The later "Jinling Massacre: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II" also aroused considerable repercussions in the United States when it was published. It was on the New York Times bestseller list for several months.

But compared to the slow fermentation and spread of later generations, the response caused by "Jin" in the United States this time was much faster and more sensational. This is of course related to Lin Weimin's intervention.

From the initial publicity in various media, to writing the preface to "King", to contributing to the New York Times and publishing "Humanity Should Not Forget" to support "King", the operation was smooth and smooth, making "King" famous in the world. It spread throughout the United States in a short period of time.

At this point, Zhang Chunru and Lin Weimin have the same vision. Both hope to let more people see that period of history.

In late December, the domestic translation work of "Jin" was completed and entered the editing and review stage.

The 24th is Christmas Eve, and it is also the day when Feng Xiaogang's new movie "Endless" is officially released in major theaters across the country.

For three consecutive years, at the same time, Feng Xiaogang once again appeared in the eyes of the movie audience with a new movie. The audience seemed to have gradually become accustomed to watching a light-hearted and humorous comedy movie on such days.

But what is different from previous years is that there are several more films released in domestic cinemas this year than before.

The concept of Lunar New Year movies has gradually become popular in the past few years, and audiences have developed a habit of watching movies. Other film companies and studios are not stupid, and naturally want to get a share of the pie during this time.

The emergence of competitors did not disrupt the pace of Wenhua Film and Television and "Endless" because they knew very well that this phenomenon was bound to happen. They could not stop the actions of their competitors. The only thing they could do was to do their best. matter.

Starting from "Party A and Party B", Feng Xiaogang and Wang Shuo worked together to create a unique Beijing-style comedy. Last year, Feng Xiaogang left Good Dream and signed a contract with Wenhua Film and Television, and had a very unhappy relationship with Wang Shuo.

"Endless" did not have the participation of Wang Shuo. At the suggestion of Wenhua Film and Television, Feng Xiaogang boldly hired two new screenwriters, Bai Tiejun and Wang Xiaozhu. Both of them are young screenwriters of Wenhua Film and Television and are quite talented in comedy creation. Experience.

Now that the movie is released, it would be false to say that Feng Xiaogang is not worried.

For a long time, in the circle of friends, Feng Xiaogang has always been the little one who follows Wang Shuo. As time went by, even Feng Xiaogang himself sometimes felt that he could not achieve his current results without Wang Shuo's help.

But Feng Xiaogang also knew that he relied on more than just Wang Shuo's help to get to where he is today.

Several consecutive Beijing-style comedies made him famous in the Chinese film industry, but they also made him feel bored and he wanted to make something different.

Leaving Wang Shuo and choosing to join Wenhua Film and Television was a choice made with this mentality.

But astute as Feng Xiaogang, he did not immediately transform after joining Wenhua Film and Television. Instead, he chose to play it safe and chose the comedy theme that he is good at for his first work in Wenhua Film and Television.

After leaving Wang Shuo, Feng Xiaogang was like a patient who got rid of crutches and finally began to try to walk on his own.

Just after New Year's Day, the box office statistics for the first week of "Endless" were released.

18.5 million!

Seeing this number, Feng Xiaogang felt relaxed.

From the beginning of the year to the end of the year, his uneasy heart finally calmed down and was replaced by a sense of elation and elation.

Men can succeed without relying on others!

"Xiaogang, good job!" Yu Dong patted Feng Xiaogang on the shoulder and praised him.

Feng Xiaogang suppressed his inner joy and said: "It's all thanks to everyone. This is only the first week. I don't think the media's evaluation is very high."

Yu Dong smiled and said: "The audience's reputation is the most important. Let the media talk what they like. Didn't the media also criticize it when "Hero" was released?"

"You are really flattering me. How can "Endless" be compared with "Hero"! If others hear it, they might scold me."

"What do they know? Movies are not only art, but also commerce. Commercial films can also produce good movies. Don't belittle yourself. We in China currently lack good directors like you who understand the audience."

In the three years since he took charge of Wenhua Film and Television, Yu Dong has become more and more like a man of power, and his compliments made Feng Xiaogang's heart feel as sweet as honey.

"I know how to make commercial films. Director Zhang walks on both art and business. What our Chinese film industry really lacks is people like Director Zhang."

Feng Xiaogang was so proud that Yu Dong was very satisfied.

“The concept of the ‘Lunar New Year Trilogy’ has been completed this time, and it shouldn’t be a problem for ‘Endless’ to win 60 million at the box office.

What I said again is that when you come to Wenhua, you will definitely have ample room for creation.

Do you still want to tinker with that movie "A Sigh" next? Or change to another theme? "

Yu Dong's question made Feng Xiaogang hesitate.

When he first joined Wenhua, Feng Xiaogang had talked with Yu Dong. In fact, he really wanted to film Wang Shuo's "The Embarrassing".

But at that time, he had just broken up with Wang Shuo and was a little embarrassed, so he made "Endless".

Looking at it now, "Endless" is considered a success. Feng Xiaogang doesn't mind going back to Wang Shuo to discuss cooperation. Even if the friendship is gone, business can still be done.

I just don't know if Wang Shuo will sell this face. Feng Xiaogang is no longer willing to put his hot face on his cold butt.

Yu Dong looked at Feng Xiaogang's face and immediately realized his difficulty.

"If you still want to film "In Embarrassment", I'll talk to Mr. Shuo. We'll share the royalties, and we'll also share the dividends. He won't have trouble with anyone, and he won't have trouble with money!"

After listening to Yu Dong's words, Feng Xiaogang shook his head, "Forget it, let me go and say it. If I let you say it, will he scold me to death later?"

Yu Dong also understood Wang Shuo's temper. He said with a smile: "He is such a person and has such virtue. You just think he is coaxing his girlfriend!"

Yu Dong's metaphor was so vivid that Feng Xiaogang couldn't help but laugh.

Not long after sending Feng Xiaogang away, the phone on Yu Dong's desk rang. The call was from Yan Dingxian from Shanghai.

At the end of last year, Wenhua Film and Television reached a cooperation with Humei Factory. Both parties jointly invested in the production of an animated film adapted from "The Adventures of Shuke and Beta".

It's not accurate to say that. The title of the movie is "Shuke and Beta: Tigers and Tigers", and the plot is not taken from the plot of the novel, but was created by the author Zheng Yuanjie based on the theme of "Year of the Tiger". This is the routine of later domestic Chinese New Year animation movies.

Yan Dingxian called Yu Dong today to inform him that the post-production of "Shuke and Beta: Tigers and Tigers" has been successfully completed.

It took nearly 10 months to complete an 85-minute animated film, which was very efficient for Wenhua Film and Television and Shanghai Mei Factory, which were cooperating for the first time.

Especially for a state-owned unit like Humei Factory, the efficiency is simply ridiculously high.

If we want to investigate the root cause of the high efficiency of "Shuke and Beta: Tigers and Tigers", it is inseparable from the sugar-coated bullets of Wenhua Film and Television.

The main production force of "Shook and Beta: Tigers and Tigers" is still Humei Factory. Although the people are from Humei Factory, the policies implemented are from Wenhua Film and Television.

All staff involved in film production, in addition to wages from Humei Factory, also receive subsidies from Wenhua Film and Television, and overtime wages are calculated separately.

Over the past few months, the subsidies and overtime wages these workers have received alone are equivalent to what they would have received from working at the Humei Factory for three years.

In addition, the crew will have extra meals every night when working overtime, and have dinner together every one or two weeks. During the holidays, the crew will also receive benefits, which are much better than those at Humei Factory.

The cost of such an invitation to buy people's hearts is naturally high, but compared with the value that this group of high-quality talents at Humei Factory can create, these costs are not worth mentioning.

By completing an 85-minute animated film in less than 10 months, these guys have proven their worth.

Yan Dingxian reported the news of "Shuke and Beta: Tigers and Tigers", and Yu Dong was very happy.

It's early January, and this year's Lunar New Year falls on January 27, which is also the day "Shook and Beta: Tigers and Tigers" is released.

As early as when the film project was approved at the beginning of the year, Wenhua Film and Television had already decided on the film's schedule and promotion strategy.

Now that the film's post-production is complete, the promotional campaign can begin.

"Shuke and Beta: Tigers and Tigers" is an animated film, and cartoons are for children. This concept has been deeply ingrained in the minds of Chinese people, and it is impossible for Wenhua Film and Television to change this concept.

But we can find another way. The movie is scheduled to be released on the first day of the Lunar New Year. Children can't go to the cinema to watch movies alone, right? How dangerous it is, then we have to go as a family of three.

Originally I could only sell one ticket, but now I can sell three tickets?

Of course, no matter how good the publicity strategy is, the publicity effect must be seen in time.

After talking about the movie, Yan Dingxian mentioned another task to Yu Dong.

If Wenhua Film and Television wants to enter the animation field, it cannot always rely on Shanghai Meiyi Factory. It must have its own production team.

Domestic animation talents are very scarce these days, and Humei Factory is the home base of animation talents, so recruiting them has naturally become the best choice for Wenhua Film and Television.

Yan Dingxian is the old director of Humei Factory. Based on his relationship with Humei Factory, logically speaking, he should not kill his old employer for his own selfish interests.

However, in recent years, the development of Humei Factory has suffered setbacks and its personnel have continued to lose. Yan Dingxian sees this and is anxious in his heart.

Those who have been lost are talents that Humei Factory spent more than ten years or even decades cultivating. After leaving Humei Factory, they basically became employees of regional and national animation companies such as Xiangjiang, Wandao, Nihong, etc. Outsourcing, although the income is much higher than before, is still a contract work, Yan Dingxian is very sad about this.

Rather than doing this, it would be better to simply take advantage of Wenhua Film and Television.

Wenhua Film and Television is a subsidiary company of Guowenshe, and they sincerely want to enter the animation field. The salary is also higher than that of Humei Factory. No matter how you look at it, it is better than doing odd jobs for animation companies outside.

As long as their thinking changes, the execution ability of the older generation is very terrible. During this period, he almost poached all the employees of Humei Factory who participated in "Shuke and Beta: Tigers and Tigers", and most of them have already agreed. Jump to Wenhua Film and Television.

But one problem is that these people are all settled in Shanghai. Even if they switch jobs to Wenhua Film and Television, they cannot come to Yanjing.

Yu Dong had communicated this matter with Lin Weimin a long time ago. Since there is Humei Factory, the cradle of Chinese animation, in Shanghai, he might as well set up a branch company specializing in animation in Shanghai.

With these talents, Wenhua Film and Television has a talent reserve to enter the animation field, and Yu Dong is naturally extremely happy.

But at the same time, he also sympathized with Jin Guoping, the director of Humei Factory. The crew of "Shuke and Beta: Tigers and Tigers" were almost hollowed out by Yan Dingxian, but Jin Guoping had not received any news so far. .

"We need to have a good talk with Lao Jin about this matter later. It's better not to make the relationship too tense." Yu Dong said.

"Yes, I understand. The reason I asked them to keep it secret at first was because they were afraid of delaying their work. Now that the movie is finished, I'll talk to Guoping in a few days."

Yu Dong thought for a while, "Don't wait for a few days. Let's wait until the movie is released. Then I will go to Shanghai to apologize to him."

Humei Factory cooperated with Wenhua Film and Television. As soon as the film was produced, Wenhua Film and Television poached all the people. It was difficult for anyone to accept it.

Putting the showdown after the movie was released, the box office performance was good, and Humei Factory got the nod, so it was not easy to fall out with Wenhua Film and Television. If the box office performance is not good, Wenhua Film and Television will continue to invest in the animation field, and Humei Factory will also benefit from it, so it is not easy to fall out.

Yan Dingxian immediately figured out the reason why Yu Dong chose this time, and he admired the young general manager a little more.

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