1980 My literary era

Chapter 932 A masterpiece of realist literature

Throughout October, the topic of Lin Weimin and the Nobel Prize for Literature continued to be popular in China, and the feedback from many overseas national media was also very enthusiastic.

Everyone is paying attention not only because the winner is a Chinese writer, but also because the winner is Lin Weimin.

Unlike many writers whose works were not popular before they won the Nobel Prize, Lin Weimin's works have been selling well at home and abroad for more than ten years, and have tens of millions of readers and fans around the world. The influence of his adaptations has even reached reach a wider audience.

This has led to Lin Weimin’s award-winning momentum far exceeding that of ordinary writers. The media’s pursuit, the industry’s affirmation, and the readers’ support. Many voices have gathered together, like a hot golden torrent, waiting for this wave of public opinion. After cooling down, Lin Weimin will be molded into a golden body and held on the altar.

Apart from the noisy media and public opinion, the most direct reaction to Lin Weimin's winning of the Nobel Prize for Literature is that his previous works have become popular again.

Although Lin Weimin's works can always be classified as best-sellers, even works published more than ten years ago still have good sales every year. They are constantly reprinted and reprinted, and their sales remain constant all year round. However, the huge Nobel Prize in Literature Blessing should not be underestimated.

As early as when he won the award, the Chinese Literature Society contacted bookstores all over the country and urgently added festive envelopes to all Lin Weimin's works.

Readers who often buy books will immediately understand that the work must have recently won an award when they see this symbolic mark.

But in fact, there is no need for publishers and readers to remind them. Since the news of the award came out, Lin Weimin's works have ushered in a wave of purchases from readers in bookstores across the country. Some of them originally took half a year or a year to be reprinted. The stock of one-time works was sold out by readers in just a few days, and some originally popular works were quickly sold out by readers.

The direct result of the rise of this book buying trend is that in the latest issue of the "Guo Wen Bao" book sales rankings, 15 of the top 20 positions were firmly occupied by Lin Weimin's works.

Naturally, the top spot among them is the first part of "Li Jianguo", which was newly published last year. Other popular works in the series of Lin Weimin's works such as "Farewell My Concubine", "Horse Trapper", "Ming Dynasty 1566", "God Bless the United States", etc. also have sales volume. All extremely outstanding.

According to statistics from Guowen Group, in just half a month after winning the award, Lin Weimin's works sold nearly 6 million more copies than usual. Many small and medium-sized publishing houses may not sell so many books in a year.

This is still the case not only in domestic but also in foreign bookstores.

Although Lin Weimin's reputation is great around the world, it cannot be compared with the big names in Hollywood. The upsurge of public opinion about the Nobel Prize in Literature is equivalent to making him a worldwide craze that lasted at least several days. The search quickly expanded Lin Weimin's reputation around the world, making many readers who did not know him aware of this Nobel Prize winner from China.

Countless readers who visit bookstores have contributed to the sales of Lin Weimin's works abroad, allowing publishers who cooperate with Lin Weimin to make a lot of money.

With so little money, who wouldn’t love winning a prize?

The noisy October has passed, and the outside world's attention to Lin Weimin has dropped a lot. No matter how well-known the Nobel Prize in Literature is, the news will eventually pass.

At this time, people finally noticed the second part of "Li Jianguo" which had been published for a month.

In March last year, the first part of "Li Jianguo" was published in "Contemporary" and quickly attracted huge attention in the domestic literary, intellectual and political circles.

This rich novel has profound humanistic depth, depicts the joys and sorrows of an independent individual in the context of the times, and highly integrates personal and historical development. It has moved countless readers and has been widely praised by critics.

Not only that, because the novel shows the perseverance and self-improvement of the Chinese people, it has been highly praised by the authorities, given high praise, and vigorously promoted.

Now, after a year and a half, the second part of "Li Jianguo" was launched grandly, but it happened to catch up with the tide of public opinion about the Nobel Prize in Literature. The public opinion that should have been detonated long ago was forced to wait until November.

However, a late outbreak also has the advantage of a late outbreak. With the blessing of the Nobel Prize for Literature, Lin Weimin's reputation in the domestic literary circle is unparalleled in the world.

The second part of "Li Jianguo" comes with such great momentum, like the arrival of a king, invincible.

The 10th issue of "Contemporary", which published the second part of "Li Jianguo", sold 5.2 million copies in more than 20 days, setting a sales record since the founding of "Contemporary". This number is not only unprecedented, but also probably unprecedented.

After all, even if Lin Weimin writes a new work in the future, it will not be supported by the public opinion of the Nobel Prize for Literature. Corresponding to the sales volume is the incredible word-of-mouth effect of the second part of "Li Jianguo" among readers.

Before the novel was published, editors, critics, and even many readers were worried that according to the story and timeline of the first part of "Li Jianguo", the second part would inevitably deviate from the real timeline. If it was not handled well, it would easily make the upper part exciting. The story is ruined.

But what everyone was worried about did not happen. The story of the second part of "Li Jianguo" is in the same vein as the upper part. Whether it is the writing style, the direction of the story or the inner ideological context and spiritual core, the two works have reached a high degree of unity.

The future timeline involved in the deduction of reality in the second part is also handled in a reasonable manner, without any sense of disobedience or logical loopholes that are unacceptable to the readers. Everything is as if Lin Weimin had experienced it personally, and it is so real that people can't believe it. .

In the creation of the second part of "Li Jianguo", Lin Weimin took a huge risk. Once it fails, it is easy to destroy the good reputation accumulated in the first part, and vice versa.

Regardless of the shaping of characters and external environment, plot setting, and ideological connotation, the second part of "Li Jianguo" has reached the height that a classic novel should have.

What is even more commendable is that now the entire "Li Jianguo" has finally been shown in its entirety, truly showing the entire face of this magnificent and magnificent national epic.

One of the great sources of charm of "Li Jianguo" is the full and vivid artistic image it creates, which can be called a typical artistic image.

In addition, when critics and readers look back at the content of the entire novel after reading it, it is not difficult to find that the overall artistic tone of "Li Jianguo" is solemn and tragic. Although there is happiness and relief from time to time during the reading process, it is often inevitable that Lamenting the vagaries of life and destiny and the vicissitudes and unkindness of historical trends, it brings readers a touching and heavy aesthetic feeling.

But this is real life and destiny, which is infinitely rich, complex, and elusive.

The whole novel even looks a bit primitive and rough, but it also reveals the style of a great work everywhere. Because its true image restores the most essential reality of life, which not only shows the ugliness of life itself, but also makes life rich and charming beyond itself.

This is the power that belongs to reality and life, and it is also the power that a true realist literary masterpiece must have.

The busy month of October has passed, and as expected, Lin Weimin is either accepting interviews/participating in activities, or on the way to accepting interviews/participating in activities. He not only has to deal with domestic reporters and media, but also foreign ones.

Especially foreign reporters and media. Now the leaders at the top regard him as Zhang China's external business card. For the sake of the overall situation, Lin Weimin cannot let go.

With the arrival of a new month of November, the sensational effect brought about by the Nobel Prize for Literature at home and abroad is slowly passing away, and the news media's attention to Lin Weimin is also decreasing. He finally has some breathing space.

But this does not mean that he can rest. Lin Weimin's daily schedule is still fully arranged every day, but it is not as tight as some time ago.

On this day, after he was invited to participate in an intellectual property forum event jointly organized by the government and the United Nations, he received a call. An acquaintance from the National Academy of Arts wanted to visit him.

In the evening, Lin Weimin welcomed two guests at his home. They were Gu Jianzhi, the deputy director and Tang Yuqiu, Lin Weimin's teacher at the Institute of Literature.

Lin Weimin welcomed the two of them into the house enthusiastically, "Dean Gu, Teacher Tang, please come in quickly!"

The Institute of Literature became the National Academy of Literature in 1984. After being neglected for several years, Gu Jianzhi returned to serve as the vice president of the academy in 1991, but Tang Yuqiu did not change much.

When old friends met, Lin Weimin's enthusiastic attitude made Gu Jianzhi and Tang Yuqiu very happy. They came up to express their congratulations to Lin Weimin.

After exchanging pleasantries, the two of them explained their intentions.

It turns out that the two of them came today to ask Lin Weimin to have time to return to the National Academy of Liberal Arts to give lectures to this year's students.

"You just won the Nobel Prize. We know you are busy. The time is convenient for you. As long as you can go, you can talk about anything.

Today's students are all juniors in the literary world. When you give lectures, you not only impart knowledge and experience to everyone, but also let them see a role model. They will definitely work hard and strive for the best in the future on the road of writing. "

The main speaker today was Gu Jianzhi. His attitude was very low. Today's Lin Weimin is no longer the lawless demon king of the Literary Research Institute back then.

Whether it is his own artistic achievements or his current position, he is a very important figure in the Chinese literary world. Even if he was an acquaintance in his early years, Gu Jianzhi did not dare to pretend to be an acquaintance and ask Lin Weimin.

Lin Weimin pondered for a moment and said: "I'm afraid I can't do it recently. My schedule is full. After the awards are given, I will take a day to meet with the juniors. The time is too short, so just think of it as an exchange of experiences. .”

Lin Weimin's tone was modest, but he didn't give a clear time. He really didn't have time during this period and could only find time for one day.

Gu Jianzhi also understood his current situation very well, and did not feel anything wrong at all. Instead, he said happily: "Okay, okay, as long as you can go. You are the pride of our Institute of Literature, and you can show it to those young people!"

When he said this, his tone was unconsciously filled with pride.

Hearing the words "Literature Research Institute", those youthful memories flashed through Lin Weimin's mind.

It seemed so far away, and it seemed like just yesterday, a warm smile appeared on his face.

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