"Ye Mingmei is with me. If you want to see her, come here alone." On the other end of the phone, the man's low voice was careless, as if he didn't care whether Qin Youxuan would agree.

   "I think you made a mistake. She has nothing to do with me. If you want to use Ye Mingmei's to threaten me, I'm sorry, but you don't have enough chips." After Qin Youxuan gave a slight shock, the cat's eyes became sharp.

   Ye Mingmei was taken away, and this person even cleared the surveillance on both sides of the road.

  It is conceivable that the opponent's power is not under the Ye family.

  But why is she?

  She and Ye Mingmei are not relatives, even the nominal sisters are not counted. Who is the other party, why did they arrest Ye Mingmei, but used it to threaten her.

  "She is not a bargaining chip, but she happened to find it on the side of the road. She felt pitiful, so she brought it back and raised her. If you think her weight is not enough, add another Shan Hanjie."

  The man seemed to be running out of patience and prepared to hang up as soon as he reported the address.

   "Wait, what do you mean..."


   responded to her with only a busy tone.

  Qin Youxuan has all the vulgar ideas.

  What the **** is it? With a strange word, let her pick up Ye Mingmei.

  Before changing, Qin Youxuan would definitely wait for Ye Mingmei to kill herself.

   But now, she knows very well that the Ye family has already searched for her whereabouts. If she doesn't go, Ye Mingmei really has some accident, I am afraid Ye Zhanxing will be very sad.

  On one side is my own safety, on the other side is my father...

  Qin Youxuan bit her lip to keep herself calm.

  There are no restrictions on the other party's conditions, and she can't mess around.

  Also, he mentioned Shan Hanjie...

  Unfamiliar phone calls, unfamiliar voices, she really can't hear them, what's the mystery?

Qin Youxuan thought for a while and turned around, "Butler, I'm going out, so I will arrange more bodyguards. By the way, bring the sniper Shan Hanjie transferred back last time and let him prepare the guys. Be prepared for a rainy day."

  She is not Guan Yunchang, so she will go to any meeting alone.

  She's just a little woman, so she has enough bodyguards.

  Qin Youxuan smiled slightly, she was indifferent. Seeing the butler went down to make arrangements, her hand gently dropped on her stomach, there was still a trace of worry in her eyes.

  Thinking about it, took out the phone and edited a text message.

  Explain to Shan Hanjie that he received the threatening call, and then set it up for an hour before sending.

  One hour later, she should have seen Ye Mingmei.


  After doing all this, Qin Youxuan let out a long sigh of relief.

  One side comforted herself, she was not going to save Ye Mingmei, she was just trying to figure out who was behind the scenes.

  Otherwise, she was really afraid that when she thought of Ye Mingmei, she would have no plans to go out.

  She is such a petty and vengeful woman, there is no way.

   "Young lady, you can go now."

  The speed of the butler is very fast, and everything is arranged in about fifteen minutes.

  A group of people drove quickly in the direction of a pub.

Qin Youxuan was not sure at the beginning whether this matter had anything to do with Yu's family. When she arrived at the other party's designated pub, she had already determined that the dancer she met on the street that night was Yu's eldest master, Yu Xiu. quasi.

  The car has just drove into the street where the pub is located. On a large plaque on the street, the gilded word, like a family banner, stands arrogantly and dazzlingly.

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