New Year's Eve of 1997 passed.

When he got up early in the morning, Lin Weimin yawned and helped his daughter to get dressed. The little girl was stunned to put her pants on her head. She was supported by Lin Weimin and didn't even open her eyes. She didn't even notice.

Tao Huimin took off her pants and complained: "Look at you two..."

If this scene were made into a movie, it could be called "The Life of the Disliked Lin Family Father and Daughter."

"Dad, can we not go to celebrate the New Year? Doubao is so sleepy!" Xiao Doubao begged.

Lin Weimin's face was serious, "It's okay if I don't pay New Year greetings, but I won't have the New Year's money."

Hearing this, Xiaodou Bao opened his eyes with squinting eyes, no longer sleepy at all.

But she couldn't help but lament.

Life is not easy, Doubao sighed.

In the morning, I first paid New Year greetings to several elders in my family, and Xiaodou Bao received a lot of money.

She was happily planning to put all the money into her little piggy bank, but unexpectedly, a figure suddenly blocked her face, with a tall shadow covering Xiaodou Bao's petite figure.

"Happy New Year, aunt!" The little girl bowed her head to the end, full of sincerity.

Xiaodoubao sighed again and reluctantly handed out a red note, not forgetting to tell the little girl.

"Save some flowers!"

Tao Huimin looked at her daughter's cute and mature look and couldn't help but said: "This little money addict!"

After the family members celebrated the New Year and had breakfast, Lin Weimin drove his wife and daughter to Mr. Wan's house.

During the Chinese New Year, Mr. Wan returned to his home in Muxidi.

During the Chinese New Year this year, Mr. Wan’s home is very lively. Sister Wan Fang and her husband and children celebrate the Chinese New Year here. There is a lively and festive atmosphere when you enter the door.

But Mr. Wan and his wife seemed unhappy. Lin Weimin asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Mr. Wan was cryptic.

Li Yuru said angrily: "I didn't realize until I got up early that he secretly ate two pieces of chocolate you gave me last night."

Lin Weimin followed the crowd and criticized: "How can you still eat secretly?"

Mr. Wan argued: "If you hadn't given me the chocolate, would I have eaten it?"

"I prepared snacks for the children. Are they for you? Besides, what's not delicious but chocolate? Don't you know you have a bad heart?"

Li Yuru snorted coldly: "Chocolate is so delicious!"

Mr. Wan knew that he was wrong and did not dare to refute, but glared at Lin Weimin.

"Why are you staring at me? You should reflect on it!"

With Li Yuru by his side, Lin Weimin acted unscrupulously.

After the episode, Lin Weimin gave red envelopes to the juniors.

This year's red envelope is different from previous years. It is not money, but something in kind. Each person has a piece of Hetian jade for nothing. What Lin Weimin gave to the younger generation is definitely not the high-end "Hetian jade" worth more than 500 yuan.

This batch of Wushi brands are cultural and creative products produced by the Jinghua Museum. They are made of genuine mutton-fat white jade and cost 99,999 yuan per piece.

The full name of Wu Shi Pai is Ping An Wu Shi Pai. Because there is no carving on the entire jade tablet, it means "nothing", so the jade tablet borrows the meaning of "peace and peace".

Mutton-fat white jade is worth a lot of money, but the price of 99,999 yuan a piece is simply a waste of money.

This batch of Wuwu cards cost 50 yuan, and it took almost half a year to sell out only 10 yuan. Fortunately, this thing only needs to be sold for 3 yuan to recover the cost. The rest is pure profit. Gift from Lin Weimin The "Nothing" sign for going out was made by Ma Dudu alone.

"This is too expensive."

The Wanfang sisters looked at the "nothing" card presented by Lin Weimin and rejected it repeatedly.

"It's just a lottery. It looks expensive. It's made from batches of jade materials obtained by my subordinates. It's not that expensive."

Lin Weimin still insisted on giving the things away. This is called reciprocity.

After leaving Mr. Wan's house, Lin Weimin went to Shi Tiesheng's house.

This year, without Shi's father in the house, the Shi family seemed a lot more deserted. After the little bean bag arrived, he ran around in the house, making the family a little more lively.

While Lin Weimin's family was sitting there, several more friends came to pay New Year's greetings.

"It's good to come to your house to pay New Year's greetings. You can see everyone without leaving home." Lin Weimin joked.

At noon, after having a meal at Shi Tiesheng's house, Lin Weimin's family of three returned home and spent the afternoon catching up on their sleep.

After the New Year's holiday, everyone suddenly returns to work. Everyone needs an adaptation period.

A week has just passed, and a major news was suddenly exposed by major heavyweight media.

Just as "The Story of Spring" was sung on the Spring Festival Gala this year, the old man in the story was no longer there. The sudden bad news touched the hearts of hundreds of millions of people.

The entire Yanjing was immersed in a depressing atmosphere, and the second half of February passed by in such an atmosphere.

In early March, the third issue of "Contemporary" this year was released as scheduled.

The past year of "Contemporary", which has been silent for a long time, has not been easy. Everyone in the editorial department is immersed in a wave of anxiety.

The year 1996 that just passed can be said to be the most difficult year in the nearly 20-year history of "Contemporary".

This is not only due to the continuous decline in sales, there are also reasons for the decline in sales. In addition to the external environment, the most fundamental reason is that many works published by "Contemporary" in the past period have not attracted widespread attention.

The influence of a publication is the result of the accumulation of many classic literary works.

Since its inception, "Contemporary" has never been short of good works. It has included all the heavyweight works in China's contemporary literary world since the reform and opening up, and there are countless works published through "Contemporary".

"Contemporary" is also accustomed to leading the contemporary literary world. It has not published any decent works for more than a year. It is normal for the editors to be anxious.

After a year of work, at the end of last year, Lin Weimin's new novel was finally completed. If it weren't for being too late, He Qizhi would have wanted to publish the novel in the second issue.

In the third issue of "Contemporary" in 1997, Lin Weimin's latest masterpiece "Don't Knock on the Door Tomorrow" was officially published.

In China, Lin Weimin has tens of millions of readers. There was no advance notice for the release of his novel, but the novel still aroused enthusiastic responses in the domestic literary world and among readers two days after its publication.

It has been more than a year since Lin Weimin's last novel "God Bless the United States". Both readers and the market have great expectations for Lin Weimin's new work.

The third issue of "Contemporary" with the theme "Don't Knock on the Door Tomorrow" ushered in a large-scale rush by readers on the day it was released.

Factories, campuses, government agencies, office buildings... Readers of this novel are found in every corner of all walks of life. The 1980s when all the people read has long passed, and this grand scene can still be seen on the eve of the 21st century. For absolute For most readers who love literature, it is an extremely happy thing.

"Don't Knock on the Door Tomorrow", the protagonist is a little old man who has just turned 60. Because his surname is Shi, he is called Lao Shitou.

But he was called Lao Shitou not only because of his surname, but also because of his blunt and weird temper. The neighbors called him Lao Shitou, which means "the stone in the cesspit."

Lao Shitou has an eccentric temper and is always dissatisfied with things all day long. People who deal with him are usually not in a happy mood.

He would patrol the family home and the surrounding area in a regular manner every day, and would yell at or even fight for anything that did not comply with the rules.

At the beginning of the work, an annoying little old man stands before the reader's eyes. He is vivid, lively, but annoying at the same time.

Fortunately, before everyone had time to hate him, he decided to die. This contrast brought a bit of ironic black humor.

A scolding old man who looked down upon everyone and everything around him. He was cynical and resentful, as if the world owed him something.

He seems to be still living in the past era, out of tune with the ever-changing life, and unwilling to accept new things at all.

But when the reader receives the news that he has decided to die, he cannot help but feel a bit of pity for him.

Then when he was preparing to carry out his suicide plan, a troublesome neighbor broke into his life. This family seemed to have no fuel-efficient lamp.

Not only were they able to interrupt Lao Shitou's suicide attempts by mistake time and time again, but they were also able to make him fly into a rage.

Behind the coincidences, Lao Shitou's rough and rugged life unfolds before the readers.

He lost his father when he was two years old, his mother when he was five years old, and when he was seven years old, he was homeless and living on the streets.

In 1949, at the age of thirteen, he was picked up by the People's Liberation Army who entered the city. At the age of fifteen, he went to the Korean battlefield. He was bloodied and burned. He came back from the battlefield alive, and there were many soldiers who came back with him. 13 scars all over the body.

At the age of twenty-one, he married a rural girl under the introduction of the organization. Like him, she was also an orphan who grew up in the war, and the couple depended on each other.

At the age of twenty-two, he had his first son. At the age of twenty-three, his second son was born, and he was promoted to battalion commander. At the age of twenty-six, another son was born in the family. He smiled and said: With the blessing of our ancestors, our population is prosperous.

At the age of twenty-eight, when the country mobilized the third-line construction, he resolutely took off his military uniform, said goodbye to his wife and children, and went to the mountains and valleys of Guizhou.

In 1975, he was thirty-nine years old, the third-line construction was coming to an end, his eldest son was going to join the army, and another member of the People's Liberation Army was born in the Shi family, so he chose to be transferred back to his hometown.

In 1977, the country resumed the college entrance examination, and the second son was admitted to Yenching University. He was very drunk that week, and his life seemed to usher in a warm spring.

In 1979, during the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, the eldest son's unit was ambushed by the enemy and died heroically. On the day he received the bad news, he sat quietly in front of his home for a long time without shedding a single tear. He only said one sentence: Soldiers should be shrouded in horse leather.

In 1981, the second son graduated from Yenching University with honors and was assigned to work in a ministry. He went home to visit relatives and drowned in the swimming pool. From that day on he became silent. He thought this was God's revenge for being harsh on him.

Since then, he has been more strict with his youngest son than before, but fate is always unpredictable.

In 1983, my youngest son fell in love with someone and was stabbed to death because of jealousy.

After losing his three sons in four years, Lao Shitou's temper became moody, and only his wife's comfort could calm him down.

After their son left, the couple supported each other for 8 years.

In 1993, my wife contracted liver cancer and sought medical treatment for three months before finally passing away.

The people he loved and loved him had left this world, and he wanted to reunite with them.

But he still has unfinished tasks assigned to him by the country.

In 1996, he finally retired and was able to reunite with his wife and children.

The newly moved Ouyang family next door brought Lao Shitou a lot of trouble and warmth in his last moments, but these things were no longer important to him.

He is not afraid of death, nor is he afraid of living alone.

The form of survival or death is not important to him, he just wants to see his beloved relatives.

The story of Lao Shitou is over, and it has also earned the tears of countless readers.

Yu Hua's "To Live", at least left Fugui with an old scalper at the end.

Lin Weimin's "Don't Knock on the Door Tomorrow" was copied and executed, leaving no one alive.

After reading the novel, readers cried so hard that their intestines almost burst.

Less than half a month after the novel was published, a corner of the editorial office of "Contemporary" was filled with letters from readers flying in like snowflakes.

Among these letters, many praised the novel, but even more criticized Lin Weimin, the author.

Some readers who were completely disillusioned by the end of the novel criticized Lin Weimin in the letter as "an executioner who earns readers' tears by writing dead characters. It is extremely hateful."

The readers gnashed their teeth at the scolding, but everyone in the editorial department who received the letter was so happy that their teeth almost showed.

The love-hate relationship among readers is the highest evaluation of the work and the highest recognition of the work of the publication and the editorial department.

As for readers being cured after reading the novel, that is not a problem at all.

Which masterpiece doesn't make people cry?

This is called a classic!

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