Yu Xiuzun's voice just fell off when someone knocked on the door.

  Yun Xiuzhun motioned his eyes, and the assistant respectfully stepped forward and opened the door.

  I saw Ye’s driver standing outside the door with a check in his hand.

"Yu Shao, this was sent by my wife to her subordinates. The wife said that she knew that Yu's family was not short of money, but she was grateful for Yu Shao's rescue. This check is the right to compensate for Yu Shao's loss. Mr. Ye is unwell , Madam has been staying in the hospital to take care of me during this period, I am afraid I can’t come to thank you.

   "Just send a check, who is your Ye family as our young master?"

  Yun Xiuzhun hadn't spoken yet, the assistant beside him had already roared uncontrollably.

  The behavior of taking money and doing something like this is too despising of people.

   "Accept and see off."

  Yu's pupil tightened, and a strange light appeared, and his lips opened indifferently.

   "Yu Shao..."

   "I said accept it."

  Yu Xiu repeated it impatiently, looking at the assistant with a warning.


  The assistant did not dare to speak any more, silently accepted the check, and stood aside.

  Until the driver of the Ye's family left, the assistant turned around angrily, "Yu Shao, a five million cheque was revealed, and Mrs. Ye looked down on others too much."

   "She doesn't look down on people, but she is eager to protect her." Yu Xiuzhun looked indifferent and didn't care about Su Yiru's actions.

   Replaced by him, he will do the same.

  Su Yiru was worried that he would take the opportunity to approach Ye Family and Ye Mingmei.

   And when he accepted the check, he was also telling Su Yiru that he was not interested in the Ye family yet.

  As for Ye Mingmei, she was just a young lady who had been overprotected.

  A shimmer flashed across the handsome face of the man, his profile was completely hidden in the darkness, his expression could not be seen clearly.


   Ye Family Mansion.

  Getting out of the car, Su Yiru dragged Ye Mingmei back to the room anxiously.

  Closed the door, turned around and said, "Hurry up and take off your clothes, let me see."

   "Mom, what are you talking nonsense!"

   Ye Mingmei grabbed her collar and was taken aback by Su Yiru's behavior.

   Then he reacted, blushing, "I said, Yu Shao is a gentleman, he just saved me, and he didn't do anything to me."

   "The gentleman saved you last night and should send you back to Ye's house. He is not alone in the same room. Doesn't he know that if such news spreads, your reputation will be ruined!"

   "We are upright and upright, what's to worry about, mom, you are too much like a villain to treat a gentleman's belly."

   Ye Mingmei was embarrassed and explained desperately.

  She has nothing to do with Yu Xiu, and Yu Xiuzhun is very gentleman from beginning to end, and there is no outrageous behavior at all.

  Su Yiru said that, she was really careless.

  "You are still young, and you don’t understand many things, but mom puts things here for you first. Every man in the family is not easy. You'd better contact less, especially if you are in contact with him!"

  Yu Xiu Zhun was only sixteen years old and formally took over the Yu family.

  A young man, what ability can make him stand out among so many people in Yu's family.

  What a ruthless method, in such a short period of time, to suppress all the people who have different intentions.

   "We just met once, and we don't even know each other. Mom, you think too much. If you really want to talk about less contact, I remembered one thing..."

   Ye Mingmei's expression became angry.

  The thing she drank yesterday was tampered with. If Yu Xiuzun didn’t happen to save her, I’m afraid she would be destroyed.

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