"You can't cure Ye Zhanxing." Fifth Chosen pulled out abruptly, got up from the ground, condescendingly looked at Rui Wei who was still lying on the ground, opening his lips indifferently.

   "I haven't tried it, how do you know, what else would you do besides pour me cold water? I can't cure it, what's up to you!"

   Rui Wei raised his hand and wiped his small mouth vigorously, shouting angrily.

  Want to get up from the ground, excited, and fell back.

   Knocked his elbows on the ground, almost screaming in pain.


  Fifth Xianxian gave her the two very insulting words.

   stretched out her hand, trying to pull her up, but Rui Hua shot her off, "Don't touch me, you big tail wolf!"

"what did you say?"

   "It's you! I hate it!" Rui Hua wiped his lips vigorously, as if to wipe off something dirty.

   "I don't know good and bad women, I like tossing so much, I let you toss." Fifth Chosen dragged her up from the ground and directly dragged her out of the experimental building.

   Pushed outwards forcefully, "Go, let me go now, don't turn around and beg me."

   "I'm starving to death by the roadside, and I won't look back!" Rui Hua sipped fiercely, looked at the dark face of Fifth Select Xian, turned his head and ran.

  Walking out of the hospital, I thought I didn’t take anything with me.

   Looking back, the door under the laboratory building was locked.

  Furthermore, Fifth Chosen must have known that there was nothing on her in the morning, so she would say that. If she turned around now, she would just give him a chance to laugh.

  You can't go back even if you die.

"Fifth Chosen, you annoying ghost, the most annoying in the world, I never want to see you again, never see you again!" Rui Hua put his hands to his mouth and shouted at the experimental building with all his strength. .

  I feel much better.

   Lifted his foot and was kicked out by a stone on the side of the road, turned around, and left without looking back.

  The sky and the earth are big, she doesn't believe that Ruihua Adolf will starve to death with her.

  On the roof of the laboratory building.

  A handsome figure stands leaning against the fence, the wind blows from the side, short hair flying.

  His fascinating child pupil, rare and peaceful, is locked in the figure who has walked out of the hospital door.

  The light in the eyes flickered slightly.

   "Master, Miss Rui Wei really left. She didn't take anything with her. It's not a short distance from Texas to Jie Shao. There will be no accidents, right?"

  The assistant was beside him, and said uneasy.

  After the words fell, Fifth Chosen gave him a fierce look.

  Quiet quickly, preparing to retreat.

   "Wait, let people follow her." Fifth Chosen opened his lips suddenly, and his hand holding the railing tightened silently.

  This idiot, Qin Youxuan will be happy when she arrives.

  It was him that the unscrupulous couple wanted to calculate, and only the idiot Rui Hua would rush up.


  The assistant turned and got off the roof.

  The surrounding area became quiet for an instant, and the gaze of Fifth Chosen kept following the figure walking on the street.

  She parked near the gate of the hospital, watching the crowd around her all the time, as if she wanted to do something.

  Wait for a while, finally locked a target and rushed forward.

  He said a lot of dancing and dancing, and finally got the phone from a man.

  But after getting the phone, I was stunned again.

  Fifth Chosen tick the corner of her mouth. If he guessed correctly, she could not remember the phone number she wanted to call.

  Ruihua’s call was finally made.

  Fifth Chosen raised her eyebrows and watched her hang up, then returned the phone to the man on the roadside, and squatted to the street alone with her shoulders on her shoulders.

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