1980 My literary era

Chapter 778: My son makes a mistake, I pay the bill

No one knows where "God Bless America" ​​will end.

But everyone knows it won't stop there.

Those who admire the economic conditions of developed countries and the so-called freedom of society are more fierce in their criticism, which also reflects the popularity of this novel from the side.

Not only that, those who yelled and cursed were actually increasing the popularity of this novel in disguise, causing more and more people who did not care about literary works to focus on the novel "God Bless the United States", which brought a lot of attention to the novel. new readers.

The events in the first half of this year have made countless Chinese people angry. The country has intensively expressed its stance with practical actions in the past two months. Lin Weimin's novel also responds to the disgust of many people towards the United States at this time. They are using a Silently supporting Lin Weimin.

The novel has been on the market for more than half a month, and sales and criticism have skyrocketed. Lin Weimin can often hear some criticism, but he has not been affected in any way.

This morning, he came to the Chinese Literature Society as usual.

Just after making a cup of tea, Yu Hua ran over before he had a chance to read the newspaper.

"What happened? Are you so angry?"

Zhao Xin said: "Editor-in-Chief, students from Shuimu gathered in a crowd to burn your books last night!"

Lin Weimin frowned, "Who did you listen to?"

"A lot of people are spreading the word. I heard that the incident was quite big. Some of the troublemakers were taken away by the security guards and educated. As a result, some students were dissatisfied and smashed the windows of the security office."

Lin Weimin was helpless, "These people are full and have nothing to do. Why are they burning books?"

"Express your dissatisfaction!"

"There are many ways to express it, but they chose the worst one."

He said something to Hua Dao: "Don't be so surprised. It has nothing to do with you. Why are you so enthusiastic?"

"This is not about you..."

Before Hua could finish speaking, Lin Weimin blocked him, "It has nothing to do with me."

Burning the book does not mean burning him.

Yu Hua failed to get the credit and was scolded twice. He felt unhappy, but he had become accustomed to it and walked out of the office with brisk steps.

Lin Weimin didn't take student Shuimu's burning of his books seriously, but this incident became the top trending topic in the Chinese Literature Society today.

Not only the Chinese Literature Society, but also the university circles in Yanjing were also shocked by this news today.

Since that year, both the government and the private sector have been sensitive to the actions of college students.

If Shuimu students were burning books ten years ago, the school would definitely not take care of it unless they were burning books for an elderly person.

But the situation now is different from before. Books were burned and windows were smashed. The circumstances were so bad that they also touched the sensitive nerves of the school.

Not two days later, there was a follow-up to this incident. It was said that Mizuki expelled the two students who took the lead in causing trouble.

As the incident spread, people were not only concerned about the Shuimu students being expelled for causing trouble, but what they were most concerned about was why these students burned Lin Weimin's books.

Burning books must be out of disgust and opposition, which can make the students of Shuimu University do such a thing, which shows the influence of this novel.

This undoubtedly adds another wave of popularity to "God Bless the United States".

Lin Weimin thought that this incident had nothing to do with him and it would pass quickly, but he never expected that things would change dramatically after a few days.

This morning, an elderly couple appeared at the Chinese Literature Society. They were stopped at the door by Xiao Zhou. Hearing that they were looking for Lin Weimin, Xiao Zhou was registered by the two and let into the office building.

Lin Weimin was working at this time. There was a knock on the door. He said "come in", but there was no response from outside.

He had no choice but to walk to the door, open it, and saw a pair of old men standing at the door.

As soon as the two old men saw him, they knelt down with a bang. Lin Weimin was shocked.

He didn't have time to ask about their identities, so he hurriedly leaned over to help them.

"Who are you two looking for? Let's talk about something!"

He tried his best to help the two of them, but they didn't move at all, with sad expressions on their faces.

"Writer Lin, are you Writer Lin?"

"Yes, I am Lin Weimin."

The old man became emotional and said, "Writer Lin, my son is young and ignorant. As a father, I apologize to you for him. I apologize to you. Please be noble and let my son go!"

As the old man spoke, he kowtowed to the ground. His wife beside him also kowtowed like garlic, and Lin Weimin couldn't stop him.

The two of them were banging their heads so much that Lin Weimin broke into a cold sweat. He was confused and advised: "Don't be like this, you two. If you have anything to say, talk to me. If you have any demands, you must at least explain them to me clearly, so that I can know what to do!" "

At this time, people in the surrounding offices heard the movement, and many colleagues poked their heads out and saw the movement at Lin Weimin's door. Everyone's eyes were full of curiosity and inquiry.

The two looked like a couple at first glance. Lin Weimin used a lot of strength to pull the old man up. Xiao Hu from the office next to him immediately ran over and helped the other man up.

"Looking at your age, you two should be from my parents' generation. Wouldn't this make me lose my life? If you have any appeals, you two can come to my office and talk slowly, okay?" Lin Weimin advised, and he looked around again. He looked around and said, "Look at how there are so many people watching. It's not convenient to talk. You'd better go to the office first."

The two old men were still a little excited. Seeing Lin Weimin's gentle attitude, they nodded, "Okay, we will listen to you."

Lin Weimin and Xiao Hu helped the two people into the office, fearing that they would kneel down again, and they did not feel at ease until they sat on the sofa.

Xiao Hu wanted to pour tea for the two of them, but Lin Weimin did it himself and waved him to go out first.

"You two have some tea first. If anything happens, let's talk slowly."

The hot steam rose from the cup and entered the office. The two old people who were excited just now seemed to have condensed their emotions and became a little embarrassed.

The two old men had weather-beaten appearances, thick hands, and simple clothes. They seemed to be from rural areas. The teacups were placed in front of them. They were not drinking tea, and their expressions were somewhat hesitant.

It seemed that the kneeling at the door just now had consumed a lot of their courage.

"Drink some tea and take a breath first..."

While Lin Weimin was talking, the door of his office was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and Xiao Zhou rushed in.

He stopped and saw the two old men sitting on the sofa, with a bit of impatience on their faces. He opened his mouth and finally said to Lin Weimin: "Chief Editor, I'm sorry, I..."

Lin Weimin shook his hand, "It's okay, you can go out first."

Xiao Zhou looked troubled but walked out anyway.

He did not leave, but still stood at the door.

In the morning, the old couple came to see the editor-in-chief. They seemed harmless to humans and animals. Xiao Zhou took it seriously, registered and let them in.

As a result, Xiao Hu came down just now and told him that the old couple ran to the editor-in-chief's office and knelt down. They saw that they were coming with bad intentions. Xiao Zhou immediately realized that he had made a mistake. The editor-in-chief asked him to come out. How could he dare to leave? , standing here, maybe there is a way to offset the merit.

Xiao Zhou's appearance made the old couple even more nervous.

"How about you two introduce yourselves and tell me why you came to see me today?" Lin Weimin said.

The husband of the two said: "Writer Lin, my name is Lin Xiangrong, and this is my wife Hu Guiqin. The two of us came to you this time to beg for mercy. My son is studying at Shuimu University..."

Hearing the word "water and wood", Lin Weimin suddenly understood. He listened patiently to Lin Xiangrong's words.

Lin Xiangrong and his wife are both from the countryside of Ludong. Their youngest son Lin Zhifa was one of the two people who caused trouble in Shuimu and was expelled a few days ago.

Lin Zhifa is the youngest son of Lin Xiangrong and his wife. In 1992, he was admitted to Shuimu University. He was not only the first college student in the village but also in their county to pass the Shuimu University. This not only became a matter of honor for the Lin family, but also made their family famous in the local area. The name has also received awards from the county and township governments. The whole family is imagining the day when their son will become famous after graduation.

Four days ago, the couple received the news that their son had been expelled from Shuimu University, and they felt like the sky was falling!

The couple hurried to Beijing and met their youngest son in Yanjing. Only then did they realize that their son had been expelled from school for burning books and causing trouble.

After scolding their son for his nonsense, the couple took their son to the school leaders and begged, but the school had already made a decision, how could it be changed because of their pleading?

The couple had no choice but to hear that the person who tied the bell had to be the one to untie the bell, and they had to find Lin Weimin, the owner of the trouble, so they went to the Chinese Literature Society.

"Writer Lin, I was supposed to bring that unsatisfactory beast of our family over to apologize to you in person, but this bastard just refused to come. He just couldn't lose face and was expelled from the school. He already knew he was wrong.

You are a great writer, a great figure who will be included in the history books. You don't remember the mistakes of the villain and spared that beast once. Our whole family is grateful to you!

Please give him a chance! "

Lin Xiangrong said and was about to kneel down again. With tears in her eyes, Hu Guiqin also knelt down with her husband.

"Uncle Lin, you can't do it, you can't do it. We were a family five hundred years ago. What are you doing? Just talk about it."

Lin Weimin quickly helped the two of them up and comforted them with a few words, but he was thinking about it in his heart.

Mizuki's expulsion of the two troublemaking students had nothing to do with him at all. Lin Xiangrong and his wife seem to be quite honest. If what they say is true, then the person who gave them advice has two mentality, either to divert trouble and cause trouble for him, or to take advantage of his influence. Save this student.

If it was simply to divert trouble away from him, it would be enough to say bad things to Lin Xiangrong and his wife, or it would be easier to simply incite the students to cause trouble for him.

Therefore, the ultimate goal of the person behind this should still be to keep Lin Xiangrong as a student.

Lin Weimin made a few words and learned that the person who gave Lin Xiangrong and his wife advice was one of Lin Zhifa's professional teachers.

He sighed secretly in his heart. Not only did he feel sorry for the parents in the world, but he also lamented that Lin Zhifa had a good teacher.

Unfortunately, he couldn't help with this.

Not mentioning whether he could change the decision of Shuimu University, he was not going to help just because of what Lin Zhifa did.

How to repay kindness with kindness?

"Uncle Lin and Auntie Lin, to be honest, I know that Shuimu students burned my books. But it is the school's decision to deal with them. From beginning to end, I have not had any involvement in this matter. It’s really not much help.”

"Writer Lin, I understand, I understand. This matter has nothing to do with you. It is my son who is ignorant and offended you. You don't remember the faults of small people. You are a celebrity, a great writer, and a great cadre. We just want to beg you." Please help me by saying a nice word to the school and begging for mercy.

Our son did very well in school. The teacher said that he was particularly good in his professional courses. It would be a pity to be expelled just like that.

I beg you, please help..."

For the sake of their son's future, Lin Xiangrong and his wife humbled themselves and begged Lin Weimin, who could not bear it.

But he still doesn't want to help. It's a matter of principle.

The attitude of Lin Xiangrong and his wife was not overbearing, but pitiful. They begged for a long time in Lin Weimin's office. In the end, Lin Weimin could only let Xiao Zhou come in and ask them to leave.

After Xiao Zhou sent the people away, he came back and said, "Editor-in-Chief, they are still downstairs and refuse to leave."

"If they don't want to leave, just let them stay. As long as they don't cause trouble."

Lin Xiangrong and his wife are from the countryside, but they are reasonable people. Apart from kneeling down at the beginning, they did not mess around. If it were not for their son, the couple would not have given up their old faces at such an old age.

This is really a mistake made by my son, and I will pay for it!

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