365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1062: Repeat what I said just now

  This discovery directly aroused everyone's heart.

  They are all looking for and waiting. If someone really kidnapped Ye Mingmei, sooner or later they would receive a call from the kidnapper.

  But after waiting for two days, there was no movement.

   "Okay, I see, I will also let people pay attention here, dad, please advise Aunt Ru, don't make her too worried." Qin Youxuan said a few more words before hanging up the phone.

  Hold the phone in his hand, bit his lip, and clapped his hands with the phone in doubt.

  The more I think about it, the more things go wrong.

  Ye Mingmei’s personality is proud, and she has almost no close friends. When she is embarrassed, she will not make people laugh at ordinary friends.

  She has nowhere to go. It stands to reason that she will definitely stay in a hotel.

  But they checked all the listed hotels in the city, but there is no registration information.

   "Mother, the soup is ready, you drink some first, and it's time for Jie Shao to call back to check the post." The butler walked up to Qin Youxuan, took a look, and reminded.

"Let's let it cool, I'll drink it later. If Shan Hanjie asks, you should say that I have already drunk it. Anyway, he is not in the villa and can't see it." Qin Youxuan stuck out his tongue and winked at the housekeeper. .

  The butler quickly turned his head away and treated it as invisible.

  "My grandmother, you are still malnourished in the second trimester of pregnancy, so the young master will not be healthy, so let’s drink the soup first. Today’s big bone soup is specially added with your favorite yam."

   "Eating what I like every day will make me dislike it. Now when I hear that I want to drink soup, I start to be afraid." Qin Youxuan knew that he couldn't persuade the housekeeper, so he just took the phone and walked into the restaurant.

  The butler followed behind her and couldn't help laughing.

   "Jie Shao also cares about young grandmother, otherwise he would not stare so closely, even the time is just right..."

   "What did you just say?" Qin Youxuan interrupted the housekeeper, paused, and turned to look at him.


  "Repeat what you just said." Qin Youxuan flashed something in her mind, but she didn't catch it for a while.

   "Jie Shao cares about young grandma..."

   "Not this sentence, what did you just say is just right?" Qin Youxuan narrowed her cat's eyes.

   "It's just right to pinch the time?" The butler looked at her in confusion, not knowing what he had said wrong, sweating coldly.

   "Yes! That's the sentence, yes, I didn't expect it, the time is really just right!"

  Qin Youxuan patted his forehead, and finally put everything together.

  She just had an accident and was misled by one million. The next day, a copy of the check appeared in Ye Mingmei's hands.

  It just so happened, and there was evidence of Ye Mingmei's true life.

  Ye Mingmei ran out of the hospital. Su Yiru chased him out for the first time, but he didn't chase anyone. In a blink of an eye, Ye Mingmei disappeared.

   Then, the road monitoring was touched by someone...

  All of this, the time is just right.

  If it's not really hell, someone designed this trap early in the morning and waited for them to drill in.

  There are people who can play chess so big, and this person's scheming is really scary.

  If it is really like she guessed, then Ye Mingmei might be in danger...


  Qin Youxuan was carefully recalling the whole incident when the phone rang suddenly.

  The phone was in her hand, she was taken aback and almost thrown out.

   Seeing the strange call from above, the cat squinted.

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