Dan Hanjie glanced at him obliquely, and got in the car with a cold expression.

  Neither the anger nor panic just now.

   "He is not alone."

  For a long time, until the car drove onto the road, Shan Hanjie's lips faintly opened.

   "Yu Yueman, deliberately prepared for me, can find so many, and then shot at this time, Yu Xiuzhun, there should be people behind."

  He was in a mental hospital. Only a single family member can investigate it so clearly.

  I just don’t know if this person is Shan Yi or Shan Hanxi.

  If neither is true, then it is really impossible to guard against.

   "Jie Shao, we are here today. It is considered to be a plan. What should we do next?" Yao squeezed the steering wheel, turned the car around, and went on the main road.

  Shan Hanjie glanced forward, her enchanting Zitong flickered slightly.

   "Go back to the villa first."

  He doesn't worry about anything else, only that Qin Youxuan is about to leave.

  As soon as the car stopped, Shan Hanjie pushed the car door and stepped down with long legs.

   entered the villa and went straight upstairs.

  I didn't see Qin Youxuan in the bedroom, and her heart tightened for a moment.

   quickly turned around and walked to the baby room next door.

   Pushing open the door and seeing the mother and son sleeping on the bed, Shan Hanjie let out a sigh of relief.

  She has not left yet.

  Shan Hanjie gave up and entered the room.

  As soon as he walked to the bed, he realized that the little guy was awake and was holding his small fist into his mouth.

   Big black eyes, with a touch of cunning.

  Looking at Qin Youxuan who was sleeping next to her, she didn't cry, so she just played by herself.

  Shan Hanjie warmed his heart, reached out his hand to hug his son, bowed his head and kissed his tender face.

   Seeing him smile, he put him on the crib next to him.

  Instructed Yuesao to look at him, then stepped forward, picked up Qin Youxuan, turned and walked to the bedroom.


  Qin Youxuan sniffed his taste and habitually rubbed his arms, like a kitten insecure.

  Dan Hanjie's body stiffened slightly, and he looked down at her.

   realized that she was not awake at all.

   is also right, if she really wakes up, she should push him away in a hurry at this time.

  Where can he hold him like this?

  Shan Hanjie scanned the suitcase in the baby room, and the coquettish Zitong tightened.

  The pace was slow, and she was in no hurry to hug Qin Youxuan back to the room, just wanting to hold her all the time.

  No matter how long the road is, there is always the end, let alone the next room.

  Shan Hanjie put the person on the big bed and touched her cheek with his big hand.

  Qin Youxuan seemed to be really tired, Shan Hanjie lowered her head and kissed her forehead, she opened her eyes faintly.

  Faced with the man's coquettish black eyes, and was dull for a few seconds.

  The next second, reach out and push him away.

   suddenly sat up from the bed and stared at him fiercely.

  Dan Hanjie did not step back, but walked forward and fixedly looked at her.

   "What do you think of me in your eyes? We are a legal couple."

  "Legal couples don’t need to be sneaky, it's your own guilty conscience."

  Qin Youxuan's cat eyes blinked for a moment, full of anger, turned his head and glanced, and found that this was the bedroom, and his son was not beside him. He opened the quilt and was about to get out of bed.

  As soon as he moved, his wrist was clasped by Shan Hanjie.

   slammed into his chest with a strong pull.

   "Okay, I am not guilty."

  Shan Hanjie clasped her chin, lowered his head and kissed her lips openly.


  Qin Youxuan's chin was pinched by him, and he couldn't retreat.

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