eyes lit up.

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