1980 My literary era

Chapter 846 Lin Weimin’s literary thoughts shine

"Don't Knock on the Door Tomorrow" was published in "Contemporary", finally bringing huge popularity and topics to this long-dormant publication.

Letters from readers flooded into the editorial office, praising the work but criticizing the author.

The editors have long expected this situation. The quality of the novel "Ming" cannot be overemphasized. Lin Weimin's creation has maintained the same high level as always, and the novel can switch freely between sadness and joy, playing with the readers' emotions in applause. In the performance, the technique is proficient and exquisite, but it is not annoying, just like an antelope hanging its horns.

Many letters from readers were filled with scoldings of the author Lin Weimin, and everyone read with great interest, but they were not the ones scolding him anyway.

The harsher the scolding, the deeper the reader's love. This is the reader's praise for the author and the novel.

With a relaxed and cheerful smile on his face, He Qizhi delivered packets of letters from readers into Lin Weimin's office.

"Lao He, why are you so happy when I get scolded?"

"Misunderstood, misunderstood. I just read a manuscript. I haven't seen such an excellent manuscript for a long time. I'm so happy!" He Qizhi said quibly.

Lin Weimin was too lazy to expose him and asked: "How are the sales of this issue of "Contemporary"?"

When the topic of sales was brought up, the smile on He Qizhi's face became even brighter, almost touching his ears.

"Okay, great! In just ten days, 1.5 million copies of the magazine have been sold out. The sales volume of this issue should exceed 2.5 million copies at least, maybe 3 million copies .”

He Qizhi sighed as he spoke, "It's no different now than it used to be. It's not easy for many popular literary journals to break through two million copies. Our "Contemporary" can't achieve such good results without this work of yours! "

Lin Weimin did not take He Qizhi's flattery to heart, but reminded him: "It's short-lived, so don't be too happy."

"It's good to have one issue. Besides, with this issue, the sales of the following issues can also be boosted. At least the sales in the first half of the year will be very good."

"Relying on my work alone is not a long-term solution. Your publications must also work hard!"

Lin Weimin couldn't help but put some pressure on He Qizhi. This may be the sequelae of being a leader for a long time. Seeing his subordinates relaxed is like a primary school student seeing stones on the roadside and always wants to kick them.

"That's what you said."

He Qizhi's attitude was very gentle after he had just completed sales with his leader's works.

While the two were talking, Yu Hua was facing a newspaper in Tongwenshe's office with a triumphant expression.

He was reading the latest issue of "Literary News". This newspaper sponsored by the Literary Association has a huge influence in the domestic literary circle. Its seventh page publishes literary review articles on many literary works all year round. From time to time, it will Having heavyweight writers and critics express their opinions on a certain work is one of the biggest highlights of this newspaper.

The seventh page of this issue of "Literary News" is a little different from usual.

There is nothing new in the layout of the newspaper. It is still the same as usual, with several comment articles scattered throughout the entire page of the newspaper.

But the difference is that the title of each article is related to "Don't Knock on the Door Tomorrow" which was just published not long ago.

"A man is determined to die - Comment on Lin Weimin's "Don't Knock on the Door Tomorrow Again" "The Successful Creation of the Image of Lao Shitou in "Don't Knock on the Door Tomorrow"" "Looking at the Development Profile of New China from "Don't Knock on the Door Tomorrow" "On the Suffering Consciousness of "Don't Knock Again Tomorrow""...

"Literary News" is a major newspaper in the field of literature in China. It is not impossible to say that it is the first newspaper. There are review articles in every issue, but it is extremely rare for a full-page article like this issue to be about the same work. .

It's not that it didn't happen before, but it was basically only for the heavyweight works of a very small number of highly respected literary figures that such high courtesy was given.

The main reason why Yu Hua is so proud is because one of the articles in this edition of the newspaper was written by him.

"On the Suffering Consciousness of "Don't Knock Again Tomorrow"".

"Literature writers often borrow light from the fleeting past to control real time and space in literary works. For them, 'today' is mostly a day of chaotic values, full of unknown choices. The abyss of human nature is the inexplicable lack of basis and basis for judging future possibilities.

Compared with 'today', the 'yesterday' recalled by Lin Weimin in "Don't Knock on the Door Tomorrow" is full of suffering and suffering. Lao Shitou's childhood and youth were so difficult and bumpy, but they did not lack the kindness of existence. feel.

The use of flashbacks to tell the story makes the structure of "Don't Knock Again" more ingenious. Compared with the flashbacks and dual narratives of "Alive", the method of "Don't Knock Again" is more concise and makes the story more smooth and natural. , the returning-to-nature creative method allows readers to better integrate into the plot and substitute characters.

Another difference between this work and "Alive" is that "Alive" pursues a kind of "zero degree of emotion", and its ending shows a state closer to the so-called "four elements are empty" in Buddhism.

What "Don't Knock on the Door Tomorrow" pursues and strives to exaggerate is the magnificence of a decisive blow in life, and the most brilliant sublimation of the word 'love'..."

In the past, Xiao Tong had always been the preeminent boy. This time, Xiao Tong was transferred to Wenhua, and his reaction seemed to be slower than before. Yu Hua was naturally happy that he got there first.

In the article, Yu Hua's heartfelt rainbow farts are naturally indispensable, but he feels that he is much smarter than Tong Zhonggui.

Xiao Tong is a stupid person, and the same goes for his articles. He praises people in a naked way.

Although what you said is all true, it has been a custom since ancient times for literati to look down on each other, and people will inevitably despise it, thinking that this is unscrupulous flattery.

In contrast, Yu Hua felt that his approach was much smarter. He only talked about the content and not the people. He couldn't praise it too much. After all, the content of the novel cannot be erased.

Not only that, Yu Hua also used a little cleverness when writing the article.

"Don't Knock on the Door Tomorrow" is similar to "To Live" in terms of plot setting. He also knows that many people will compare it with "To Live" after reading this novel.

So I just went ahead and analyzed the similarities between the two works.

This is not only to flatter Teacher Lin by lowering myself, but also to gain popularity. The popularity of Teacher Lin's works has always been frighteningly high.

Comparing the two works together, many readers will definitely be interested in "Alive", and it may be able to boost the sales of "Alive".

And to be honest, Yu Hua feels that he is much kinder than Teacher Lin.

At least Fugui and his old scalpers were left in the ending of "Alive". Teacher Lin was so cruel that none of the protagonist's family was left behind.

When he read the novel before and reached the middle and later chapters, he once thought that Lao Shitou would gain the will to live in the warmth of the Ouyang family.

If it is handled this way, it is actually not bad.

Yu Hua also thought about letting Lao Shitou end up with an accidental death after he gained the will to live. He was also proud of his idea and thought it was a very darkly humorous idea.

But Teacher Lin’s writing is often so unique. The final ending that Yu Hua saw was that Lao Shitou gained the warmth of the Ouyang family at the last moment of his life. He saw the beauty of life and the kindness of human nature, but he was still generous. Go to death without any regrets.

This ending shocked Yu Hua greatly!

He thought of the ending he designed for Fugui. Fugui ended up with the old scalper. He regarded everything as ordinary. The purpose of living was no longer to pursue all external things, nor to pursue all metaphysical things. To live is to live itself.

He once felt that this was a good design. It contained all the impermanence, gainlessness, and indifference of life. It gave him a sense of enlightenment as described by Buddhism.

But in "Don't Knock on the Door Tomorrow", Lao Shitou's choice made Yu Hua see another kind of unspeakable beauty.

It is a kind of relief and freedom after encountering the beauty of life and the kindness of human nature, and seeing the impermanence of fate and the joys and sorrows of life.

That is not the Buddhist state of selflessness, but the ardent pursuit of one’s true self without fear.

I love my family, even if the road ahead is endless hell or endless abyss, I will never regret it even if I escape death.

This is really a fierce man!

After reading the entire novel, Yu Hua had a very strong feeling. This novel reminded him of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" and "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai".

But he feels that "Don't Knock on the Door Tomorrow" is more cleverly designed than these two works in some aspects.

It does not blindly write about "love", and it even deliberately avoids touching this topic. However, Teacher Lin uses a superb ending to sublimate the hidden theme of "love" to an unprecedented height. It is so full and hot, just like a book. Holding the slowly flowing magma, readers trapped in it are completely unable to resist.

Yu Hua believes that the vast majority of readers will have the same feeling as him after reading the novel. Even if they cannot express it, the resonance must be the same.

After appreciating his masterpiece, Yu Hua started reading several other articles.

Compared with his own article, the positions of several other people are much more rational. They analyze the creative techniques of the novel and the author's various ideas throughout the article. The praise is true, but Yu Hua feels that these people are not related to him. There is a big gap.

However, he also discovered that these people would inevitably express their dissatisfaction with the ending of the novel in a subtle way at the end of the article.

For example, there is a paragraph in the article "The Successful Shaping of the Image of Lao Shitou in "Don't Knock on the Door Tomorrow"":

"Old Shitou's choice is cruel. The author tries to use this cruel choice to arouse the readers' emotions, but inevitably falls into the trap of deliberately sensationalizing. From the author's point of view, the suffering in the world should be treated more fundamentally. Sexual feelings. We should not express our natural emotions and make a futile cry.

When people's restrained emotions and internal fission are released to the smallest possible extent, they can be turned into a silent cry without publicity. This silent cry is more powerful than that seemingly cruel choice. "

Yu Hua fully understands the contents of the article. Critics are also human beings, and everyone has subjective feelings.

Teacher Lin's handling of the ending is almost the best solution in literature, and it almost gives a novel a classic character that has been praised endlessly.

But from the reader's point of view, this method of treatment is still too cruel, especially for those readers with a particularly strong sense of empathy and empathy, it is simply too painful to live.

Yu Hua himself wrote "Alive", and he received countless scoldings for this novel. Of course, he understands the painful feelings of readers after reading Teacher Lin's novel.

But there is no way, who can let Teacher Lin write well?

Yu Hua could imagine the scene of those readers crying and wiping away their tears, cursing, and turning the pages of the book.

He couldn't help but think back to that afternoon several years ago.

At that time, he was still a small dentist at the Wuyuan Town Health Center, Haiyan County, Zhijiang Province.

He held the newly published "Farewell My Concubine" and studied it for a long time, and finally realized the true meaning of literary creation.

For so many years, he had always thought that he was already better than his master when it came to abusing his master. After all, in the few novels he had written over the years, the protagonists were all miserable.

But today he finally realized that when he was able to understand the shortcut to literary creation in "Farewell My Concubine", it was not because of his own talent, but because the light of Teacher Lin's literary thoughts was shining on him!

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