365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1176: I can't rush to deal with him

  When he used to be excited, his hand strength was indeed not small, and the man’s possessiveness was haunting him, and he always liked to deliberately leave marks on Qin Youxuan.

   But since she had a baby and was malnourished, the traces he accidentally tossed out will always be bruised for a long time.

  After hitting that, Shan Hanjie felt distressed and didn't want to work **** her again.

  If he bit the tooth mark, it should disappear the next day.

There is only one possibility that    can still be printed so clearly on Yu Yueman’s neck.

  Someone deliberately deepened the mark and irritated him deliberately.

  Shan Hanjie's eyes flashed, glanced at Yu Yueman's delicate makeup face, stood up and walked out of the living room.

   "He just left?"

  Yu Yueman was obviously taken aback, and looked at Yu Xiuzun in shock.

   couldn't help reaching out and touching his face.

  She took so long to clean up her makeup, and she also deliberately changed to the latest dress.

   thinks that it is not only a face, but also a figure comparable to a first-line supermodel.

  Dan Hanjie was scared away when he only glanced at her?

  Yu Yueman's face suddenly became a little ugly.

  Compared with her complex emotions, Yu Xiuzun seemed very happy.

  In his eyes, Shan Hanjie suddenly left after seeing the hickey on Yu Yueman’s neck.

  The bigger his reaction, the more proof he cares about this matter.

  For two people who have feelings and cleanliness, what can be more heartbreaking than such a picture.

What's more, Yu Yueman has an advantage that ordinary women can't match.

   "Come here, let brother look at your neck."

   Hearing what Yu Xiuzhun said, Yu Yueman didn't dare to disobey, and obediently stepped forward and squatted down in front of him.

  The faint fragrance of the woman's body floated into her nose, combined with the smell of powder on her body, and it became a bit heavy.

  Yun Xiu Zhun smelled this smell, but Qin Youxuan's face appeared under his eyes.

  If he didn't accidentally smell this on Qin Youxuan, he would not have discovered that Qin Youxuan's body scent was actually so similar to his sister.

  Yu Xiu didn't take it seriously at the beginning, but it was not until Shan Hanxi disappeared and he was investigating the information of Shan's family that he realized that this taste had extraordinary significance to Shan Hanjie.

  Dan Hanjie will look at Qin Youxuan differently, probably because of this taste at the beginning.

  I just don’t know, does he care more about the taste, or that person...

   "Brother, let me give you some medicine, your face is swollen." Yu Yueman saw that he didn't respond for a while, and she could see the bruise on his face as soon as she raised her head, opening her mouth distressed.

Seeing that Yu Xiuzhun had no objection, he hurriedly asked people to bring up the medicine box, kneeled on the sofa, and gave Yu Xiuzun a swelling and blood stasis ointment.


  Yu Yueman just put down the ointment, stood up, and saw Yu Xiuzun’s phone rang.

  Thinking that he didn't like others listening to him on the phone, he told the servant to take the medicine box away and went upstairs first.

   "How are things going?"

  On the phone, the man’s low voice, with a trace of disgusting conspiracy.

   "It's going well. I will watch it now. Even if Shan Hanjie can bear it now, it may not be the next step. Keep waiting. Deal with him. I won't be anxious."

  Yu Xiuzhun seemed too lazy to deal with it. After saying a few words, he hung up the phone arrogantly.

   reached out and pressed his face.


  The tingling from under his hand made him take a breath.

  The gaze became gloomy in an instant.


   "Yu Shao, Yu Xiuzhun's words are clearly an excuse." As soon as he left Yu's house, Yao immediately spoke.

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