365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1064: I can't understand a word

   "Young lady, here." The driver parked the car at the designated pub and looked back at Qin Youxuan.

  Qin Youxuan did not rush to get out of the car, reached out and pressed the window of the car, and looked at the pub carefully.

  The decoration is very ordinary. From the appearance, there is no special place at all. It is not like a noble private club. Whenever there is a guest, a corresponding waiter will come forward to serve.

  Their car has been parked here for several minutes, and no one appears inside or outside the pub.

  For a moment, Qin Youxuan wondered if she had memorized the address incorrectly.

  After a second glance, he opened the door and walked down.

  "Is there anything unusual?" Qin Youxuan looked at the bodyguard behind him, and his eyes fell on the sniper who was following her.

   "Back to my grandmother, the commanding heights around here are very calm, there should be no one in ambush."

  Hearing this, Qin Youxuan's tight nerves finally relaxed a little.

  Since there is no ambush, the other party does not want her life.

  If you want to see her, you should want to talk about the conditions in person.

  She wanted to see what Ye Mingmei thought she was worth.


  Qin Youxuan just walked into the pub, accidentally tripped on the empty wine bottle on the ground, and almost couldn't stand firmly.

   "Protect young grandma!"

The bodyguard headed by    gave an order, and everyone surrounded Qin Youxuan.

   looked around warily.

   "I'm fine, but the light inside is too dark, I didn't see any empty bottles on the ground." Qin Youxuan was also taken aback, stretched out her hand to support her belly, and made sure that the baby had no discomfort before continuing to walk in.

  Pub basically does not have guests during the day, this time should be cleaning, so it is not surprising that there are empty wine bottles on the ground.

  Qin Youxuan calmed down, and as soon as she walked to the empty bar, she heard footsteps not far away, her nerves frightened.

   "I just want to see you and bring so many people. I am not afraid that my small temple will not fit." The man's joking voice sounded from behind.

  Qin Youxuan turned around and noticed that on the pub’s steel tube stage, there was actually a way to go straight from the upper floor to the stage, and then down to the bar.

  Good chic design.

   Seeing the man falling from the sky clearly, Qin Youxuan's eyes tightened, "It really is you."

   "Sure enough..."

  Yuan raised the corners of his lips, "It seems that you have guessed it, so why not just guess, why I want to see you."

  The man is dressed in off-white British casual clothes, Junyi's figure is all extravagant, and a pair of dangerous eyes stares directly at Qin Youxuan.

   With his hands in his pockets leisurely, he walked forward and stopped in front of her.

   Seeing that there was no trace of fear on her face, a touch of appreciation flashed across her eyes.

   "If you have something to say, why don't you play this naive game with me, from guessing who I am to guessing what I want to do, don’t you feel bored?"

  Qin Youxuan's bright cat eyes were stained with anger.

  Seeing Yu Xiuzun here, she has determined that he was there on purpose to wait for her that night.

  For the one million, he didn't want money at all, but a check signed by her herself.

  "I’m just curious, the civet cat changed the prince’s play, it turns out that in real life, there is really, you actually appear here for Ye Mingmei, it’s really amazing."

  Yun Xiuzun crossed Qin Youxuan and walked into the bar.

   Reached out and took out two goblets from the cupboard, "Would you like some red wine? I invite you."

   "I am neither a civet cat nor a prince. If Yu Shao, I can't understand a word."

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