1980 My literary era

Chapter 775 The specifications are so high that they have never been seen before

Lin Weimin didn't care about everyone's praise. He continued to talk about the "Literary Story Newspaper".

If the Chinese Literature Society wants to use the Literary Story Newspaper to create a bestseller list, this newspaper must allocate a certain amount of space. Of course, with the current efficiency, the bestseller list cannot be published every week or every half a month. It is already very efficient.

And the most critical issue now is not the layout, but the tone of Literary Story Newspaper.

Since its establishment, "Literary Story Newspaper" has been a newspaper that mainly focuses on literary and historical abstracts and also takes into account fashion and life. The columns include hot spot tracking, celebrity biographies, youth express, foreign heroes, story network, humorous salad, folk village, and collection of works. , science and technology stories, novel experimental garden, etc.

It should be said that the audience of this publication is relatively consistent with the target group of the bestseller list, but it is also true that the current content of the publication is complicated and the positioning is unclear.

In addition, some space and advertising space must be squeezed out for the bestseller list, so the best way now is to revise and upgrade the publication.

Since the year before last, various domestic newspapers and magazines have been revamping their editions in response to the government's call. However, the revision of "Literary Story Newspaper" is a real response to the current development of the Chinese Literature Society.

Very necessary and very beneficial.

Lin Weimin proposed the revision, and everyone present agreed. In order to establish an authoritative list, Literary Story Newspaper should cooperate.

The status of "Literary Story Newspaper" in the society is not high. Now that it is facing revision, it is only a matter of one sentence from the leader. Everything is for the development of the Chinese Literature Society.

"In addition to revamping the edition, what is more important is the title of the publication. The name Literary Story Newspaper is still not grand enough. I think it would be better to change the name. Then as for the title of the publication and the names of the lists, it is best to unify it."

After Lin Weimin finished speaking, he looked at Cheng Wanchun, his meaning was self-evident.

Such a big thing as naming must be left to the Supreme Emperor!

This is etiquette and cannot be overstepped.

Comrade Lao Cheng was very satisfied with Lin Weimin's attitude. The Supreme Emperor just wants to grasp the general direction and name the publication. This is to set the general direction!

"The name of the new publication needs to be grand. We are the National Literature Publishing House, so let's use this name. However, 'National Literature' is too close to literature, so we might as well call it 'National Literature Press'!"

""Guo Wen Bao"? What a name!"

Lin Weimin was the first to take the lead in applauding, and everyone in the conference room immediately applauded as well.

The name of "Guo Wen Bao" was decided, and the name of the bestseller list was also given. It was called "Guo Wen Bao" bestseller list.

Before the meeting ended, Lin Weimin said succinctly, "Let Zhao Xin handle the affairs of the new company."

After the meeting, Lin Weimin called Zhao Xin to the office and told her about the name change, revision of Literary Story Newspaper, and the creation of a new company.

"I have already asked the company for this job for you. You have to work hard and don't let me down!"

Zhao Xin was ecstatic in her heart and promised loudly: "Editor-in-Chief, please rest assured, I will do my best."

Lin Weimin nodded, "Okay, let's do this for now."

Zhao Xin left the office, her heart filled with joy.

The editor-in-chief is still working!

After that day's regular meeting, there was a lot of heated discussion in the Chinese Literature Society.

"Literary Story Newspaper" has average sales, has been established for ten years, and its influence is not too great. But after all, it is a publication founded by Wei Junyi, the former editor-in-chief of the Chinese Literature Society. This time, the society suddenly wants to revamp the publication, and even the name has to be changed. , which surprised many people.

News about the establishment of a bestseller list has also spread within the society. Lin Weimin has made more major moves in the four years since he took office than in the previous forty years, and everyone is used to it.

What he said at the regular meeting is now widely known, and many people are looking forward to new changes in the society.

Establishing a new company is easy, but changing the name, revising the edition of "Literary Story Newspaper" and even creating a bestseller list cannot be completed in a day or two. Just changing the name of a publication requires approval from the department, which takes at least one or two months. time.

Everything is left to the people below. Lin Weimin only needs to grasp the general direction.

As soon as he went to work that morning, a comrade in formal clothes came to the office. The two men were so serious that they almost made Lin Weimin think that something had happened to him. In fact, they were just ordered by the leader to deliver a manuscript to him.

"Comrade Lin, the leader of the novel "God Bless the United States" has reviewed the entire text and asked us to bring his comments to you."

The formal comrade's face was serious, as if he was announcing an appointment. Lin Weimin couldn't help but become solemn, looking into the other person's eyes and waiting.

"This novel may seem absurd, but in the midst of laughter and scolding, it is like a javelin that accurately hits the vital points of imperialism and exposes its true face of hypocrisy!"

Lin Weimin didn't ask who the "leader" in the formal attire was, and everyone tacitly understood that the leader's evaluation was not a low one!

After finishing the leader's evaluation, the formal comrade said: "The leader also told me that the novel can be published. In the United States, if conditions permit, it should be published as soon as possible."

Lin Weimin's face became happy when he heard this, "Oh, the leader is so busy every day, it really makes the leader worry."

After conveying the leader's words, the formally dressed comrade's face became relaxed and he said: "Editor-in-chief Lin, it is very rare that the leader has such a high opinion of your novel. I am very much looking forward to the official publication of your novel."

"Thank you. Now that the manuscript is back, I will definitely publish it as soon as possible."

The comrade in formal attire nodded and said, "In the past two months, the Americans have made frequent small moves on the Bay Island issue, and your novel appears at the right time."

After speaking, the formal comrade added: "This sentence is my personal opinion."

In May this year, Masao Iwasato, the leader of the Gulf Islands region, visited the United States, triggering the first fierce confrontation in Sino-American relations in recent years. Recently, the troops are conducting exercises in relevant waters.

Since China and the United States established diplomatic relations in 1976, the two countries have always exercised restraint on the Gulf Islands issue.

The provocation of the United States on this issue this time has aroused strong dissatisfaction in the country from the government to the people.

Lin Weimin smiled and said: "I understand!"

After sending away the formal comrades, Lao Cheng and Lao Zhou couldn't wait to rush into Lin Weimin's office.

"What's going on?" the two asked eagerly.

"What's going on?"

"That man!" Lao Cheng said.

Ever since the car in which the formally dressed comrade appeared in the Chinese Literature Society, it attracted the attention of many employees in the society. After all, the license plate was too special for everyone to notice.

"The person who came to deliver the manuscript to me has read the manuscript and said there are no problems."

"Did the leader really say that?" Cheng Wuchun's tone was a bit distrustful.

Lin Weimin was angry, "What do you mean? I dare to falsely pass on the imperial edict? The leader not only said that, but also spoke highly of my novel, saying: This novel seems absurd, but it is full of laughter and curses. , but like a javelin, it accurately hit the vital point of imperialism and exposed its true face of hypocrisy.

Listen, listen! How high a rating is this? Do you think everyone is as blind as you? "

Lao Zhou cheerfully advised: "For the people, don't get excited, don't get excited."

Not to be outdone, Cheng Wuchun said: "I call it cautious! Besides, without me, would you be able to have such a high evaluation from the leader?"


Lin Weimin opened his mouth, but found that he was speechless.

"Okay, stop arguing, don't be afraid of making people laugh!" Lao Zhou said, and he asked Lin Weimin, "Now that your novel is going to be published, there will be no problem, right?"

Lin Weimin raised his head, "Of course!"

"Okay, okay, then arrange for publication as soon as possible!"

After Lao Zhou finished speaking, Cheng Wanchun said: "Now your novel has been specially approved by the leadership, and it will be glorious if you tell it!"

When he spoke, the expression on his face did not forget to show a bit of pride.

If this person is shameless, there is nothing anyone can do to him.

When the manuscript came back, it was reviewed by three ministries and commissions, and finally reviewed by senior leaders. The standards were unprecedentedly high.

There is no need for the Chinese Literature Society to go through the third review process, and the novel directly enters the proofreading process.

A few days later, the sample book of the novel was delivered to Lin Weimin's desk.

In the past few days, various rumors about the novel "God Bless the United States" have spread throughout the Chinese Literature Society and spread to the domestic publishing industry. Even the leader's comments have been circulated intact.

As the news continues to spread, the domestic literary circles are also aware of the series of impacts caused by Lin Weimin's new work, and are full of expectations for this novel.

Lin Weimin was on the phone with Roger Strauss. The new novel was completed and was about to be published in China. Only then did he remember that he was in the United States and made a special call to Roger Strauss.

On the phone, Roger Strauss was extremely excited after listening to Lin Weimin describe the general situation of "God Bless the United States".

In the American literary world, writing about politics is a very convenient option. Just listening to Lin Weimin's description, he can think of the scale of "God Bless the United States".

He didn't know about others, but for him, this was definitely a novel that perfectly suited his taste.

"Lin, although I haven't read this novel yet, just hearing your description makes me tremble. It's great! This kind of content is really great!"

"Aren't you afraid that this novel will cause resentment among politicians?" Lin Weimin asked with a smile.

"We are engaged in literature and they are engaged in politics. What does this have to do with them?" Roger Strauss said unceremoniously.

Lin Weimin nodded. He liked this "flat-headed brother" temperament.

With the comparison of Roger Strauss, Lao Cheng seems even more timid.

After compiling two sentences in his mind, Lin Weimin added: "I will send the manuscript to you later."

"Okay, hurry up and send it over, I can't wait!"

"Don't worry, I'll do it as soon as possible!"

After making the phone call, Lin Weimin quickly sent the manuscript to the United States.

A few days later, the novel "God Bless America" ​​appeared on the shelves of major bookstores across the country.

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