1980 My literary era

Chapter 933 The Holy Fire of Literature (two chapters in one)

On the morning of December 8, 2000, a huge team appeared in the terminal of Capital Airport.

There is a six-hour time difference between Yanjing and Stockholm, and there are less than three days left before this year's Nobel Prize award.

Lin Weimin is about to go to Stockholm, Sweden, to receive the award, but this time he is not going to Stockholm alone. In addition to being accompanied by his wife and daughter, he is also accompanied by a large team, including reporters, editors, critics, translators and WS staff.

If he follows his own wishes, he can just go and receive the award.

It is a pity that as the first Chinese to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, Lin Weimin's participation in the Nobel Prize awarding has received great attention from domestic political circles, cultural circles, and the press. It is unreasonable not to lead a delegation to receive the award.

There were still 40 minutes left before boarding time. Lin Weimin was chatting with his fellow passengers. Everyone in the team was wearing a suit except him.

He wore a black Chinese tunic suit, which Tao Huimin went to Hongdu Clothing to customize for Lin Weimin. Originally, Tao Huimin wanted to customize the suit, but Lin Weimin insisted on custom-making the Chinese tunic suit.

Time passed with everyone chatting, and when it was time to board the plane, the group got on the plane.

These days, Yanjing has not opened a direct flight to Stockholm, Sweden, and the plane needs to make a layover in Frankfurt, Germany. The flight was supposed to be about 7 hours, but it took 12 hours.

After the plane landed, the group arrived in Stockholm. Lin Weimin and his family were taken to a pre-arranged hotel by the Nobel Prize Organizing Committee. Others were not within the scope of the organizing committee, and they had already contacted the hotel in advance.

After a short break, Lin Weimin attended his first press conference after arriving in Stockholm. He still appeared in a Chinese tunic suit, but in a different one.

He asked Tao Huimin to order five sets of the same clothes in different colors, which were enough for him to wear while receiving the award.

This year's Nobel Prize winners all attended the press conference. Each of them answered reporters' questions for more than ten minutes. It didn't seem like a long time, but because three of the five awards this year were won by three people, and one award was won by two people. There were as many as 12 award-winners, so the press conference took a long time.

After the tiring journey, Lin Weimin and his family slept in a hotel for more than ten hours before reversing the jet lag. Another day passed, and finally it was the Nobel Prize award day.

In the afternoon of December 10, Lin Weimin and his family of three were taken to the Stockholm Concert Hall after a rest.

This concert hall built in 1920 has ten Greek-style stone pillars solemnly erected at the entrance. It is called "the Greek temple closest to the Arctic Circle".

The usually bustling fruit and flower market in front of the concert hall was closed today. Reporters from radio and television stations from all over the world and plainclothes police officers in charge of security were waiting outside the door early.

Lin Weimin got off the car and saw the scene in front of the concert hall. For the first time, he saw the excitement of an entertainment event at a literary awards ceremony. The Nobel Prize has a huge influence around the world, and there is something indeed.

In Stockholm in winter, the sun sets before 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and night falls.

The blue Stockholm Concert Hall shines under the black screen and is magnificent. The Nobel Prize award ceremony has been held here since 1926.

The Stockholm Concert Hall is decorated with warm-colored flowers, ranging from cherry and orange to light colors. The front of the podium is decorated with small light pink and dark pink roses. It is conservatively estimated that at least 10,000 to 20,000 flowers were used. The hall is decorated Blooming flowers.

Those attending the award ceremony today include members of the Swedish royal family, government officials, the current Nobel Prize winners and their families, diplomatic envoys from the countries where the current Nobel Prize winners are located, and important guests invited by the Nobel Foundation. There were thousands of people, filling the seats of the concert hall.

But tonight, the Nobel Prize winners and their families are undoubtedly the protagonists.

Today's award ceremony will be broadcast live by television media in many countries, but it will only be broadcast by television media in developed countries such as Europe, the United States, and China. Because Lin Weimin won the award, China will broadcast the awarding of this Nobel Prize for the first time this year. ceremony.

At 4:25 pm local time in Stockholm, the Swedish royal national anthem "King's Song" was played in the Stockholm Concert Hall, and the atmosphere in the concert hall was solemn and solemn.

This splendid, classical concert hall appears on television screens in many countries around the world.

After the two pieces of music were played, the current Nobel Prize winners took their seats.

Lin Weimin's seats are on the podium. There are not only the seats of this year's Nobel Prize winners, but also members of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Karolinska Institute's Nobel Assembly and the Swedish Academy, members of the Nobel Foundation Board of Directors, and previous members. There are 95 seats in total for Nobel Prize winners and others. Lin Weimin’s seat is seventh from the left in the first row.

This year's Nobel Prize, in addition to the literature prize won by Lin Weimin alone, the physics prize, the chemistry prize, the physiology and medicine prize, and the economics prize were all jointly won by two or three people.

After everyone took their seats, Masku Stork, Chairman of the Nobel Foundation, delivered a speech, and then Tchaikovsky's "Yepgeni Onegin" was played in the concert hall.

The music played at the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony is very particular and is closely related to the homeland of the winner. Jores Alferov, one of the winners of this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics, is from the former Soviet Union.

There are three winners of the Physics Prize. In addition to Jores Alferov, there are also Herbert Kremer and Jack Keel. The three of them took the stage to receive the award together.

An important reason why the Nobel Prize has always been praised around the world is the generous bonus. The Nobel Prize is awarded based on the legacy of Alfred Nobel. The legacy is run by the foundation, and the annual bonus is passed through the foundation. It is determined based on the income, so the bonus value is not fixed, but it is the highest among awards activities around the world.

For example, in 1901, when the Nobel Prize was first awarded, the prize for each award was 150,000 Swedish kronor, which at that time was equivalent to the salary of a Swedish professor who had worked for 20 years.

The single prize of the Nobel Prize in 2000 reached 9 million Swedish krona, which is equivalent to about 1 million US dollars. It is a valuable bonus for most winners.

Of course, this does not include Lin Weimin, even if he won the million-meter knife alone.

After awarding three consecutive awards, the Physics Award, the Chemistry Award, and the Physiology and Medicine Award, the Literature Award was presented. The famous song "Butterfly Lovers" played in the concert hall.

After the music was played, Sippa Wastberg, chairman of the Nobel Literature Committee, read the award speech for Lin Weimin’s award. This is the traditional awarding procedure for the Nobel Prize.

"Lin Weimin is one of the most important novelists in world literature since the 20th century. His creative styles are varied. He does not blindly stick to the creative methods of traditional Chinese literature. He is at the forefront of Chinese literature with his unique and distinctive personality. The forefront.

He uses satire and ridicule to attack history, its lies, and political hypocrisy, exposing the darkest aspects of human life. He depicts the interactive relationship between man and nature, reality and society with magnificent imagination, and explores the destiny of different classes of human beings. Whether writing about people, events, history or realism, he strives for truth and puts profound humanity and reflective spirit at the forefront of his creative pursuits.

In his novel "Farewell My Concubine", we see the alienation of people in the historical background and social environment, and the distortion and betrayal of human nature under war and turmoil.

His "Burning" profoundly reflects the irreconcilable contradiction between the people at the bottom and the upper ruling class in a materialistic society.


When Sippa Wastberg's voice resounded in the Stockholm Concert Hall, on the other side of the ocean in Kansas City, USA, Mark Dream was gathering with his family and sitting next to the TV.

Now in his forties, he is now a well-known sinologist in the American sinology circle, with a happy family.

Listening to the voice coming from the TV, Mark Meng's face turned red and he looked particularly excited.

He and Lin Weimin met in the early 1980s. After he returned from studying in China in 1982, he did not lose contact with Lin Weimin. Lin Weimin would take time to meet him every time he came to the United States.

Friendship has not become shallow because of the barrier of time and space, but has become everlasting with the brewing of time.

"He did it, I knew he could do it." Mark Meng muttered to himself while watching the TV.

The son Daniel on the side is at the age when dogs are disgusted with people. He doesn't like to watch boring award ceremonies. He is shaking his head while listening to the music. He twists it a few times from time to time. As a result, he accidentally pulls off the earphone cord, and the music is deafening. Fills the living room and completely drowns out the sound of the television.

Mark Meng, who was immersed in emotion and memories, was furious, "Daniel, go upstairs with your music right now!"

Terrified by his father's power, Daniel quickly plugged in his headphones and fled. Mark Meng suppressed the anger in his heart and continued to concentrate on watching TV, feeling excited and happy for his old friend's achievements.

"..."Hunting", his most outstanding work, tells the magical experience of a kind-hearted rural teacher who was slandered by his students as a strong woman. He eventually died in a cold shot and was also widely publicized. The book The excavation of the ugliness of human nature is chilling to read.

Lin Weimin's writing is never dull for a moment. He is a born writer, and his pen is filled with all human material and spiritual life. His creations cover history and modernity, with a grand vision. He is the most shocking writer in modern times after García Márquez.

He was born in ancient China, where there were countless virtues and the most despicable and cruel wars. He despises the despicable and praises the noble. He satirizes reality and praises ideals. He brings readers shocking literary adventures and shapes the people's spiritual pursuits. He presents epic masterpieces to China and the world again and again. In his works, the roar of world literature drowned out the voices of all contemporary writers.

The Swedish Academy congratulates you on accepting the 2000 Nobel Prize for Literature from the King. "

The award speech of the Nobel Prize for Literature is an affirmation and summary of the winner's previous artistic achievements. Because the award is awarded to writers, not to works, the Nobel Prize for Literature rarely mentions only one work in its award speeches, but rather lists the excellence of the award-winning author's past masterpieces.

The Swedish Academy and the Nobel Prize for Literature jury gave Lin Weimin a very high evaluation. Such evaluation is rare among writers who have won the Nobel Prize for Literature over the past century.

This certainly does not mean that Lin Weimin has reached an unprecedented height, but it at least shows that he stands at a certain height in history, which is enough to make most Nobel Prize winners in literature unable to match it.

When Sipa Wastberg on the stage read to the end, his tone was impassioned.

After his invitation was sent out, the concert hall burst into thunderous applause that lasted for a long time.

Lin Weimin stood up, walked upright and majestic to King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, who was dressed in fine clothes, and took the 2000 Nobel Prize for Literature certificate and gold medal from his hands.

After he received the award certificate and medal, the audience applauded even louder, and the atmosphere in the concert hall was unprecedentedly warm.

After receiving the award, it was time for speeches. Lin Weimin stood in front of the microphone, looking at the guests in the audience, with a relaxed expression and a calm heart.

“Dear guests: I am very grateful to the Swedish Academy and the Nobel Prize jury for awarding this influential award to me. I would also like to thank the translators and publishers who have spread my works around the world. , without their creative labor, literature would just be literature in various languages, not art popular in the world.

If someone had told me twenty years ago that I would be on the podium for the Nobel Prize, I would have scoffed. At that time, I was in the northeastern region of China, undergoing a life experience lasting several years..."

Lin Weimin on the stage is as gentle as jade, calm and unhurried. His acceptance speech began with how he embarked on the path of literature. His gentle and mellow voice spread across the vast space to all parts of the world.

Mud Bang, Tokyo.

This is one of the most developed cities in the world and one of the five major financial centers in the world. There are many high-rise buildings, not inferior to New York and London.

Marunouchi is located between Chiyoda District in Tokyo and Tokyo Station. Many people know Ginza, but few people know Marunouchi.

Tokyo ranks first in the world in terms of the number of Fortune 500 headquarters. Marunouchi is the heart of Tokyo and houses almost all the top company headquarters in the world. If we make an analogy, this is equivalent to the Guomao CBD in Yanjing and the central business district of Tokyo.

At night, the high-rise buildings in the Marunouchi area are brightly lit. But now the time has reached midnight, and the office buildings in this area have fallen silent.

But among the office buildings, one building still had its lights on.

There were two security guards on duty downstairs. The tall one yawned and asked, "Aida, it's already this time, isn't Ms. Yoko leaving yet?"

The short security guard looked dissatisfied, "Who knew? Obasan is always so energetic."

"Hey!" The tall security guard looked around, "Don't talk nonsense, be careful if Ms. Yoko hears it."

The short security guard was infected and also yawned, "If she gets off work early every day, I will call her Ms. Yoko like you. I really don't know what she eats every day, this Obasan!"

"Maybe it's because I'm not married. There's no burden."

"I think you're saying the opposite. It's because of her personality that no one wants her. But then again, she's not bad looking. I really can't understand why she doesn't get married."

"No one likes girls who work hard for their careers," said the tall security guard.

"That's right. Who would like that kind of unfeminine woman?" The short security guard glanced at the watch on his wrist. "Today has set another record. It's almost 1:30, and she hasn't gotten off work yet."

"Poor Miss Chiyo, working with such a boss must be very stressful, right?" The tall security guard sighed as a beautiful image flashed in his mind.

Meanwhile, the topmost floor of the building occupies an entire floor of offices. In front of the elevator front room is a small office and tea room of more than 20 square meters. An urban beauty in professional attire made tea in the tea room and knocked on the door of the large office.

In the rest area of ​​the office, a voice speaking in Chinese rang out. It was the voice coming from the TV.

The owner of this building, Ms. Yoko Koguro, was staring intently at the handsome man on TV, her eyes full of fascination and admiration.

"President, your tea."

"Yeah." Koguro Yoko didn't look at the secretary and made a nasal sound to express that he understood.

Chiyo Aizawa was not surprised. He glanced at the handsome man on the TV who was making witty remarks, then turned and left the office.

Koguro Yoko graduated from the humble Yokohama City University. In order to gild herself, she chose to study abroad in China.

After returning from studying abroad in 1982, she successfully entered the Ministry of Industry and Economy to work. Relying on his outstanding abilities and background of studying in China, Oguro Yoko is able to work like a duck in water at the Ministry of Industry and Economy.

It is a pity that in this absolutely patriarchal society, women who pursue advancement are like aliens and are incompatible with society. Although Xiaoguo Yoko works hard to make progress and has outstanding work results, she has not been promoted several times.

In the end, she had to direct her career ambitions elsewhere.

In 1989, after working for the Ministry of Industry and Economy for seven years, she chose to resign and go into business.

She remembered that Lin Weimin once said that China has a complete industrial system, a sound basic education system and a large number of industrial workers. In the future, China will become the world's factory, and China will become the largest trading partner of most countries in the world.

Xiaohei Yoko believed in Lin Weimin's words. After resigning, he entered the field of foreign trade. He used his advantage of studying in China to start trade business between the two countries.

Eleven years have passed now, and the Shuangmu International Trading Co., Ltd. she runs has become one of the top 30 trading companies in the world. The annual trade volume with China reaches hundreds of billions of yen, and Xiaoguo Yoko also As a result, she became a powerful business woman with a net worth of tens of billions of yen.

But at this time, when she looked at the man on TV, she no longer had the shrewdness and strength of the past. In addition to fascination and admiration, her eyes were full of tenderness.

"Jun Lin..."

The clouds are like a dog, the sea has changed, and twenty years have passed in a blink of an eye.

Lin Weimin on TV is still so young. Except for his more mature temperament, time seems to have left no trace on him.

Countless scenes flashed by, connected together into extremely clear memories in Xiao Hei Yoko's mind, and finally settled on the cherry blossom rain on the Yanda campus.

The TV screen switched, and the camera showed behind Lin Weimin who was speaking, a dignified and beautiful woman holding the hand of a girl carved in pink and jade.

A sad look flashed in Xiao Hei Yoko's eyes. Is this Lin Jun's wife?

Sure enough, it was just like what Goli said, just like the beautiful and pure Nadeshiko, he must be very happy, right?

She looked at the woman on TV with extremely complicated feelings.

Every night when she worked until midnight, she thought more than once, what would her life be like if she had not chosen to return to Nihong, but stayed in China? Will she have a chance to become the woman standing behind Jun Lin today?

There are no ifs in life, just like the water of a river flowing day and night, it will never come back.

Xiao Hei Yoko put down her obsession and picked up the tea cup on the coffee table.

The faint scent of jasmine, as if the smell from many years ago is still on the tip of the nose.

“...I don’t want to go on and on about my work and creative process here, because that would be tacky and boring.

I have always considered myself a lucky person. From graduating from the Institute of Literature, known as the cradle of writers, to entering the National Literature Publishing House, the highest palace of Chinese literature, I have received help and support from many good teachers and friends along the way.

When I graduated from the Institute of Literature and had no place to go, my teacher, Mr. Wan, extended a helping hand to me. When I wrote "Lover", I was criticized for the bold description of love in the novel. It was my superior who helped me. My friends always bring me spiritual comfort and ideological collision. My family brings me endless joy and happiness.

They are the motivation for me to love the world, and they also give me a novel perspective to observe and write about the world. I wrote everything I wanted to say into the book, and I hope they will exist in the form of words and books until they last forever.

I also hope that my dear friends, when you have time, you can patiently open one of the pages and read the works of me, a lucky person.

It may not bring you huge changes or huge gains, but what I can be sure of is that you will get to know a creator and get into his heart.

Literature has been given too much meaning by people since its birth, but standing here today I want to say that literature is expression and confiding, and it should not be restricted by rules and regulations.

It can either praise the noble or criticize the darkness. It can be a short story to relieve boredom, or it can be a wise saying to solve people's doubts.

The usefulness of literature is that it transcends the expression of language. Don’t put literature on a high altar to worship, let alone try to let a few people define literature.

Let more people come closer to it, touch it, and feel it. The sacred fire of literature will burn brightly under the temperature of everyone's fingertips and will last forever, illuminating the dark starry sky of human civilization from now on! "

Lin Weimin's speech ended, and deafening applause sounded again in the huge Stockholm Concert Hall.

People were moved by his wonderful speech and congratulated the new Nobel Prize winner for literature from the bottom of their hearts.

At this time, China is far away on the other side of the Eurasian continent.

Lin Weimin's relatives cheered and encouraged, friends hugged each other to celebrate, and countless Chinese people watched the whole process of Lin Weimin receiving the award and stayed awake all night watching the TV.

China gave birth to the first Nobel Prize winner in literature, not because of how important this award is to the Chinese people, but because after a century of humiliation and half a century of ups and downs after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese people finally saw To the hope of the rise of this country and nation.

We can win the most influential award in the world, and we Chinese are no worse than anyone else.

Today's Nobel Prize in Literature is just the beginning. In the future, China will surely make the world look at us again and again.

After Lin Weimin stepped down, only the final award of the Economics Prize was left. This year’s Nobel Prize winners were James Heckman and Daniel McFadden. When they received their award certificates and gold medals from the King of Sweden, After receiving the medal, it also means that today’s award ceremony is coming to an end.

At 17:32 Central European Time, the Swedish national anthem "Old and Free Northland" sounded in the Stockholm Concert Hall.

In the splendid ancient concert hall, a group of Nobel Prize winners were once again born. They stand at the top of their respective fields, overlooking the world, and have also made outstanding contributions to the world.

The grand award ceremony is over. Everyone who participated in the award ceremony today moved to Stockholm City Hall, where a grand reception dinner will be held today.

The dinner will be held at 19:00. In addition to the Swedish royal family members, government officials, Nobel Prize winners, ambassadors and wives of their countries, and important guests invited by the Nobel Foundation, there will be 250 guests tonight. Students were invited to attend the dinner, and more than 1,300 people were entertained.

After the dinner began, each Nobel Prize winner took the stage to deliver a speech again. Lin Weimin sincerely delivered an acceptance speech.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, Lin Weimin and his wife and daughter returned to the hotel.

Xiaodoubao, who had been holding it in all night, coaxed Lin Weimin's gold medal to come over and held it in his hand, playing with it admiringly.

The Nobel Prize gold medal weighs about half a pound and is about 6.5 centimeters in diameter. It has a relief of Nobel on the front.

"Hurry up and put down such a precious medal before you drop it again!" Tao Huimin shouted.

Lin Weimin said: "It's okay, it's made of gold, so it's not afraid of falling."

Tao Huimin rolled her eyes at him, "Can you have some common sense? You can even scratch it with your finger and leave a mark."

Lin Weimin looked slightly embarrassed, "Daughter, stop playing and smashing the old man's face."

Xiaodoubao looked up at Lin Weimin, "Dad, give me this medal!"

Lin Weimin thought that his daughter asked him for it because she understood that this thing had profound commemorative significance. He happily picked up the little bean bag and kissed her on the face.

"Okay, I'll give it to you!"

Xiaodoubao grinned. Well, it was a bit leaky.

A medal made of gold must be very valuable, she thought beautifully.

This chapter has 7,000 words. That’s it for today. It’s almost the end.

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