1980 My literary era

Chapter 839: What happened to the drifting (Silver Alliance adds 3rd update, please vote for me)

Lin Weimin put the phone receiver aside without hanging up, and said to Li Xin, "You have your say."

Li Xin continued his report.

New Year's Day is coming soon, and it's time to report to the leader again.

This year, Tongwenshe's performance growth is not as exaggerated as in previous years. The growth points are mainly concentrated in several new publications, but the overall performance still crushes Tongwenshe's publishing business.

Tongwenshe's publishing business is still growing, but Guowenshe's business has declined for two consecutive years. Although the decline data is not large, the signs are very scary. Fortunately, this year's copyright development work under Guowenshe The progress was lively and dramatic.

Among them, Wenhua and Wencheng Film and Television took the greatest credit. In this year, Wenhua Film and Television took control of the production and distribution of "Say Something to Say" and "See You and See You". Although "See You and See You" is still in theaters , but I think it shouldn’t be a problem with a box office of 60 to 70 million.

These two movies alone contributed 150 million yuan in box office. Wenhua Film and Television's revenue was around 75 million yuan. Excluding various costs and taxes, Wenhua Film and Television's net profit this year exceeded 40 million yuan.

The results of Wencheng Film and Television are even more outstanding. Three TV series, including "Prime Minister Liu Luoguo", "Swordsman" and "The Righteous Way of the World", have dominated the screen one after another during this year. By the end of the year, the cumulative repayments have exceeded 110 million yuan. It far exceeded the expectations of Haiyan, the general manager.

There has always been a chain of contempt in the drama circle, which can be roughly divided into dramas \u003e movies \u003e TV series. But when it comes to making money, this order has to be reversed, and TV series are the most profitable.

Wencheng Film and Television's revenue this year seems to be lower than Wenhua's box office. However, the cost of each TV series is only a few million, and the promotional expenses are not much. It does not need to share with the theaters or pay distribution fees. , a revenue of 110 million yuan created a net profit of nearly 60 million yuan.

At present, Wencheng Film and Television still has three unfinished TV series, "Never Rest in Eyes", "Mansion Gate" and "Hand in Hand". "Never Rest in Eyes" is a Haiyan drama prepared this year, and most of the actors are from the original cast.

Wencheng also has another TV series "My College Time", which just premiered on CCTV on New Year's Day and is still being broadcast. This is Wencheng's another TV series after "Flower Season and Rainy Season" that reflects campus life, but this time the protagonist of the TV series is In the place of college students, the actors are still the original cast of "Flower Season and Rainy Season". The first broadcast of the TV series has good ratings and is expected to achieve great results again.

The combined net profits of the two film and television companies are nearly 100 million, directly crushing the publishing business that Guowenshe has been running for decades, and this is the premise of including Tongwenshe.

In addition, Tiantian Changting, a small and inconspicuous company, also contributed nearly 10 million yuan in net profit to the Chinese Literature Society this year.

It is particularly worth mentioning that the Copyright Operations Department of the Chinese Literature Society has been established for two years and finally achieved fruitful results this year.

Since this year, the Copyright Operations Department has contacted many domestic film and television companies and successfully operated film and television adaptation contracts for 8 works. The amount of these 8 contracts is not much, only about 2.1 million, but the significance behind them is significant.

This proves that the copyright operation of Guowenshe has broken away from the state of self-production and self-sales, and is entering a virtuous circle, gradually becoming a platform between writers and works and film and television companies.

Li Xin's reporting time was very short. He saw that Lin Weimin had a phone call. Although he put it aside, knowing that it was definitely not an important call, he was afraid that he would hear something he shouldn't hear, so he spoke eloquently without pausing at all. , after the report was over, he left immediately without talking nonsense.

After Li Xin left, Lin Weimin picked up the phone again and found that the other party had not hung up, but there was no movement.


As soon as Lin Weimin spoke, Wang Shuo on the other end of the phone became energetic again, "Your uncle!"

"If you have something to say, don't make personal attacks. If you scold me again, I'll hang up!"

Wang Shuo held it in for a long time, but when he saw that he was about to hang up the phone again, he didn't dare to be presumptuous anymore, "Just tell me, did you instigate it?"

"Xiaogang is leaving, what does it have to do with me? How many years have you been working in your company? Don't you know what kind of virtue you have?

I have told you a long time ago that you have no destiny in business. You are always confused about your body and have to struggle.

Xiaogang wanted to go to a bigger stage, but you were blocking her. What's going on?

Don't always hold yourself too high and think that Xiaogang can't live without you. If your script is so good, why didn't it get such high box office before?

I haven't bothered to talk about you in the past two years. Look at yourself, what has become of you?

I haven’t seen you write many novels. You often go to bars and nightclubs. You have fun with Xiaomi. Have you never thought about your wife and children?

If you ever call me again about this stupid thing in the future, don't blame me for trying to make you look bad. "

Lin Weimin scolded Wang Shuo unceremoniously, and hung up the phone before Wang Shuo on the other end could reply.

Yesterday afternoon, Feng Xiaogang showed his cards to Wang Shuo and Peng Xiaolin, saying that he planned to quit Good Dream Company and join Wenhua Film and Television.

Wang Shuo immediately became furious. In his mind, Feng Xiaogang had always been his little brother. Now that Feng Xiaogang, the younger brother, has become famous through his own light, he will be left to work alone immediately. He is such a big deal!

He got angry with Feng Xiaogang, but Feng Xiaogang felt guilty and did not argue with him.

Wang Shuo was furious and called Yu Dong again to accuse him. Yu Dong hummed and said a few official words to him and ignored Wang Shuo.

After Yu Dong received Wang Shuo's call, he called Lin Weimin to inform him.

Wang Shuo's call came early this morning. When he came up, he acted like he was going to accuse him. Lin Weimin didn't tolerate him, so he put the phone aside and left him alone for a while.

If it weren't for the sake of his long-time friend, he wouldn't have answered the call.

After scolding Wang Shuo, Lin Weimin met several more subordinates who came to report.

Reporting to work is a matter of honor, but he can't stop it. If you don't let the people below report, they will have random thoughts.

After a busy morning, after lunch in the cafeteria, Lin Weimin took Zhao Xin, the assistant to the president, out.

Subordinates report to him, and he also has to report to his leader.

President Lin is very aggressive, but most of the time he still follows the rules.

When I met the leader in the department, he first reported on the achievements of the Chinese Literature Society this year.

The Publication Department has changed its leadership. The new leader’s surname is Yu, and Lin Weimin has sent away another leader.

After hearing the results of the Chinese Literature Society this year, Yu Shu was in a good mood. He encouraged Lin Weimin a few words, and then asked in detail about the full copyright operation plan of the Chinese Literature Society.

It has been almost two years since this plan was proposed, and the Chinese Literature Society has fulfilled its original promise bit by bit, but looking from the outside, one does not understand the details inside.

It is a good thing for the leader to be curious, which proves that he values ​​them. Lin Weimin patiently explained the inside story to Yu Shu. After listening, the leader nodded slightly and affirmed: "Your idea is very good. I think it has great potential."

At this point, the leader burst out laughing, "That's not right. This year's film and television company's net profit has surpassed your old line of work. It should be said that there is a lot to do."

Lin Weimin smiled and said: "This business is indeed developing well, but our Chinese Literature Society has many problems to face now."

After claiming the merit, it’s time to complain. Only children who can cry will be fed. President Lin has understood this since he was a child.

"You should have noticed when I reported just now that the growth rate of our publishing business has slowed down in the past two years, and there are even signs of shrinking."

The leader nodded, which he did notice.

But this is not a problem faced by Guowenshe alone. In fact, the publishing industry across the country is facing this problem.

The reason is nothing more than two points.

First, since the 1990s, the wave of business in society has become stronger and stronger. The reading culture developed since the late 1970s has suddenly declined, and there are many fewer readers than before.

The second is the rampant piracy of books. The publishing industry is one of the industries most affected by piracy. Now there are many book vendors on the street. Almost 100% of the books they sell are pirated. There are even many books sold in bookstores that are also pirated. Pirated.

The rampant piracy is caused by the convergence of many factors, such as low income, imperfect legal system, indifferent copyright awareness, lax law enforcement, etc.

This is not a problem that can be solved by one department, but depends on national conditions.

Lin Weimin has been working in the publishing industry for so many years. How could he not understand the truth behind this? The leader also knew it very well, but still listened to his statement quietly.

"The publishing industry is a traditional industry and the market is so big. There are still various unfavorable factors that are restricting it. It is not easy to maintain the current development momentum!"

After complaining about his sufferings, Lin Weimin sighed.

The leader watched his performance calmly without saying a word.

When he saw that the leader did not answer, he could only continue: "Leader, what do you think if our Chinese Literature Society is transformed into an enterprise and restructured?"

After hearing these words, the leader's expression finally lost his composure.

"Transfer enterprise and restructuring?"

These four short words, combined with the leader's surprised expression, were enough to explain his inner shock.

Guowenshe is not only a national publishing house, but also a public institution.

Since the reform and opening up in 1978, many state-owned enterprises, collective enterprises and township and village enterprises have been proposed for restructuring in China. Therefore, this wave of restructuring is also called the restructuring of state-owned enterprises.

There have been some discussions about the restructuring of public institutions in recent years, but there is still a long way to go before the transformation of public institutions into enterprises, and it was only gradually launched in China after 2010.

However, in recent years, there has been some domestic reform of public institutions, but the pace has not been that big.

After 1978, domestic public institutions were allowed to generate income, many public institutions began to engage in commercial activities, and many fields began to allow non-state-owned capital to enter.

To this end, the above authorities have issued the "Notice on Saving Non-Productive Expenditures and Opposing Waste", "Measures on "Budget Contracts" for Cultural, Educational, Scientific and Health Institutions and Administrative Agencies", "Interim Provisions on Bonus Tax for Institutions" and "Several Regulations on the Financial Management of Institutions". Provisions", "Decision on Accelerating the Development of the Tertiary Industry" and several other provisions.

Its most important purpose is to encourage public institutions to generate income and reduce financial allocations.

Governing a big country is like cooking a small one, and the country's approach is to proceed steadily. Lin Weimin was not surprised when he first came up. He directly mentioned the transformation of enterprises and restructuring, and the leader was not surprised.

"Is this a policy that you can propose?" the leader said with a serious face.

Lin Weimin said calmly: "Leader, we are also making suggestions for the superiors. In fact, the superiors also hope to successfully complete the reform of public institutions. Our Chinese Literature Society is willing to be the vanguard!"

The leader glared at him fiercely and said, "Stop pouring ecstasy soup on me. I understand now. No wonder everyone says you are the biggest thorn in the publishing field."

"Leader, I was wronged. I am always serving the public good!"

Lin Weimin yelled a few words of humiliation, and then instilled his theory into the leader.

It's not complicated to say, it's just like the transformation of public institutions into enterprises and restructuring in later generations. It's just that Guowenshe intends to develop in the direction of a cultural industry group.

The leader didn't stop him. After listening for a long time, he didn't express his opinion and kicked him out.

Before leaving, he warned: "Take care of your mouth. If I hear something outside, I won't spare you!"

Lin Weimin vowed, "Don't worry, leader, I have no other merits except my strict mouth."

It's the beginning of the month, please vote for the third update!

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