1980 My literary era

Chapter 838 The Birth of a Famous Director

"The Rise of the Grassroots: Inspirations from Director Feng Xiaogang to the Chinese Film Industry" is not a majestic article, but it puts forward a very novel concept - grassroots.

It refers to directors like Feng Xiaogang who are not from academia and have not won any awards, but who have won the love and popularity of the audience through their works as grassroots directors. With grassroots directors, naturally there will be directors who are not so grassroots. , the article's spearhead is directed at those directors who came from the academy and started their career by relying on awards.

Readers who have read the marketing account essays of later generations should be very familiar with this style. Pulling one off, stepping on the other, and creating conflicts and oppositions are all their usual methods.

But readers of this era have never seen this. It is several levels higher than the articles in the current gossip media.

As soon as this article was published, Feng Xiaogang, a new director who had just emerged, gained the attention and appreciation of countless readers and audiences.

Some people are praised, others are scolded.

In this era, the academic school in the domestic film industry is the mainstream. The article "Grassroots Rise" praised Feng Xiaogang highly, but trampled on many directors who came from the academy. This immediately triggered many directors in the industry to express their opinions. dissatisfied.

The author of "The Rise of the Grassroots: Inspirations from Director Feng Xiaogang to the Chinese Film Industry" used a pseudonym and had never published an article on it before. Someone secretly asked the editorial department of Popular Film for the author's information, but found nothing.

Unable to find the author of the article, these people naturally pointed the finger at Feng Xiaogang.

In the whole incident, everyone was scolded, but he benefited the most.

Even if Feng Xiaogang didn't write this article, everyone would assume that he did it.

Suddenly, Feng Xiaogang became a thorn in the side and flesh of many domestic directors.

Many directors have spoken out through various channels, openly and secretly criticizing and attacking Feng Xiaogang and his movies.

Facing the numerous voices of criticism against him in the media, Feng Xiaogang, who was just starting out in the directing industry, was terrified and went to Wenhua Film and Television to block Yu Dong.

"Mr. Yu, is it really okay if we do this?" Feng Xiaogang asked with a worried look on his face.

Yu Dong had a confident expression on his face, "What are you afraid of? What problems could there be? What if they knew it was us? Don't worry, how can you not get scolded if you want to be famous? Look at Liu Xiaoqing, the more scolded you will be. The hotter it gets.”

Half of Yu Dong's fallacies were heard from Lin Weimin, and half of them were realized by himself.

It is not difficult to make an actor famous. If you pick a few good scripts and let him act in a few more works, as long as he is not at the level of "Ants Walking for Ten Years", there is a high probability that he will become popular.

But it is not that simple to make a director famous. It is much more difficult for a director to produce good works than to be an actor. Feng Xiaogang has no award bonus. It is unrealistic to rely solely on the audience's popularity to become a "famous director".

In the 1970s and 1980s, a number of films with strong storylines were produced in China, among which the director's contribution was the most important.

But now, how many people still remember who the director of "Shaolin Temple" is? How many people remember who the director of "Romance in Lushan Mountain" is?

From the perspective of industry insiders, these directors are of course very famous, but to ordinary audiences, these people are already a thing of the past.

Why did Zhang Yimou and Cheng Kaige become famous directors just a few years after graduating from film school?

Winning awards for your work is only the foundation. The most important thing is to have official recognition and extensive media coverage.

How can you be called a great director if your name is not familiar to the public?

"The rise of the grassroots, the inspiration that director Feng Xiaogang brings to the Chinese film industry" is Yu Dong's move to create a "famous director" character for Feng Xiaogang. He has not won any awards, so there is no official recognition. , then simply follow the mass line.

For this reason, Yu Dong went to Lin Weimin for advice and got the four words "Grassroots Rise". Then he found someone to catch him and wrote such an article with these four words as the central idea. As expected, it attracted a lot of attention and attention. discuss.

With media reports, industry attention and public discussion, Feng Xiaogang's journey to become a famous director is off to a good start.

Listening to Yu Dong's words, Feng Xiaogang felt a little more at ease.

Yu Dong asked him again: "Xiaogang, how are you thinking about that matter?"

Hearing this, a look of embarrassment suddenly appeared on Feng Xiaogang's face, "Mr. Yu, I haven't thought about it yet."

"Is there anything else to consider? You've been working in your small company for three years, right? It's still half-dead now. The most important thing is that you guys don't have any business acumen. We've made some money, but what's wrong with the company? Development?

When it comes to us, it's different.

Think about it, the first director we signed with Wenhua was Zhang Yimou. If you sign a contract with us, when the media reports, your name will be linked to Zhang Yimou.

There is also film investment. When you come to us, you don’t have to worry about anything. We will take care of investment, distribution, and promotion. You will study how to make a good movie. We will never interfere with the content.

The profit from the movie is a lot, and you can get one more bonus and salary than you used to, and it's all for nothing..."

At this moment, Yu Dong was like dragging Pan Jinlian into the sewer, his tone was extremely bewitching.

"Mr. Yu, I understand what you said, but Master Shuo and I... both of us..."

Feng Xiaogang's expression was hesitant and shy, just like Pan Jinlian who was about to be dragged into the water by Wang Po.

"I understand, I understand, you are a life-long friendship. But I still say the same thing, Xiaogang, people should walk to higher places.

Master Shuo has become famous all over the country ten years ago, but what about you? If it weren't for the two films invested by our Chinese Literature Society, what would you be doing now? Are you still filming your commercials? Are you exhausted from trying so hard to raise investment to make a movie? "

When Yu Dong said this, he patted Feng Xiaogang's arm with sincerity and said, "Xiaogang, no matter how close the friendship is, we are still not parents and brothers. People, sometimes they still have to think about themselves."

A look of struggle appeared on Feng Xiaogang's face, and he was obviously experiencing a fierce confrontation in his heart.

Observing Feng Xiaogang's expression, Yu Dong said slowly: "Forget it. I can see that you are a person who values ​​friendship and loyalty. You can think about it yourself when you go back. Come to me when you figure it out."

Feng Xiaogang left Wenhua Film and Television and returned to Good Dream Company in a daze.

At this time, there was only one clerk and cleaner in the company. He asked, "Where is Director Wang?"

"I don't know, I haven't looked at it today."

"Where's Mr. Peng?"

"I went out to eat with my friends, and they said they had an advertisement for us to shoot."

Feng Xiaogang sighed helplessly. Speaking of which, Wenhua Film and Television was established later than Haomeng Company. Now they have strong troops and a prosperous population, and the office is busy.

Look at Haomeng again. It has been three years and we have made some money, but the entire company still has the same moral character as the Caotai team three years ago.

Feng Xiaogang looked at the company that had been growing steadily for three years, and he couldn't help but feel discouraged. This was different from the future he had imagined when he started his business!

He sat on the sofa, which he had bought when he opened his business three years ago. Peng Xiaolin even asked a friend to tell him that it was made of imported cowhide. Now, the skin is almost gone.

Feng Xiaogang rubbed the sofa, and his experiences in the past three years flashed through his mind from time to time.

Slowly, an idea gradually became clear.

He stood up and said, "If Director Wang and President Peng come back, tell them that I have something to see them, and then give me a call."


After saying that, Feng Xiaogang was about to leave Haomeng.

As soon as he walked out of the company gate, he saw Peng Xiaolin walking towards the company drunkenly, arm in arm with others.

It was only around two o'clock in the afternoon, and Feng Xiaogang didn't know what kind of food Peng Xiaolin was eating.

Seeing Feng Xiaogang standing at the door, Peng Xiaolin waved and shouted: "Xiaogang!"

Walking closer, Peng Xiaolin breathed on alcohol and said: "Come on, Xiaogang, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Wang Zhongjun of Huayi Brothers Advertising Company. Last year, his company took over more than 15,000 bank accounts nationwide from Bank of China. The standardization and specification project of each branch is now the leader in the field of domestic corporate image recognition systems."

"Mr. Peng, don't say that. We, Huayi Brothers, are the underachievers. Your company, Haomeng Company, has flourished in both advertising and film and television. It is an example for us to follow!" Wang Zhongjun complimented.

Seeing the two people complimenting each other, Feng Xiaogang suppressed the disgust in his heart and said hello to Wang Zhongjun, "Mr. Wang!"

"Hi, Director Feng, I watched your film "See You or Die" two days ago. It was really well shot."

Feng Xiaogang smiled and said, "Come on, let's go into the house first."

He and Wang Zhongjun helped Peng Xiaolin into the company and asked, "How much wine have you drunk?"

The smile on Peng Xiaogang's face was a little dull, "I didn't drink much, just a bottle of XO. Mr. Wang is doing things in a grand manner."

When Haomeng Company shoots commercials, whether it is cooperating with a TV station or an advertising agency, it is always Party B. They usually treat guests. Wang Zhongjun invites Peng Xiaolin to dinner and some XO?

A sentence passed through Feng Xiaogang's mind: Being courteous for nothing is either a traitor or a thief.

Sure enough, after chatting for a while, Wang Zhongjun brought the topic to "See You or Separate" which is currently being released.

"Director Feng, your film is really good, and its style is of its own. I also read the article in "Popular Cinema" two days ago, 'The Rise of the Grassroots.' This description is so accurate. You are from A great director rising from the grassroots."

"Excuse me. I come from a humble background and am not a great director." Feng Xiaogang said politely.

At this time, Peng Xiaolin said: "Xiaogang, Mr. Wang and his company also intend to enter the film and television field, and want to find two good projects to invest in. If your new movie..."

Feng Xiaogang sighed in his heart. In fact, he roughly guessed it without Peng Xiaolin opening his mouth.

"Mr. Wang, I'm really sorry. My first two movies were funded by Wenhua Film and Television. I have an agreement with them that they will be responsible for the investment in the next movie."

Feng Xiaogang bluntly rejected Wang Zhongjun. The other party did not show any displeasure, but smiled and said: "I understand, I hope I can cooperate with Director Feng if I have the opportunity in the future."

"I'll definitely do it if I have the opportunity in the future." Feng Xiaogang said politely.

A few people said a few more words, and Wang Zhongjun said goodbye and left.

Peng Xiaolin said: "Xiaogang, it's actually quite good to take Wang Zhongjun's money. They are in the film and television industry and they are easy to handle."

"Wenhua Film and Television treats us well, but if we suddenly take other people's money, what's going on?"

Peng Xiaolin hit a wall and felt unhappy, but he did not show it. After all, Feng Xiaogang was different from the past.

"Master Shuo isn't coming today?" Feng Xiaogang asked.

"You give him a call. He went to see rock music with Xiaomi last night. He probably got up late today."

While the two were talking, they saw Wang Shuo walking into the company with Xu Cairen in his arms.

"Hey, everyone is here today." Wang Shuo said.

Xu Cairen next to him smiled brightly when he saw Feng Xiaogang, "Director Feng!"

Then he said hello to Peng Xiaolin, "Brother Peng!"

Seeing Wang Shuo and Peng Xiaolin both coming, Feng Xiaogang struggled for a moment and finally gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

"Master Shuo, Xiaolin, I have something to tell you."

Peng Xiaolin was drinking tea to digest the alcohol, and Wang Shuo was whispering to Xu Cairen. When they heard his words, the two of them raised their heads.

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