365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1099: No one can stay with the sins

"it is good."

  A group of people beat and retreated, acting like the carjacking just now, amazingly fast.

  When the police completely took control of the scene, only one cold body remained...

   "Jie Shao, the old president is dead, a shot hit the heart, and there is no chance to speak, but the opponent is not weak, and Shan Hanxi retreats all over."

Yao turned his head and looked at Shan Hanjie sitting in the back seat.

"I already know."

  Shan Hanjie took off the earphones from his ears and threw them aside.

  Take out a bottle of liquor from the carriage, unscrew the lid, and pour a sip into his mouth fiercely.

  Press down the car window, turn the bottle mouth outward, and fall a row on the ground.

  From the pocket of the suit, he picked off the little flower that I had attached to it in the morning, and threw it on the wine mark on the ground.

   smashed the wine bottle to the ground, Shan Hanjie narrowed his eyes and leaned back on the seat of the car.

  The thin lips opened slightly, "Let people pursue Shan Hanxi with all their strength, to see people alive, and a corpse when they die."

  Everything in Shan's family is tainted with sin, and one can stay.


  "My grandmother, you have been wandering in the living room for a few hours. Would you like to go back to the room and rest for a while?" The butler looked at Qin Youxuan, who was fidgeting, and asked uneasy.

   "I'm not tired, but the eyelids are twitching so badly, I always feel that something is going to happen." Qin Youxuan reached out and grabbed her eyelids. She kept jumping when she let go. She was going crazy.

   "Steward, when do you think Shan Hanjie will be back today?"

   "This... the subordinates don’t know, Jie Shao went out early in the morning. Will he come back for lunch without telling me? If my grandma is worried, why not call Jie Shao?"

   "You also said that he didn't go out in the morning. After only a few hours, I called him. What if he thinks I am clinging?"

  Qin Youxuan held her cheek in distress and looked out of the yard with eyesight.

  The swaying flower bone blooms in the most beautiful posture in the sun. It is clear that it is a sunny day, and she just feels bored and uncomfortable in her heart.

  I want to contact Shan Hanjie, but worry about affecting him.

  I don’t know whether the trial for Shan Rong’s extradition to China today went smoothly. As long as he returns to China, with the Jiang family’s power, Shan Rong will surely be able to pay the price he deserves.

  Qin Youxuan was thinking, her eyelids started to jump again.

"What's the matter, do my eyes go on strike and keep jumping." Qin Youxuan was angry, and she lifted her eyelids with both hands. As soon as she was about to ask the housekeeper to figure out a way for her, she caught a glimpse of driving into the villa. Car.

  As soon as he loosened his hand, he turned around and ran out into the yard.

   "Shan Hanjie——"

  As soon as Qin Youxuan saw the man stepping out of the car, she ran up and ran up.

  Shan Hanjie turned around and hugged her quickly. Between his eyebrows, he couldn't hide his fright. He raised his hand and knocked her.

   "What do you do when you run so fast?"


  Qin Youxuan was beaten and squashed her mouth in a grievance. She still held his waist with a smile, "I miss you. I am happy to see you come back."


  Now, Shan Hanjie was silent.

   Her eyes flashed slightly, bent down, picked her up, and strode into the living room.

   Put Qin Youxuan on the sofa, turned around and walked to the wine cabinet, opened a bottle of red wine and poured two glasses.

   went back to the sofa and put one cup in front of Qin Youxuan.

   "A drink with me."

   "Aren't you kidding me?" Qin Youxuan stared at the red wine in front of him for a second, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

  Since she became pregnant, how many times she asked to drink red wine was strictly forbidden by him.

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