365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1013: I did not do it on purpose

  As soon as he was about to reach out to catch her, Rui Hua anticipated his move a step earlier, and took a big step back, “Don’t come here, if I shake my hand, no one can bear the consequences.


  Fifth Chosen's eyes tightened, without stopping, he walked directly in front of her.

  Rui Hua didn't want to think that he was not afraid, and was anxious to step back.

  A 趔趄 under the feet, the whole person is planted back.


  The body vacated, Rui Hua closed his eyes in fright, and firmly grasped the medicine bottle in his hand with both hands.

  Waited for a long time, but there was no pain as expected.

   opened his eyes and met the silver-white child pupil of the fifth choice, profoundly as if he wanted to absorb people in.

   Rui Hua shook his mind, the bottle in his hand was not tightly grasped, one dropped his hand and fell directly to the ground.

"Be careful!"

  Fifth Xianxian's strange child pupil flashed, and quickly reached out to pick it up, it was already a step late.


  The glass bottle knocked to the ground, and the sound was crisp and clear.

   "I, I didn't mean to..."

  Rui Wei looked at the medicinal materials scattered on the ground, and there were a lot of powder blown away by the wind, and she was slightly startled.

  Knowing that I made a mistake, I apologized very simply.

  She really never thought about ruining his medicine. It was really an accident just now.

  But Fifth Chosen will definitely not believe it.

  Meeting his horrifying eyes, Rui Hua's back burst into a chill.

   "I really didn't mean it. If you didn't come forward suddenly, I wouldn't be back in a hurry, the medicine wouldn't... Hmm!"

   Lips were blocked, Rui Wei's eyes widened by mistake.

  As soon as Fifth Chosen touched her, her eyes became profound, and she pulled her into her arms.

  As soon as he was about to go further, Rui Hua began to struggle, and the two fell to the ground together.

  This is a cheap fifth choice, and Junyi's figure enveloped the people under him in his arms.

  Rui Wei wanted to roll on both sides, but his body was imprisoned in his arms by his arms, unable to move.

  After a while, I was out of breath.

  "The instrument hasn't been repaired yet, and you ruined my medicine again, Ruihua Adolf. I would rather give you a suggestion to leave quickly. I will pay for it."

  The fifth long finger of Xianxian stroked her thin lips, and her fragrant scent remained in her breath.

  This method, he was inspired by Qin Youxuan.


  Rui Hua gave him a slap without even thinking about it. With great strength, Fifth Chosen's handsome face was instantly missed.

  The face turns black at once.

   "You dream! If you dare to touch me again, I'll tear you up!" Rui Wei lay on the cold ground. She didn't know if the floor was too cold or the cold on his body was too heavy. She just felt cold on her back.

  Cold and scary.

   "I want to see, how did you tear me." Fifth Chosen's silver-white Zitong burst out with a predatory light, reaching out to wok her chin.


   Rui Hua took a painful breath, his chin felt like he was pinching off, and his eyes were red, but he did not show weakness.

   Raised his hand, trying to slap him, both hands fell into the hands of the fifth option, and he was directly pressed to the ground.

   "The fifth choice, you bastard, you let me go!"

   Rui Wei noticed the change in his body's breath, and the whole person panicked, struggling desperately.

  Fifth Chosen’s strength was amazing, Rui Hua pushed him for a long time without shaking him for a minute, and his eyes blushed.

   glared at him fiercely, biting his lip tightly, without any movement.

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