365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1043: This man is too dangerous


   Ye Mingmei did not expect that he would suddenly comment on her makeup, and touched her face in surprise.

  Just as he was about to say something, he saw that the man had walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, with his arms on the guardrail, turning his back.

  She couldn't see his face, she just stared at his stalwart spine, not knowing why, she felt that he was so deep that people couldn't see through.

  It seemed that he didn't want to talk, and Ye Mingmei didn't dare to talk much.

   After getting dressed, he sat on the bed quietly.

   Seeing the messy big bed, and finding it too fascinating, he moved to the sofa.

  Yun Xiuzhun had been standing in front of the window. After waiting for a few minutes, he couldn't help taking out the cigarette case and smoking a cigarette.

   Seeing his smoking action, Ye Mingmei remembered the scene when he fell from the sky yesterday.

  At that time, she really thought she was going to be destroyed.

  The feeling of despair still makes her creepy when I think about it.

   Thinking of this, Ye Mingmei looked at Yu Xiuzun’s eyes and became grateful.

  No matter what he saved her for, if it wasn't for him, she doesn't know how to face herself now.


After nearly half an hour of silence, the door finally rang again.

  This time, before Yu Xiu could react, Ye Mingmei stood up first and walked towards the door.

   Reached out and opened the door, and she saw Su Yiru hurried over outside the door.


   "What's the matter, how can I spend the night outside? Did you know that the people who looked for you yesterday were crazy? Fortunately, your dad is in the hospital, I don’t know you didn’t go back all night...

  Su Yiru was talking, suddenly she caught a glimpse of another person in the room from the corner of her eyes, and she fell silent.

  Yun Xiuzhun turned around and strode towards Su Yiru, "Mrs. Ye."

"you are……"

  Su Yiru squinted his eyes, and glanced up and down at Yu Xiuzhun, "Yu Shao."

   "Madam Ye really has good eyesight."

  "Why are you with Mingmei, you guys last night..."

   "Mom, this is a long story. Anyway, I'm fine. It was Yu Shao who saved me yesterday." Ye Mingmei was afraid that Su Yiru would say something to blame Yu Xiuzun, and took her first.


  Su Yiru pulled Ye Mingmei behind her, raised her head and looked at Yu Xiuzun, with a look in her eyes.

The background of   Yu's family is more complicated than that of Shan's and Ye's.

   Ye Mingmei was young and ignorant, but Su Yiru had much more knowledge than her.

  In this circle, who didn’t know that Yu’s predecessor was a black family. After several generations of bleaching, a formal group was established to expand the industry.

  Compared with real nobles, Yu's family is like a family that wants to melt into this circle, but is always on the edge.

  Yu’s industry so far is mostly concentrated in Southeast Asia. It is conceivable that there are still many things that have not been bleached clean.

  Just the feeling that Yu Xiuzun gave her is very dangerous.

  How could she let her daughter close to a man like this.

   Fortunately, nothing happened to them last night.

  "Since the daughter is fine, I won't give it away." Yu Xiuzun saw Su Yiru's rejection and raised his eyebrows indifferently.

  The long figure stood with his hands, his eyes faintly swept over Ye Mingmei.

   Ye Mingmei blushed unconsciously.

   Seeing this, Yu Xiuquan hooked the corners of his lips, and smiled silently.

  Su Yiru watched the interaction between the two, his eyes sank, thanked him, and pulled Ye Mingmei out of the pub lounge.

   "Yu Shao, just let them go, isn't it too bad?"

  They saved Miss Ye Family so hard, and they said that Ye Family should prepare a present to thank you.

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