Dan Hanjie choked his chest. Tightened her arm tight.

"I drank too much yesterday, but I was really not drunk. I was just a little dizzy when I first got up. I accidentally ran into a woman. The smell on her was very similar to you. There was an illusion for a second. I thought it was you, so Hold her, but I promise, it's only a second, when I get close to her face, I know it's not you."

  Shan Hanjie grabbed the kissing photo, “This photo was taken from a deliberately chosen angle. I didn’t touch her lips.”

  Dan Hanjie's consciousness at the time was a bit unclear, but he remembered clearly what he had done.

  At that time, he only took a bite on the woman's neck. When he first wanted to kiss her, he realized that it was not Qin Youxuan.

   slammed the person away.

   Knowing this would happen a long time ago, he shouldn't let his emotions go and go crazy with Jiang Jinchen yesterday.

  "What you like really is the taste on my body, so as long as you come with a woman who tastes like me, you can hold it up if you don't know it?"

  Qin Youxuan's body was shocked, and she took a few steps back in disbelief.

  Dan Hanjie met her desperate gaze, unconsciously let go of her hand, and watched her retreat to a place out of his reach. There was a place in his heart that seemed to disappear suddenly.

   "I drank too much..."

   "You also said that you are not drunk at all!"

  Qin Youxuan never knew that hearing these words from his mouth would make herself so uncomfortable.

  She didn't know what else she had to ask, she looked at Shan Hanjie in a daze.

  "This is your soft spot? It's just the same taste you have a soft spot, not me!" Qin Youxuan roared hysterically and turned around and rushed out of the room.


  Dan Hanjie wanted to chase him, but just stepped a few steps before he stopped.

   Hit the wall with one punch.

  Qin Youxuan is now in anger, it is useless if he catches up.

  Dan Hanjie turned around and picked up the photos on the ground.

  The coquettish Zitong squinted, turned and went downstairs.

  "Who sent the mail from young grandma?"

  "The registered letter from the post office has no signature, but after scanning it, it is confirmed that there is no danger, so the subordinates gave it to the young lady." The butler stood in the living room and responded respectfully.

  Thinking about it, then added.

   "Jie Shao, my subordinates guess that this email should be sent to Shao's grandma."

   "Who did you say?"

"It didn’t take long for the young grandma to receive the email. Yu Shao came. Originally, the young woman didn’t want to see her, but Yu Shao asked her about the photos he chose, whether she liked the photos or not. The subordinates didn’t know what the photos were. , Let him in."

   "Have she met Yu Xiuzhun?"

  Dan Hanjie's dangerous eyes squinted fiercely.

   "Yes, after Yu Shao left, the young lady was not in a good mood. She sat on the ground for a while, and her subordinates were uneasy, so she helped her up."


  Dan Hanjie still wants to ask what else, the phone rang suddenly.

   "Jie, I will wait for you in the old place, and then come out to have a drink with me."

   "Go to hell!"

  Shan Hanjie growled, hung up the phone, grabbed the car key on the coffee table, and left the villa.

   Sit in the driver's seat, hesitated for a few seconds, and drove to the pub last night.

  When Shan Hanjie arrived, Jiang Jinchen was already sitting in it and started drinking. He didn't drink much, so he was slightly drunk.

  I didn’t sit at the bar this time. I was still a bit scrupulous about my image and chose a seat with a small number of people.

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