1980 My literary era

Chapter 774 Bestseller List

I went to Xiangjiang on a business trip for a week, and it was already late July when I came back. When I got off the plane, the air was filled with the smell of anxiety, as if I had walked into a steamer.

After returning home to rest for a night, Lin Weimin appeared at the Chinese Literature Society again.

After spending the whole morning doing a lot of chores, and just about to read the manuscripts that had been delivered in the past few days, there was a knock on the door, and Zhao Xin walked in with a happy face.

Looking at Zhao Xin's expression, Lin Weimin asked with a smile: "What's the matter? Why are you so happy?"

Zhao Xin suppressed the joy in her heart and said: "Leader, you still have to keep what you promised me?"

"What's up?"

Zhao Xin said anxiously: "Assistant to the president!"

"Forget it, if you work hard, you'll be promoted next year. Keep your word."

After receiving his affirmative reply, Zhao Xin said happily: "Then you are going to give me a promotion. I have taken care of the bestseller ranking."

"What's the right solution?" Lin Weimin asked.

"Xinhua Bookstore, Sanlian Bookstore, Baowentang, Xinzhi Bookstore, Friendship Bookstore, Zhongshuge... These days, I have contacted more than a dozen chain bookstores across the country, and everyone is interested in the matter of 'creating the Chinese's own bestseller list' Very interested and very supportive of our idea.

I have already found a media for publishing the best-seller rankings, and I will use the Literary Story Newspaper of the club, so that the good news will not go to outsiders. "

After Zhao Xin finished speaking, she looked at Lin Weimin with an expression asking for credit and reward.

"The Chinese's own bestseller list? The word you're thinking of?"

Zhao Xin nodded.

"Okay, that's a good idea. What you mean is that these bookstores have now expressed their willingness to cooperate in making bestseller lists, so who is the main body of execution?"

"Of course it's us!"

“Who exactly is this ‘us’?”

"This..." Zhao Xin said hesitantly, "We must send manpower from the company."

"How many establishments are needed to transfer people in the company? How can there be so many establishments?"

Zhao Xin was at a loss for words and thought to herself, what does the editor-in-chief mean by this? Is he trying to default on his debt and not intend to promote me?

Looking at her expression, Lin Weimin could guess what she was thinking. He waved his hand and said, "Okay, I'll push this matter through the social committee, and I'll hand it over to you for implementation after it's passed."

Zhao Xin was a little worried. The editor-in-chief seemed dissatisfied with my performance. Wouldn't the matter of promotion be a dirty deal?

She didn't dare to ask, so she could only leave the office obediently.

Two days later, it was in the conference room of the Chinese Literature Society.

At the regular weekly meeting, Lin Weimin brought up the matter of establishing a bestseller list.

Although Zhao Xin did not think thoroughly and did not do his job well, he did a good job in the preliminary work. With the support of many bookstores, there was a foundation for establishing a bestseller list.

A group of people attending the meeting were a little surprised when they heard this topic. There was no news at all before, so why is there suddenly a bestseller list?

Cheng Wuchun asked: "For the people, are you sure about this?"

"It's not a big problem. Regarding bookstores, Zhao Xin has already talked about it, and everyone is very supportive of this idea. According to Zhao Xin's statistics, there are more than a dozen large chain bookstores across the country, including Xinhua Bookstore, Sanlian Bookstore, and Xinzhi Bookstore. These bookstores It has more than 12,600 book sales points across the country, including nearly 3,000 stores, which is enough to provide us with a very authoritative statistical data.

My idea is to set up a new company and hand over "Literary Story Newspaper" to the new company. As a tangible asset of the new company, our Chinese Literature Society holds 51% of the shares of the new company, and the remaining shares will be distributed to these companies free of charge in proportion. Bookstores willing to participate in the construction of bestseller lists. "

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the conference room.

"Literary Story Newspaper" was founded in 1985. Over the years, sales have been tepid. At its peak, sales were more than 500,000 copies per issue. In the past two years, sales have dropped slightly and have been around 400,000 copies.

This kind of sales volume is poor among several publications in the Chinese Literature Society, and is only slightly better than "New Literature Historical Materials".

But no matter what, this is an industry that can create nearly 6 million benefits and 500,000 net profits every year!

It is also a publication with certain influence in China. The Chinese Literature Society has been working hard for ten years, but in the end, it is going to take advantage of those outsiders in vain?

When they first heard the news, many people were a little confused.

But now Lin Weimin's prestige in the Chinese Literature Society is increasing. Everyone discussed it for a long time, but no one dared to question it in person. Only He Qizhi relied on his familiarity with Lin Weimin and asked: "Chief Editor, if you give me shares in vain, how can the society Isn’t it a loss?”

Lin Weimin did not avoid this issue, "This is also an issue I want to communicate with everyone. "Literary Story Newspaper" is the property of the company. Even if it is transferred to a new company, it is still the industry of the company. The shares of the new company are for nothing. If you hand over part of it to others, everyone will definitely have various concerns. I will tell you my thoughts and see if you can understand."

When he said this, everyone's eyes focused on him, waiting for his next words.

"First of all, what I want to say is that what we are giving away is only the shares of the new company whose main business is "Literary Story Newspaper" and bestseller rankings. We gave away 49%. Our Chinese Literature Society still holds 51% and 51%. What does % mean?

Absolute holding.

In other words, our Chinese Literature Society still has absolute decision-making power over this new company, including Literary Story Newspaper. The shares obtained by those bookstores do not affect our decision-making, they are nothing more than occasional participation in dividends. But even the dividends are still within the control of our Chinese Literature Society. "

Lin Weimin's words were concise and to the point. Everyone was engaged in publishing. If Lin Weimin hadn't explained it, how would he have understood the twists and turns. He suddenly realized that the heartache that had just poured out didn't seem so severe anymore.

Then, Lin Weimin continued: "So, the benefits we share are not as much as they seem, so you don't have to worry. Secondly, what I want to say is the necessity and value of spending this money."

"The term bestseller list should be familiar to everyone. Many countries around the world, including the New York Times, have this form of book sales statistics, but it is still blank in our country. This is from a large level.

From the perspective of our Chinese Literature Society, due to the impact of pirated books in recent years, domestic book sales have seen limited growth. Although our Chinese Literature Society’s sales have increased against the trend, we should not think that such a large increase in sales is the norm.

Therefore, we must prepare for a rainy day. Full copyright operation is a move, and the bestseller list is also a move.

If we can establish the authority of this list, it will be equivalent to having an additional weapon that can guide the direction of the book market in the future. This impact may not be huge. But as long as it has some subtle impact and is magnified on one of our publishing houses, the benefits will be considerable.

The bestseller list represents more than just the sales volume. Its greatest value lies in the brand effect. Once this brand effect is established, it will benefit our Chinese Literature Society for decades. No matter how the market changes in the future, as long as our Chinese Literature Society’s brand remains and as long as the influence of the rankings remains, our development will definitely not be bad! "

When Lin Weimin said this, everyone present was gradually convinced by him. He took a sip of tea and continued.

“Another advantage is that through this bestseller list, our Chinese Literature Society’s distribution channels can be further broadened.

In recent years, Xinhua Bookstore's book sales points have been expanding, but the sales performance has been unsatisfactory. Our distribution channels mainly rely on Xinhua Bookstore, and its development has stagnated, which has also affected our development.

This time we are cooperating with bookstore chains from various places to establish bestseller lists, and our books will naturally enter these bookstores.

In the future, as the influence of the best-seller rankings continues to increase, we may attract more bookstores to join this ranks. Under this snowball effect, the distribution channels of our Chinese Literature Society will truly be open to the whole country! "


Hearing this, everyone's eyes widened and their spirits were lifted.

The brand effect that Lin Weimin mentioned just now is, after all, illusory, but the issue of distribution channels is real.

Xinhua Bookstore is of course the largest bookstore chain in the country and the most large-scale and influential distribution channel in the country, but Xinhua Bookstore cannot represent the national book market.

Before the 1980s, the Xinhua Bookstore system almost monopolized more than 90% of sales in the national book market, and the remaining less than 10% was divided among state-owned bookstores in various places. At that time, Xinhua Bookstore could definitely represent the national book market.

However, after the reform and opening up, the Xinhua Bookstore System's sales share in the domestic book market has continued to decline. As of last year, the Xinhua Bookstore System's annual sales had fallen below 50% of the national total.

In the foreseeable future, this situation will probably continue until there is a bottom that no one can fall from.

The Chinese Literature Society’s over-reliance on Xinhua Bookstore as its distribution channel has always been criticized by some people in the society. The big stores bully customers, and the big hotels bully the stores. It's becoming more and more obvious.

In recent years, Chinese Literature Society has been expanding its own distribution channels. The results are not without effect, but it has not yet kept pace with market development.

Especially after Lin Weimin brought in Wei Fengjun, the vice president in charge of distribution, the year before last, the distribution department has been cautious in the past two years for fear of making a wrong step. Corruption has decreased, but the pace of external development has also slowed down.

This time, Lin Weimin came up with the idea of ​​a bestseller list. It would be an easy task, and it would help the Chinese Literature Society expand its distribution channels on a large scale. How could everyone not be happy?

"Good! This is a great idea for the people! Kill three birds with one stone and find a new direction for the future development of the community."

After understanding the key to the bestseller ranking, Cheng Wuchun was extremely happy and couldn't help but praise it.

Everyone present also nodded, recognizing Cheng Wuchun's words in their hearts.

The antelope hangs its horns, which is so wonderful.

The best-seller list is indeed a wonderful thing!

However, Lao Cheng is becoming more and more comfortable as the Supreme Emperor now, and he is responsible for clapping and applauding all day long.

You may call him wise, but this president really has no sense of existence.

You call him stupid, right? The Chinese Literature Society is booming now.

If you don't want to be Qianlong, you should be Li Yuan anyway. Now, you are almost becoming Yu Wenyun.

"This is indeed a good idea!"

"Not bad, really good!"

Cheng Wuchun praised Lin Weimin and others, not to be outdone.

Who can't flatter you?

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