365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1168: Don't touch me, I am dirty!

  The picture of Shan Hanjie holding other women in his arms has been lingering in Qin Youxuan's mind.


  Shan Hanjie's eyes froze slightly, he glanced down at the mail at his feet, and then looked up at Qin Youxuan.

   Bend down and picked up the email without hurriedly, and pulled out the photos inside.

  The enchanting Zitong shrank suddenly when he saw the first picture.

  An unnamed anger surged in the bottom of his eyes.

  I finally understood what was wrong with Qin Youxuan from his return to the present.

  Shan Hanjie pulled out a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

  Until the last one, he raised his head quietly and stared at Qin Youxuan closely.

   Slowly raised the photo in his hand, "You believe it? Think I slept with another woman?"


  Qin Youxuan met his deep black eyes, and her heart trembled. Suddenly, her anger disappeared inexplicably.

   Biting his lip, neither nodding nor shaking his head, let alone avoiding his gaze.

   "Even if you didn't go to bed, it is true that you hugged her, and it is true that you kissed her, unless these photos are composite, Shan Hanjie, tell me, are they composite?"

After Qin Youxuan asked, tears of forbearance finally slipped from his eyes.

   hugged herself and sat on the bed.

  The petite body curled up into a ball, hugging herself tightly.

  The indescribable coldness sprang up from the soles of the feet.

   "Not synthetic, right?"

  Nothing so coincidental, Shan Hanjie just didn't sleep with her, and Yu Xiuzhun sent her these photos in time.

  Even if Yu Xiuzhun can put eyeliner outside, he can't get it in the villa.

  The only reasonable explanation is that the photos are not synthetic at all, and Shan Hanjie really touched other women.

  "It’s not like you really have to sleep on the bed before you touch it, Shan Hanjie, where did you put me when you kissed another woman?!"

  Qin Youxuan roared, grabbed the pillow and threw it towards Shan Hanjie.

  Dan Hanjie didn't hide, he raised his arm to block, separated the flying pillows, and stepped forward.

   Reached out and put her hand on her shoulder, and lifted Qin Youxuan from the bed.

   "I want to say that I drank too much at the time, and my mind was blank for a few seconds. I mistaken that woman for you, do you believe it?"

  Dan Hanjie stared into her eyes, and for a moment, he was scared in his heart.

  Afraid to see from her tears is not anger, but disappointment.

   "You said that even if you are drunk, you can tell if it's me!" Qin Youxuan pushed his arm away, and fell to the ground.

   "Why does everything you say is changing?"


  Shan Hanjie's body became stiff, his hands clenched into fists, suppressing his emotions.

   stepped forward, stooping to hug her.

  "Don't touch me, I am too dirty!" Qin Youxuan shrank back abruptly and slapped his hand.

   Shan Hanjie's evil eyes narrowed, reflecting a dangerous light.

  The stalwart body leaned forward, pulled her into his arms forcibly, and hugged her up.

   "It's dirty, you are destined to accompany me to get dirty with me all your life!"


  Qin Youxuan was startled by his yelling, Shan Hanjie looked at her crying red eyes, and his distressed heart was tightening.

   Can't help softening the sound.

   "You can beat and scold me when you are angry. Don't use your body to make a fuss with me. You are still in confinement and the ground is too cold."

  Hearing what he said, Qin Youxuan burst into tears.

   He bit the back of his hand tightly, and didn't let himself cry.

   "Shan Hanjie, you bastard, you big bastard! You speak nothing."

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