1980 My literary era

Chapter 777 Where will the end be?

Jingzhao is home to songbirds, and the water and trees are clear to Qinghua.

It describes the setting sun, tired birds returning to their nests, happily gathering on the branches, the clear light in the water, and the beautiful scenery of the trees. The word "Shuimu" of Shuimu University is taken from this.

Lin Weimin's "God Bless the United States" has been on sale for three days. It is as popular as ever, and because of various rumors before its publication, many readers are looking forward to this novel even more.

At present, the first group of readers who have bought the book have read through the content as quickly as possible. In the reading group at Shuimu University, a heated discussion is being held on the content of this novel.

"The traces of deliberate smearing in the novel are too heavy. Lin Weimin has always been malicious towards the United States, and this novel is even more excessive. The contents are all his conjectures and fabrications, with no factual basis at all."

"I think what you said is wrong. The novel is not a historical material, and there is no problem with some artistic processing. Taking the war mentioned in the novel as an example, this dialogue between the characters is very accurate.

‘In a country whose history is too short to condense into a history book, war is its most powerful driving force for development. In addition to the only civil war, the Civil War, 14 foreign wars have supported the backbone of the United States of America. Without war, how do you think our country, the United States, defeated the Soviet Union and became the world's hegemon? ’

'No, you are wrong. The victory of our country is not just about war. In fact, since the end of World War II, we have not won a single contest against a closely matched opponent in more than half a century. This was the case in the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and even in the Afghanistan War, we destroyed their government and armed forces, but twenty years later, we still had to withdraw from that land in embarrassment.

Your Excellency, you must understand that the reason why America is great is because of the universal values ​​and culture we believe in. Discipline and freedom are our strong ships and powerful guns that are invincible in the world. War with the Eastern powers is not an option. It is true that our weapons can destroy them countless times, but they can destroy us once, and that is enough. ’

This conversation is a conversation between the commander-in-chief of the United States and his staff to discuss the possibility of war with China. In the article, the commander-in-chief mentioned the foreign wars of the United States. I don’t know if you have counted them. What is said in the book is correct. The United States is a terrible war machine. In its short history of founding the country, it has launched more than ten foreign wars, and the longest interval among them was only thirty years. After the end of World War II, the United States stole the fruits of victory in World War II and became even more arrogant. It launched two large-scale wars in North Korea and Vietnam. Have you forgotten it?

Such a country that is extremely ambitious and constantly expanding externally, although they talk about democracy and freedom, their actions are contrary to their words. "

"You are blurring the focus. What I just said is the fictional content in the book, not the real records mentioned in it. If according to your theory, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty launched a foreign war in the 40th year of his reign for 54 years, how could he Didn’t he also become an executioner?”

"I think you are blurring the focus. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty launched a foreign war out of necessity. China is located in the Central Plains, and the surrounding barbarians are constantly invading, harming our people and occupying our territory. The Han Dynasty launched foreign wars more to ensure that self-interest and strategic depth.

The North American continent is located overseas and is rich in products. Apart from several foreign wars since the founding of the country, how many of the many wars since then have been able to threaten the mainland of the United States? "

"Why not? Didn't the mud bomb bomb Pearl Harbor in the United States?"

"Then it's its own fault. You don't know what role the United States played in World War I and World War II, right? You don't forget when they participated in the war, right?"

The discussion in the reading group became more and more intense, with both sides insisting on their own opinions, and the arguments became red-faced. In the end, some classmates had to act as peacemakers to persuade both sides who had become angry, but both sides still disliked each other. .

It was a great reading discussion, but it ended on bad terms.

Since the 1970s and 1980s, China's positive publicity about Western developed countries has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Not only college students, but also many ordinary people firmly believe that Western countries are symbols of freedom and freedom, with prosperous culture, developed economies, and happy people. China and The gap between these countries may not be able to catch up in a hundred years.

However, the appearance of "God Bless the United States" has broken the Chinese people's inherent impression of the United States, a representative country in the West, and this breakthrough is all-round.

Just like the golden body of the Buddha statue in the temple, believers worship it every day, thinking that the Buddha's body is made of gold and is extremely efficacious.

But suddenly a child poured a basin of water on the golden body of the Buddha statue, and the golden body melted. It was just a clay statue with a layer of gold powder painted on the outside.

There are gold and jade outside, but inside there is decay.

Some people will be angry when they find out that they have been deceived, while others think that this is someone else's deliberate attempt to smear and frame the beacon of freedom in their hearts, and hate the person who "throws water" on them.

The publication of "God Bless the United States" completely put Lin Weimin on the opposite side of the "pro-rice faction" in the country.

When Lin Weimin wrote "Burning", he still used a Chinese protagonist, and the focus of criticism was mostly on capitalism itself.

Now in "God Bless the United States", he has completely stopped pretending, completely showing his greatest malice towards the United States, a free country.

In order to smear and attack the United States, Lin Weimin used all possible means in his novels, with almost no bottom line, and abandoned the integrity and dignity that a writer should have.

Such arguments can be seen everywhere on the campuses of major domestic universities and in the cultural circles. Many people who have a strong impression of the United States detest Lin Weimin's new novel.

Similarly, in these places, there are many people who support "God Bless America".

But it's just like the Internet. People who like it often won't deliberately publicize how much they like something or someone, but those who hate it will definitely slander it.

Less than ten days after the publication of "God Bless America", the discussion in China seemed to be stronger than any of Lin Weimin's previous works, and the reputation evaluation has become completely polarized.

As these discussions become louder and louder, the novel's influence continues to expand, causing many people who originally did not read literary works to gradually pay attention to this novel.

"God Bless the United States" was published within one week, and the first printing of 1 million copies was sold out. The Chinese Literature Society urgently printed an additional 500,000 copies and it did not take more than a week. After another printing, the total circulation of the novel reached 2 million copies, and it was only half a month before the novel went on sale.

This speed not only broke the sales record of domestic book publishing, but also caught up with the previous sales speed of Lin Weimin's other work "Spirited Away".

However, you must know that "Spirited Away" has been serialized for more than half a year before it was published. It has already made a name for itself in the field of children's literature in China and has many readers who love it.

"God Bless the United States" not only does not have this advantage, but is also disliked by some domestic readers because of its content. However, it can still achieve such huge sales in a short period of time, which is enough to prove that this novel is important among a wider group of readers. More popular.

Zhao Xin has been busy with the reform of "Literary Story Newspaper" and the creation of the bestseller list recently. She has been busy every day. She finally had some free time this afternoon. As soon as she entered the office, she heard everyone discussing Lin Weimin's new book.

"The good guy scolded me really harshly. He didn't save any face. He didn't know it, but he thought the editor-in-chief smashed the window of their house!"

"The editor-in-chief's evaluation of the new book this time is really not as good as before. In the past few days, newspapers and magazines are all criticizing him."

"Have you read the novel and these comments? Do you think these people are really here for the novel itself?"

"What's the meaning?"

"You will know after reading the content of these comments. Anyway, my feeling is that these people have been stepped on by the editor-in-chief's novel. This is called a stress reaction."

"Isn't that true? Let me see!"

Zhao Xin came in, made herself a cup of tea, and asked, "What new articles are there?"

"It's still the same old content, saying that the editor-in-chief is talking nonsense, and saying that he's eating the American people's food and throwing the blame on the American people. There's nothing new at all," my colleague replied.

"But I think the criticism the editor-in-chief received this time is much more serious than before. If nothing else, I remember that the editor-in-chief's novels were well received by college students in the past, but this time it's a bit different. I have two A junior student told me that whenever the editor-in-chief’s novel is mentioned in their school, there is a lot of scolding.”

Zhao Xin was surprised, "Real or false?"

"Of course it's true. I don't know if other schools are like this now. Anyway, a large number of our school's graduates every year are thinking of ways to go abroad, and most people's first choice is the United States, so... "

The man didn't say any more, but his colleagues already understood what he meant.

"In recent years, there have indeed been more and more college students going abroad. They are all trained by the state with money. It is like this that they are giving an advantage to outsiders. Alas!"

An old comrade sighed, and Zhao Xin said: "There are some who have come back!"

"Not even one in a hundred."

"What if that is Mr. Qian?"

Colleagues all laughed and said, "You are still optimistic!"

Zhao Xin added: "It's okay not to be optimistic. Just like people say that Teacher Lin's novels are not highly rated on university campuses, think about it from another perspective. Those people want to scold the editor-in-chief, but they have to read the novel and know where to start. Right? Does this contribute a share of sales to the editor-in-chief? "

Colleagues couldn't help but give a thumbs up, "He is indeed a leader. Look at his mentality and his perspective on the problem!"

After joking for a while, Zhao Xin said: "Anyway, the sales volume of the editor-in-chief's novel is real. Two million copies in half a month. Even if there is some inventory in the channel, this number still breaks countless records. It proves that the novel It is still popular, but many people who like this novel have not spoken out, which is normal."

When it comes to novel sales, everyone has a new topic.

Although "God Bless America" ​​has only been on the market for half a month, everyone can see that this novel will definitely break a series of sales records, not only for the Chinese Literature Society, but also for the entire country. publishing industry and book market.

Of course, what everyone is most concerned about is where the end point of this novel will be.

I saw some book friends mentioned the double monthly ticket asking for additional updates. Because I have to go out to study this month, I have to save some manuscripts. I can’t add more recently. Let’s wait until the end of the month. There are still more debts owed to the Silver Alliance. Don’t worry, we won’t forget them.

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