Shan Hanjie now speaks actively and asks her to accompany him for a drink.

  Qin Youxuan suddenly felt that the glass of red wine in front of him could not be a glass of poisonous wine...

   An agitated spirit all over.

  She raised her hand and knocked on herself, thinking about what and what.

  Shan Hanjie wanted to kill her, so he didn’t have to be so troublesome. As long as he ignored her, he would die of sadness.

  Qin Youxuan's eyes are greedy and her mouth is greedy, her small hand dexterously picked up the red wine glass, and touched him. As soon as she was ready to take a mouthful, her wrist was pulled by the man.

  Dan Hanjie's deep black eyes fixedly looked at her, "Only a small sip is allowed."


  Qin Youxuan's face collapsed.

  Sure enough, she was thinking too much, so Shan Hanjie would not give her a drink so kindly.

  Only allowed to take a sip, that is not to kill her.

   "What happened, did Shan Rong be sent away smoothly? Why did you think of drinking to celebrate?" Qin Youxuan looked at the red wine in front of him, diligently shifting his attention.

   didn't notice at all, when she heard her mention Shan Rong, Shan Hanjie's face flashed coldly.

  "It should indeed be celebrated. After the follow-up of these two days, I will take you out for a walk."

  Shan Hanjie's eyes constricted, drank the red wine in the glass, put down the goblet in his hand, took the wine glass in front of Qin Youxuan, and drank it for her.

  Qin Youxuan stared at him jealously.

  It was all he was drinking, so he had to let her accompany him, and he would abuse her deliberately.

   "Shan Rong's matter has been resolved, let's go see my mother, knowing that the bad guy has been punished, and my mother can rest in peace." Qin Youxuan put her cheeks in her hands and seriously suggested.


  Dan Hanjie's face changed, and his face became scary for a moment.

  The goblet was in his hand, and the back of the hand holding the cup burst into blue veins, and it was about to be crushed by him in the next second.

   "I'll talk about it later, it's not the time yet."

  Shan Hanjie put the cup down, stood up, and took Qin Youxuan into the restaurant together.

  Don't give her a chance to speak at all, and let the butler prepare lunch in advance.

  After eating, he walked with Qin Youxuan in the yard for a while before returning to the study to deal with matters.

  Qin Youxuan had a big belly and was uncomfortable lying down, so she sat leaning on the sofa in the living room.

  I wanted to sleep and couldn't sleep, so I simply turned on the TV to watch.

  As soon as the TV was turned on, Qin Youxuan was guilty of preparing to see if she could find her peeking at the TV. The news report suddenly sounded in her ears, which shocked her.

   quickly turned his head and stared at the TV screen.

   "The former honorary president of the Shan's consortium, Shan Rong was sniped and killed during the police transfer two hours ago. The murderers are a group of well-trained..."


  Qin Youxuan's remote control slipped from her palm and swallowed nervously.

  I completely forgot how to react.

  Dan and Shan Rong are dead, he actually died...

  Qin Youxuan's cat's eyes tightened.

   Thinking of the scene of Shan Hanjie’s return just now, his chest feels uncomfortable.

  The thing he wants to celebrate is Shan Rong’s death. Does that mean that the person who killed Shan Rong was arranged by him...

  Qin Youxuan's mind was a little blank, and she grabbed the sofa with her hand.

  No wonder, Shan Hanjie didn’t have much joy on his face when he said he needed to celebrate.

  He didn't really want to celebrate at all, but a kind of tribute.

  Qin Youxuan's eyes suddenly became sour.

   grabbed the remote control on the ground and turned off the TV.

   Reached out and patted her cheek to make herself look normal.

   Then he turned upstairs and went to the study to find Shan Hanjie.

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